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File: 182 KB, 804x604, 2010-02-27_160927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7357514 No.7357514 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Sachi such a slut? Grinding together in MMORPGs is a sacred ritual of the utmost intimacy between and man and woman. And she's doing it with random strangers ... disgusting.

>> No.7357521



>> No.7357518
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>> No.7357542


>> No.7357545

G-senjou no Maou

>> No.7357551


>> No.7357554

Isn't she saying that line to Kenichi? Because he's far from a stranger.

>> No.7357558

Why is moogy so good?

>> No.7357561

Amazing writer
Amazing translator
Just an all around talented man

>> No.7357563
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He was a stranger when she said that line. She didn't even know his name 5 minutes earlier.

>> No.7357573

They were childhood friends, but now I remember that they didn't know Ken's real identity until later in the game.

>> No.7357588

[name txt="Sachi"][vo s=sac_0236]"I want to go on a date! We'll play MMORPGs all night long! And then I want you to confess your love to me by saying 'let's grind together, baby!'"[np]\
;;[name txt="Sachi"][vo s=sac_0236]「モリケンとデートしたい! 徹夜でネットゲームしたい! そし

The word was "level up" in the original, by the way.

>> No.7357642
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Close enough. What was the original to this?

>> No.7357645

Sachi > Touka > Natsumi.

She even has variable breast size!

>> No.7357651
File: 137 KB, 804x604, 2011-05-16_154605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty I'd rather have Ririko be the sadist in the situation though.

>> No.7357666

[name txt="Kenichi"]"People die when they get lonely!"[np]\
;;[name txt="Kenichi"]"寂しいと人間は死ぬんだってば!"[np]\

Protip: use TLWiki's search function.

>> No.7357672


At least she isn't wearing that skirt anymore. God it pissed me off every time I looked at it.

>> No.7357687

>Close enough
If you wanted to be anal about it, "let's grind together" makes her sound like a cock craving slut, while the double entendre "let's level up/let's take it a step further" is a lot less dirty and more pure.
So you wouldn't have retards like OP calling character sluts because of a sentence.

>> No.7357703
File: 78 KB, 639x595, 1292494462289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though there were PRECONCIEVED NOTIONS everywhere I liked Sharin no kuni, I found the characters to be quite likeable and I liked the fact that the protag wasn't some sex machine wanting to sex everything up.

I am reading the fandisk right now and I finished the masaomi route, was enjoyable and to see what kind of person saburou was, though it kinda hurts when you read a story about a story about a character that gets killed off in the blink of an eye (Eri)

Stand back pigs.. I've got an appointment with my beloved

>> No.7357712

>Even though there were PRECONCIEVED NOTIONS everywhere

For the love of god, that was one goddamn scene. You fuckers act like the entire VN was made of bullshit like that.

>> No.7357716


>implying she isn't a cock craving slut

The lines fits perfectly.

>> No.7357721



What are we talking about here?

>> No.7357729


Play the game. There's a scene near the end of Chapter 5 that apparently ruined the entire game for everybody.

>> No.7357739

Well, I didn't play the game so it's fine if she's a cock craving slut when talking elsewhere, but that sentence isn't slutty so regardless of the character that says it it shouldn't be translated as so imho, sorry.

>> No.7357749

>cock craving slut
That's Sachi, not Touka.

>> No.7357768


I have played the game and don't remember such a scene.

>> No.7357781


I apologize if I offended someone I just exaggerated the preconcieved notions part for abit of comedic effect, dont pay much attention to it.

I feel I need to tell you that it did not ruin the game for me, infact I enjoyed it.

And not to mention it made the masaomis route´s resemblance with the original game more enjoyable.

>> No.7357788

She's not a slut. The guy is either trolling or going by /jp/'s shitty "any girl who ever has sex with anyone ever" definition of slut.

>> No.7357793


Letting a guy stay at her house because she thinks he's rich and then fucking said guy as a reward for saving her life sounds pretty slutty to me.

>> No.7357797

I have broken leg
j/k lol
I have drug addiction
j/k lol

>> No.7357802


I don't those count as "preconceived notions" by definition and they weren't really that bad.

>> No.7357805
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The first time is when kenichi is battling Houzuki and aims for his wounded leg and Houzuki goes PRECONCIVED NOTIONS when he reveals he had only pretended for seven years that his leg as wounded.

