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7332128 No.7332128 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7332134

Me under the girl.

>> No.7332141

too bishie to be /jp/

>> No.7332142

/jp/ as the girl being a complete whore.

>> No.7332155

Me the blood splatter specialist hiding in the bushes.

>> No.7332172

me watching from the window

>> No.7332175


true blue

>> No.7332178

Me inside the house, talking to my internet friends about the promiscuous nature of women.

>> No.7332185

the "my vagina has been trained and can no longer by satisfied by your dick/half-assed sex" is so cliche on NTR stories now

>> No.7332194

But that's exactly how it works in real life.

>> No.7332205

It will never stop being hot though.

>> No.7332213

Me in the car guiltily masturbating.

>> No.7332218

NTR is too real, i dont know how it can be enjoyed, but thats my opinion.
personally i'll stick with imoutos and traps.

>> No.7332232

When your girlfriend cheats on you, she is actually trying to turn you on.

>> No.7332250

Me trying to steal the car

>> No.7332262

Holy shit. True Blue. I need to get back to playing that.

>> No.7332265

as if my pure and fictional waifu would ever be stained by some macho nobody

jokes on you op

>> No.7332273

I fap to NTR. It gives me a boner like no other. That feel when the one you love gets fucked in front of you.

>> No.7332278

I've always put myself in the place of the guy NTRing...

>> No.7332296

Well I identify with the girl.

>> No.7332300

I agree. NTR is exactly the kind of shit I wanted to avoid by dedicating myself to 2D.

Now that I think about it, NTR was probably invented by scheming women who wanted to pollute our only safe haven.

>> No.7332308

i knew you would, slut.

>> No.7332318

NTR is god's gift to mankind.

>> No.7332322


Congrats, you probably have a normal self esteem

>> No.7332334

I usually don't mind NTR, unless it's some fat fuck or some old guy.
Like, famires menu 1 was fine but I hated 2.

>> No.7332337

Personally, I wouldn't care if she turned into a super slut. I would leave and find a girl that wasn't a super slut.

But I suppose I'm in the minority, seeing as I'm not a masochist.

>> No.7332340

He's still pretending he's a character in porn.

>> No.7332343
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>> No.7332345

Yaoi NTR is kinda funnier.

>> No.7332350

2D's value has nothing to do with purity. But malleability, and that you can experience something without needing to do it for real. Like it or lump it.

>> No.7332351


He's not identifying with the loser guy, though. I think that says a lot about someone's psychology.

>> No.7332354

sorry for being a noob but what does NTR mean?
inb4 use a google you lazy ass

>> No.7332365
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Being called generic would be an improvement for me.

>> No.7332364
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>> No.7332360

Use Google you waste of air.

>> No.7332358

back to g/a/ia

>> No.7332359

use a google you lazy ass

>> No.7332373

I enjoyed this show too much, I think.

>> No.7332376

Don't even think for a second that NTR fetishists are anything but a vocal minority. Even most masochists think they're fucked up.

>> No.7332397

This show was bad. 3 episodes in, I just wanted them to fuck already. I was really disappointed at the ending, too.

>> No.7332405

They end up fucking in the manga. And she stays faithful.

>> No.7332408

It was a good show.

>> No.7332415

And what I want to experience is to not worry about getting cheated on or anything like that. It would be fine if all NTR material told you up front that it catered to that fetish, but for some reason, authors love surprising you with it. It would be completely unacceptable with any other extreme fetish. Imagine playing a normal eroge and getting to a sex scene with one of the heroines, when she suddenly shits on the protagonist's face, and from there on the whole route is focused on the protagonist coming to terms with getting shat on and starting to get turned on by it. The vast majority of people would find that outrageous.

Just knowing that there might be a few eroge out there containing NTR, without giving a proper warning for it, really unsettles me. There's no reason I should put up with having to worry about things like that.

>> No.7332418

Just found this. I'm new to it too.


>> No.7332430

well NTR can be fun if done well. though i have no clue why would anyone choose NTR over something else of the same quality.

