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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7340507 No.7340507 [Reply] [Original]

Your life is terrible. However, you're still alive.

What's keeping you here?

>> No.7340512

>What's keeping you here?
Reporting awful blog threads.

>> No.7340515

>Your life is terrible

>> No.7340520
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>> No.7340528 [DELETED] 
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"in order to be able to enjoy 2D you ironically have to keep your 3D body alive"

>> No.7340521
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Spiderman is still in print.

>> No.7340522

I want to see how Berserk ends.

>> No.7340525

It will be better when I'm done with college.

>> No.7340527

The fact that I enjoy some things in life.

>> No.7340529

/jp/ is all my life. I'll kill myself when moot deletes /jp/, but not before.

>> No.7340532

Magic. I couldn't die even if I wanted to.

>> No.7340533


>> No.7340538

I need methods..

>> No.7340544

I have some bad news for you.

>> No.7340547
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Two flimsy desks.

>> No.7340548


Jump off a building.

>> No.7340556

Make an exit bag.

>> No.7340557
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1305121482582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to find out if I'm even I'm alive before I can kill myself.

I'm gonna carry that weight.

>> No.7340628

>Your life is terrible. However, you're still alive.

>What's keeping you here?
Because I chose too, I will not let myself die.

>> No.7340633

That fucking scene man.

>> No.7340642


I keep failing at suicide!

>> No.7340657

I have no idea how to kill myself.

>> No.7340666

I can't stand physical pain. Also, killing myself is too much of a hassle, because I may just end up in a hospital, lack proper tools, scared (of the pain), etc.

>> No.7340681

The upcoming releases of animu, VNs and otaku related stuff.
Also, something interesting might happen.

>> No.7340683

Nah, life is a shit game.

>> No.7340686

Don't you think if someone had access to lots of chemicals available in the average home, sharp utensils, high buildings or legal drugs I wouldn't have to come on /jp/ and discuss suicide methods.

>> No.7340688

The way I see it, it is easy to kill yourself. There is just so many ways to die but I'm scared of the pain too and the fact that I have a chance of surviving too. If it wasn't for those things I would have done it long ago and if not then and I decided to keep going for a while till I can't live where I am right now anymore.

>> No.7340693

Okay yeah, you might have misspoke when you said it was on par with the other endings, because it really isn't an ending per se seeing as it just cuts off, but it's definitely one of the more chiling and interesting parts of the story, and you definitely enjoyed it.

>> No.7340697

But my life's pretty damn awesome.
I don't work.
I live with my parents, NEET 4 years running.
I got a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.
I get enough food to be fat.
If I get sick I can afford(well, barely, but still) a doctor.
I have an internet connection, and a moderately outdated PC, so I have all the entertainment I could wish for.
I even get like 15$ a month to spend on whatever I want.

As long as this continues, I ain't complaining.

>> No.7340702

Sohow can one get the russian loliafter Britain destroys germanythe russian territories become britain'sand katerin is nowhere to be foundshould you destroy Russia before that happens? Well, the most realistic thing would be that characters themselves or ones related to them would sometimes say it, when their affection gets high enough.

>> No.7340709

Pleased to meet you Mister Cumming.

>> No.7340714

Too afraid to commit suicide.

>> No.7340729
File: 39 KB, 300x225, HOXHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life is pretty damn awesome, /jp/. Sure, I may have financial troubles, and may not be the most social person, but I'm improving. And better, I'm enjoying myself. Life is a trip that only comes around once, make 'the most of it. Don't beat yourself up over failures, because failures are the only way to learn. Don't feel down over hardship, because hardships make you strong.
Live, damn you!

>> No.7340735

Have 1 suicide attempt on my record.
Apparently, I lived. Next time, I'll be sure to drug myself beforehand, and then hang myself. Definitely won't fail.

>> No.7340739

Half of the planet doesn't have anything to eat while I can live a comfortable NEET life. That's good enough reason for me.

