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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7334989 No.7334989 [Reply] [Original]

What's your talent /jp/?

>> No.7334994

Being able to be on /jp/ for long periods of time

>> No.7334997

I can crack my fingers and touch my nose with my tongue

>> No.7335000

Staying up late browsing /jp/ instead of sleeping when I have a final exam tomorrow.

>> No.7335002
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Get out of /jp/ and go to sleep.

>> No.7335007

After carrying something my arm gets stuck/locked in that position and makes a very loud cracking noise when I put it back down at my side. Hurts too for some reason.

Now that I think about it, my joints crack and get locked up a lot.

>> No.7335010

I'm pretty good at not being good at anything.

>> No.7335012
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quality posts

>> No.7335014

Ignoring things that I shouldn't ignore.
I think I should be at an exam right now.

>> No.7335018

Getting banned for insulting the moderation. My second talent is shit posting.

>> No.7335019

Go away Sudo.

>> No.7335020

Get out of /jp/.

Right now.

>> No.7335023

I can crack my nose and touch my fingers with my tongue. But I stopped cracking my nose after I had a surgery and they told me I shouldn't do it anymore.

>> No.7335024
File: 14 KB, 272x245, 1302230798609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun: I can turn my eyes completely crimson red and laugh my ass off.

Practical: I'm an engineer (programmer), you depend on someone like me 40+ times a day for your very life. Much more than 40 if you're a stereotypical /jp/er and/or have a heart pacemaker.

Scary, isn't it? Do kiss my ass.

>> No.7335027

Posters like you are even worse problem than normalfriends.

>> No.7335028

Surviving through life by the very tips of my fingers.
It's only slightly short of a miracle I'm not a homeless bum right now.

>> No.7335029

He has to take his fucking exam.

>> No.7335030


>> No.7335033


>> No.7335035

I always wondered what is written on this image
If someone can translate...

>> No.7335037 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 901x626, untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an artist, I'm a performance artist. I'm hired for people to fulfill their fantasies, their DEEP♂DARK♂FANTASIES

>> No.7335038

This image is one of the reason I started going on /jp/. I saw it once as a reply to some post but didn't think anything of it until when I was trying to sleep. I started to think about the girl in the picture and couldn't stop thinking about her but was too tired to get up and look for the thread. By the time I woke up, I couldn't find the thread with that picture. The only details I remember was the post on the computer, tea, and that expression. I tried to google this information and looked it up as tags in image hosting sites, but no luck. I wanted to see her face, that expression again. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really wanted to see her, just one more time so that I can save the image and look at it any time I want. But I didn't want to be a bad poster and request some image I don't fully remember, and I knew if I stayed on /jp/ long enough, I'll see this picture again. I'm filled with a excited, bitter happiness after finally being able to reunite with her. Sorry for the off topic post. I guess my talent would be being this idiotic and pathetic.

>> No.7335041

the girl writes a reply "I laughed so hard I spilled my tea"
then drinks tea and spills it for consistency

>> No.7335044

ah, thank you

>> No.7335047

I fucking love happy endings. ;_:

>> No.7335049

I've almost mastered being able to move each of my eyeballs independently.

>> No.7335050

being able master the power of of autism

>> No.7335052

I can be moe

>> No.7335064

I'm glad you finally found that image, anon.

My talent? I'm here all day every day armed with sage like a silent guardian, a watchful protector, A Dark Knight.
This is about to come to an end though, as I'm being forced out of being NEET. Classes start in 3 months.;_;

>> No.7335065

I can slay threads with a single macro.

>> No.7335073

Classes, huh. My cousin told me that she wants me to take a class with her so I can help her study. Shortly after that she told me that she likes to make fun of me simply because of how I react.

>> No.7335107

How cruel..3D truly are the worst.

>> No.7335220


Be sure not to save the image. If you do, you'll lose your reason for going on.

>> No.7335227
File: 67 KB, 634x476, 1300596586001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

