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7358002 No.7358002 [Reply] [Original]

[ ] Settle European Debt problems
[ ] Genuflect
[x] Rape the maids

>> No.7358005


>> No.7358007

Obviously he secretly browses /jp/

>> No.7358008

This is a deliberate smear campaign.

>> No.7358009

He msut have had previous success wooing the women with this penis in face technique.

>> No.7358010

The whole thing definitely sounds bizarre, it's not entirely outside his capability however, multiple marriages, etc.

>> No.7358012

[x] keep bumping thread because.

>> No.7358021

The problem is that he's too old to overpower them. When he was a young buck and could make a maid orgasm against her will, this kind of thing didn't happen.

>> No.7358030

A Sarkozy agent provocatuer? Doubt it, apparently the french press are the only ones not surprised by this guys behavior.

>> No.7358054

He has international diplomatic immunity. So far, he's been waiving that right.

>> No.7358062

>He has international diplomatic immunity.
No he doesn't.

>> No.7358141

He had issues with sexual assault before, but they were able to kept it under the wraps. Not this time.

Dude just loves his rape, IT CAN'T BE HELPED.

>> No.7358154

Nobody believes this bullshit, american justice is made by faggots and autists.

>> No.7358156

Yes he does.

>Mr Strauss-Kahn has immunity from prosecution as the head of a UN agency

>> No.7358166

It's pathetic how Europeans will find any little reason to blame their problems on the Americans. They finally have a reason to blame Americans for the European debt crisis, however loosely related the incident may be.

>> No.7358178

DSK est mon hasubando.

>> No.7358181


Why are American such crybabies? baawww nobudy lieks mah freedom.

>> No.7358184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7358185
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Look at those Jews defending this Jewish scumbag.

>> No.7358186

But the American subprime mortgage crisis is the responsible for all this...

>> No.7358195


>> No.7358205

The American subprime mortgage crisis is one of many factors in a complex environment, whilst it ended up the eventual trigger, even without it there would have been eventual problems as America and the Old World powers built up massive debts at the same time as they stopped producing any tangible goods.

It's like saying the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was responsible for World War I, not the instability caused by the decay of the Ottoman Empire causing problems for everyone and the general friction between the great powers that had been building up for a while.

>> No.7358211

You're a fucking idiot, didn't you read the part in the article where it says that DSK tacitly waived his diplomatic immunity?

He can stop this whenever he or the IMF wants.

No, Greece spending up the ass, Greeks tax evading en masse, and Greece cooking their books is what caused the European debt crisis.


>> No.7358212


Aljewzeera is the fox news of the middle east.

>> No.7358228

What about rating agencies fucking Portugal up the ass even though Portugal's situation was nowhere as bad as Greece and Ireland? Rating agencies effectively set Portugal up, by making all investors scared, which skyrocketed the interest on the national debt and obviously forcing them to get external help.

>> No.7358231

Spain is next. If Spain goes, the Euro is going to collapse. It will be a disaster for the world economy.

>> No.7358241
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>> No.7358245

I guess /jp/ likes politics.

>> No.7358247

Of course this is coming.

It's just getting more obvious every day.
The EU is buying it's own dept, there are no solutions, and maybe they aren't even wanted.

The current financial system isn't supposed to work in the long run.

Maybe something good comes out of the crash and the financial system is finally reworked, even though I'm sure the ruling elite will do everything they can to stop this.

>> No.7358253

ITT: germany subsidizes the unholy shit out of europe, receives nothing in return

>> No.7358259

The entire problem of the EU is that they're trying to be the USA in some aspects, but not in others.

Just stop with the loans and shit already and face that the rich states are supposed to take care of the poor ones to some extent, like in the US. You don't see poor states in the US endangering the federal economy. You can't act like a big federal country that legislates and imposes taxes and shit and then get all stingy and WHOOPS SEPARATE COUNTRIES NOT MY FAULT HAHA when someone needs to pony up cash.

Doesn't work that way.

>> No.7358278


A cheap euro that fuels their exports (which are at an all-time high).

Whether this makes up for all the money they have to spend I don't know.

>> No.7358301
File: 171 KB, 400x557, dominique-strauss-kahn-viol-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put on your french raep face NAO

>> No.7358302

If only we could get a cheap Yen instead


>> No.7358312

Hmph!... I smell deliberate smearing here... knowing he's running for France's highest post...

That maid could have deliberately Walked in the room, tear her clothes and run like hell in the corridors in full view of the cameras while going bohuhu...

>> No.7358317


>implying she stole his sperm first

>> No.7358319


Sure, get the Jap government to default on their debt and watch the Yen drop.

>> No.7358323


The guy is a leech and guilty as fuck. And I say this as a person that dislikes Sarkozy and his right-wing HADOPI government.

>> No.7358325
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i want to rape them too

living the dream ;_;

>> No.7358324
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>> No.7358329

Wtf iz going on here

>> No.7358333

The burning question on my mind is "who to stick it in first"

Hisui or Kohaku?

>> No.7358336
File: 84 KB, 600x795, BON-A-TIRER-fake-berlusconi-dsk-sb600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolquoi ?

>> No.7358341


if I was in that guys position of course I would rape the maids. wouldn't you?

im sure all his other powerful friends do it all the time, after all they're just maids, they have no voice.

and being powerful and rich means I could just silence them with either bribes or otherwise...

>> No.7358350
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>> No.7358367


His mistake was trying to pull this off in the U.S.

He could get away with this in France because of the.. liberal enviroment there.

>> No.7358370

> after all they're just maids, they have no voice.

hiring a Seiyuu for minor characters is just unnecessary expense

>> No.7358405
File: 13 KB, 189x223, Frenchface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, but I'm French. I'll rape as many maids as I damn well please

>> No.7358583

Krautchan still down?

This is where you huns belong
