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7343706 No.7343706 [Reply] [Original]

>friend invites a bunch of his friends during our Tohuou game night
>don't know anyone
>everyone ignores me including my friend

>> No.7343717

/jp/ Social Situations

>> No.7343715

>touhou game night
>implying this isn't rewriten copypasta from /v/
>implying you still won't get lots of replies

>> No.7343721
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>> No.7343745

Greentext abuse.

Greentext abuse everywhere.

>> No.7343748

>implying there's a proper way to use greentext

>> No.7343751

>there's a proper way to use greentext
This is it

>> No.7343757

I remember how I hated these situations when I had a friend. I would visit him to do something and then it would turn out to be another 10 persons there at the same time.
Thank god I don't have any friends anymore.

>> No.7343760

2 posts with greentext and you are:
>Greentext abuse everywhere
The fuck?

>> No.7343762



Get out and stay out.

>> No.7343767

>implying implications
why don't you make him tuff guy?
>u mad

>> No.7343779

>u mad


>> No.7343792
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Had a similar thing happen to me today.

A friend and I had people over house for a cook out and drinks.
They all ended up getting drunk while I sat up stairs and stayed on my computer the whole night.
My friend kept trying to get me to come down, and it only pissed me off.
I was looking forward to the night too for some reason, I honestly don't know why the whole situation upset me...

>> No.7343801

It's the loneliness, you want be together with people but you want only these that share some of your interests.

>> No.7343822

reading these kinds of things just make me sad.
I have a few friends now in college, but I rarely open up to them about any kind of anime, touhou, or otherwise /jp/ interests because they often blatantly mock me for it... and then tell me later that it's incredibly rude for people to not be happy for or empathize with a friend's interests

hypocritical bullshit. people suck

>> No.7343826


They did. I mean, not all of them have the exact same interest, but for the most part. I've know them for years as well.

Eh, maybe I'm just a anti-social jerk.

>> No.7343834

You don't drink, and everybody was getting drunk, so you felt excluded and decided not to be that one sober guy surrounded by drunk people.

Get your stupid blog shit out of /jp/, etc.

>> No.7343839

I've no friends, what's the problem with you? You selfish bitch

>> No.7343847

No, that's okay, I know how you feel, I used to be with friends (normals) who actually shared these interests, but as normals, of course, they are more interested in normal relations, sometimes (4/7 of the week) I used to go in party with them, but it feels sad to have to keep lying to yourself and act on a personality that your friends' friends wouldn't be disgusted to be around you.
They moved to other cities, now I only have two of them and they are not neet so I meet them rarely but I enjoy these encounters.
