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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7347396 No.7347396 [Reply] [Original]

We have a lot of threads about things related to life of "normal" friends, so why we won't have TRUE NEET problems thread? I haven't seen one for long time.

>> No.7347398

I need new glasses but don't want to visit the optician. So I don't. Not like my monitor is more than 50 cms away.

>> No.7347400

I live in Australia and the government is so good at providing me money and the fact that minimum wage is $15/hour means I don't have NEET problems, I can almost have "normal" problems.

>> No.7347401

I woke up 3 hours after I went to bed.

>> No.7347403

As an actual NEET/hikki, I would have to say the biggest problem is simply idiocy.

Put quickly, I am having a very difficult time trying to get out of the house to go to the dentist. I haven't been to the dentist in a very, very long time and now I am scared to because I know that something most likely excruciatingly painful needs to be done, and yet at the same time I know with every passing month or so the the treatment will be worse.

I need to man up and just fucking go already. This is idiotic.

>> No.7347405

50 dollars to fill up my gas tank. When the gas prices rise this much?

Being a NEET isn't too bad. Only down side so far is that I don't know what the day/date is most of the time. Only reason why I know it's May because my landlord came to pick up May's rent a few days ago.

>> No.7347425

It's terribly hot. I can't even sleep and I have no idea how to cope with it. Any hints how neet can do something against heat? I don't have air conditioner...

>> No.7347427

Just book an appointment, and you shouldn't miss the appointment, or else you're just bad.

>> No.7347429

I'm in the same boat as you, anon. My teeth are garbage and I still have my wisdom teeth in despite being told I need them pulled nearly 10 years ago.

>> No.7347431

Open your windows. If it's nice out that should have a nice airflow. If the heat gets unbearable during the day you could always wet a washcloth with cold water and use that to cool yourself down.

>> No.7347432

since when the fuck does hikkis drive?

>> No.7347435

Try to put as many curtains/blankets as necessary over your window to keep any light from coming in. That is what I did last summer.

>> No.7347436

I burnt out on a high-demand job that I thought was going to be my career for life. I've been unemployed for six months, skimming off my savings this whole time. I need to get a job soon before my funds run out, I have no income, but the world just feels like shit and I have no motivation to do anything but sit inside on the internet.

Am I turning into one of you?

>> No.7347439

Dental work is normally not painful, just uncomfortable. They can gas you too.

>> No.7347441

to work and school xD

true NEET have no problems. The only thing that's mildly annoying is NEET bucks don't last like they use to.

>> No.7347442

I fill up once a month. I'm not a hikki, just a NEET. I have to buy groceries and the essentials. Kind of sucks that my bank won't let me deposit my support checks online so I have to run down there twice a month.

Such a hassle.

>> No.7347446

That's one of the reasons I switched my sleep schedule to actually sleep, you know, at night.
I used to go to sleep at 6-7 am and get up around 3 pm for a long time already, but now that it's warm that meant trying to sleep right when it was the hottest(my room has the window facing east). So I just didn't go to sleep yesterday until 8 pm and woke up today in the morning.
It will probably deteriorate again soon, but it's a start.

>> No.7347447

Dentists are usually really nice people too.

>> No.7347448

I got sick a few days ago. I'm not sure how but I think it was from masterbating too much.

I forgot how horrible it is being sick as I haven't been sick in years.

>> No.7347452

Nah, we've never worked a day in our lives, so it's much harder for employers to hire us because of no qualifications, and because we never got into the habit of having to have to work, we can't possibly begin now.

You are much better off, at least at one point, you will run out of money have have to get a job. And you can.

We can't.

>> No.7347455

I once had an infection relapse because I thought hey I feel better today and had a big long fap. Spent the next 2 days solid in bed.

>> No.7347456

That's the problem, I am just bad. Well, I don't think I would miss an appointment like that, but still.