>> No.7332458
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>when she suddenly shits on the protagonist's face, and from there on the whole route is focused on the protagonist coming to terms with getting shat on and starting to get turned on by it.

Surprising amounts of want.
Go create this eroge now.

>> No.7332462

Harden the fuck up.

>> No.7332463

Just about all NTR eroge do tell you up front. When there's a single NTR scene in a game it's not for the sake of appealing to NTR fetishists, it's for plot purposes, like creating drama by having a heroine get raped.

>> No.7332469
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>use a google

>> No.7332504

>The Japanese word “netorare” means being cuckolded

Second paragraph in and he's wrong. That's one bad start. I didn't read the rest, but he's probably wrong since he doesn't even know what cuckolding means.

Cuckolding is a fetish where you want to see your lover have sex with another man and enjoy it. Netorare is where you get your lover stolen. The subject of netorare doesn't need to enjoy it in the least for it to happen.

Netorare is basically cheating. Differentiating between types of "cheating"(netorare) is only important if you're describing what you're doing/happened or you're playing an eroge. If you're taking the lover of another man then it's netori. If you're lover is stolen then it's netorare. Both happen simultaneously, so unless you're trying to be specific stealing, or stolen doesn't matter it's all netorare in every media except visual novels and no one gives a shit about those crappy games and their babby audience.

>> No.7332511

Since you didn't make it a sentence without getting something wrong, I don't think that you're one to talk.

>> No.7332519

Why don't netori and netorare happen simultaneously in eroge?

>> No.7332562

You're a frustrated baby. What a great one liner that shitty post was, right? Try pointing out a single mistake.

They can, but don't usually. You're playing a character in a visual novel. You're either the guy stealing the girl, thus netori or the guy getting your girl stolen, so it's netorare.

>> No.7332601

>Cuckolding is a fetish where you want to see your lover have sex with another man and enjoy it
Wrong. Cuckolding just means being betrayed by your wife. It doesn't imply anything about the victim of it enjoying it. It's just that as a fetish, it's used more about real life situation than in fiction, making it rare for anyone to engage in it as a fetish unless they enjoy it.
>The subject of netorare doesn't need to enjoy it in the least for it to happen.
Technically true, but they usually do end up enjoying it. This is what annoys me when NTR fetishists try to defend themselves by saying it's about the betrayal and rage, because nearly all protagonists in NTR stories unconditionally forgive their girlfriend and/or find themselves getting turned on by it.

In short, the only difference between cuckolding and NTR is that cuckolding is can be used for any situation where your lover sleeps with someone else than you, whether it's with your consent, by her own initiative or if she got pushed into it, while NTR heavily implies that another man took her from you. So basically, NTR is a specific type of cuckolding.

>> No.7332647
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>> No.7332682

>Wrong. Cuckolding just means being betrayed by your wife
Yeah, actually it doesn't. I can't believe you're that stupid. Try spending 10 seconds looking up what it means before you assume the definition. You've obviously not familiar with cuckolding material, or even what simply "cheating" means. You aren't a cuckold if your wife cheats. I'm sure most men would punch you in the face if you called them a cuckold after learning their wife/girlfriend cheated on them.
>A cuckold can also be a male who gains sexual gratification out of watching his partner have intercourse with other people

>but they usually do end up enjoying it...etc...
Yeah, nope.

You're wrong on all counts. Stick with your consensual visual novels, kid. Let those of who actually follow the netorare genre discuss what it means and what "usually" happens. You're clearly a fucking retard. I shouldn't have expected much from someone who just posts a one liner with "you wrong".

>> No.7332713

source on op plz??
i need to fap

>> No.7332718

What the hell. What is wrong with you. I can't even imagine how you could try using that wikipedia article against me, when it clearly shows my point. I'm going to need to quote the first line of that article a few times over to make sure that you manage to catch it.