>> No.7340740

Yukkuri's sole purpose in life is to be tortured and/or killed.

>> No.7340743

My life isn't terrible yet, but will most likely be soon.

That will be the time.

>> No.7340750

My real life hasn't begun yet.

>> No.7340758
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Think of it this way, /jp/.

If you kill yourself, the "alpha" douchebags win.

You're the only thing stopping them from taking over the world.

Don't let them win! Live your life out of spite! And even if you're miserable on the inside, show the world a smiling face because that will make your enemies even more miserable!

(And if you insist on dying, take ten or twenty douchebags down with you. (Or many more if you have the patience to go the serial killer route instead of suicide bomber route.))

>> No.7340763

Unlike you, I hold no hate toward these "alpha douchebags"

Though I find them unlikeable, killing another human being because I find them disagreeable is beyond childish.

>> No.7340770
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I keep telling myself that also.

>> No.7340772

Don't forget that they'd happily kill you if they had the chance and thought they could get away with it. That's how an alpha thinks.

>> No.7340773

I was an idiot and tried overdosing. Didn't work out too well. Some of my internal organs have problems now due to the attempt, and while I was in the hospital I had a hallucination that had my waifu look at me with tearfilled eyes.

So far her only spoken words to me are "Keep going. You will be by my side when you do die, but I don't want to see you here so soon. Go live your life."

So I am.

>> No.7340780

That's beautiful.

>> No.7340781
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Take some politicians. You get the idea.

>> No.7340859
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Stop thinking about suicide, anon. Being suicidal is not cute unless you're a 2D girl, so you should stop having those stupid ideas.

>> No.7340865

Trying to stop my friends from killing themselves.

>> No.7340868

Yeah, serial killers really need to grow up.

>> No.7340876

Damn it, Anon. Stop giving me reasons to live.
Making me aware that my waifu would be unhappy is a low blow.

>> No.7340887

If it makes you feel any better, your waifu isn't real.

>> No.7340889

1 Attempt? Are you serious?

I try something at least every 3-5 days. It's nearly daily routine for me, and for rest of TRUE NEETs of /jp/ too.

>> No.7340895


That sounds kind of nice. For some reason I don't have hallucinations ever, or anyone telling me to keep going on. But I do so anyways.

>> No.7340896

How can you be so bad at killing yourself?

>> No.7340913

>try something at least every 3-5 days.
No really, how incompetent can you be?
Man the fuck up and hang yourself. At least my attempt was serious, and I almost died (without my knowledge; I thought was alright).

>> No.7340914

Well, I was in a very bad shape. Had to spend a week in the mental ward as well.

Spent all day watching Syfy movies instead of /jp/.

>> No.7340917

That's why there are almost only casuals nowadays. Almost all the true /jp/ers already left.

>> No.7340923


I see. I've never had a mental breakdown or anything like that, although I feel like I'm getting closer to it as the days go by.

>> No.7340925


>> No.7340928
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>You will be by my side when you do die

>My face when my waifu is Botan.

Also i SERIOUSLY keep living because I SERIOUSLY hope that there will be cyborg body like in ghost in the shell before I die and then have my brain put in a loliborg.

>> No.7341587
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I'm scared of death. The notion that my brain will shut itself off for eternity and my perceptions only exist once is terrifying. I'd rather just live my life.

Pic related. Even if you hate the things you do, you might not hate yourself. The human mind is most advanced result of ~4 billion years of cell devision from a ~14 billion year old universe, killing yourself would just be an insult to that kind of technology.

>> No.7341640
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as miserable as i am, I blame all of my loneliness, hate and malice on my surroundings. its those people like my parents and social fags making me the dejects i am today. I rather kill everyone on this planet [legally somehow] than suiciding, well sense wise.

>> No.7341655

I'm working on improving myself
started seeing a therapist
life is good

>> No.7341661

Don't you know about Gensokyo?