One problem with NEET/Hikkidom is when you encounter something problematic, since every day is more or less the same and a routine, your perception of time gets a little distorted and it becomes very easy to put something off without even noticing it. The days just slip by as you recognize "I need to do that very soon" but then stop the mental process or end up distracted because you don't want to think about it.

Part of the problem is I've never had anything like a root canal before, but I am fairly sure I may need one(or several) now. As I said, I acknowledge I'm being an idiot and I need to stop, but the fear of getting told something like "We need to replace several of your teeth" is sort of terrifying and is likely to happen. It's extremely easy to let the phone call slide through the days and proving very difficult to pick up the phone and make the call.

I wish I had remembered to keep going to the dentist as I fell out of my life. Badly. I hope by writing this one of you won't make the same mistake. It's simple to prevent so long as you can afford it and is really the only thing that you absolutely must to do prevent pain besides some measure of healthy eating.

>> No.7347457


>> No.7347458

I've never had a job, so you're already 10 steps ahead of me.

>> No.7347459

I know you can die from masturbating too much (some Asian man died after jerking it 20 times in a day) but I don't think you can get ill from it. If anything you tired yourself out and made getting sick easier.

>> No.7347461

Bullshit. I'm leaving my chosen career field entirely. Anywhere I get into will be purely entry level and probably fueled only by the skills I developed from fucking around on the internet, basic MS Office shit, the likes. Or basic certifications from a community college.

I'm through with where I was, and I will get another job, but anything I find will just start in the same place you people would without any experience. Get out there and get an entry level job and just work from there.

>> No.7347468

Even root canals shouldn't hurt. I know, though, it's terrifying even if there's no reason for it. I hate being nervous.

>> No.7347470

You're absolutely right, there are some places that will hire anyone. If you look hard enough you can probably find work somewhere, someday.

But you have to understand that a 25-30 year old with no job record whatsoever is not exactly prime employment material in an employer's mind. So, he meant it's either difficult or impossible to find a solid job. The fact that we didn't work until 25-30 marks us out to anyone looking to seriously employ someone(as in, not just a job at a fast-food restaurant).

>> No.7347472

You can get prostatitis from certain /jp/-related activities. Not plain fapping though.

>> No.7347476
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My room is a mess and I wish it was clean like this little girls ;-;

Also, my mother left me alone in the house for a week, and I've run out of food. She will be returning tomorrow.

>> No.7347481

At least you probably have an education, at least some work experience and an appropriate mindset.

>> No.7347483

That's semantics.

No, you can't get "sick from fapping." There is no bacteria or disease that is directly produced by fapping(as far as we know). So yes, from a scientific standpoint what you're saying is right.

But from the layman's terms he was using, well, if he wouldn't have gotten sick if he hadn't fapped, then he can say he got ill from fapping. The fapping may not have been the direct biological cause, but in the end it was the decision that resulted in him getting sick.

I think that's what he meant.

>> No.7347495

My biggest problem is getting a good balance. I kept going to school less and less as I got only and in my exam year I pretty much dropped out for about half a year. This was before 4chan even existed. It was the first time I was really NEET and it felt great.

Then I went to college for two years, but dropped out on the last half-year of that too. This time it didn't feel so great, it felt like I screwed up and that life was passing me by.

I remained NEET up until a few years ago. Then I got a part-time job, but now I'm NEET again. I might go to university next school year.

My problem is that I actually want to do stuff but I want to do it in the comfort of a NEET lifestyle. Time moves way too fast for my liking, if I could have stayed 19 forever then I would not have had a problem being a constant NEET for all time.

On the other hand making an effort to do things the society way ruins my free time and puts you in a hypnotized routine.

>> No.7347501

Ah, gotcha.

Is it common after a long time of taking it easy to not feel like doing anything? I have to use a lot of willpower to plug my tablet in and practice drawing.

>> No.7347505


I don't understand how some people let themselves get like that. I'm not exactly strict on my hygiene, but there are some hikkis in their 20s with rotting teeth. How the fuck do you even do that? I don't think even drinking soda every day can do that.

