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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7371178 No.7371178 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I feel guilty about being a hikki with autism who gets SSI checks.
I mean, I'm hopeless and yet I'm a leech.

>> No.7371186

You are one of the chosen ones, anon. There's nothing to feel guilty about.

>> No.7371190

Why not work doing web development?

>> No.7371191

I feel guilty about being a loser pervert that can't do anything right and leeches as well. It can't be helped, so I'm gonna be a hobo.

>> No.7371192

>/jp/, I feel guilty about being a hikki with autism
Por que

>who gets SSI checks
Oh. Kill yourself.

>> No.7371196

Interaction that forces me to be in contact with someone causes me stress and makes me start to hurt myself to make it go away. The same reason why I don't have any real life friends anymore, because over time the stress of having to deal with people got worse.

>> No.7371200

You shouldn't feel guilty. Except if you are a burden for your parents/friends.
Like me.

>> No.7371212

And I feel like shit every day of my life being forced to work for a living while having to endure constant pain and suffering. Fuck you in the face you lucky faggot.

>> No.7371219

I mean I hurt myself to the point where if I had to deal with immense stress daily, I might accidentally kill myself. I sometimes have to run into walls at top speed to calm down. It hurts. A lot.

>> No.7371232

Distract yourself from the guilt with Touhou and VNs.

Living the /jp/ dream.

>> No.7371240

eroge everyday

>> No.7371253

Give me your money. Think of that as a donation. You'll feel better.

>> No.7371258

Don't feel guilty. If that money didn't go to you, it would go to some billionaire or be spent blowing little brown girls up.

>> No.7371265

Do you have any natural creative talents that you could market? Like creating arts and crafts and selling them on eBay, no human interaction needed.

How about farming? Ever think about working with plants all day and not another human for miles?

>> No.7371271

Allergies to a lot of plants prevent that. And I'm no artist.

>> No.7371277

Fuck you i want a SSI check too.

>> No.7371278
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Writing, coding, musical talent? Anything?

>> No.7371281


Perhaps he has no talent, who knows? I certainly don't have any.

>> No.7371284


>> No.7371293

Join the army and invest your enlistment bonus in forex. It cured so many other Anons.

>> No.7371298

The army won't accept me due to the disability.

>> No.7371306

Enter the ring bro , and become a lucha libre

because fuck , its entertainment , even with your disabilities you can do a GOOD job entertaining the public

>> No.7371321

How hard was it to get ssi for autism?
How long have you been getting it?

>> No.7371329

I will when I'm done getting swole. Been working on that for a while. Not OP here but in same situation.

Also, don't be jelly about our SSI. Just get on it yourself, it's not that hard. I barely qualify as an aspie imo -- I think it was mainly my stutter and lack of social skills that convinced my doctor.

>> No.7371330

>How about farming? Ever think about working with plants all day and not another human for miles?
I don't recommend this. Farms suck, there is always so much work to be done, and it is rare involves actual plants. You either spend 10+ hours a day on a tractor, or you are working your ass off for that same 10+ hours doing backbreaking hard labor like building fences, repairing tractors, or digging irrigation trenches. And you can't do it alone either, in order to make money, or even break even, you have to move a huge amount of food, and to do that you have to hire workers, mostly confrontational Mexicans who will work for a wage that you cab pay. And you would still have to work with them if you are just a farm hand, except your days are even more miserable because you have to be bent over four hours on end and carry several pounds of food around.

Just to start out you have to have probably 100+ acres, which cost about 1M$ where I am, of land and 300K$ for seed and fertilizer, plus another 300K$ for machinery (and all of these are necessary, remember that you are competing with Kraft Foods here). You will have to get another 300K$ every year to buy more fertilizer and seed, and shit is always breaking down, so you will need to sell at least 600K$ to pay the mortgage and expenses, plus interest.

Just to work on a farm is hell too, you would get paid about 3$ an hour for hard labor. Also, the majority of the work is done in the summer, which means that you not only won't have a job most of the year, but that you will be working in 100゚F conditions when you do.

Source: I know because of my knowledge.

>> No.7371335


Get out hillbilly.

>> No.7371340

I think it's basically a matter of getting a written diagnosis (for a condition that makes it difficult to support yourself) and then filing some sort of application.

>> No.7371341

I want free money but I don't want to leave the house to see a doctor. Can't they come to me?

>> No.7371356
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And you made this thread because you want us to feel compassion for you and comfort you?

Just kill yourself or deal with your autistic way of life.

>> No.7371361

>reaction image


>> No.7371370

You're not his mother. He can do what he wants.

>> No.7371371

Are you considering suicide?

>> No.7371377
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Everyone needs a huge Kokoro pic.

>> No.7371409
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>> No.7371443
File: 17 KB, 145x362, Jade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well then , i could be like anyone here , but i progress and i step forward because i want to be like Kinnikuman Soldier

inb4 "Hurr durr im old so i cant be like my moe characters " because im KKD on all you niggas for forgetting about good characters that are old as fuck ( Neuro , Kaiji , Kurosawa , etc )

Now , i train everyday both my mind and body because i want to make my waifu happy , i want her to watch me how i train while thinking only about her , being her my inspiration for becoming someone better each day

Its not too late to be something in life and please your waifu , join the Hercules factory and become something for yourself and your waifu , make your parents proud and shut up those faggots who think you are nothing BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING WRONG

>> No.7371448

>good characters that are old as fuck ( Neuro , Kaiji , Kurosawa
Demon, doesn't count.
He's like 20 or 25 or something.

>> No.7371452


I pretty much am nothing. I've already failed and my memory erodes more with each day. All I can do is create more good memories for myself before I go.

>> No.7371456

Go eat a schnitzel.

Jeager's outfit was so retarded, why couldn't he have been like Brocken Jr?

>> No.7371463
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>> No.7371469


Creating a thread to help everyone in those problems


Maybe because he was the new generations , and you DO realize that most choujins are the general public idea ?

besides , i dont hate its suit , its kind of cool

>> No.7371804
File: 42 KB, 750x600, whos_awesome_youre_awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You provide US with company. And that is worth the price.

>> No.7373198

I think the whole idea of SS for retards is to make sure no one normal in society has to deal with them
We have to deal with them
We obviously need restrictions blocking them from the rest of us

>> No.7373292 [DELETED] 

There's not the reason why, there's loud retards wherever you go. Society doesn't give a damn about curbing itself. If anything, people with autism wouldn't make themselves stand out in large crowds, as they hate those.