>> No.7341664

enjoy ur life of delusions

>> No.7341679

don't blame your problems on other people just because you can't ignore people. your preteen destructive emotions are just because you're not getting what you want and also because you never took the time to think about yourself and your own life.

>> No.7341683

What good is Gensokyo if you can't perceive it?

>> No.7341688
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Because i got achievements to unlock for my waifu.

>> No.7341689


I'm trying to improve too. But I keep losing every time. One step forward, two steps back and then pushed down a ladder...

>> No.7341698

There are no legal way to buy a gun in my country, I have no connections whatsoever to use illegal way, and other methods seem to scary / painful/ unreliable for me.

>> No.7341700

Lucid dream.

>> No.7341702

has explosives and improvised ammunition along with homemade guns

>> No.7341703

forgot my shit

>> No.7341706

My life isn't all too bad. I'm living a comfortable NEET life with a decent amount of money I get to spend on whatever I want.
I mean sure, it's extremely boring, repetitive and monotonous, but that's life for you.

>> No.7341707
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Because there's still a few visual novels I need to read and some games I need to beat.

I don't plan to live past New Year's though, so don't worry.

>> No.7341709

Extreme NEET here. What are you trying to do to improve your life? Are you talking about functioning normally or building a career?

I have the first part down but the second has been completely futile... and it starts a vicious cycle because it's hard to function normally when I have nothing and I'm constantly bored for the latter three quarters of the day due to lack of motivation.

>> No.7341710

wtf? i am already 20 yrs old. i did think about my life, but my parents never approves, even till now they still don't know shit about me. i am always that social outcast in every group/class/activity.

>> No.7341712
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Ruger just made a 1911, and I haven't bought one yet.

>> No.7341739


I'm trying to improve my character. Becoming less perverted, more caring, less reckless and destructive. Being able to control myself. Don't really care about jobs or anything like that.

>> No.7341740

You're 20 years old already. You don't need your parents' approval. Being a social outcast to your parents/siblings/childhood friends is called growing up.

Guess what? Parents are people too. They often have some amount of unconditional love, but don't let that delude you into thinking they see you as somebody they must obey and know everything about.

You'll forever be stuck in one position if you give a shit about what anybody thinks. It's called being insecure.

(sorry, what the fuck am I doing giving advice on /jp/?)

>> No.7341748

if you argue about people are free to choose their own mindset then you are wrong. nobody become what they are today because that's what they always wanted without external influence.
its because of those dipshit influenced us in a bad way on the day we were born, we are now all social outcast.

>> No.7341772

I see. Stopping and being self-aware is important.

I'm trying to earn money because having 24 hours of free time is driving me insane. (And only the first 2 hours after I wake up are spent productively)

>> No.7341777

The thought of a better tomorrow. I can hear the little girls crying. Can you feel it? Do not cry, my child. Come closer. Do not run. Do not walk.


I'm crying now
I'm crying now
I'm crying now
I'm crying now
I'm crying now
I'm crying now
I'm crying now

>> No.7341783

fear, also the government has made it harder to purchase items that grant a painless suicide, the only methods left are the painful ones, thus fear.

>> No.7341786

Assuming you live in the US, just buy a gun.

>> No.7341789


I see. Everyone says I'm too hard on myself, but I see the opposite as being true. Maybe I should do something productive, perhaps that would help in my endeavors.

>> No.7341791

My immediate family and my hobbies. That's it. I would be slamming speedballs until my heart explodes if it wasn't for guilt and a sense of responsibility.

...and Hakurei Reimu.

>> No.7341799

>Your life is terrible.
No it's not.

>> No.7341801


I don't want a gun you fucking dumb cunt. I want a surefire method that will kill me and be instant and painless.

>> No.7341804


>> No.7341827

My hobbies, joy, and my love. My happiness ought to justify existence itself.

>> No.7341835
File: 41 KB, 1350x561, betterthingstodothansuicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life isn't terrible, but if it became like that, I'd just do this:

>> No.7341840


I just failed hardcore right there....

But I don't give a shit.