>> No.7347506

bad genes, not going to the dentist, letting your teeth rot by not cleaning them, eating shitty food and drinking soda every day will be enough to ruin your teeth.

>> No.7347508

It can if you don't brush regularly.

>> No.7347512

A lot of hikkis will have acid reflux, due to irregular sleep/eating patterns.

That shit will kill your teeth. How you know if you have it? When you wake up does your mouth taste sour?

>> No.7347513

i went back on my meds, and suddenly got some motivation back to start reducing the backlog of stuff i downloaded over the years.

lost a lot of my will to fap though, and having to fap for 3+ hours got pretty tiring.

it sucks when you need to take anti psychosis meds just to go back to doing what you liked to do.

on the bright side, i finally finished koihime musou

>> No.7347517

i have never had a job in my life. i left school when i was 16 and its been nearly 4 years now. ive not done anything in that time.

i dont have a sleep schedule, i need to force myself to go to bed because i feel tired basically all the time.

days go by really fast nowadays. i can remember the new year like it was last week. its already been 5 fucking months. how did that happen

>> No.7347518

I think about returning to school after summer (2nd class of high school) but I'm scared to do so. I know I will be in school with people like me - mainly older people who just didn't go to high school, but still I'm worried about this. Especially about maths which will be hard to learn after so big break from schooling...

>> No.7347520

Maths is easy.

>> No.7347523


You mean go to adult school?
Nah, it's full of Mexicans trying to get a better wage at McDonalds and soccer moms going through menopause. I didn't meet any other hikkis there. One of my easiest experiences in having to meet people regularly, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

>> No.7347525

What meds are you taking?

>> No.7347527

I think my brain has atrophied over the last three years I've spent in bed, and absolutely everything seems overwhelming now
I am not confident I could even work fast food or some other menial minimum wage labor, doing my best. Assuming I could even get hired in the first place

>> No.7347531


What seems so overwhelming? Sorry to pry, but a McDonalds jobs requires so little effort it hurts me to watch people do it.

>> No.7347534

When I was going to community college almost all the 30+ students were bad at studies and very unsure of themselves. I think that's what that poster meant. If you've been a nerd for any number of years you'll probably do better than average.

>> No.7347536

One of my wisdom teeth is literally falling apart, and I'm too scared to go to the dentist, even though I have insurance now.

>> No.7347539

Fast Food is hard, not really a job for a hikki. Too social and fast.

A better job, for hikkis would be tech support or some ict job, which are pretty hard to find.

>> No.7347540


Fuck, I have nightmares about that.

>> No.7347541

I'm not from USA.
Mostly in class there are people who were in technical schools, but because right now uni is "standard" even for working in restaurant so they need to finish high school to go university. 20-25 years old people and some really old people.

>> No.7347546

I feel like such a piece of shit because my dad still thinks that after 4 years some medication is going to cure my depression and get me back on my feet or something. he continues to pay out the ass for round after round of stuff that mysteriously doesn't seem to work. So not only am I bleeding him dry just for food and bills, I'm soaking up anything that's left with this. I want to say something but of course I'm a goddamn coward, and he'll probably just tell me to 'not worry' like always; as if that's going to stop me. Hopefully I just inexplicably drop dead soon so we can all move on.

>> No.7347564
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Medication is all that can help someone who feels depressed for absolutely no reason. Sorry if he feels lost in trying to help one of the most important family members get over one of the most annoying "diseases" in the world.

>> No.7347566

>too social and fast
That's pretty much it. I had considered going to culinary school after graduating high school, since I really do enjoy cooking, but just thinking of that high pressure environment makes me queasy

>> No.7347567

If you have a medical history of this stuff, you should try and get disability. It may take awhile, but if you get awarded it they backpay you from when you applied. Be prepared for a rejection, then hire a disability lawyer who will take their fee from your backpay.

