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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7389783 No.7389783 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ - Otaku Culture is killing /a/nime

Dai Sato, scriptwriter of Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo
>“When I see anime today, I realize that we have no pride left.”
>Sato was upset with the lack of respect for stories in Japan. He pointed out that “Ergo Proxy had DVD box sets around the world, but not in Japan.
>Anime has become a “super establishment system,” where nothing can be changed. And the system is moving towards the model of Akihabara – the importance of characters, images, merchandise.. As Sato sees it: “Manga is the last hold out. If that is lost, there will be no more anime.”
>He feels anime will die out in Japan over the next few decades


>> No.7389787

Anime doesn't have enough money spent to make it.

Throw money at the problem.

>> No.7389796

You don't think Bakemonogatari and Haruhi changed anime?

>> No.7389801

What's wrong OP, not getting enough reactions on /a/?

>> No.7389804

Anime is all but dead, but manga will never be lost. As long as a person can pick up a pencil and paper there will always be a variety of it.

>> No.7389808

I enjoyed Bakemonogatari and Haruhi a lot more than Ghost in the Shell and Ergo Proxy.

>> No.7389809

Watch Western shit if you want story and character development.

>> No.7389807

I hope they make another Ghost in the Shell series.

>> No.7389814

Maybe if you spent money on it like all the otaku do they would cater to your tastes.

Just a thought.

>> No.7389817

I enjoyed Milky Holmes and Dog Days a lot more than Bakemonogatari and Haruhi.

>> No.7389820

>And the system is moving towards the model of Akihabara –
>the importance of characters, images, merchandise.

Just like Touhou

>> No.7389823

Yes and no, if Japanese comics were to become like American comics... I wouldn't bother with them.

>> No.7389826

inb4 shit tsunami

>> No.7389827


>> No.7389828


>> No.7389835

Can a man not enjoy moeshit and artistic creations?

Is a man not entitled to enjoying the taste of both popculture and culture?

I do not see why one must kill other.


Also you're very narrow-minded.

>> No.7389837

I'm sure Poison was upset when Nirvana got big too.

>> No.7389849
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There will always be more mediocre and shit anime than truly great anime. and this is pretty much true for all entertainment mediums.

And personally i thought ergo proxy pretty boring. most people only watched it because it had the chick from evanescence in it.

>> No.7389855

>comment on Western superiority
>call it shit

>> No.7389861

Convince people currently making money to stop making money. That's what you're asking for. The old model of distribution of anime is no longer viable. Adapt or die.

Also there is more anime now than ever before complaining that it's all the same shit is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.7389866

You seem upset.

I know you're probably in denial that Madoka is one of the best anime ever, but you need to accept reality eventually.

>> No.7389869

Ergo Proxy was never good.
And if I want to watch a show about a perverted boy like Shin-chan, I rather watch the show with Alpha, Nymph and Delta.

>> No.7389870
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>Madoka is one of the best anime ever

>> No.7389880

This shit thread almost has 180 post on /v/. >>96197121

More proof that /a/ and /v/ are the same shit.

>> No.7389882


Or that they're more populated, but that couldn't have anything to do with it.

Let's just keep our elitist attitude and overlook logic.

>> No.7389883

Why sengoku daikassen and not otona teikoku?

>> No.7389887
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It's a medium of trash art and you look ridiculous when you whine about it. If you're so concerned about quality, there's a whole world of deeply moving and influential literature.

>> No.7389888


That's because you are disgusting and probably pedo.

>> No.7389889

>Implying Bakemonogatari had no story
>Implying K-On has no quotable dialogue
>Implying Madoka's characters aren't memorable
>Homu Homu
>Nope, not memorable

>> No.7389894


Hi gorespammer.

>> No.7389896

The only reason I remember the names of the bitches from Madoka and K-ON is so I can look them up to fap to.

>> No.7389897

Just got done watching Castle of Cagliostro, and I see this, cute.

Times change, deal with it.

>> No.7389898
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Stop bumping this thread.


>> No.7389903

Japs can see through the shittiness of ergo proxy where as you average americunt teen thinks it's DEEP.

>> No.7389904

Poor man's Marimo.

>Homu Homu
Poor man's Rika.

So original am I right?
Anyway, I am not implying that original = good.

>> No.7389906


You seem a bit grouchy, yuropoor. Did you miss your daily semen ration?

>> No.7389907
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Stop replying to gorespammer.


>> No.7389911

Sengoku daikassen won more awards
Otona teikoku got recognized a bit slowly

>> No.7389916


Why didn't you save the Parsee thread?

>> No.7389915
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>> No.7389913

Get out, voile

>> No.7389910

2 yeasrs later and gorespamer is still ranting on about BMG...

>> No.7389917
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I'm not Voile (but I do have a forum spring like Voile).

>> No.7389920

>>moving toward characters and merchandise
well how the heck are they supposed to make money with everyone pirating it? Otaku culture isn't killing anime piracy is.

>> No.7389923


How pathetic is it that you can't use your own tripcode anymore?

Being a loser among losers is so fucking sad.

>> No.7389928

I'm not sure I'd call Crayon Shin-Chan a "national treasure"

>> No.7389930
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>> No.7389931

pretty sure little parsee spammer is someone else, I've seen it in other threads

>> No.7389932


You're not from Japan. You're not allowed to declare things national treasures.

