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7376884 No.7376884 [Reply] [Original]

The 1cc is so close I can almost taste it.

If I hadn't lost three lives to The fairies on Youmu's stage this could've been it with room to spare.

Share your recent pain /jp/.

>> No.7376888
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Three days ago, dude.

I was like: why the fuck am I even trying this?

>> No.7376904

I managed to beat Yuyuko with only 1 life and 1 bomb, (that I lost due to failure) it's kind of funny in a horrible sort of way, I figured I wouldn't even see the final spell. Instead I had to get that close and then fail it.

I'm not sure if I should practice Youmu, or the Prismriver sisters-can't practice Yuyuko cause I haven't beat her ever- it's got to the point where I can just generate extra bombs to blow when I feel like it throughout the first 3 stages, then I have to blow my load to get through just that last bit

>> No.7376920

You could unlock it in practice by using a continue.
I won't tell anyone if you don't.

>> No.7376922

I used to be a hardcore continue-fag but I didn't think I had her unlocked across all the characters cause three continues just wasn't enough back in those dark days. I do have her though- only on Sakuya-B, somehow.

Guess it doesn't matter if I'm just practicing dodging anyway that Sakuya-B is weird and mostly terrible

>> No.7376924

Haven't played touhou in ages.
Fire up Ten Desires demo.
Dead by stage 2 on normal.

>> No.7376940
File: 150 KB, 640x480, Thisisyourlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7376942

That's what you get for using the patch

>> No.7376955

I'd say practice stage 5, and find the spellcards where you need to bomb all the time in order to be prepared to deathbomb more quickly. You cannot afford to lose lives with bombs left, and stage 5 is always (at least for me) the place where it happens.

>> No.7376979


>> No.7376982

Hohoho that'd require me to be able to unlock Flan

Yeah I definitely waste bombs. At the end of the run in the OP I had used 20 bombs, with I think... 12 misses? Considering I got a good 3 bombs or so from score and the others that just drop occasionally I wasted more then enough to have made that run a success, especially with Marisa's bombs

>> No.7377104


That's my screenshot ;_;

Nowadays I can beat up Flan whenever I want

>> No.7377114

Say that to the patch-less game's face and not to the patched-game, see what happens.