And then theres the scene where Kenichi does the same thing back when Kenichi is in the prison pretending to go crazy when he can't smoke his drugs and then goes PRECONCIEVED NOTIONS about him not really smoking drugs but instead harmless herbs.

Those were the only times in the VN, if I recall correctly.

>> No.7357839

I remember that, I was like wtf.

>> No.7357860

Kenichi himself said at least once that he wasn't addicted to what he smoked.

Plus I saw both of those twists coming so I don't see the problem if you're trying to say they were asspulls or far-fetched or something.

>> No.7357869

Wow, nothing gets past you. Good job man, you're awesome.

>> No.7357879
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>> No.7357886

What? I'm simply trying to figure out what huge problem everyone apparently had with those developments.

>> No.7357911


Well of course some people might find it very awkward when they think about the extent these trickeries go.

Different strokes for different people, its that simple.

>> No.7357997
File: 27 KB, 347x449, mana_broken_arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with this Mana's arm?

>> No.7358037


The problem is that whenever Sharin is mentioned on this site, particularly outside of /jp/, everyone trolls it by bringing up those scenes and declaring the whole VN as 'shit' because of them.

And then they go and masturbate all over G-Senjou, because it's 'better' in some undefinable way.

>> No.7358058

even people on 4chan aren't that stupid

>> No.7358088


Try /v/'s rare VN threads. Yes, they ARE that stupid.

Sharin is apparently a pretty awful and boring game, with bullshit nonsensical plot twists everywhere that don't make any sense. G-Senjou, on the other hand, is a brilliant masterwork.

>> No.7358094

What. It's the opposite.
Everyone says Sharin is better and that G-Senjou is shit because of Maou's identity.

>> No.7358110

But G-Senjou relies a lot more on that twist than Sharin no Kuni does on legs or drugs, so it being terrible is a rather large blow to the game since it doesn't have much else of value (people give the epilogue the credit it deserves). Not to mention it's worse than any of the Sharin twists people complain about.

>> No.7358120

I guess they hate on Sharin because it was released first, kind of like how "baby's first eroge" get demolished around here.

>> No.7358217

I simply can't understand the hate for G-Senjou here.
Okay, I'll give you that Maou's identity changing according to the route you play was a bad design choice. But is it really such a big deal? I didn't even care about the other routes at all. If you only look at the main route, the game was really entertaining and I enjoyed it a lot.

I'm not saying it is a masterpiece, and I bet no one else does. But it is certainly not as bad as you make it out to be.

>> No.7358220
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I think this is relevant to the discussion.

>> No.7358227

One of the reasons as to why I liked sharin is the fact that I found kenichi to be a fun character and not a complete dumb nerd that is plaguing anime/vns in general.

While we are on the subject of VN's is there any other games in the same fashion of cat and mouse like g-senjou/sharin?

>> No.7358238

>Maou's identity changing
That's not my issue.
I went through the entire game thinking "It's too obvious for Kyousuke to be Maou."
Then once his brother was mentioned, that set off a flag.
His body never being found made it obvious.

I guess it's because I played Sharin and recognized the same pattern from Ririko's reveal: how Looseboy suddenly gave more details at the beginning of the reveal chapter. Except it wasn't as obvious as Ririko because it wasn't a "X is really Y" but a "you didn't even think of Z" twist.

>> No.7358251

If you went through the game thinking Kyousuke can't be Maou, then you knew it had to be his brother right at that point considering all the references Maou makes to his parents being the same as Kyousuke's. It was more obvious, not less obvious

>> No.7358254

So, what are you trying to say? It was bad because you figured out the plot twist before it was revealed? I too had that theory too while playing, but I couldn't be 100% sure until it really happened, and I think most people had the same experience. So I wouldn't say it makes the game bad.

>> No.7358258

Plot twist felt cheap. I couldn't enjoy the last chapter after that. Not that the last chapter was stellar anyway.

>> No.7358279


I see. I assume the majority of the people feel the same as you then. Looks like I'll just have to deal with being the minority here.

>> No.7358316

I think G-Senjou had some very good parts and some very bad parts. Overall the game was good but there were still some glaring flaws that left a bad aftertaste. And yes, the big twist being so predictable is one of them, probably the biggest one. The hype also exacerbated the disappointment. So I respond to G-Senjou more negatively than truly fits how much I liked the game. I don't go around hating on it but when the subject comes up I don't address it as that good of an eroge.

