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7359812 No.7359812 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7359821

Fuck off, Sion

>> No.7359944

Source? Is this a doujin game?

>> No.7359951


>> No.7359964

It's a manga called Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai.

>> No.7359984

I fucking love meat

>> No.7359994

I'm yet to see a more hateful group of characters in any media.

>> No.7359997

Whoa, buddy.

>> No.7360002

Anime when ? ;_;

>> No.7360926
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Announced today actually

>> No.7360939

Anime Announced.


>> No.7360941

Agh, messed up the link.


>> No.7360943

reading light novels is stupid because every single one of them get shit after the 3rd volume

true story

>> No.7360947

Remind me again why ann and shitkaku aren't banned links?

>> No.7360950

Because that would require mod intervention

>> No.7360961

Cool story you can take it to >>>/a/ now.

>> No.7360968

God, the manga was so horrible: they're supposed to be antisocial but act like some 3d sluts, chatting like in a fucking SHAFT show.
"Let's turn schizoid personality disorder into a new hipster fad!" - I imagine this is what author was thinking.
I even worse that Oreimo shit.

>> No.7360974


>> No.7360976

>they're supposed to be antisocial
yeah no. how stupid are you

>> No.7360978

except that kirino is annoying as shit and is a fucking whore.

>> No.7360981


>> No.7360985

They are not antisocial, they are normal kids with shitty personnalities which prevent them from having real friends.

That said, I'm happy to see an anime adaptation.

>> No.7360992
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The next Oreimo

>> No.7361058
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No the next Oreimo is the Kuroneko spinoff

>> No.7361061

Another generic harem crap animated by AIC.

>> No.7361069

AIC? Now I'm interested.

>> No.7361073

>Guy and a girl make a club for people with no friends. Club gets filled with beautiful and attractive young females who nobody wants to hang out with, for some reason.

Bullshit, big bullshit.

>> No.7361077

>people liking this shit
>people liking oreimo
It's like I'm really in a animey meetup.
Tits or GTFO, ladies xD

>> No.7361083
File: 1.59 MB, 1366x768, errrrrrio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is buriki doing the designs for the anime too

not watching this otherwise

>> No.7361086

I don't think anyone would be interested in reading about a bunch of fat and emaciated nerds who can barely speak to each other.

>> No.7361087

If you're attractive but don't have the personality to fit with your peers, you're much worse off than being plain and unsociable - jealousy is a bitch, and when you attract attention you're more likely to provoke negative reactions when you don't adhere to people's expectations/the norm.

>> No.7361101


>> No.7361112
File: 252 KB, 689x435, 1304205975099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sena's behavior with eroge is far more realistic than the bitch of OreImo or the protag of TWGOK

>> No.7361118

Sena doesn't understand that ero is really holding back the potential of eroge. This medium could be so much more.

>> No.7361122

Literally one of the worst things I've ever read but the bitches are hot so I like the porn.

>> No.7361124

Keima doesn't play eroge, just pure love all ages galges.

>> No.7361135

That basically don't exist anymore
It's like this guy is living in the mid 90's

>> No.7361146

His world went through a really big wave of galge popularity, reason.

>> No.7361163
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I can't wait to hear this scene in Saten's voice

>> No.7361166
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>> No.7361176

I swear if I were the main guy, I would have just offered the cute girl friendship on the condition of getting sex. Could have been an awesome story.

>> No.7361182


Now I am interested

>> No.7361240

This manga is like watching sion and Jones-dono arguing.

>> No.7361316


He does. That's why he doesn't give a fuck when he sees a naked girl

>> No.7362096
File: 92 KB, 471x831, 1305649811305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JC Staff

>> No.7362118


oh dear

>> No.7362136

Go back to the /a/ hivemind.

>> No.7362280
File: 128 KB, 1047x754, 1268312578234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7362307

are you shitting me? kanae itoh is going to ruin another show with her shitty voice? I'm already missing out on that hanasaku show because of her.

>> No.7362319

Stop being such a literal gay.

>> No.7362369


you redefine gay

>> No.7362388

I'm fine with this. I like JC Staff.
