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7369139 No.7369139 [Reply] [Original]

So for the people who criticized this series the whole way through, with the final translation coming out soon how many of you in retrospect actually enjoyed the series as a whole?

I had a great experience. I felt like I was Battler's partner in solving the mystery, and I had a lot of mixed feelings for the characters. Overall, a great series. Can't wait for the next great series from 07th Expansion.

>> No.7369146

Enjoyed it.

Do not look forward to Higanbana at all. I'll wait for the next in the WTC series though, and Umineko Rei/Shin if that's coming out.

>> No.7369145

Umineko fanbase is the worst.

>> No.7369148

There was too much hype for the final chapters, anything they released no matter how thought out would end up being dissapointing.

It was better than average, at least.

>> No.7369159

Without voices it’s don’t be faithful at all -.-

>> No.7369179

I really enjoyed it. I really felt for Battler and the other characters. I hope that we get an Umineko Rei or Shin to give everyone one final goodbye. I think this may be Ryukishi's best work to date. I'm sorry his co-author died while in the process of making this. If both had been collaborating I think the final chapters would have been better than they are, although they aren't bad.

Would read again.

>> No.7369189

I love Umineko and nothing can change that

>> No.7369192

I had tons of fun waiting for the next episodes, reading countless theories (at first) and shitstorms (at later episodes), and enjoying all the produced content. I don't think I would love it as much if I just read it all in one go, but it was a great VN to follow. Ending is a little disappointing, but Ryukishi had no chance to live up to all the hype he created anyway.

>> No.7369196

EP1 was fucking great. That feel that it's a pure mystery, the unsettling nature of the events, the characters you're just getting to know.

Chiru chapters fucked everything up, I sincerely wish it didn't deviate from the mystery path into this autistic magical love drama broadway show.

>> No.7369207

I'm currently reading episode 5.
I liked the other but this epiisode confuses me, I want Beato back.

>> No.7369270
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It is shit. Kusoge.
Only the music maintained its quality.

>> No.7369637
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I enjoyed it very much, Always liked the logic battles whenever they happened. Too bad the anime never captured them the same way it felt in the VN. Also looking forward now to his next WTC series if it ever happens and rereading 2-8 in voice patches whenever that happens.

>> No.7369664

I dropped it at four all the characters were annoying as fuck except one or two and the storyline was pants on head retarded. The fact that it is so popular on /jp/ only puts an emphasis on how autistic you faggots are. I'll never understand how anyone could enjoy anything past the first one and I wish the fans would leave and never come back. If they did /jp/ would be good again.

>> No.7369722

I liked it a lot. It's not a masterpiece but I don't need it.
I agree on Chiru being worse, it was fun to read with magic battles and lol trolling witches but I didn't enjoyed it as the first 4 episodes.
In the other hand EP7 was truly enjoyable, specially on Yasu's part, for being half of the episode centered in the past of a single character it was way better paced than Ange and Maria's at EP4.
And the first half of EP8 doesn't seem bad at all, I like the farawell feeling.

The strong point for me are characters, there is a wide variety and the personalities are very different and incredibly good when comparing with those characters of late who only rely in cuteness and clichés.

And /jp/ can say whatever they want, /jp/ Umineko fandom is great, the theorizing threads were so much fun. Animesukifags lurking here is another matter.

Won't read any other series by Ryuukishi though.

>> No.7369864
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I loved it almost obsessively when I first got into it (just around the time Alliance came out), and continued to be a fan of it until the sixth installment. I'm not sure what happened after that (the series obviously started going downhill after End), but I started liking it less and less before I realized it. There were no more daily jaunts to Pixiv looking for its artwork. There was no participation in crazy theory threads from me anymore. I too started to slate it.

