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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7367951 No.7367951 [Reply] [Original]

Are there "westaboos" in Japan? Do they download, translate, and redistribute our media? Do they randomly insert mutilated English phrases in inappropriate times like their weeaboo counterparts do to Japanese? Do they go online and argue about who loves Spongebob more? Do they play games like Failing Birds or whatever and talk about it on 2ch(an)\pixiv?

Tell me what you know, I'm really interested.

Patchy unrelated.

>> No.7367953

A lot of smaller game developers are reverse weeaboos.

>> No.7367958

>Patchy unrelated
Are you trying to start something here?

>> No.7367964

>Patchy unrelated.

Isn't Patchu a western-style magician?

>> No.7367970
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There are some hardcore America-philes over there.

>> No.7367975

>randomly insert mutilated english phrases
thats like...the japanese language in general

>> No.7367976

There's not too much information about this topic, but I know there is a small following of some games. In particular, they have a group that plays WoW on the Blackrock server and I think they translated the UI for it.

There is a following for Starcraft2 as well; there is VODS on youtube if you're interested.

Other than that, you have a handful that play MW2, Halo, BC2 and the other usual games. Though in particular, Red Dead Redemption was particularly well received and GTA:SA was in the past.

>> No.7367979

They do exist, but not anywhere near the amount of weeaboos.

>> No.7367982
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>> No.7368004

There are Japanese subs of Grumpy Oji-san on Nico under the title of アリゾナの老人 (Old Man of Arizona). They seemed to like the Higurashi dub.

>> No.7368013

>They seemed to like the Higurashi dub.


I suppose they don't know what terrible English voice acting is like.

>> No.7368020
File: 33 KB, 500x400, kenichismith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy /jp/, my name is Kenichi Smith.

I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)

I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%

When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer!

I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in America!

>> No.7368024



>> No.7368031

The weeaboo talks like this:"im so kah-why-ee, right naruto-sah-n, why, im so mow that i could be be your eye-moh-tow. how does that sound o-knee-chah-n".

So the reverse weeaboos talk like 「ぺっらteruristuぺっらぺっらjizusuぺっらぺっらbiorenteぺっらhardukoreぺっらde

>> No.7368029

What... the... fuck... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NDp8mmdiWo

Not sure if this is true but I heard they also preferred english dubs for Kingdom Hearts 2. You know that Final Mix version that never got released in English and is bitched about by like every fujoshi.

>> No.7368037

When I went to Japan in 2005, I was in a small rural town relatively near the current nuclear disaster zone. Just so happened that the father of the family living a few doors down to my host family was I guess a kind of Western-reverse-weeaboo. He was the head of a high school up in the mountains and spoke some impressive English considering the remote region we were in. He's teaching his young kids to speak English (much to their chagrin, he puts them on the phone with me when I call). One night we're driving back from his student's house--a shrine as it turned out--he puts on one of his CDs. It was a collection of some of the most famous speeches read aloud in English. JFK's inaugural address, MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech, the Gettysburg Address, etc.
Closest thing to an occidentaphile I've met.
>Inb4 cool story bro

>> No.7368040

This pasta always makes me smile and think of this song.


>> No.7368043
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I wish more Japanese people were into gridiron football.

>> No.7368045

Don't worry. It's actually a nice story anon.

>> No.7368047

theres a recording of the gettysburg address? oh what the fuck that is just too crazy way to blow your cover troll

>> No.7368048

Good story.

>> No.7368055

He said "read aloud."

>> No.7368060

>into gridiron

That's physically impossible. Only total retards are into that shitty "sport", and they aren't classed as people.

Reals sports don't have two different teams for offense and defense, and require the players to have more than one skill.

>> No.7368062

jesus now im going to be hearing this in my head every time i see this pasta

i also like to think he has a deep voice kinda like that one asain from hey arnold who sang country.

>> No.7368064

There are many recitals of it by other people.

>> No.7368073


You should give it a try.

>> No.7368085

The whole CD was just each one being read by some schmuck. Even MLK's speech was coming out of the speakers in a Whitey McBlanderson voice that wouldn't be out of place telling people which zone at the airport is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. Guess they didn't want to go to the effort to get the actual recordings of what was available. Either that or the Dopey Porridgepants voice made it easier for non-native speakers to understand what was being said.

>> No.7368088

Two games I know are fairly popular there:

I Wanna Be the Guy
Minecraft (not huge but definitely growing rapidly)

It's pretty fun watching them play these games on Nico.

>> No.7368093

>randomly insert mutilated English phrases in inappropriate times

That's actually so common that it wouldn't be called out as a particularly "westaboo" equivalent behavior. Imagine if like every single major company out there in the US had the company name in Japanese put next to it all the time, and if celebrities and stuff usually had their name in Japanese printed underneath their English names in all the magazines etc.. if a bunch of magazines at the store had Japanese titles, a bunch of food had Japanese all over it etc.

We take it for granted because we're just used to it and don't find it unusual, but, they use a fuck ton of English all over Japan, all things considered.

>> No.7368094


>> No.7368099 [DELETED] 
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feed me a stray cat

>> No.7368111

I lost it at teruritsu.

>> No.7368112

All the minecraft videos on nico suck balls. They never do anything cool.

>> No.7368117

The US played a major part in rebuilding Japan after the bombs fell. We got involved with them, and, like Britain, we kind of rubbed off some of our culture on them.

Hence why you see a lot of animu characters with western sounding names - Spike, Simon, etc etc.

So yeah, I guess you could say that.

>> No.7368119

minecraft is definitely at it's peak,
the lifetime of internet fads is pretty quick these days.

>> No.7368120

Ikr? Like shit man I don't want to see your shit house from all angles for 11 fucking minutes.

>> No.7368123

You made an American Psycho reference AND got doubles! YOU ARE MY GOD!

>> No.7368128
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>we kind of rubbed off some of our culture on them

O-oh my~

>> No.7368134

Like ZUN. Why the hell is it in roman letters? The world may never know.

>> No.7368145


>> No.7368153

Isn't baseball widely loved over in Japan?

>> No.7368158
File: 273 KB, 800x267, reverseaboo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shocked this wasn't posted yet

>> No.7368187

I really really hope this actually happens...

>> No.7368194
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I won't care until they make Tigers fanart.

>> No.7368198

I dont think this actually happens.

>> No.7368606
File: 535 KB, 1024x1525, spider-girl-dressup.1300455970590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been longer than there have been weeaboos, rather than japanophiles.


>> No.7368657
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>Do they go online and argue about who loves Spongebob more?

I never got this analogy. The proper counterpart is western comics like DC/Marvel, which they most certainly talk plenty about.

I know quite a few of the Japanese are excited for that gaijin Skullgirls fighting game that's being made. Then again, that's kind of weeaboo-ing what's already been weeaboo-ed or however you'd express that. Either way, it's noticable enough to make Makoto Uno do fanart, so that much count for something.

>> No.7370893

I prefer "Rawhide Kobayashi."