>> No.7341842

I see. I know what it's like, In middle school shut myself in my room for 4 months, and left my room once a day for the fridge. This was mainly because I suddenly realized how retarded and bratty I was, did a full 180 and then people would still treat me like shit based on how I was in the past even though I actually did change. So after that, I basically came out and stopped talking to absolutely everyone, essentially becoming the social outcast I needed to be. From there I was able to do what I wanted, which wasn't much at all.

What I'm trying to say is that it IS possible to change your mindset. It's just very difficult.

>> No.7341844

only get one shot at life. May as well live it out even if it's "terrible"

>> No.7341849

The moron who wrote the post on this picture has no idea what depression is.

>> No.7341856
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>> No.7341861

I found that to be the most uplifting thing I've been presented with all day.

>> No.7341869
File: 171 KB, 1024x768, [wallcoo_com]_PhotoBook_Horikita_Maki_NS_EYES_No_2_072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine my life will be better once I finished college and moved out of my parents house. I'm 27 now. My dream is to marry a cute japanese woman and travel the world with her, grow old, maybe have kids. She doesn't have to be pretty or anything. I just want a loving companion who shares some of my interests and resembles my ideal picture of a partner is some ways.

I know this will probably never happen, but it's the idea that keeps me motivated to live on. I wouldn't kill myself anyway. I used to do a lot of shrooms, LSD and stuff and I came to know that we do not really exist anyway, because we're all one. So suicide is pointless for me.

>> No.7341870

Good luck. Any type of lasting progress will make you better off than most people.

>> No.7341876

Why should I care if I'm a social outcast on a planet full of normals? There is no one left for me here to even be friends with besides maybe some of you guys here at /jp/. Right now I really only have 2 friends and those will probably be the last I ever see in my life. See the hate on myself is brought on to me by the world around me forcing me to be a certain way and keeping my thoughts to myself or I would get killed by a delusional crowd of normals with pitch forks and torches for doing nothing but being myself and minding my own business. Because of this I wish I had the ability to be the most hated man in the world so they can openly feel the hate I have for them too, then we would both stay away from each other forever. People now unless they can actually get along with me only make my life more shit and my life will continue to go down hill from here and while that goes down the only thing I can do is lift myself up into the clouds until I have to go back down and deal with shit again where the only thing that keeps me in line is my own hate.

>> No.7341877

It forces me to breath, eat, sleep and fap. Once I've satisfied those four basic needs, life reaches the status of 'bearable' and thinking about suicide is now more a burden than a solution.

Yet again, I leech from my parents and have only limited responsibilities at the university since I take the minimum required courses on the semester. So I have all this free time and money an spend it all either reading, watching or fapping to 2D porn.
Thinking it over, life is not that bad after all. I'd never change my life style for a whorish wife, a full-time job, 3 hour commute and a freckly-faced kid. I can't help it but feel sorry for other human beings as I see them leaving to work from my basement window. I try not to think much about it, anyway.

>> No.7341899

You're welcome
Ask yourself the following questions:

What problems do I see with my current life
What do I want my life to look like
Am I willing to take the steps to make my life look like that
Why am I letting myself get trapped in the cycle of "I'm depressed because my life sucks because I'm depressed because..."

Oh and if all else fails, brainwash yourself. Literally tell a lie to yourself every day that you are awesome. Why? Because if you repeat a lie enough it becomes the truth.

>> No.7341911

It's not impossible, infact your goal is pretty normal. If you can make it in Japan, you can find a woman who would live with you. As for personal interests, you should find a guy to hang out with.

>> No.7341917

holy shit, are you me?
this thread depresses me on one hand, but on the other it makes be feel better knowing I'm not the only one having these thoughts.

>> No.7341927

(Besides the drugs. too scared of panic attacks to try hallucinogenics.)

>> No.7341930

What a perfect plan. Why hadn't I thought of it before?