>> No.7347579
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Since my Dad died I have become more and more of a recluse, turning down invitations to go out drinking etc etc. I recently lost my girlfrined because of this. I am now a full fledged shut and and, technically, a NEET right now until my cmputing classes start in september. The good thing about never going out is that it saves you loads and loads of money. I would say I leave the house once every 3 days or so, just to go to the store or walk around in places where I wont run into anyone.

on a side note, can people please stop saying "hikki" use one "k" as in *hiki*komori

well, obviously people can do whatver they want but this just bothers me for some reason....

>> No.7347580

I'm 25 now, and I dropped out of school when I was 16. I'm on disability for crippling social anxiety and depression. I ended up moving in with and getting married to a guy I met on the internet who likes taking care of me, and I do my best to be a good little waifu ;_;

>> No.7347582

If you can't even pretend to be happy when you see your dad, and keep the depression to yourself, then you are just one big attention whore.

>> No.7347585

...not sure if I believe you.

How fat/ugly are you?

>> No.7347586

Parts of this thread terrify me.

Pretending to be happy when you feel miserable is not actually that easy.

>> No.7347588

>I'm on disability for crippling social anxiety and depression


>> No.7347589

I might be losing my job next week, going back to the NEET life I have lived for the majority of my existence.

I got into a fight with my manager yesterday. You see, I am but a boring, average office worker. 30 min early to work, gets out of the office just on time so I could quickly go home and do whatever otaku stuff I do. I never speak to anyone at work, but I don't go out of my way to avoid people; I can chat, make "normal" jokes, hang out etc. Basically, a monotonous work experience. But then, I was asked to go overtime.

Normally I can take overtime, extra pay and all that - the thing is, my manager wants me to go overtime 2 hrs AFTER my shift finishes. So in the lull of 2 hrs, I won't be doing anything worthwhile.

Something snapped in me /jp/. You see I have waited excitedly for this day to finish as I am eager to see new Touhou stuff plus from the recent Reitatisai, I am also fervently practicing Ten Desires, so as to be able to do well and eventually 1cc it when it releases. And that overtime just pissed me off. Add to the fact that my manager's reasons/arguments to go OT was absolutely hypocritical - although I did expect this from normalfags, it still stings to hear it spoken. Shit like, "Think about your officemates." "What about me? I'll be the one making excuses for your absence to the higher ups." "This is just a minor sacrifice."

Well. Fuck. That.

>> No.7347592


In a rush of nerdrage, with the help of years of browsing 4chan - I fought back. /jp/ I still can't believe I said what I said, but man, throwing her own arguments against herself, making her realize her own hypocrisy, asserting my own rights - I completely dominated my manager throughout the argument. Yes, we were yelling at each other and people outside her office can hear us, but I didn't care. I can't remember much of what I said, but I ended the argument with - "Yes, I understand that this will hurt the team, I understand that this will take a toll on my record, and that this will give you a bit of explaining to do with the higher ups. But - I'll still go home, because I have a right to not go on overtime." And I walked out of her office. I didn't slam the door, because I'm too nice for that.

I should be feeling remorse, guilt, or shame, but I can't. In fact I feel... proud. In fact I never felt so alive.

>> No.7347594

The Japanese don't say "hiki." It's a derogatory slang term. They either say "hikikomori" if they want to be politically correct or "hikki" if they want to trash on the subject.

>> No.7347596

too long

>> No.7347600 [DELETED] 
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Pretty fat. Here is a picture I took for a few months ago.

>> No.7347604

You can get disability if you are deemed to have such bad anxiety that you can't function at all in a work environment.

>> No.7347610

Well, I've had 4 mental hospital stays since I was 13 and a well documented history of my mental illness. I started the application process when I was 17, and got my disability 3 years later, including around 30 thousand dollars in back wages. I hired a disability lawyer after my first rejection, and she pretty much took care of everything.

>> No.7347623

Huh? I love my dad very much. He's my only other friend besides my brother. I guess that's the problem, I hate the thought of being a burden to someone I actually care about. For something as stupid as depression, no less. I even hate saying the word. I forgot what else I was going to type.

