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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 418 KB, 689x620, d2b824f4f8a5f28d273ec3fd62147dc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7384932 No.7384932 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000
If it lags/fails, please connect manually to one of the relays in the second post.

FAQ: http://skully.hopto.org/playing.php?page=faq

IRC: irc.rizon.net #jp-radio

If the stream is full, please connect to one of the relay servers.
More information about the stream is in the second post.

>> No.7384934

As of right now, it's possible to upload both MP3 and OGG files, but keep in mind OGG files do not properly display their tags on the site. This means that it'd be best to remove any Japanese from an OGG file before uploading it, if possible.

As always, feedback is always appreciated. Post any error messages you get, post opinions, suggestions, whatever.

Main server holds 7 users. There are a number of relay servers up that automatically redirect you when the main server is full, so don't worry. If you are not automatically redirected, you can manually connect to them. There's a page on the main site to check what relays are currently up.

Here's a list of the currently known relay servers:

http://hentai.student.utwente.nl:8000 (hosted by leofox!tkMd2Fh4DM)
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 (hosted by Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI)
http://doujinplay.net:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://kamokow.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://kaguya.eientei.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://loadsoffun.no-ip.org:8001 (hosted by loads_of_fun)
http://tea.warosu.org:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://pa.ntsu.info:8000/jp.mp3 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://shoutcast1.rootnode.net:1100/jpradio (hosted by Relay 'Server' Guy)
http://hisoutensoku.net:8000/ (hosted by Anonymous)

You can still submit logo's for the website. Make sure it's 300x100 and I'll make sure it's in the rotation.

Also, if you'd like to join our Skype chatroom, you can search for Jaypee Radio. Once you add that account, you should be accepted to the chatroom shortly. It may also be a nice idea to let us know in the thread that you've added the radio account, so we can get to your request faster.

/jp/ Radio is created for /jp/, by /jp/. If you guys have any questions whatsoever, feel free to ask them in this thread.

Take it easy, Anon.
Enjoy the stream!

>> No.7384951

>Same picture as last time

>> No.7384966

Yeah, she really dropped the ball this time

>> No.7384996


>> No.7385056

Post a different one, then.

>> No.7385117

I didn't even realize. I thought I was just hit with dejavu.

>> No.7385659

>Christian metal on /jp/ radio

Sorry, no.

>> No.7385750
File: 79 KB, 335x254, 3-09-0394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to request IIG - Chill of Flow
>Page finishes loading and jumps
>Request IIG - クルクルシーソーゲーム

>> No.7387496

>柳川和樹 - 遊戯奇譚〜遡乃壱

This is really good. What exactly is it?

>> No.7387508

Which band?

>> No.7387513

Ar Tonelico 3 BGM

>> No.7387523


>> No.7387576

OK, posted a better one...

>> No.7387595
File: 28 KB, 448x329, 1306134857455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream

>> No.7387608

By the way, sorry I haven't been really so active in the Skype chatroom or the threads much lately. I've had things to deal with (I'm still dealing with them). Pyonta's doing his own thing as well, so he hasn't had much time to work on the stream.

>> No.7388820

Hire a maid.

>> No.7389532

Knee high socks are my absolute territory
Go on and drool
The Otaku cannot resist

>> No.7390993
File: 559 KB, 640x480, HOWHORRIFYING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7391005
File: 56 KB, 640x480, sr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is phorni so delicious?

>> No.7391027
File: 482 KB, 471x477, 1304568370087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the Pokemon 1st Japanese up somewhere? Don't want to re-upload it.

>> No.7392878

The OP? It's there.
>Rica Matsumoto - Aim to be a pokemon master

>> No.7393753

Whoever invented ID3 tags needs to have their fucking face ripped off.

I just uploaded a bunch of files.
>$ lame --id3v2-only
>only saves id3v1 tags

I told it to save tags as UTF-8 as well, but I'm pretty sure it lied about that too. The tags are fucked. They work in the browser when changed to sjis, though. So I am sorry, /jp/. I will never upload a file again.

>> No.7394255

Meduka OST is out, maybe I'll upload it if I remember to when I wake up tomorrow, or one of you guys could.

Great listen, great tracks, great suffering.

>> No.7394541
File: 1.44 MB, 1632x2234, MadokaMagicaV2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but here's the Madoka OST: http://www.mediafire.com/?70ox2kg87eyw2yl

>> No.7394708

bumping so the retards don't kill the thread

>> No.7395332
File: 28 KB, 225x300, c7ce09ee4504789b436f728dbe7774fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty, I'm awake, AND I've uploaded the Meduka soundtrack. Win-win!

