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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7354093 No.7354093 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, /adv/ here. /b/ informed us of your situation. Feel free to come talk to us if you ever need some emotional support or help getting your life back on track.

>> No.7354094
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>> No.7354095

Don't worry, that's just a vocal minority that we all pretend to conform to for the sake of the board.

>> No.7354100
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>> No.7354101


>> No.7354102

Were entirely content with our situation, thank you very much.
Now stop being an idiot who gets tricked into riding other boards and get the fuck out.

>> No.7354103

Maybe /adv/ could partner with /fit/ and /fa/ to form a /jp/ Rehabilitation Committee.

>> No.7354104

I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice.
Anyways, I began to play Final Fantasy 4 about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the game, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last fight.
Then I played the game again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Rydia every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Rydia.
I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Rydia. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Rydia everywhere.
I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Rydia dolls.. Rydia is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave.
I'm in love with Rydia. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Rydia. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place.
So, this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Rydia break free from behind her glass prison.
Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her.

>> No.7354109
File: 59 KB, 700x525, alone_good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being alone is HELLa good

>> No.7354117

If I actually wanted to confront the problems leading to my lack of girlfriend, I'd seek guidance from /fit/ as the first, then get some new clothes.

I hope I'll be able to lose some weight over the summer period.

>> No.7354120

Forgot my sage.
Also; reporting OP for this shit.

>> No.7354122

post the one about Osaka

>> No.7354126

Do you have a cure for SPD? I don't think so.

>> No.7354136

Thank you for offering. Most people here are aware that your board exists. Usually it involves redirecting people there when they complain about their lives, though.

>> No.7354137

Symphysis pubis dysfunction?

>> No.7354146

I think /fit/ can buff you in STR, DEX, END and AGI.
Not sure how SPD calculates. Probably weapon dependent.

>> No.7354148


>> No.7354150

>implying op is actually from >>>/adv/ and not just a clever troll who is actually a poster on this board and knows how to incite you autistic fucks who are so easy to predict.

>> No.7354156


>> No.7354157

Not interested, please fuck off.

>> No.7354158

Why don't you have a girlfriend /jp/?

>> No.7354166

I don't want help.

>> No.7354169

That's not funny, Sparky Anderson died of dementia

>> No.7354174

>/b/ informed us of your situation.
Too bad most people on /b/ think that board is the only board on 4chan. Or even, they think /b/ is 4chan.

>> No.7354175

Why is /adv/ the most pointless board not including /soc/?

>> No.7354187


you clearely haven't been to /jp/

>> No.7354190

The people that form those boards have many more problems than /jp/, trust me. Mixing all of them. Mixing them would create an sprite of lost ego or some shit-cunt-fuck mixture or /r9k/.

Before you say /b/ is much worse: It's the normalfag central board.

>> No.7354216

ASPD? A berserk/awak/conc pot for starters. Having Adrenaline rush also helps.

>> No.7354217

/adv/ is just filled with dateless, unsociable losers giving advice to other dateless, unsociable losers. why would anyone ever go there for such generic shitty advice? its just circlejerks and self masturbation threads on how they are such good people for 'helping' each other.

>> No.7354244
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I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice. Anyways, I began to watch Azumanga Daioh about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the series, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last episode. Then I watched the series again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Osaka every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Osaka. I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Osaka. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Osaka everywhere. I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Osaka dolls. Osaka is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave. I'm in love with Osaka. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Osaka. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place. So this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Osaka break free from behind her glass prison. Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her.

>> No.7354368

We don't care. Try bothering /a/ with your useless shit.

>> No.7354373

Shut the fuck up OP
