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File: 66 KB, 512x346, slut5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7327333 No.7327333 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else been to Boston's Slutwalk?

>> No.7327340
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>> No.7327343
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>> No.7327348
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>> No.7327352

Sometimes I wish Hitler won the war, he would've put a stop to bullshit like this.

>> No.7327353

I hope these people get fired from their jobs.

>> No.7327355

Is this real?

>> No.7327365
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>> No.7327367


>> No.7327368

Why are women so terrible?

>> No.7327369
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>> No.7327370
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>> No.7327376

damn this is so ironic

>> No.7327378
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>> No.7327382
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>> No.7327384

can you at least shitpost about cartoons please

>> No.7327387

So a bunch of women are strutting around in provocative clothing calling each other sluts, and all they're asking for is a little respect? Is this supposed to make sense?

>> No.7327389
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>> No.7327391

>Slut.jpg Slut1.jpg Slut2.jpg Slut5.jpg
theres obviously more
googled and got this, is this where you got your set?

>> No.7327393

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7327396


>> No.7327418

>"This is a walk to protest both slut-shaming and rape culture. It's a walk to take back the word SLUT in order to show that the nature of your being is not determined by how many sexual partners you have,"

I don't get it. Are they protesting that sluts shouldn't be ashamed or the definition of slut is incorrect?

Either one is retarded as fuck.

>> No.7327421

So they want to wear provocative clothes but don't want people looking at them in a sexual manner? I'm confused... Wearing slutty clothes will always grab someone's attention, not necessarily sexual attention either.

>> No.7327422

And what's the point? Don't they have any selfrespect?

>> No.7327428

>3d women

>> No.7327435

I don't really care what other people do, but this is disgusting.

>> No.7327438
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>> No.7327441

They're women, being retarded is natural for them.

>> No.7327446

If they get raped while dressed like a slut, the guy should still be persecuted, but they were nevertheless asking for it. Sexually attracting men is a form of power, but they are fully aware of the fact that it can backfire and always go to a risk when wielding that power.
Unlike in Muslim societies, women in the Western world have a choice to wear slutty outfits. But just like with alcohol, being given a freedom doesn't automatically mean that it's smart to abuse it to the fullest.

>> No.7327455

Someone should've showed up at the demonstration wearing a Sanae costume.


>> No.7327456

Perhaps it's not the best way to say it, but the cause is fair, women shouldn't be raped because just because they are wearing provocative clothes

Whatever, I hate these mysogynia threads.

>> No.7327460

And not one attractive woman in any of these photos. Who would have thought?

>> No.7327462

Not an appropriate analogy. Drinking too much is directly harming yourself. Dressing like a slut doesn't harm you, someone else chooses to harm you.

>> No.7327465

These kind of things make me hate women so much.

>> No.7327466


that goes without saying and you said it so get out.

>> No.7327468

>Dressing like a slut doesn't harm you
Except it does. It harms your social status.

>> No.7327471

Being a hikki also hurts your social status, who cares about it anyway.

>> No.7327474

What would have been nice is an anti-slutwalk.

>> No.7327476

I don't think anybody is arguing that the raper should be prosecuted regardless of what the rapee was wearing.

A cop simply said that dressing like a slut is going to increase the likelihood of getting raped, and they're protesting this obvious fact because they're retarded as fuck.

I really wish there was a way to punish this idiocy.

>> No.7327485

go and rape one of them
that'd show 'em

>> No.7327500

If I walk around with dollar bills hanging out of my pockets, I'm more likely to get robbed. Maybe I should start a walk - "dollars bills hanging out of my pockets is NOT an invitation to robbery!" I'm sure that will dissuade potential criminals.

>> No.7327504

>"show the world that SLUT is something to be proud of."

Seriously? Having sex with strangers and spreading STDs is something to be proud of? How?

That's even dumber than gay pride, and that's dumb as fuck.

>> No.7327511

No he said if women don't want to get raped they shouldn't dress like sluts. The way he phrased it shifted blame onto women for being raped. Why did he tell women not to dress like sluts but not tell men not to rape women? That's the mindset our society still has, that the victim is to blame for being raped.

>> No.7327512

I'm sure no one would convict you if you stole someone's wallet after they took it out of their pocket.

>> No.7327514

It happens when you're raised in a utopia. Kids growing up in first world countries today have no real problems, but they want to feel like they're working towards something (as long as it doesn't involve actual work, that is) so stupid shit like this happens.

>> No.7327517

That's stupid because that's exactly what the definition of a slut IS.

That's like having a retardwalk and using signs that say, "JUST BECAUSE I'M STUPID, DOESN'T MEAN I'M NOT SMART"

>> No.7327521

This is only one of the many reasons I sleep with my Dakimakura and nobody else.

>> No.7327524

It increases the risk of getting harmed, like leaving your $2000 computer in a public place. Sure, if someone steals it he should still be prosecuted if caught, but it was stupid of you regardless and you don't deserve the kind of compassion someone should get if his apartment is broken into.
Slutty women are playing with the sex drive of men, and should be conscious of it being a very dangerous toy. I mean I'm sure there are lots of men who'd never rape a woman under normal circumstances no matter what they dress like, but add alcohol or other drugs to the mix and who knows what will happen.

