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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 402 KB, 1054x1600, hotmilk_08_08_158..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7389070 No.7389070 [Reply] [Original]

NEET thread.
How was your day?
What did you do?

>> No.7389079
File: 69 KB, 600x800, 249-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7389075


Go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.7389100

I already answered you before. It's not like I do different things every day.

>> No.7389145

I'm going to need sauce on that op.

>> No.7389146


Maybe when you stop acting like a retard from /a/v/b/

>> No.7389150

I apologize, might I humbly request the origins of said image? Want me to suck you off while I'm at it?

>> No.7389153


>> No.7389155
File: 99 KB, 500x500, 1296939838931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satorin !KOMEijI/Jg

>> No.7389157

much obliged

>> No.7389158
File: 490 KB, 900x651, 1304135830968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up, realized that I am a pathetic sack of shit, and just sat in front of my computer the whole day, without attempting to change the sad fact that I will get nowhere in life. But hey, I enjoy the pleasure of being very lazy and doing zip all day.

>> No.7389169

I built the frame for a 2 wheeled skateboard, where you put your feet -in- the tires(Yes, I am directly ripping off the wheelman skateboard, because it's fragile as fuck, and an ankle breaker.).

It will eventually be powered by a 2.5kw motor.

>> No.7389185

Go away.

>> No.7389193

who translated this?

>> No.7389197
File: 41 KB, 224x448, ket0014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new high score in Ketsui
Watched WWE
Played Persona 2
Bought Evangelion 1.11 and 2.22 blu-rays
Watched a bunch of videos on youtube
Read a few different forums for a few hours

And now for the rest of the day, I will watch Durarara, browse the Internet, play WET, and play more Persona 2.

>> No.7389210

sauce for scanlation?

>> No.7389222
File: 70 KB, 500x490, 1305993517711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up at 6:00 am, went to work at 7:30am, arrived at 8:00 am. Whole day of doing something I love doing, had dinner with friends, went to gym after work was over, played for a bit and now I'm relaxing at home pondering what is the average flight speed of a common fairy in good weather.

>> No.7389243

Why are these threads conveniently becoming daily right around summer break for college/university students?

>> No.7389250

Just report and hide the thread.
Doesn't make sense giving it more replies, turning it into a metathread and shitting up the first page.

>> No.7389252

>Got up at 5:30pm
>Had a nice steak dinner with the family.
>Now watching the Twins try their hardest to throw the game away... yet again.
>After the game, a quick shower before I catch up on some movies & TV.

I think I'll (try to!) leave 4chan for awhile, I've been spending way too much fucking time here.

>> No.7389254

I woke up around 11pm. After checking the time and cursing that I only got 6 hours of sleep, I managed to fall back asleep. I woke up again at 3am, which was a lot better.
I spent the night studying Japanese, transferring PS3 games to my external or the PS3's internal one and playing some Hyperdimension Neptunia. I also took a shower at some point.
It seems like I forgot to eat at any point so I'm now extremely hungry. Walking downstairs to eat just requires some effort.

>> No.7389258

these threads are more interesting than just about everything else on this board.

go back to one of your touhou image dumps if it bothers you so much.

>> No.7389270

Because they're bored and looking for ideas of what to do from other /jp/sies I would guess.

It's not like these threads are any shittier than the usual, why are you so angry?

>> No.7389282

If you love to read about people's days, /soc/ eats that sort of shit up. I'm sure you'll love it there.

Shitty blog threads are substantially worse than regular shitty threads.

>> No.7389286 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 600x515, fb405ee7d48b9e9b00eae1d8a2a04ef3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they are.

By the way, how has your day been?
What did you do yesterday?
You forgot to tweet what you had for breakfast.

>> No.7389288

As do I. Such is the life of a NEET.

>> No.7389297

normals go to /soc/. this is a thread for NEETs - the opposite of normals. /jp/ has the highest population of NEETs.


>> No.7389310


What about NEETs with normalfag hobbies?

>> No.7389321

If you're a NEET on /jp/, you either spent the day looking at porn, refreshing 4chan, playing a video game, or watching anime.

If you want to talk about video games, go to /v/.
Anime, go to /a/.
If you want to talk about what you just masturbated over, create a dump thread if you think anyone other than you would care.

>> No.7389322

Like blogging about their daily lives?


>> No.7389329

Absolutely nothing. Played PSP for the first few hours of it, and now am sitting in front of the computer, browsing the internet without paying any real attention to what I'm looking at. Will probably go back to sleep shortly due to a lack of anything else to do.
