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739012 No.739012 [Reply] [Original]

To those of you who've never had a girlfriend and are over 21 years of age, do you honestly see yourself doing the same thing you're doing right now when you're 50 years old?

>> No.739017

Do I see myself doing the same thing I'm doing right now when I'm 50? No. Am I going to anyway? Yes.

>> No.739018

I don't think I'll live that long. I see a rope around my neck in the near future.

>> No.739019

Probably not. But it's not like I've got any way to escape it.

>> No.739034

What, nobody here is over 21?

Everybody here has had a girlfriend?

This is sad, /jp/.

>> No.739032


I'm extremely antisocial and being honest, I really couldn't stand being around another person in any capacity involved enough to have a relationship. I live alone. My job is nightshift work where I don't have to talk to anyone. I haven't talked to my family for four months. I have no friends or acquaintances,

I'm turning 24 in two days. I'm not going to even bother buying cake.

>> No.739040

I'm doing what people who are retired and old usually do. Sitting around in my home, doing nothing very interesting, never really going out, puttering around with books and tinkering around with stupid things.

So, do I see myself doing the same thing? Yes.

>> No.739042

Having a GF is just troublesome. Get a job, earn enough money for food, rent and internets. And be happy with fapping.

>> No.739044

Probably. I haven't talked to anyone in over a month. I skipped my convocation to play the vidya. No prospects for improvement.

I can't imagine what else I'll be doing, except by then I'll need a second house for my fig collection.

>> No.739046

Its not a leftover

>> No.739049

Absolutely and why not? It's my life and I'm happy

>> No.739058

43 here

>> No.739065

2 girlfriends
Lost virginity at 17
At College

>> No.739070

I didn't see myself like this when I was in high school, so I don't even dare to guess where I am in 10-15 years, not to mention at the age of 50.

>> No.739072

Nightshift work? What kind of job?

>> No.739077

i wouldn't mind a girlfriend but i'll probably hate her after a short while anyways, so i guess it doesn't really matter

>> No.739081
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>> No.739094

Will my mother still be earning an income for me to leech off when she's 82?

Chances are I'll have grown taller in-between now and then.

>> No.739098
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>> No.739101

I'll probably kill myself before I hit 50. I can't stand the idea of being old.

>> No.739104

God, I still find these really fucking disturbing.

>> No.739113

3 girlfriends
Still haven't lost my virginity.

To answer your question, yeah I don't think much is gonna change, maybe after I graduate things will change, as in I will make enough money to have a vehicle.

>> No.739117

Stop spending all your money on figs.

>> No.739122

Though I am only 19 years old, I'll still say YES. Not planning on getting a girlfriend any time soon.

>> No.739124

20 years old
second year university student studying linguistics
no girlfriends

i don't mind though, adult women don't interest me very much

>> No.739131

I'll be 23 this week, and I've never had sex or a girlfriend. But the way I see it, that just means I have more money available for animu, doujinshi, and the vidya. What do I need a woman for when I've already got a vast collection of ero games, dakimakura, doujinshi, and a fleshlight? And I can cook and bake better than 99% of females my age. So I ask you: why waste the time and money on a female when I'm already completely self-sufficient? If I wanted to throw that much money down the toilet I'd save myself some time and just invest in Waterworld II.

>> No.739135

Guess which one in there is a fag for traps

>> No.739151


at least we have our dolls

>> No.739157


If I'm still a failure in 20 to 30 years, I'm taking a walk at the bottom of Lake Ontario.

>> No.739174

21, null

Probably will keep working towards that graduate degree and indulging myself in anime and manga well beyond the age where this stuff is seen as tolerable by society.

Meh, happier than thou. After a while you just stop worrying about the prospect of dying alone

>> No.739179

Yes. Fuck giving up on life just because I dont have a girlfriend, just finished reading Don Quixote and damn is that a feel good book.

>> No.739188

To those who say they'll terminate themselves; will you die ronery or try and get a high score?

>> No.739193

high score is too risky

I wouldn't want to get stopped before the act/during with a non-lethal weapon and then go to jail

>> No.739206

Never knew that came from VIP. I thought they didn't do ronery threads.

>> No.739209

Durka durka Muhammad jihad will solve all your problems.

>> No.739250
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Basically what I am doing

Never wanted a girlfriend ever, my only real goal is getting a motorcycle in my early twenties(18 now). Could probably get a girlfriend if I wanted too, I'm not ugly at all(pretty sure I am average looking) and go the gym somewhat often, I'm just really, really antisocial, not shy though, I just...like being alone. But everyone now and then I do feel the "sting" of having no companionship in my life.

also cocks

>> No.739261

Yes, I will remain a weeaboo for the rest of my lifetime, which I plan to extend a few thousand years.

>> No.739263

High score. Virginia Tech nothin, I will be the King of Kong.

>> No.739268


The world will be different in 50 years.

But people don't really change.

