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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 556x364, My favorite tripcode user is_________.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7380555 No.7380555 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7380562

All hail the King, baby!

>> No.7380561


>> No.7380565
File: 111 KB, 600x746, 1289246855543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7380563

They are all fucking aweful

>> No.7380564


>> No.7380567
File: 293 KB, 1821x1159, 1301379656583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7380570

/jp/ - Astroturf/General

>> No.7380572

Nice GETTO Brian-kun.

>> No.7380577

Hong is the only one who is worth not filtering, and for this reason alone you get a lot of butthurt trip users going anon to cry about him.

>> No.7380582

Kaworu and VNTranslationStatus

>> No.7380585

But that's wrong, you retard.

>> No.7380587

Yea! Spoonfeeding people who are too stupid to read filenames and editing CGRascal quality releases is awesome!

>> No.7380592

Pretty much this.
I'd set my filter to "!" if it wasn't for that guy.

>> No.7380598


>S4uC3 PL000XDDD!!11

"Hree you dumbq fagito takoe youre shiuuty sauice===___==="

Y0u'r3 D4 B35t |=|0ng s4m4!!! <<<<3

>> No.7380601

Please try to avoid typing like a retard in /jp/ from now on.

>> No.7380607

The problem isn't Hong, it's his retarded fanclub.

>> No.7380609


>> No.7380618


>> No.7380619

I'm want to say it's me, but when i use my trip I'm a much worse poster...Sooo, I would say my favorite tripfriend is uhh...uhh, I don't know. I'll just say RemiliaJAM. He was cool and provided many people with nice music~

>> No.7380620


Hong circlejerks with Croatia and that's gross.

>> No.7380625

What i find amusing about /jp/ personal KoG
is that not only he gets the GETs, but he also gets the time right

>> No.7380628

He could fuck horses in his spare time and I could care less.

I haven't seen enough of it to be an eyesore in any case.

>> No.7380629

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.7380631

ZUN!bro, Sion & the Butt.

>> No.7380634


He calls him by his first name, Milan, on /jp/. That's pretty gross.

>> No.7380643


Which one of those three idiots are you?

My money is on zun!bar

>> No.7380644

Hong and RemiliaJam are the only good ones.

>> No.7380646

>not dead


>> No.7380647



>> No.7380655

Pretty much this. And the VNTranslationStatus. They contribute most the the board in terms of material.

>> No.7380654

Dead and his corpse is probably being raped by a camel or an afghan
>the Butt
Completely fucking insane paranoid autist

>> No.7380659


...but seriously, why would you say that about ZUN!bar? Out of the three I mentioned he's BY FAR the most well-behaved one.

Or have you not been around long enough to know that?

>> No.7380661

I don't like Meiling because he looks like a big bully.

>> No.7380663

He killed Osama, he can't be dead.

>> No.7380668

I'm fond of /jp/ Quality Control.

>> No.7380670


You say that like fucking a camel's a bad thing. Sheesh.

>> No.7380672

Does anyone actually believe that he went to Afghanistan? He's way too fat for the Army.

>> No.7380675

Remilia, Hong and White Ren.

>> No.7380678

Thread reported.

All of you go the fuck back to /a/ and take your "tripfag appreciation" bullshit with yourselves.

>> No.7380680

Well if he did, he will be back eventually at any rate to tell all his fans how it was. I don't see how anyone could cry about Hong so much, as far as I'm concerned hes a bot with links, both new and old. But the people circlejerkers are gonna cirlcejerk I suppose.

>> No.7380681

Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA

>> No.7380688


>> No.7380689



>> No.7380702

All day !jCOMomijIM

>> No.7380706

†Invisible Sky Magician† JAPAN = SUPERIOR!!I9XpXfP4okU
I am a proud pedophile, ephebophile and investment banker!59AkbuTs8U
Hong Meiling 門門!!4kI2ajBUI8D
Remilia Scarlet!reMILiaJAM

>> No.7380705


Does he have any redeeming qualities?


This isn't possible.

>> No.7380709 [DELETED] 


>> No.7380719 [DELETED] 

proREMIRIAt Elite Force Commander !rSDMROXTB.

>> No.7380720 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 490x720, 1274227993330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you named any tripcode that was made in 2010 or 2011 you should probably get out of /jp/

>> No.7380724 [DELETED] 


It hurts being irrelevant. Doesn't it?

>> No.7380728 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 414x463, Tonyberryking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7380730 [DELETED] 

fuck off sion, i want currybutt

>> No.7380731 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, Sion is my favorite tripfriend.

>> No.7380735
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1180, ed695fd848baf55899cb1189b94ea9fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it seems that I got to change my name again. I hate you.

>> No.7380739


No one will care, either way.

>> No.7380745

I like it when Jones and Sion flirt with each other.

>> No.7380751


I don't know if that guy is retarded or if he just pretends to be.

>> No.7380749
File: 355 KB, 1228x868, db508a2da5b7582711a3638ff6776acf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7380753 [DELETED] 

He's retarded

>> No.7380769

Somebody got banned but this thread remains. Weird.
