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7372224 No.7372224 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the Koreans pretend to be Japanese?

Fake Samurai & Kendo in the Japan Expo 2011: On a Cultural Plunder

Haidong Gumdo - Japan Expo 2011

>> No.7372230

DAI NIPPON is the Utopia that all the humanity wants to reach.

>> No.7372248

More importantly: who gives a shit?

>> No.7372249

I don't care about this shit.
I don't care about Japan.
Keep your Asian superiority squabbles in Asia.

>> No.7372260

Isn't that something they invented to keep other Koreans from giving them shit about practicing Japanese martial arts?

>> No.7372264

sup koreans pretending to be indifferent

>> No.7372268

isn't japan's culture completely stolen from china

>> No.7372271

the difference is they acknowledge that it's originally frmo china. korea claims everything have origins in korea lol

>> No.7372273

Corea has no samurai.

>> No.7372281
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>> No.7372286
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oh shit, I really thought I'm on /int/.
come on /jp/, are you really white? lololo

>> No.7372289


>> No.7372301

>korea claims everything have origins in korea lol
Really? How about you give me proof of that first.
Clearly you must be drawing upon solid evidences, such as multiple nationwide surveys, if you say that a nation of 50 million people or a crushing percentage thereof all agree on these claims.

>> No.7372318

Corean architecture is in a very primitive condition. The castles, fortifications, temples, monasteries and public buildings cannot approach in magnificence those of Japan or China. The country, though boasting hoary antiquity, has few ruins in stone. The dwellings are tiled or thatched houses, almost invariably one story high. In the smaller towns there are not arranged in regular streets, but scattered here hand there. Even in the cities and capital the streets are narrow and tortuous.

Corea has no samurai. She lacks what Japan has always had - a cultured body of men, superbly trained in both mind and body, the soldier and scholar in one, who held to a high ideal of loyalty, patriotism, and sacrifice for country.

>> No.7372320

I don't understand. This thread keeps reappearing!

>> No.7372327
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>Corea has no samurai.

What a fucking loss.

>> No.7372330

Koreans squabbling with Japanese over cultural superiority is like 2 bums fighting over a dropped dollar.

Both are inferior to the white man.

>> No.7372341

Korea had the hwarang you piece of shit.

>> No.7372354
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post a picture of yourself anon, let /jp/ decide if you are really white.

>> No.7372361

What would the white man do in these situations, may I ask? Either walk away or watch, right? Why not just shut up and watch the fireworks, otherwise, just walk away and let this thread die.

>> No.7372367

> What would the white man do in these situations

Pull his gun and shoot both of them, take their land and possessions, and fuck their now widowed wives and daughters.

>> No.7372370

For some reason, Oriental architecture, to me, looks really... fragile.It's as if should I toss a cigarette inside, it would burn to ashes, or if I throw a rock at it, it would crumble like a house of cards.

>> No.7372400

Say that to the great wall motherfucker.

>> No.7372411

The Great Wall isn't made entirely of wood and terracotta, nor does it need to be made over again after a dozen of years.
You know, unlike most of Japanese historical hallmarks. All the "ancient" temples are regularly dismantled and every wood parts replaced after some years.

>> No.7372412

None of you basement assmonkeys have any clue what you're talking about.

Korea was occupied by Japan for the better part of a century. Therefore, much of Japanese culture was imprinted on them. Hence, martial arts, kendo, kyudo, religion, television, manga/manhwa, food, etc etc, and even school systems are very similar.

They don't 'pretend' to be Japanese, because they essentially are Japanese. And all Nips/Gooks originated from Chinkland.

Japs = exiled Chink criminals/natives
Gooks = Chinks that migrated about 800 years prior

Same people, similar cultures.

They teach this shit in highschool, then again in 101 courses in colleges.

retards, I hate /v/ sometimes

>> No.7372422

Not all oriental architecture is made of wood was the point

>> No.7372444
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The westerner is easily cheated by Korean's lie.

Korean pretends Japanese and deceives American customers.

Korean companies.
- Hyundai
- Samsung
- LG
- Kia

>> No.7372503

You know, you miss to note the underlying problem here. Why should the westerner care about your petty rivalry?

What benefit would it be to know if Samsung was a Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, hell, even fucking Martian company?

>> No.7372508

Well, duh. It's a fucking WALL. But say the picture of the Castles here (I assume them to be castles, at least - if they aren't, please educate me) >>7372281

Now, compare it to a western style castle. Doesn't it seem like the western castle was built for this rugged shit called war, unlike the oriental castle, which looks to me more fit in a museum than a battlefield?

>> No.7372613

Different styles of warfare I think. I don't think castles were popular because cities were more widespread (at least in China, even say in the Tang dynasty). So you had lots of cities with walls, and designed so that the city rather than say a lord's castle, was to resist siege.

>> No.7373407

You are Korean. lol
Why do you pretend to be westerner?

>> No.7373461
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>mfw I'm Korean

>> No.7373468

European cities had walls too dipshit, it wasn't just about protecting the Royal family. Try to get your European history from somewhere other than Zelda.

Most western castles were made of wood. But at the end of the Feudal era they switched to stone, and of course they deteriorated while the stone ones survived. I don't think China, Japan, and Korea invaded each other as much European countries did, so even though those Castles were shit, they survived because they still had some life left in them.

>> No.7373485
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>> No.7373501
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>Political climate in Asia

>> No.7373540

Are you polite? a polite Korean??

>> No.7373541

My point was that the focus of defence in the middle east in Asia revolved around a city because there were larger populations and the governmental system was far more centralized than the feudal system which spawned a far larger castle:city ratio in europe.

Which is why in China the major fortifications were to keep barbarians out as opposed to putting a stamp on ownership of land.

>> No.7373545

Its 2am and I'm tired from work. I meant in eastern Asia if that wasn't apparent.

>> No.7373558

>they acknowledge that it's originally frmo china
...yet their text books omit Nanking

>> No.7373597
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Korean pretends Japanese and deceives Westerners.
Westerners are easily cheated by Korean's lie.

Samsung Commercial

Hyundai Commercial

>> No.7373633
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Samsung uses Sushi, Ninja and Mount Fuji kind on their ads.

>> No.7373644



>> No.7373669
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>> No.7373684

corea has no identity either. what a loss indeed!