>> No.739272

I wouldn't want to be doing the same thing in 30 years, but I honestly don't see myself changing. If I was fit to lead a normal life I would have started a long time ago.

>> No.739274


Enjoy your quick death on that.

>> No.739275


>> No.739277

That's why I got myself a girlfriend at the age of 22.

>> No.739299

25 years from now is a long time. I didn't even have a vision of what my life would be like in college when I was in my senior year of high school.

So in other words, I don't see myself doing this sort of stuff at age 50, but I don't see myself doing anything else either.

>> No.739300

There was a time, many moons ago, when I wasn't single. It's not as great as everyone makes out, except for the first few weeks which are like heaven on earth, having another person. But then that routine becomes normalized and, well, irritating.

Also, I have no plans on dying. I will follow >>739261's lead and live for at least a few more millenia. Which leads me onto another point - How would one avoid being detected by the Government if one was immortal? After a couple of centuries they'd start to get suspicious I imagine.

>> No.739308

i hope to save up enough money that when they come out with a virtual world, like Reality2.0, i will have enough money to retire and just chill in games until I die. if not, then ill just cut my wrists, its like going to sleep, but you never wake up

>> No.739314

Big mansion + cliff = they'll think you to be a vampire. Governments are fine with that.

>> No.739319

No girlfriend
No job
No friends
/jp/ only

>> No.739321

Why the wrists? Takes too long to bleed out and will be painful since it will need to be a deep long cut. You'd be much better off going for one of the tubes in the neck.

>> No.739325

22 here. Never had any girlfriend.

At least I have not yet dropped out univ. But still wondering why the hell did I major in mathematics.

I still have some (childhood lol) friends. That may be why I've not made myself taller yet.

>> No.739326

Probably. I generally hate people, though I do have a couple friends a keep in touch with to play the online vidya. I can't even imagine keeping a relationship with a female going for any length of time, so I don't even try to start one. As long as I have a job that pays enough for essentials and occasional entertainment, I don't see a need for anything else. Once I start getting too old to enjoy things or properly care for myself anymore, I'll probably become an hero.

>> No.739328

I've had a girlfriend.

Nothing special.

I prefer being on my own, actually.

Other than one or two good friends for when I really need them, I don't really need that much in the way of social interaction. I see myself doing the same thing I do now, actually.

>> No.739331

You do realize that for you to eat Kaguya's liver, the LHC first need to works as intended?

>> No.739337

Agreed. Having a couple of really good friends I think is one definate thing that everyone should have. Good friends, unlike girlfriends, can always be counted on. They're a far more valuable commodity in my opinion.

How do those of you many /jp/sies without friends cope? Do you grow used to it after a while?

>> No.739339

because after i die, i dont want to have to make the people clean up as much. plus getting cut doesnt really hurt, and i would like to be able to feel something for the last bit of my life

ill probably call the police after i am cut so they wont have to to deal with a gross body, and ill be full clothed in the bathtub with the water running

>> No.739361


>> No.739377
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Police would probably arrive before you die.

>> No.739379

Don't worry I'll get a entry level bike first, before moving on to the big boys so I don't die too quickly.

>> No.739383

Over 21. Had no long-term, involved, romantic relationships, one night stands have always led to awkward periods in interaction.

By age 50, no, not gonna see myself doing the same, although will probably maintain some habits.

>> No.739385

20 year old female, find no need to date anyone. Ha boyfriends but they require too much attention and always talked while I was watching my animu or playing the vidya. Requires too much attention that I would rather give to awesome stuff, like you guys.

>> No.739390

Entry level bike just means less power to get away when soccer-mums try and kill you.

>> No.739387

normalfag, this thread is not for you, re-read the OPs message.

>> No.739389


Kordox, that dolls in the bath gallery got deleted, anywhere else i can find them?

>> No.739395

>>739385 female
Transexxual =/= female

>> No.739400


>> No.739404

19, never had a girlfriend and my only friend I am still in touch with is kinda mentally challenged.

If there were any /jp/ers arround here (munich) I whould probably be interested in knowing them, but I have no clue what I whould gain from that.

And yes, I see myself doing what I do now in 31 years, just with or without a job. Also hoping for ways to prolong my life and/or virtual reality stuff like some other people here.

>> No.739405
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How many of you enjoy being alone?

>> No.739414

>Requires too much attention that I would rather give to awesome stuff, like you guys.

That's very sweet, we appreciate it.

>> No.739415

I do, to an extent. I am constantly on vent with atleast 1 other person and playing a game or watching something.
Wont try and argue :(

>> No.739418

I love being alone. I've never wanted any friends nor have I ever wanted a girlfriend. I don't really see myself ever getting married, either.

>> No.739433

Only way I would get married is if the other person agreed to get married at that Sanrio theme park. Fuck yeah Hello Kitty.

>> No.739435

You know how they say shit on the internet is addictive, like WoW? Vent is seriously the bitch of them all, I can't count the amount of hours I've wasted staring at my vent window talking to some people without doing anything else.

