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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7384699 No.7384699 [Reply] [Original]

I like Yuyuko. She's more intelligent than she is credited for, indeed enough to the point where a lesser being would be crushed by intellectual depression. But she doesn't get by with her smarts. She's wise enough to know the folly of depression and sadness, wise enough to know that life (and unlife) is always something worth enjoying, despite the situation!

Who is your favorite Touhou and why?

>> No.7384708
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Witch Touhou.
I would fuck.

>> No.7384705

Marisa because her charisma is not limited by the border of fantasy and reality.

>> No.7384712

Does that mean you want to have sex with her, OP?

>> No.7384725

Keine, because hat, and she can get really horny during a full moon. Changing history is also a nice feature. Oh yeah, she's pretty cute too.

>> No.7384730

Stole my words OP well said.

aside from Yuyuko i would say Erin for her devotion, like a shitty shonen protagonist, protects her nakamas.

>> No.7384732
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I like Hamburger and i like Rumia.
I like Hamburumias.

>> No.7384738
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I like Reimu because shes cute and doesn't back down.

>> No.7384743
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I like Corndogs and i like Tenshi
I like Cornshis

>> No.7384783
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Her tomboyish and childish attitude.
The way she does her best without giving up.
And even the selfishness that she sometimes shows.

And, to add to that, her honesty and fearless spirit.

>> No.7384792

Tenshi because Tenshi.

>> No.7384789 [DELETED] 

Cen, because she's Chen and she can Chen the Chen.

>> No.7384801

Chen, because she's Chen and she can Chen the Chen.

>> No.7384804

Marisa. Why? There's no 'y' in love, I don't need a reason to love her!

>> No.7384817
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>> No.7384831

This isn't supposed to be a bad thread. Why did it turn out this way?

>> No.7384836
File: 144 KB, 500x600, TouhouPolicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Touhou is a pretty cool girl. seh shots danmako and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.7384842

I'm sorry /jp/ didn't live up to your expectations.

Unfortunately, it probably never will, so lower them or face eternal disappointment.

>> No.7384850
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>> No.7384874
File: 518 KB, 1000x846, 9b12882d7cad2133c69b1fa333c5b8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she's fucking gorgeous for one thing.
Aside from that, she's tough as nails, never says never, and doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. Underneath that she's really affectionate and probably a lot of fun to be around, if someone like Rin is her best friend. First time I ran into Okuu I was thought "This is the girl."
And her power is incredibly cool.
And she's fucking gorgeous.

>> No.7384882
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I like Yuka. She has that sort of charm that comes with knowing you can kill everyone you meet. Perfect elegance, tinged with menace. The supreme self-confidence it takes to go around wearing that much plaid. Power overwhelming enough that it doesn't feel the need to prove itself.

>> No.7384896
File: 369 KB, 431x638, 2511740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a favorite character, but I do have a top 10.

Keine is one of my top 10 favorite characters. I've always liked the idea of her ability to hide and change history and her transformation on the night of the full moon. It's a shame that she will probably not be in any more games.

>> No.7384902
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She got me into this crazy ride in the first place. She's always had this strangely cool aura about her, a mix of sophistication and hard work, mysterious and charming for some reason. I still wish to know more about her.

>> No.7384916
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Pretty much this. Okuu is a sweet girl and I love her. She has that certain rare charm to her that exhibits beauty, cuteness, and sexiness simultaneously.

>> No.7384950
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Satori. Her theme is awesome, she's beatiful and (unlike many other touhous) she's not a bitch, even in canon. I mean, she's kind, loves her pets and only wants someone that loves her and doesn't freak out because of her mind-reading powers. Also, she can read minds, so she would know how much I love her even if there aren't enough words in this world to express it.

Coming in a close second, Parsee. Her theme is also really fucking great, she's cute and is a pretty sad character, so that gains her a lot of my sympathy.

>> No.7384956
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My favorite Touhou is Bernkastel, the Witch of Miracles.

>> No.7384981
File: 1.74 MB, 1119x1437, 530c3fe7852cee50069060766a289a00e748c0f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mima because PC98 was superior and ZUN is a goddamned troll.

>> No.7385001
File: 316 KB, 1320x1500, 1300566878702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari. She can manipulate anything to her will, yet chooses not to because she likes toying with everything. It also helps that she sleeps half the year and doesn't really give a shit about anything. She can be sadistic, menacing, unstoppable, and terrifying. Yet she can also be playful, sweet, joking, and calming. She also has a very powerful servant that has her own servant who she can get to do her dirty work, or be there for her as a family of sorts. Don't get me started on her classy looks. Her theme's pretty nice as well.

>> No.7385085
File: 2.72 MB, 1680x1201, Orin 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite would have to be Orin, she has great determination and she looks out for her friends.

>> No.7385088
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Perfectly elegant trickster meido.

>> No.7385106
File: 730 KB, 1038x1200, 3fea6e0214ecc2484903f4b2c5c1587058c9656d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika. She knows what is best in life.

>> No.7385160
File: 14 KB, 320x200, Th01JoyfulSphericalCreature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Touhou is joyful spherical creature.
I'm sure many will agree.

>> No.7385175

>/jp/ secondary culture

>> No.7385551

reported for posting endings