>> No.7347632

Why dont you just play game and browse 4chan in the office?
I am a freelancer so I am an on and off NEET so I am not sure how the working culture is in a systematic organization. Since I traveled around a lot to different client office, most offices do not block the internet.

Besides you are doing OT so most people wont even be in the office anyway. Just fired up some eroges or read some manga.

>> No.7347634

good to know ur self conscious..

>> No.7347642

But in japanese characters it is impossible to write "hikki" it would have to be "hiki"

>> No.7347646



>> No.7347651
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Yeah, I don't really care.

>> No.7347652


Spoiler tags were invented for a reason.

>> No.7347655

is this not hiiki?

>> No.7347657

I got myself a job again after doing nothing for about 3 years. It has only been 2 months, but it feels like ages already. I hate it.
Don't get me wrong; it's a better job than I could ever have hoped for (given my education and working history) but I stil hate it.

I'm just not cut out for working. All my therapist is giving me is obnoxious shit like that I only have to 'hang in there' and that things will eventually get better.
I have half a mind to quit the job (and therapy along with it) and just go back to doing nothing all day. Only thing that is keeping me from doing that is the fact that I'll probably never a get a chance again if I fuck this up.

Life sucks.

>> No.7347660

Definitely hook up with the government for help with paying for the meds, to help your dad. Then play more video games to cheer yourself up.

>> No.7347661

You couldn't have opened IME and tried before posting?

>> No.7347663

that depends on where you live, bub. some nations don't offer such luxuries

>> No.7347676

Do not fear. The report function was invented to remedy such atrocities.

>> No.7347678

>with the help of years of browsing 4chan
>I can't remember much of what I said
It was probably a hell of a scene. Probably something like
>implying I care about your excuses

>> No.7347679


nah was just going off what I remember from studying japanese for 2 years, fair enough if i'm incorrent, I was not aware that there was a character for "k" devoid of a vowel following it

>> No.7347684

"yukuri shiteite ne" just doesn't seem right, does it?

How about "yuukuri shiteiite ne" does that look right?

>> No.7347689

A small tsu doubles the next consonant.

>> No.7347694


>> No.7347696

You certainly did not study Japanese at all if you forgot the double consonant after a small tsu.

>> No.7347698

yeh I was aware that there were characters to elongate vowels and a character for "n" but not for a lone constanant such as "k"

>> No.7347702

I certainly studied japanese in seattle about 5 years ago

>> No.7347703


Yeah, I have been doing that, not the eroge part though, just some worksafe games like Patchcon and stuff. But what I felt yesterday was different. Picture your typical loud & obese female manager. She decides she wants to go up her career, so she plays power tripping on the plebes, giving us mandatory OT for work she can't finish.

The reasons I gave earlier, when I think about it, were just made up reasons. I fought back because somehow, I have gotten sick of being pushed around.

This sounds like a shonen manga scenario, otaku guy fighting back, without the harem.

>> No.7347704

Then that means you're retarded.

>> No.7347707

Parents can't follow simple instructions in regards to food.

They had been buying cherry tomatoes every day, I wouldn't have said anything but when they asked me if I liked them I decided to say I wanted more variety. They buy some other vegetables for one day, then it's cherry tomatoes again. I tell them I want variety so that when they buy one vegetable, I don't see it again for weeks. They buy the same vegetable they bought when it wasn't cherry tomatoes. I really stress that I want variety, so that I don't see the same vegetable again for at least two weeks, with one type of vegetable each day. They then buy the same two vegetables they had previously bought, all at the same time. They announce their cunning plan to buy three days worth of vegetables, then three days worth of fruit, then three days worth of meat and then repeating, to say nothing of how half the fruit they buy is already off on the first day. I tell them not to do that. They ask me what kind of vegetables I want, because they seem to be stumped that more than two or three vegetables can exist. I say I don't have anything in particular in mind, but list many to prove there is a huge selection. They just buy the same two or three vegetables, one each day. I have clearly said that there should be a two week gap, but that seems to them to be two days gap at the most.