>> No.7395384
File: 176 KB, 1920x1080, mamilalalala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorti ola ii
amariche kastia masa estia
esorti dola ii
emarita mastia mia sistia

ariti arista somaliche estaria
arito imerta ibiloche mia do
sorti korta

Sorti ola ii
amariche kartia masa estia
esorti dola ii
emarita mastia mia estia

arita dela imaliche solta mia
ia sorta dia imesta mia
sarti ola

Sorti ola ii
amariche kartia mia dia

>> No.7395394

Thank you Anon, I've been looking for this.

>> No.7396444

ツアツーツδ仰グツδ個イ - ツ神ツ催閉「ツ暗伉怖ツつウツづェツつオツ神ツ々ツ」

Source of this?

>> No.7398090

It would have been better to put the song ID of it. Go to song information next time and get the ID from the address of the popup.

>> No.7398163

please post more
chrstian metal
and rick roll

>> No.7398166
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 40656944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7398227

>XampaNoiD - I was fucked by vacuum cleaner
oh my....

>> No.7398765

You can actually just search for that text.
>Track recently played.

Oh well. You can at least give us a description until then.

>> No.7399046

Here's the song if you want. I haven't checked it out myself.

>> No.7399304


>> No.7399412


>Touhou lossless music collection
>$ find . -type f -name *.cue | xargs -d '\n' grep 'TRACK 12' -l | xargs -d '\n' grep '「.......」' -l | xargs -d '\n' grep '閉'
>./[アールグレイ]/2010.08.14 [EGCD-2003] あいの風~想い風 ~ SeriesSound ~ [C78]/あいの風~想い風 ~ SeriesSound ~ Disc3/あいの風~想い風 ~ SeriesSound ~ Disc3.cue: TITLE "想起「閉ざされた瞳」"
>9:09 difference between tracks.

Can't possibly be wrong. Have fun.

>> No.7401051
File: 343 KB, 1900x937, 12308441942013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or has anyone else had this for the past several hours?

>> No.7401123

Not just you, seeing what I can do about it.

>> No.7401134

The relays are down, and it just says server full for the main stream link. What went wrong now?

>> No.7401139 [DELETED] 

Is the second one desirable? In reality /jp/ is the best-composed and most closed-circle board here (which isn't saying much since it used to be much more closed and elitist in the past).

>> No.7401163

Might restart box, give me a sec. This is the first time something like this has happened.

>> No.7401169 [DELETED] 

Adultized touhous are best touhous, Also this was the first ';worksafe'; image in the adult flandre cirno book.

>> No.7401171

Should be fine now.

>> No.7401192

Jeez guys, with all the requests in the playlist I thought I was the only one getting it, but you've all been keeping silent until I made a post about it.

/jp/ reconfirmed for beta as fuck.
Never change

>> No.7401242
File: 17 KB, 319x289, 1305197232195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I didn't know because I'm just watching anime right now so not listening to the stream. If it wasn't for your post I wouldn't have known until hours later when I finished marathoning.

>> No.7401576
File: 155 KB, 600x450, 1215406555588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fucking jesus when did you become the best board ever /jp/?

>> No.7401610


Whoever uploaded that probably got it from here. It's an awesome little EP.


>> No.7401637

>kimino-museum - The Witch's Ball
>Symphonic Rain piano and cello arrange
>Chouchou - Neverland

Okay, seriously, who's requesting all of my stuff like this? I thought only 2 other people (from the skype room, neither of which on at this time) requested Chouchou songs. The rest are stuff I find only myself requesting. It wouldn't be too surprising if all these weren't requested within decent lengths from one another. Is my clone requesting?

>> No.7401650

And the Tokyo Active NEETs Jazz album that only I really request from...

>> No.7401729

>S.S.H. - It's Summer Vacation, Game Music Festival !!

I'd rather listen to this for 47 minutes than Boris or WE CONJURE THE SPIRITS OF THE COMPUTER WITH OUR SPELLS for 10.

>> No.7401732


Just a friendly reminder that there's a skip button.

>> No.7401754
File: 205 KB, 605x800, 9882533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing friendly about it you passive aggressive fuck. We're not stupid, anyone that checks this thread knows there's a skip function. The songs will skip when enough people want them to, go cry in a corner until then.

>> No.7401873

/jp/ radio is the thriller
Kashiwa Daisuke tracks are the killer

>> No.7402280
File: 57 KB, 405x465, 1277361801657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.31 GB

New drive time?

>> No.7403437
File: 40 KB, 778x515, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good thing?

>> No.7403439
File: 37 KB, 370x300, hemad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7403822

/jp/ radio is down, I can't take it easy.