>Cuckold is a derogatory term for a man whose wife is or has been unfaithful.
>Cuckold is a derogatory term for a man whose wife is or has been unfaithful.
>Cuckold is a derogatory term for a man whose wife is or has been unfaithful.

As for the line you quoted, I'm gonna have to put the same emphasis on a certain part of that sentence.
>A cuckold can also be a male who gains sexual gratification out of watching his partner have intercourse with other people
>cuckold can also be
>can also

If you can't comprehend that, I would have better luck getting through to someone who doesn't understand English.

>> No.7332723

>What is wrong with you.
It's called trolling. This guy has been shitting all over NTR threads lately.

>> No.7332725

Read the thread, dumbass.

>> No.7332732

>Yeah, actually it doesn't.
Yes it does, the definition of cuckold is a man married to an unfaithful wife.

Also, the wiki article says cuckold = netorare.
Shows how much you can trust wiki.

>> No.7332752

Have you never seen a single cuckold video on the internet? Here's how to turn a video from vanilla porn to cuckold porn. Have a crying guy sitting in the corner who then may or may not begin jacking off towards the end.

>> No.7332763

People only use the term cuckold in a derogatory manner if the male stays together with a female who has cheated. It'd be use to insult your typical beta 4chaner who's too desperate to leave his cheating girlfriend.

>can also
You're trying to grasp for straws so hard. The actual definition that's used to describe the term cuckolding is as I defined. Using the term as a derogatory insult doesn't change the actual definition of the word, which you don't know.

>Wrong. Cuckolding just means being betrayed by your wife. It doesn't imply anything about the victim of it enjoying it.
See that part? See the rest of that sentence? See the rest of your post? It doesn't imply that cuckold is used in a derogatory manner, and it doesn't even attempt to define how it's used in a derogatory manner. You attempted to define what cuckolding was and you're fucking wrong.

In fact, even after reading what it means you're still wrong. You're the one who doesn't understand English, child.

>A cuckold can also be a male who gains sexual gratification out of watching his partner have intercourse with other people. Participation can range from simply watching, to being forced to join in or even forced to give sexual gratification to the other male also.

See that's the definition, child. It's used in a derogatory manner because no one wants to be described as that.

>> No.7332768

>argument over a definition
Why not just not use the words in question if we can't agree on anything?

>> No.7332780

I like how you're using "can also" to mean "this is the primary and only definition." The kind of mental gymnastics required for that must be amazing.

>> No.7332824

The derogatory term used to insult people is a cuckold. You'd call them a cuckold, usage would be: You're a fucking cuckold. Saying "cuckolding" implies the person is participating in the act of cuckolding, which is defined as gaining sexual gratification by watching your partner engaging in intercourse with another man.

Not really. I'm sure fucker and fucking have the definition in your book too? Cuckold as a noun used in a derogatory manner is different than cuckolding as a verb. Adult material uses the verb to describe the act that's taking place, not the noun as an insult.

>> No.7332848

>You'd call them a cuckold, usage would be: You're a fucking cuckold.

This is some kind of zen of being retarded. Congratulations.

>> No.7332877

Original argument: Netorare is cuckolding.
Wrong. Netorare doesn't imply the husband/boyfriend gaining sexual sexual gratification.

>Second argument: I'm using cuckold as a derogatory term so they're a little bit related since they both involve the wife/girlfriend cheating.
I'm laughing at this one, you couldn't even properly back pedal into that. Netorare isn't a derogatory term used in a similar manner to cuckold at all. You didn't define it using the terms attributed to the term cuckold the way it's used in a derogatory manner.

Third argument: you wrong ;_; i rite.

If you think you can casually call someone a cuckold because their wife/girlfriend cheated on them like in a netorare situation, then enjoy getting your face busted open. It's an offensive term when used in the derogatory manner. Not that you'd ever have friends to talk with casually like that though, let alone any who are married/with a girlfriend.

You think most netorare ends with the boyfriend/husband enjoying it "usually". At that point anyone who isn't a retard like yourself knew you're full of shit.