I almost feel like moving out and buying my own things and being free of this incompetence, but I'm much too much of a poor, lazy leech to do that.

>> No.7347711

oh ok thanks for the diagnosis doc

>> No.7347717

If you study a language and then stop and forget about it for a few years it's easy for your knowledge of it to be a bit sketchy, even on the basic level.

That said, forgetting the small tsu is a pretty hard thing to do.

But I say this as someone forgetting katakana, when /jp/ likes to go on about how it learns kana in a day and only a babby could not know.

>> No.7347724
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>cherry tomatoes

>> No.7347726

Just give them a list of what you want each day. If you are unsure of what you want then how can you expect them to know?

>> No.7347727


Nah, don't listen to him. You're just an idiot that's all.

>> No.7347730

I don't think its a stretch to say that Japanese, especially as a written language, is something that is very easy to forget if not excersized regularly

>> No.7347731

You are either too autistic or not autistic enough.

Trying going into hyper autism mode and making a monthly schedule with a list of fruits/vegetables you do want on each day instead of making them guess what you would like, only for you to say you hate it and make them feel like useless idiots.

>> No.7347733

Read the posts you idiot, it's not a single "k", it's
>A small tsu doubles the next consonant.
You spell "hikki" by saying hi- *here's a very long pause, completely alien to most lathin based languages icluding english. Practice it because you'll fuck it up 9999 times before you get it correct* -ki. Yep, glorious master race here whose native language is filled with same kinds of pauses as glorious nihonese.

>> No.7347736

The thesis of a cruel NEET.

Even if an aged parent knocks on the door of the room now.
You merely stare at only the screen, and smile.
A thing reply to kill time is crazy about that you do it.
The only pitiful days when even finding employment does not always go as you want.

But you will notice sometime.
The living not having a far future dream to aim.

The thesis of a cruel NEET.
You fly away from a window before long.
If you betray parents with the lack of the motivation to surge.
It is not yet over this door.
Young men, become a NEET!

It is a parasite all the time.
The house is my cradle.
The tonight is 4chan of the dream again, too.
Morning comes without sleeping.
Moonlight lights up the thin cable.
It wants to pass away with people of the world.

If you meet a friend and talk.
The guy hears it.
"You do what now"

A cruel social rule and pains begin.
When you saw the death of parents and woke practically.
You do not know the world than anyone else.
Young men, become a NEET.

The parent dies leaving money.
You are anxious about the future.
You live without being able to appear in the society.

The thesis of a cruel NEET.
You fly away from a window before long.
If you betray parents with the lack of the motivation to surge.
It is never over this door.
Young men, become a NEET!


>> No.7347748

>only for you to say you hate it and make them feel like useless idiots.
I never say to them I hate a vegetable, I have been fine with them, I just keep stressing the variety in specific terms.

I don't think I'm full autist enough to make a list about it, and part of it was I wanted to be surprised each day, as pathetic as that sounds. I'm just going to let it go. The situation is better now than it was before.

>> No.7347751

Well you could learn the sounds associated with the kana in a day, but if you don't actually repeat every once in a while, or don't read anything in Japanese they're just going to slip away again. Also knowing the sounds associated with the kana does not in any way make you fluent at reading them, that still requires additional practice. So yes /jp/ is mostly full of shit.

>> No.7347752

It's like forgetting an alphabet, for fuck's sake. It's not kanji.

>> No.7347753

Depending on where I go people say it's either a pause or the consonant is carried over to the proceeding syllable. Thus it becomes "hik ki". I don't know which is right, but saying it like that creates an effortless pause.

>> No.7347754

I understand the need to have something other than the same damn thing day in and day out. I think there may be special trays at Walmart that have a variety already. They are often small if I remember.

>> No.7347755

Anyone else reading Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig?