>> No.7403853
File: 112 KB, 400x500, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://hentai.student.utwente.nl:8000 is down
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 is down
http://doujinplay.net:8000 is down
http://kamokow.com:8000 is down
http://kaguya.eientei.com:8000 is down
http://loadsoffun.no-ip.org:8001 is down
http://brazilianhost.servebeer.com:8000 is down
http://hisoutensoku.net:8000 is down
http://tea.warosu.org:8000 is down
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 is down
http://pa.ntsu.info:8000 has ? listeners
http://shoutcast1.rootnode.net:1100 has ? listeners
Total listeners: 0

Can't take it easy

>> No.7403906

I wanna chake it eajy!

>> No.7404048
File: 400 KB, 1075x1518, Touhou0526_-_Ran Yakumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A day without /jp/ radio...

>> No.7404061

Of course it goes down while I'm asleep. Back up in just one second.

>> No.7404525
File: 1.01 MB, 1300x1300, 1280822395625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys, in order for the new drives to come in we have to remove stored information in the database regarding play counts, uploader IPs, most skipped song, etc. Pyonta has thought of other ways to install the drives but this seems to be the more failsafe. We don't think anyone would really mind, especially since we don't have the top 10 anymore (well we do but it's kinda hidden somewhere, cookies to anyone that knows where it is outside of Skype chatroom anons).

This wont be like the last wipe, all the songs will still be in the database. We're just removing the extra information associated with them in the move.

We're sorry if anyone is inconvenienced by this. (Does anyone really care?)

>> No.7404700

Bringing down the stream and website in a bit to import all the songs. Shouldn't take too long.

>> No.7405198
File: 35 KB, 704x400, snapshot20081012141358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shouldn't take too long.

>several hours later [...]

>> No.7405445

He is using this time to re-install the porn I deleted from his drives and Truecrypt his new Tadpole collection.

>> No.7405679 [DELETED] 

Everything should be up again. I found a way to relocate everything without whiping the database. Now I just gotta remove the C78 page and replace it with new content

>> No.7405722

Everything should be up again. I found a way to relocate everything without whiping the database. Now I just gotta remove the C78 page and replace it with new content

>> No.7405898

Oh and I also deleted every database entry of files that don't exist. This should fix the problem were people would be able to request a song that doesn't exist.

>> No.7406231

Thanks to whoever requested this Mario remix.

Thanks a lot.

>> No.7406947

oh yay! oh yay! oh yay! ohyayohyayohyay
but why r there only 60GB free? isnt a standard HDD 1-3TB??

/jp/ rajio taking donations anytime soon?

>> No.7407108

>Infinite load modo so we can't skip this German shit.

I am slightly saddened.

>> No.7407196

>Otomo Yoshihide's New Jazz Ensemble - Eureka
Are the high-pitched sounds part of the music, or shitty recording? I'm trying to decide if I should be annoyed.

>> No.7407226

It might be my fault, it seems like it does it when I try to upload a song lately. I've uploaded several ones successfully before, I don't know why this one is causing problems. Sorry, if this was what was causing it.
Here's what I was trying to upload

>> No.7407232

Keep doing the good work

>> No.7407724

There's nothing odd about that file that would ruin anything. Pyonta, or stalker, look at the apache log files for something odd. And check if the server process is on 100% load, which might suggest an infinite loop in a request somewhere.

But at least it's still playing music.

>> No.7409225

Just checked the logs and I couldn't find anything big. I've adjusted a few settings which might help. If it goes in infinite load mode again, I'll check them again. The server process was indeed on 100% load.

>> No.7409260
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20091012181406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>page 14

>> No.7410334
File: 59 KB, 640x360, 1230923829183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7410335

Shit, I missed it.

>> No.7410351
File: 41 KB, 640x360, 1230923456497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7410471

How strange, I uploaded a song half an hour or something back and it still hasn't appeared in the playlist.

>> No.7410494


check the recently uploaded tab.

>> No.7410587

I've been refreshing it for over two hours now.

>> No.7410965
File: 33 KB, 629x568, D..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C79 song library
>R8 song library

Fuck yes you are the best stream ever.

>> No.7411560

It's possible something went wrong when relocating the upload folder. What's the name of the song you were trying to upload?

>> No.7412406
File: 310 KB, 1386x1400, CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7413087


>SQL error=You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':letter) AND (artist<:nextletter))' at line 1

>> No.7413096


reload the page to fix that error. Usually happens once every few hours or so for me.

>> No.7413262

This should work now. Some script I got with the website was messing up with my own scripts.
