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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7387180 No.7387180 [Reply] [Original]


Maybe we should have one of these, too.

>> No.7387187

How about you orbit my dick instead?

>> No.7387188

no. let them crash and burn

>> No.7387190

Yes, especially #4 and #5.
Also, >Touhou has its place in /jp/ and /v/.

>> No.7387193

You mean a sticky that informs people of the rules of the board and perhaps offers answers to the most commonly asked questions, such as 'How do I learn Japanese, what VN should I read next, why is /jp/ so shitty' etc.

Sure, we'll get the mod right on that.

>> No.7387196

fuck you. mods are already doing enough to kill /jp/ with the recent retardation of banning any kind of thing that could be nsfw. /tg/s heavy handed bullshit mods are one of the reasons I stopped browsing it.

>> No.7387197

1. This board is not about japan

>> No.7387201


>> No.7387203

/jp/ doesn't know what belongs on /jp/.

>> No.7387209

No, fuck you. Having stickies on imageboards is a concept retarded beyond belief. Only on 4chan! (and its rip-offs)

>> No.7387207 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7387220

Naw, we shouldn't. Fuck you, OP. Actually, maybe we should. I've love to see moderation put up a strict list of stuff that's allowed on /jp/. The amount of devastation that would cause would be great. It'd completely kill /jp/. Currently there is no "list" or agreed upon material for the board. The moderation basically just wings it and decides on the fly if they'll delete the material.

It would cause them too much effort/trouble for the value of actually doing it.

>> No.7387229

>0. READ THIS FIRST. IT CAN SAVE YOU FROM A BAN. http://www.4chan.org/rules
>1. All things otaku welcome!

I always fail to see how our rules help the newfriends.

>> No.7387231

god forbid we will have rules

>> No.7387236

If I wanted rules I'd live in 3d land

>> No.7387246

dont think youre 2d

>> No.7387253

>1. All things otaku welcome!
See? We've got rules. Now try and explain what the those rules mean. No one knows what's allowed because janitors/moderation just play it by ear. Some idol material is allowed and others banned. Some touhou allowed others deleted. The board is about visual novels, yet it's worksafe and most visual novels contain nsfw images. Some injuries and torture are allowed, but sometimes full blown guro threads are deleted.

>> No.7387271

this isnt rule. quit being retarded

>> No.7387278

Meh, /jp/ is already killing himself anyway, so a sticky wouldn't change anything.

>> No.7387289

In grade school they told me I could be anything I wanted, so I chose to be 2D.

>> No.7387291

That's still better than "All things Japanese welcome", though.

>> No.7387299


Screw you. Never doubt the potential for things to become much, much worse than they already are. Anyone who honestly belives that we need to deface our front page permanently to try and make this board more understandable to idiots who can't be bothered to lurk a while and see how things work needs to be stabbed in the dick.

>> No.7387304

because 'idiots who can't be bothered to lurk a while and see how things work' going to lurk right

>> No.7387306

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
>All things otaku welcome!
Yes, that's our written rule about the board.

This is /a/'s rules for example.
>/a/ - Anime & Manga
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga. For long-term series discussion, please refer to the /anime/ board.
>The use of spoiler tags is highly recommended. To spoilerize text, enclose it like so: spoiled text. In addition, images may be spoilerized by checking the "[Spoiler Image?]" box on the submission form.
>Purposeful spoiling of a series may result in post deletion and temporary banishment.
>The discussion of "live action" television shows is permitted so long as they are distinctly rooted in, or based off of an anime or manga series.

Guessing you haven't read them or what? Secret unwritten rules that you can't see aren't rules. Just because the shitty staff play by ear and delete whatever they feel like doesn't change the rules.

>> No.7387305

Mods love /tg/.
They also hate /ic/. Can't get a decent sticky going in that board for SHIT.

>> No.7387313

this isnt rule. its bullshit

>> No.7387318

It obviously is the rule about the board. If the board was toehoe, vn, figures, idor and kigi onry it would read as that. /jp/ - randum, deal with it.

>> No.7387319

Yeah, mods loved /tg/ so much they turned it into the Games Workshop forums instead of 4chan.

Heavy moderation is worse than no moderation. Thats why I like it when /jp/ flies under the radar.

>> No.7387320

The only rule should be to always take it easy.

>> No.7387321


The /tg/ the mods loved.

>> No.7387350

What is a "KrZ"? How is that defined?

>> No.7387352
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>Touhou has its place on /jp/ and /v/
>Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress generally welcome

>> No.7387357

The rules we have already aren't enforced. Adding more would just make the shitposters and spammers worse.

>> No.7387361

Touhou isn't autistic enough for /tg/.

>> No.7387366

>Touhou has its place in /jp/ and /v/
Looks like the mods put the idea to rest that this was fucking Touhou Moeblob General.

>> No.7387375


Hell no, but if they don't, they're sure not going to listen to any rules we post either. All having a sticky like that does is makes the board seem like insufferable douchebags (even when this isn't true, which I think is the case with /tg/), and gives moderation the ability to then enforce those "rules" in dumbass ways.

>> No.7387387

Ours should just link to http://archive.easymodo.net/jprules.php

>> No.7387389

what a load of self-aggrandizing horse shit

Even though it's /tg/ they allow discussion of minecraft and dorf fortress despite those both being video games, because why?

And then by what logic does touhou have any place outside of /jp/.

Ok let me get this straight.

It's ok to talk about non /tg/ topics in /tg/ so long as everyone enjoys them, is that what you're saying?

Then by what logic was touhou, pokemon, and MLP (and generals for that matter) torn from /a/, /v/, and /co/ respectively?

Go eat a fetid file of heaping, scab-covered, fly festering shit you hairy, gaping, sweaty cunt.

>> No.7387394

Life would be great if this was the case.

>> No.7387396


I snickered, Anon. Good show

>> No.7387436

Calm down.

>> No.7387870


>> No.7388888

Why? People are supposed to enjoy the board. Don't waste your time being angry.