Now, I couldn't give a toss about it. When I heard a 50% patch came out for a recent episode I didn't even blink. Haven't downloaded the episode at all, and don't know if I will. I became sick and tired of Ryu making up stuff as he went along, and frankly the last episode sounds like a load of shit. No wonder it's been getting such bad scores on EGS. The fanbase became even more suffering, acting all snooty whenever someone criticized an apparent flaw as if they got it and we were stupid for not.

I'm an ex-seacat fan through and through.

>> No.7370082

fuck, are you me?
except i still like it a bit..for its first part and for the three characters i love

>> No.7370098


I enjoyed the series.

I never got trolled by the author because I never tried to solve the games, though. I would probably feel different if I took Umineko as a serious mystery challenge, though.

>> No.7370116

I enjoyed it throughly though it was super slow at times and overly cheesy in some aspects (EVERYTHING to do with MOEtrice, Shkannon/George). A good editor would have helped make this solid gold.

>> No.7370122

>Haven't downloaded the episode at all, and don't know if I will. I became sick and tired of Ryu making up stuff as he went along,

I disagree. Sounds like you're saying that Ryu did some ass pulls. That's not true since everything is hinted in the previous episodes. The only thing that made me sick was how lengthy and redudant it was.

>> No.7370126

Umineko was a roller coaster ride for me, it had some great moments and some fucking retarded moments.
An overall enjoyable experience but it declined rapidly after the first few EPs.

>> No.7370138

But that faggot hinted and dropped plot hooks all over the place, a lot of them which he never explained or tied up.

>> No.7370139

I still don't know, i really have mixed feeling about it.

Still, it caugt my attention like not many series did, and i care for his characters like i didn't for a long time.

Would read again? Don't know, if i could, i'd spare myself probably. It started awesome but chiru was... different. Fun, but a trainwreck.

>> No.7370145

I thought the first few episodes were actually really damn good, but the further it went on, the sillier it started to get.

Now the only way I can enjoy it is if I don't take it seriously at all.

>> No.7370157

The only thing I found entertaining was Battler/Beato relationship and battles.

>> No.7370162

The terrible episodes of Chiru were saved by Erika.

>> No.7370165

It was a mediocre experience.
Not bad enough to drop but the kind that doesn't really stick.

>> No.7370340

I had a lot of opinion changes while playing, but the final verdict is that I like it.

I disliked the art at first, but it grew on me. I tried to solve the mystery, but then decided that it is just too random. Treating it as just a groundhog day book made it much easier to deal with.

>> No.7370358

Story went real shit real fast but all in all it entertained me a lot more than most things tend to.

>> No.7370381

When I remember how many bricks I shat during episode 1-4, I can't blame R07. I liked your story, dude. Thank you.

>> No.7370398

I liked Umineko for the characters and the writing/direction of the story. But the underlying mystery was shit.

Ryukishi is a good writer. But dammit does he suck at making mysteries. Oh, sure, the mysteries are always mysterious at first and make you want to learn more.

It's the solutions that let you down.

But the ride is always fun with Ryuukishi. His writing and direction draws you in, and he knows how to create memorable and well developed characters. I just wish he would try writing something more straightforward, without any kind of mysteries or puzzles to solve, and just focus on doing what he's good at.

>> No.7370465

This. I really loved the mystery aspect of it. Even watching the siblings discuss at the tea party at the first episode was exciting. Then they mix in a lot of magic bullshit to make it worse. Not bad, but nothing will top the first episode.

>> No.7370480

I personally thought the writing was pretty shitty.
I forced myself to finish since I just had to see how the solution of the mystery.
In retrospect, it wasn't worth it.

>> No.7371918

Only the anime was good.

I'm serious.

>> No.7371942

This thread is a perfect summation of how I've grown to fell. Well done /jp/. This is a acceptance thread and this is a funeral thread.

>> No.7374093

>Treating it as just a groundhog day book made it much easier to deal with.


Don't try to solve the mysteries, just read it as it is. You'll probably be surprised that way.

I think Umineko is a lot better to read all in one go rather than one episode every half a year, to be honest.