>> No.739441


Look at this, if you truly like being alone and you're not just being emo.

>> No.739448

Yeah, seriously. I hate talking on the phone but love ventrilo. I have even caught myself laid back with my eyes closed at 5am talking on ventrilo instead of going to lay down and sleep.

>> No.739449

4chan is more addictive. How I would have gotten through 1st year of college without you guys I dont know.

>> No.739454


>> No.739453

I am no doctor so why Diagnose myself?

>> No.739457

You wouldn't have.

>> No.739463

Sounds exactly like me.

>> No.739464

Or nightmare mode, staring at your ventrilo screen while occasionally browsing 4chan in the background. God, how many nights I've spent like that..

>> No.739470

>why waste the time and money on a female when I'm already completely self-sufficient? If I wanted to throw that much money down the toilet I'd save myself some time and just invest in Waterworld II.

Hear hear.

>> No.739471

27, i've had few girlfriends and not planning on getting a new one anytime soon. It doesn't seem to be worth the effort.

I hope i'll be doing what i'm doing now when i'm 50. I can honestly say that i think my life is perfect.

>> No.739482


Let me tell you a story. I've got an apartment that I split with 3 people. Well, recently, one of the 3 has decided he was going to move out, no problem, except he said that he'd be leaving his furniture and stuff here until the end of the lease.

"You sure, because I've got some stuff lined up to replace what you're taking, but if you're not going to take the couches/entertainment center/etcetera I won't buy them."

"Yeah, don't worry about it."

Well, he took it. And then flipped the fuck out when we moved a bed he hadn't touched in 3 months into the living room so we could play some videogames on it with some friends and came in and wrecked our apartment.

So, yeah, after dealing with shit like that with almost everyone I've known lately I'm pretty content to tell them to fuck off so I can sit and play SWR alone.

>> No.739487

Shit, doing that since last week.

>> No.739493

Can it be cured? Can I use it as an excuse to not go to work? If not, knowing it's a problem is useless. I'd prefer not to be cured.

>> No.739502

Yeah I do that almost nightly. I was actually doing it just now. Time to shower and then play dota.

>> No.739498


>> No.739525

What a timely thread.

I actually just confessed to a girl who I had been friends with for about 5 months, who was very flirty with me and seemed to want to spend more time with me.

So I go over to her place and we go down to the beach near her place, and when I ask her if she likes me more than a friend she pauses for a while and just says she likes me as a friend.

And it was kind of funny, it was like some slight disappointment at first, but when I was driving home and this morning I don't feel the slightest bit sad... just sort of confused. Like, was I naive to think her actions were an attempt at leading me on? Duno, but now I feel nothing.

I am a shell I guess. Nothing more.

>> No.739531

It's the worst isn't it? When you think about it you're talking about the biggest load of bullshit and uninteresting stuff while you planned on doing something else, like going to bed for example.

>> No.739536

So uh yeah sorry, to answer your question OP, I think it's highly likely, and that does seem sort of unfulfilling when I sit back and think about it, but I can't see how it would be much better with a woman in my life anyway.

>> No.739537

Had three girlfriends
Still a virgin
I am happy how I am, hell I am even seen as an upstanding member of the community in my town because I like going walks and tend to help people with shit when I go on them.

Hilariously I actually have this, it's no where near as bad as it sounds you just, don't care about people as much.
Like that guy you see on the bus everyday, sure you recognize him, you might even say hello to him , but you don't know his name or anything about him and you are happy for it to stay that way.

>> No.739542

I kinda split my time as an ultrasocial ass who takes drugs and goes clubbing on weekends and then stays at home and becomes an ultra weeaboo during weekdays - talking to no-one.

I have this stupid unfounded feeling that someone like me will undoubtably find a intresting job one day...but in my heart i know this is not true.

>> No.739550

What kind of 'signs' was she giving you?

Also, if you're on your own, and planning to stay on your own at least for the near future. Learn how to cook - and cook well, it's invaluable.

>> No.739551

I enjoy being alone, but I don't think I'm "emotionally cold" or anything.

>> No.739562
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Hey I got an idea /jp/, let's start a ventrillo Server and have dicussions! We could play games, share ideals and information and know one another!

>> No.739567

>I kinda split my time as an ultrasocial ass who takes drugs and goes clubbing on weekends

Why are you here? Go away.

>> No.739569

You know those discussions are going to be about food, useless pc knowledge and other people. Hell, I'd be up for it anyway.

>> No.739570

I will reverse this question considering I'm a girl.

2 boyfriends.
Will I be browsing /jp/ with you fags when I'm 50? Possibly. I could also be a housewaifu by that time. Who knows? I don't focus on the future much.

>> No.739574

Whenever I speak people think I'm a girl. It's awkward, no thanks.

>> No.739575


I match most of the Self-concept area.

>> No.739577


Even /jp/ shuns me ;_;