>> No.7341962

Calm down. The world isn't worth hating. It's disappointing, but not something to personally get emotionally involved with. You can make more friends, I've personally never seen a small, lonely group of people with ambition not grow. The world actually ISN'T full of normals, however we get along socially because we hold everything back and APPEAR to adapt. If you're with a stranger for a week or live with someone, you'll realize they have problems like EVERYONE ELSE.

There's always room to progress.

>> No.7341966


Perhaps so. We'll see if I do make it though. I am pretty much a failure at everything I do, so who knows?


I hate lying to myself. It's the worst thing I can do, I believe.

>> No.7341975

Because the only thing I have to end it is a ritual dagger, and I fear the pain I would be in if I slit my throat. I'm not afraid of dying, just the pain beforehand.

>> No.7341993

LOL there is actually nothing to be afraid off.
Yes, the stage where you reach "ego-death" is by some described as the worst thing they could ever imagine. Some say they would prefer REALLY dying instead of experiencing it again. But for me it was the ultimate "letting go" of basically everything.

I will say the psychedelic experience is not for everyone.
It enlightened me, but it can also forever ruin you. It's just a matter of your own capability to handle the truth. To dive through the very fabric of reality and get a tiny glimpse of eternity.

>> No.7342006

I am in love with this world and everything in it. Especially you guys (when it feels like /jp/ anyway).

I also know how to take it easy so life is one big fun ride.

>> No.7342023

Slicing your throat open isn't scary once you realize you can't do anything about the pain once it occurs. Much like death, the pain is inevitable.

>> No.7342043

Life wasn't so bad until I started working. Seven months later and I already think about killing myself everyday. To think I probably can't survive in this society without working for the rest of my life makes suicide seem like a very attractive option.

>> No.7342052

True. Maybe the next time I'm in that one state I'll do it. It's weird, on some occasions after doing ritual work, I begin to feel.... like nothing. No emotions, barely any thoughts, nothing. It's at times like that that I would kill myself.

>> No.7342058

Funds. Also, mahjong.

>> No.7342060

Sacrifice yourself to the gap demon.

>> No.7342062

I feel the same way and I'm in a similar situation. It reminds me of that passage from A Confederacy of Dunces about the abomination of self-improvement and the perversion of having to actually go to work.

You guys need to read that book actually. I can guarantee if you aren't a normal you will LOVE it.

>> No.7342073

Nigga, I'm a magician. I work with demons, not for them.

>> No.7342105


Afraid of fucking up and causing mental retardation. Afraid of fucking up and being found out that I attempted suicide and being permanently bared from any work that isn't shit.

>> No.7342108

I actually live for 4chan threads that attempt to make me depressed by telling me my life is terrible and that I should kill myself.

Thanks OP

>> No.7342118

They legally cannot do that. If you live in the States that is. Plus that falls off your record after 2 years anyway.

here. I also cannot "legally" buy a gun in Illinois. Good thing I live out of state of the hospital I was sent to.

>> No.7342164

my life is a great pleasure filled with eroge and animu. i shall never abandon it, unless i can play eroge in hell or go to Gensokyo. and i don't believe in hell nor Gensokyo, i'm just gonna disappear as a person and go back to being one with the rest of the world, so it's pointless.
also, my dog needs me. nobody else could handle this adhd son of a bitch.

actually, i wanted to commit suicide this morning, but i fell asleep in the middle, what a fail. woke up about 15h later and i have no clue what was i thinking. don't think i'm ever really gonna go an hero, as long as i'm sober i feel pretty ok with my life, it's fun.
not to mention any unsuccessful suicide attempt that gets found out means i'd have to stay two weeks at the hospital, which is a huge pain in the ass. i'm so glad i avoided it.

>> No.7342364
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>What's keeping you here?

Being alive is suffering. But every fascinating idea (like gensokyo) has it's source in this world and our power of imagination.
To combine this with the power of creation is my purpose to live. At least there is no better job to do.

>> No.7342452

>delete hot glue
>leave this shit
