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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7351261 No.7351261 [Reply] [Original]


Why does VN always like to use time loop setting?

>> No.7351264

Everyone loves a good time loop

>> No.7351272

because we are in a time loop

>> No.7351277

A lot of those are really good though.

>> No.7351279

Because if it didn't use the time loop/casualty conductor setting, then there wold only be one route

>> No.7351280

Everyone loves a good time loop

>> No.7351281

Time Loop = Good VN

>> No.7351287


Why does VN always like to use time loop setting?

>> No.7351294

because we are in a time loop

>> No.7351296


A lot of those are really good though.

>> No.7351298

Because if it didn't use the time loop/casualty conductor setting, then there wold only be one route

>> No.7351300

Time Loop = Good VN

>> No.7351317

Because only you are in the infinity loop.

>> No.7351322

>this thread

>> No.7351398

>Loop masterpiece of EROGE
>1994 DESIRE stories theory mark and teleology-like loop. But teleology of here is not teleology of the chief character.
>1996 Girl YU which sings love at the end of this world- NO Story theory-like* and game system-like. Main character's father makes loop equipment.
>2001 Under the pretense of a loop thing of the Never7 external environment (abbreviation as follows in being spoiling)
>2001 Ten night song months.
>2001 Dream environmental loop of Pandora
>2002 Under the pretense of a loop thing of the Ever17 external environment (abbreviation as follows in being spoiling)
>2002 Rotting princesses.
>2003 A loop as the CROSS † CHANNEL external environment. It is thrown out in the loop world and enters into a loop state

>> No.7351401

>2003 Demon Bain Fusion of an external environment and teleology. The totally outside existence that it is not chief characters to have created them though it is the loop for certain purposes. In other words the loop for purposes of a person outside.
>2003-2006 Muv Luv (including Alternative) Story argument target and environment argument target
>2004 Blue metempsychosis Story theory-like and the environment-like
>2005 A loop of the external environment of the theory of 3days story.
>2005 Fate/hollow ataraxia It is the loop of opposite teleology whether or not it calls it with the loop and teleology of a story argument target and environment.
>2007 Little Busters teleology and environment. It loops of making for the purpose of there are people who are not the heroes, and not the utter stranger but hero's companion is making it for the hero.
>2007 Loop as the month outside environment of one-sided love.
>2008 Sumaga teleology loop. The hero uses the loop world oppositely.
>2009 Surely external environment of the teleology is than a morning color to clear up.
>2009 Steins;Gate teleology loop. It hopes voluntarily because the loop device is voluntarily produced and it enters in the state of the loop.
>2010 Give me a wing; fusion (loop for purposes of an outside person) of external environment and the teleology

>> No.7351422

time loops are the easiest way to hide foreshadowing such that you'll only really notice it once you go through the loop.

also, easiest way to make a "mind fuck" sort of scenario regardless of the setting. So easy that it's terribly overused. fucking lazy writers.

>> No.7351744

/jp/ - Time loop Culture

>> No.7351757

Everyone loves a good time loop

>> No.7351767

I wouldn't even say half the games are timeloops there. Like yu-no or demonbane.

>> No.7351772

time loops are fun. and time traveling. and dinosaurs, time dinosaurs. time dinosaur patrol with big guns

>> No.7351799

VNs (at least the ones I've read) are heavy on the repetitive. VNs with branching stories are naturally repetitive, due to re-reading over multiple routes. Also: use of school settings, recreating a repetitive sequence of scheduled school days.

Let's the writer buff out the story length with strategic use of copypaste.

Timeloop is a way of incorporating into plot, explaining, even excusing this.

>> No.7352660

I actually like time loops, and for some odd reason I've only played the ever17/remember11 games that use time loops and missed all others.

>> No.7352664

I did like steins gate...m ainly because i had to drill japanese in my brain to read it.

>> No.7352677

Because only you are in the infinity loop.

>> No.7352704

/jp/ itself is a time loop, so it fits.

>> No.7352740

This story has not finished yet.
Truth is not revealed.
And it circulates through an incident.
-- It is an infinity loop!

>> No.7355667 [DELETED] 

Everyone loves a good time loop

>> No.7355671

because we are in a time loop

>> No.7355672


Why are you such a shitposter that you would bump shitty threads that you didn't even make?

>> No.7356229

I find timeloops pretty nice.

>> No.7356278

Because only you are in the infinity loop.