>> No.7347764

A pause is how it should.

>> No.7347768

>No, you can't get "sick from fapping."
Doing too much, can potentially swing the hormone balance off balance, lower your immune system, and could potentially, indirectly make you sick.

Also, the hormone thing off balance can also detoriate your motivation, and can result in a slightly increased lack of care.

Other than this, I doubt over-fapping would do much. But I am no expert.

>> No.7347769

I forgot how to do 3D modeling. I opened up my 3D program and I was derp.

Then I looked for the last thing I had made, it was already two years old. TWO WHOLE DAMN YEARS and I never even noticed.

>> No.7347774

Already finished it, if I may offer some advice, try to to anywhere from 30-50 kanji a day because the whole point of Heisig is to learn the writing and english meaning within a relatively small time frame, if you don't then the advantage of the method is lost on you.

>> No.7347782


That's not how the brain learns languages. You don't just forget things. You might think you did, but you definitely' haven't.

>> No.7347785

It's weird that I can still understand Spanish despite the fact I stopped taking classes for it 4 years ago.

>> No.7347789

How can you think you did when you didn't? If you think you did, then you may as well have, since you clearly aren't able to remember.

I can tell you I sure as hell don't remember all the Italian I did in primary school.

I even forget English vocabulary all the time. Some words I must have looked up 5 times.

>> No.7347793

cool pseudo-science. If someone can't remember something, i'm pretty sure it puts that thing on the same level as "forgotten"

>> No.7347796

Don't take your own brain as an example and apply it to everyone when you're clearly retarded.

>> No.7347806

Do you actively know you remember certain words in english or songs even?

Even you don't know you "remember" it in your head, when the occasion comes, say the song randomly starts playing on the radio, you can hum along.

Same analogy buy for language.

>> No.7347809 [DELETED] 

Is this true? Do they really say type it as ひっき on 2ch? It seems like bullshit that came from /a/ threads where they talk about how they're a hikikomori between going to school.

Why would they say it ひっき instead of simply ひき. I've never seen them say hikki in material where they're talking about hikikomori.

Anyone who has played some VN or reads 2ch should know.

>> No.7347813

I answered my own question with google. I guess it is hikki.

>> No.7347814

I can't think of an instance of them saying either shortened version, only the full word.

>> No.7347848

I live with my parents. I pay this house's electric bill and internet, got the money from easy job on the internet. I'm happy with my hikki days. The problem is, my older sister which is jobless and her child is living here too. And their rebellious living habits always made my mother crying, everytime I heard my mom crying I feel sad too. This demotivational always made me in despair...

>> No.7347851

So many goddamn normalfags in this thread.

>> No.7347862

Can anyone recommend some easy to cook meals? I'd like to have a larger cook book that has meals that are easy to prepare.

>> No.7347874

pernazinum for the depression that apparently manifests as lack of motivation.
citalopramum for psychosis and partially depression too.

also reading up on it,
>It's also being tested for other uses that are yet to be officially approved. These include the significant reduction of symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and premature ejaculation.
i wonder if this is why my fapping time suddenly changed from 10-30 minutes to 2-3 hours.

not like it'll ever matter.

>> No.7347911

stir fry
the infamous "ramen omelette"
frozen vegatbles and pasta
grilled cheese
stuffed peppers
prawns tangiers

not sure if some of those constitute meals but im sure if you dish them up with vegetables then it will be fine.

>> No.7347918

I just cook rice in a rice cooker and fry meat on a frying pan. Easy and fast.

>> No.7348012

same story here with paxil, combine that with adderall and ayou basically cant cum

>> No.7348014

You so asian.

>> No.7348015

THANK YOU, Anonymous. You saved my teeth.

>> No.7348072

Wow. i had bad acid reflux as a child and its come back over the past few years, especially when im drinking heavily. never did i make the connection between that and teeth/bad taste when waking up. thanks anon

>> No.7350364

These threads only reallly seem to work at four in the morning.
