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7381831 No.7381831 [Reply] [Original]

With the holidays approaching quickly, the onslaught of nosey relatives will certainly be asking "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

What's your best comeback (good natured is a plus, as most of them don't mean anything by it).

>> No.7381833

I don't even answer this question anymore.
Why can't we just ignore those threads?

>> No.7381835

go fuck yourself dipshit

>> No.7381836

Make some rant about the benefits of being single.

>> No.7381838

Is that the girl who is usually together with Suwako?

>> No.7381841

Just ask them "Why would I need a girlfriend?"

>> No.7381842

Laugh about how it's the bachelor's life for you. A different woman every night.

>> No.7381843

I haven't heard that question for over 10 years. 30 now. OP must be underage.

>> No.7381860

"Because I haven't found one yet?"

>> No.7381862

This is true.
Nobody cares once you get old enough.

>> No.7381864

Because I've got spurs that jingle jangle jingle.

>> No.7381870

No one ever tells me that because they're aware that no girl would want to date me.

>> No.7381872

If you really want your relatives to leave you alone, tell them you're gay.

>> No.7381878

They've pretty much realized that I'm psychopath by now, I think they might be relieved that I don't have one.

>> No.7381877

Been thinking about that, but then I'm afraid that they would ask me
"Why don't you have a boyfriend?"

>> No.7381888

I usually smile and say "Because I'm shy."

Almost always received with an "Awwww" and some half assed encouragements, and they just leave it at that.

>> No.7381893

Why would I be visiting relatives on holidays?

>> No.7381899

Disregard females, acquire currency.
It's just that simple.

>> No.7381904

"I'm not going to be shackled down by a whore like all of you ignorant fools."

>> No.7381905

"I used to have one but I forgot to feed her."

>> No.7381909


so fucking beta dude....

>> No.7381910

What holidays? It's summer. There aren't going to be any good holidays for months.

>> No.7381912

But i have a girlfriend you dumb shit.

>> No.7381915

>be an otaku
>be an alpha

Pick one.

>> No.7381918

They don't even care about that.

>> No.7381920

You must be new here.

>> No.7381947

"they are all cunts"

>> No.7381946
File: 550 KB, 1200x1300, alice_no_fingers_no_toes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are one HELL of a leech, i would know as my sister is leeching the HELL outa her boyfriend and she doesn't even put out

>> No.7381954

"what for?"

>> No.7381972

A while ago someone asked me that question and I said:
"What for?I'm pretty happy with my current situation and having girlfriend would ruin it for me"
(That's not even a lie)
"But anon, someday you have to grow up"

Me:"Not if I can prevent it"

>> No.7381980

I doubt anyone will ask, but I'd probably just say that I haven't met anyone interesting. Which is pretty much true, I don't even meet any women besides my mom and cashiers. For now anyway, maybe I'll get to study next year.
I wouldn't mind a girlfriend if I met a nice girl who'd like me, but don't really have any "need" for searching for someone.

>> No.7381983

Foreveralone.jpg, right?
Syntetic life project is complete in about 70%, at the moment we are working on emotional behavior. Be patient

>> No.7382013

"I am too poor and too lazy to work to get the money to fund such a luxury."

>> No.7382028

I don't want a posh shackle.

>> No.7382072

"I don't bother with finding one"

>> No.7382074


Most people realize that once your older, that shy is just another word for "cowardly".

>> No.7382112

I can't remember the last time anyone asked me that. I get asked if I have a girlfriend but after I tell them no they never ask why. My face is probably all the explanation they need.

>> No.7382114

I usually say something along the lines "I like technology a bit more." As well as the "I don't go outside enough" line.

>> No.7382171

Alphashit is shit made up by virgins and retards to feel more secure. There's no magical way to get a gf, there's only ways not to get one.

>> No.7382195

Shy always means cowardly dumbfuck, it's its implication.

>> No.7382212

"it doesn't seem to bother your mum"

>> No.7382219

It's been years and years since anyone has actually asked me.

Friends comment on it every now and then, but they're easy to deal with when I say it's because I don't go outside that I never meet anyone I want to spend time with.

I guess my family has stopped pretending to care about it, so we usually just talk about other stuff.

>> No.7382231

My relatives never talk about that, they directly talk about mariage.
Dude, feels like I'm living one century behind.

>> No.7382259


"I used to, but now she's in my basement.... Do you want a Pizza Roll?"

>> No.7382286

I try to say that I just don't think it's worth the effort. They're all convinced that I'm gay. Better than knowing I masturbate to art of naked little girls.

>> No.7382299

because i have a waifu

>> No.7382347


No, it's not, you fucking plebian dipshit.

When a parent introduces their child to someone and the child hides behind them, and the parent says "Oh sorry, he's just a little shy" she is not calling him a "coward" or even implying it, and nobody takes it that way.

>> No.7382361

Because the girls in this hick-infested area of bumfuck, kentucky are shit.

>> No.7384309 [DELETED] 


>> No.7384354

>With the holidays approaching quickly
what fucking holidays, summer?