>> No.7358362

why do you faggots get so angry about the maou plot-twist?

you make it sound like you would have preferred him to be maou the whole time, which wouldve been even dumber.

>> No.7358419

I read both G-senjou and SnK and I liked them. SnK more. Maou twist was obvios, but that ririko thing caught me completely off-guard.

The thing is: is there ANY VN in English that ANYONE in /jp/ consider a "masterpiece"? It isn't a rethorical cuestion. We complain like bitches but we keep reading them, so I'd like to know some opinions.

>> No.7358424

F/sn was powerful.

>> No.7358436

I would have preferred it if the plot were not so heavily structured around Maou's identity. Or they could have just done the twist better, for example not shoving "KYOUSUKE IS MAOU" down your throat the whole game and not having Maou's real identity be Kyousuke's long lost brother who everyone thought was dead. I mean seriously, long lost dead brother? How could anyone think that was a good idea.

It seems like most people on /jp/ have one eroge/VN they like and will defend to the death, and anything else they will shit all over the moment someone says anything positive about it. Personally I have a ton that I love. I voice complaints when I have them but won't go out of my way to trash a game.

>> No.7358471

Well, yeah (I'll asume you are serious). Made an impresion on me, back in the day.

>> No.7358480


Clannad would be untrollable if it hadn't had an anime adaptation and become so popular.

>> No.7358499

I was precisely thinking about Clannad. While not EPIC (see MLA), I find it flawless.

>> No.7358512

I'm serious. While the ultimate subject matter isn't especially mature looking back since it's obvious other people don't matter with a bit of logic, it still shows that Nasu is a worthy man. And it still holds some wisdom in it. I find many of the translated VNs are exceptional at that. Inganock, Swan Song, Saya no Uta, Crescendo for example are all more than ordinary stories in their own way. Even Tears to Tiara was worth reading for that one chapter near the end.

>> No.7358560

I'll take a look at Inganock then. I must have it stashed somewhere in my hard drive. Thanks anon.
Such an uncommon sight, praise instead of contempt.

>> No.7358569

I think a lot of them have soul. I think that's how I'd put it. That's why I love the medium.

>> No.7358572

Be wary, Inganock is 70% unimportant with 30% powerful. It tested my patience at the beginning. It's definitely worth it though.

>> No.7358591

Symphonic Rain.

>> No.7358624


you could say the same about most any good story in any medium.

the longer the exposition the better the pay-off (usually).

>> No.7358663

That's probably only due to the fact that they're written by humans though. Humans who don't always have the foreknowledge of what is exceptional and what is ordinary, and simply write as they know how to. It doesn't mean that the story can't be good without the unnecessary parts cut out. Saya was good despite the length.

>> No.7359726


I dunno, while I really liked Symphonic Rain, there wasn't nearly the resolution I would have preferred and the Fal/Lise routes hit me a lot harder, emotionally speaking, than Al Fine did.

Not that Al Fine wasn't fantastic, but it could have used a lot more impact than it ended up having.

As for what >>7358419 asked, I don't think there exists anything that deserves a 10/10. A story or game can always be better.

>> No.7359748

I'll second MLA and Inganock.

Out of all the VNs I've read, those are probably the two that stood out to me the most. Though I admit that Inganock does have its flaws and will probably put some people off, but it was really worth sticking with. The setting and atmosphere was excellent, however, and really gave you a good feel for the story.

>> No.7362082
File: 199 KB, 804x604, 2011-05-17_184545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ririko >> Touka > Natsumi >>> * >>> Sachi

>> No.7362112

He asked what you consider a masterpiece, not perfect.

>> No.7363803


They're the same thing.

'Masterpiece' implies a perfect score. That doesn't exist.

>> No.7363866

Is Houzuki's route in the fandisc as good as the main game was? I need something to wash away the disappointment that was G-Senjou.

>> No.7363868


Well, I enjoyed it a lot. I'm not sure if that helps, though.

Try it out.

>> No.7366137


It's good if you liked the running theme about the cyclical nature of human existence, but horrible if you prefer your Houzuki to have ambiguous motivations.

Frankly, I hated it, but it's still better than G-Senjou.

>> No.7366341

Where does Ririko go in the other endings? She just kind of disappears off the face of the earth.

>> No.7366353

I sort of regret reading it.
Aside from the scenes taking place in the present, the story left a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.7366373


Probably in the exact same situation she's in when you get her ending, just without the daily boning from Ken.