>> No.7356305

All these time loop games and I have yet to see one that takes the logical step of incorporating the player into them. Think about how you play a visual novel. Why do you make different decisions on different playthroughs? Because you, as the player, have knowledge that the character does not, and you use this knowledge to switch routes. Yet the player is never made part of the loop - it always takes place solely in the context of the game world, and you as the player still treat the visual novel like any other.

TL;DR: Somebody needs to do a visual novel where the protagonist is aware that he is experiencing events again when you play it a second time. Cross Channel came close but still had a barrier between the player and the character.

>> No.7356311


>> No.7356321


a certain final route in a certain vn with a character named blickwinkel

>> No.7356322


>> No.7356325

doesnt sumaga do this?

>> No.7356327

I will keep this thread alive for 17 years.

>> No.7356335

It's missing some titles

>> No.7356352
File: 57 KB, 300x300, betamoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry about this.
I believe anime will see a huge boom in using time loop setting after the huge success of Madoka.
Madoka is a just a MLA clone at its core(despair) if we stripped the mahou shoujo element. Basically they just replaced the mechs with mahou shoujo transformation and beta with unlimited negative emotions.

Even though fractale is full of shit, the Fractale's writer is right in calling madoka generic compare to top tier eroge/vn. I guess people wank over Madoka because of how different it is compare to other anime.

>> No.7356355

yeah, poor shitman.

>> No.7356357

>MLA clone at its core(despair)
but Alternative is not about despair, way to misunderstand a game

>> No.7356364

Hiroki Azuma, Japanese cultural critic, Ph.D from the University of Tokyo (ranked 3rd worldwide in the Global University Ranking ranked)


Madoka's fanbase don't know what they are speaking about. They should at least have played any bishojo game before speaking.
The show puts together (elements of) bishoujo games and is well done. But it is not revolutionary. It is different from Eva which was revolutionary.

>> No.7356387

Oh wow, considering I couldn't even finish Madoka, I guess I wont be playing MLA.

>> No.7356442

Yu-no isn't really a time loop as I said earlier.

>> No.7356498

It is a time loop, a closed one even

>> No.7356515

Your loss.
To be fair, outside of timeloop/parallelworld, MLA trumped Madoka in everything especially in the characters department.
Almost every characters in unlikable in Madoka while they kill off the characters that you like in MLA 1by1.

>> No.7356523

Likable character does not equal good character.
Not that I disagree or anything since I didn't read ML yet, it just pisses me off when people mix that up.

>> No.7356524


>> No.7356570

I thought it should be obvious by now, most characters in Madoka are unlikable and shit. If I want to see girls bitch, cry and whine 24/7 I will just go outside and get a girlfriend.

>> No.7356602

So what's the point of them if they die[/shit]

>> No.7356603

Oh boy, you probably think that Cross Channel bitches are good characters.
How can they be "good' when the only emotion towards them is hate?

>> No.7356609

No it's not. Did you even pay attention to the infodumps?

>> No.7356634

It's a time loop for Takuya since he is a stranger in the parallel universe he was sent to. That's why he is automatically sent back in time even when he gets a good end. In a way he is like Blick Winkel.

>> No.7356641

>also, easiest way to make a "mind fuck" sort of scenario regardless of the setting. So easy that it's terribly overused. fucking lazy writers.
this, it takes a lot less effort to write an ending where everything comes together when time travel is concerned, so a lot of stories use it
Personally I played quite a few loopmono, but it feels like I'm missing out on the fun or something, shame since most of them are so highly rated. Time manipulation/distortion is the one gimmick that makes me drop any willing suspension of disbelief, more than fantasy. I don't even know why, maybe it's just some kind of gimmick uncanny valley for me.

>> No.7356656

Wasn't that a main part of the Higurashi plot later on, that the protagonist finally realized the time loop?

>> No.7356696

We have vastly differing views what time loop means.

>> No.7356746

Well VNs are the best medium for timeloops.

>> No.7356764

A time loop setting only mean that time is looking for at least 1 person, not that the entire universe is looping.
For example in Desire only Tina is looping, in Ever17 only Blick WInkel is looping, in Higurashi only Rika is looping.

In Yu-No only Takuya always come back to the same point no matter what till he manages to go to the other world; that's a loop in the strict sense of the term

>> No.7356768

I find it kind of weird that Symphonic Rain DOESN'T do this, especially in how you have to go through every other route before you can get the True End.

I kept expecting some sort of timeloop reveal, but nope, nothing.