>> No.7389933

They should bury that treasure

>> No.7389937

Already a thread for that, do not discus it here.

>> No.7389939
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>> No.7389942
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>> No.7389945

Who gives a shit reported.

>> No.7389946

Just to spite this retard, I'm talking about this.


How has Bakemonogatari changed anime?

>> No.7389947

ITT: we are hipsters

>> No.7389950
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>> No.7389960

For that matter, how has Haruhi changed anime? Besides luring in g/a/iascum and similarly retarded people.

>> No.7389959
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>> No.7389958

but 4chan is too mainstream

>> No.7389955

I'd hate to see when this headcase starts doing this to /jp/-related threads.

You can't trust the mentally disabled.

>> No.7389954

Nisio Isin became famous.
And shaft pissed poor ppt anime became acceptable.

I love Bakemonogatari, deal with it.

>> No.7389961


>Nisio Isin became famous.

This doesn't prove anything.

>shaft pissed poor ppt anime became acceptable.

Examples, please.

>> No.7389963
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>> No.7389964
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Shitty OVA that didn't even managed to make it to the states.
"Hey Let's kill another Admiral! Maybe now the viewers will feel bad for them!" - NO.
>Memorable Characters:
How could i ever forget an admiral named Auschwitsarbeitmachtfrei boarding a fleet named lahuixcalpantecuhtliawijdfaoifj?!
>Quotable lines of dialogue:
"Ever since the, Eisenach always had his fill of one cup of coffee and two cups of coffee during this campaign." - Are you squidding me?
>A national treasure.
Yes, a National treasure in the land of Sucks Ballz.
>Changed anime forever:
Yes it changed anime forever...


>> No.7389965


>> No.7389968

/jp/ - Animu & Mango

>> No.7389969


Spamming threads he doesn't like. What's to say he won't start doing it with threads that are /jp/-related?

>> No.7389970

Everything is being killed by "x" suddenly. Seems more like "This isn't the stuff I grew up on, so I'm going to call it cancer."

>> No.7389972


Did you just discover that? Wow.

>> No.7389973

>This doesn't prove anything.
It did. Just look at the amount of LN animated now compare to back then.

>Examples, please.
What? Did you watch the show? You never realize how many still frames you have to watch through? The background is pissed poor as well with bland color. I guess I can put this on the director style but the animation is down right terrible. Considering how well the anime sold, why cant they animate it better?

>> No.7389975

and if he doesn't? How about you just complain when he does that, rather than right now like an oversensitive retard

>> No.7389974

>trashing the Kircheis anime


>> No.7389978


>It did. Just look at the amount of LN animated now compare to back then.

That's not the same saying the creator got famous. Also, I would say the LN adaptation trend was already pretty strong, it just kept growing.

I meant examples of shows that followed the animation style of Bakemonogatari.

>> No.7389981


Shut up, Voile. It's so easy to tell when you post.

>> No.7389984


>> No.7389987

You think I'd drop to that level, you really are pretty mad aren't you

>> No.7389990


ur dad is wait, Voile.

>> No.7389991
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Parsee is related to this thread.

And the message to all the haters of superior modern anime goes as follows: "Suck it."

And yes, I reported, but it doesn't do much nowadays, so I may just as well go with the flow and post for a while.

>> No.7389994

Seeing Voile get owned is becoming a daily thing.

>> No.7389995

>ur dad

It was fun watching this conversation up until that, I suggest you both get the fuck out

>> No.7390000

Seeing Gorespammer get angry is a rare sighting, isn't it?

>> No.7390003

Look at OP, its not as rare as you think

>> No.7390005


No it's not. He gets angry all the time just like how Voile is getting owned all the time.

It has to suck being them.

>> No.7390008

Its going to be fucking hilarious if Voile was never here to begin with, then its just a couple of anons shitposting

What a surprise.

>> No.7390009

Can you really give a meaningful answer as to whether or not Madoka changed anime forever, seeing as how it's only been around for a season and we won't see anime produced that could have been influenced by it for at least a year?

>> No.7390010

every /a/ thread he makes here is basically him having a buttmeltdown on Madoka, Shaft, Urobuchi or whatever, "rare sighting"? Ah.

>> No.7390011


I very much doubt it.

>> No.7390013
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>gorespammer is buttangry at his /a/ thread being so shitty and voile spamming his gorethreads.

Cry more

>> No.7390016

Voile and gorespammer can go fuck themselves. Fucking retards.

>> No.7390022
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He is right here: >>7389860

>> No.7390035

The pause in the spam matches perfectly with the shitfit going on. The answer should be pretty obvious.

>> No.7390045 [DELETED] 
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Hey, this artist is pretty awesome.

>> No.7390051
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Hey, this artist is pretty awesome.

>> No.7390054
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All the butthurt. It means you have emotions. I'm so jealous.

>> No.7390196

While I like GITS and SC, I could give half a fuck about CB.

If anime "dies", it will just be reborn later on.

Just another pompous jackass talking out his ass.

Oh, and Ergo Proxy was a fucking joke, especially in the vein of cyberpunk.