>> No.7327526

I think they want the word slut to disappear, kind of how you aren't allowed to use the word retard or male man anymore.

>> No.7327529

Prancing around like an idiot with a gold rolex and an iPhone does not give anyone the right to steal from me.

>> No.7327531

I agree women shouldn't be raped for wearing provocative clothes and men shouldn't be excused for that.

But it's the equivalent of someone who never locks the door complaining he got his things stolen.

>> No.7327537

But if you lock the door they will just break your window.

>> No.7327541

I'll start caring about women getting raped when it becomes possible to prosecute a woman for raping a man.

>> No.7327543

Sure, in an ideal world we wouldn't have to worry about people being, you know, bad people, but truth is there are bad people and prancing around with a rolex while knowing that fact makes you retard.
Tell the thus menacing you at knife point that he hasn't the right to do so, by all means.

>> No.7327545

What a fucking double standard, I , as a guy, would love to go out in public wearing frilly dresses or short skirts, but nope. I'd get kicked out of places, or worst, get beat up by skinheads or something.


>> No.7327546

Oh Hai

I'm just your average Amurikan citizen

I carry a small gun on myself because HUMANS are actually pretty scary creatures and I refuse to let my only form of self defense be a high school grad who was given a license to interpret the laws with his high school level brain

My sister also carries


>> No.7327549

Fucking America, dumbfucks and sluts on every corner.

>> No.7327550

Show me a single rape case that was thrown out because the woman was dressed like a slut. Because I can tell you that would never happen. Rape cases are only thrown out when there's a mountain of evidence proving the man's innocence, otherwise any slut can accuse a man of rape and win. There should be a march against women regretting having sex and then accusing an innocent man of rape if anything. That happens every fucking day.

A dumb cop saying something dumb is hardly worth a march.

>> No.7327553

thug, not thus, sorry.

>> No.7327554

Wasn't the hot teacher who had sex with one of her students prosecuted?

>> No.7327558

But that was a case of pedophilia, not rape in its regular meaning.

>> No.7327561

Those sluts seduce those poor men into giving in to their lusts. They should be locked up.

>> No.7327565

So why is it called statutory rape?

>> No.7327569

Because sex with a minor is rape even with consent. Since they can't consent.

>> No.7327572

I don't know about that case, but in england the legal definition of rape excludes the possibility of the woman being the aggressor.

It's not legally possible for a woman to rape a man here, it's just standard sexual abuse. This country sucks.

>> No.7327585

Funny since that stupid march didn't even start in the US.

>> No.7327590

Enjoy being in prison. Unless the guy who's about to rape you has a gun (not a knife, a gun) and is pointing it at you, you're going to jail.

Same thing if you get robbed outside your house, if you shoot the robber you get punished. You're supposed to give him all your money instead because his life is clearly precious and ending it would be a drain on society.

>> No.7327593

There are no laws for that, because there aren't many instances of women raping men. Or at the very least, there aren't many complaints about it.

It sucks, but that's how law works.

>> No.7327597
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Nanako approves!

>> No.7327598

So any of you ever got raped by a woman? Know any friends who were raped by one?

I keep hearing it happens quite often but I've never heard a woman rape man story, RL or on the internet.

>> No.7327610

>Doesn't know about the castle laws


A nigger opens my car door without permission I can shoot him in the face with no repercussions.

>> No.7327614

It probably does happen often, but let's be honest. Would you complain if you were raped by a girl? Unless you're a faggot or she was a whale.

>> No.7327617


100% false, unless you live in a completely shitty state like maybe California.

Over here you can use lethal force to prevent 1) serious injury 2) death 3) rape and 4) kidnapping. Doesn't even have to be you as the victim, it can be a bystander.

>> No.7327620


>> No.7327624

But if you like it then it's not rape.

>> No.7327629

Part of what inspired these walks was a judge earlier this year giving a convicted rapist a lighter sentence because he said the victim was partially to blame. The guy didn't even get any jail time. It's mentioned in some of the articles about the protests. But these protests aren't just about what one cop or one judge said, it's about a general mentality of victim blaming that our society has.

Also I'm skeptical about the "obvious fact" that dressing like a slut increases chances of being raped to any notable degree. How many men think "oh I wouldn't normally rape a girl but she's wearing a skimpy outfit so I can't control my lust and have to force my dick in her"? Rapists are going to rape no matter what a woman wears. Even women wearing burkas get raped.

>> No.7327631

>It sucks, but that's how law works.

That doesn't make it right.

Last I heard females wanted equality. I wonder what happened to that.

Not the anon you responded to, but yes I absolutely would complain regardless of attractiveness, and yes I am straight.

>> No.7327634

>The woman admitted to taking the man's erect penis in her mouth but claimed that he was awake and approved.

>The man awoke and became extremely upset and has had psychological difficulties as a result of the incident.

The horror!

>> No.7327641

Even if that were true, it's nothing a drop gun couldn't fix.

>> No.7327642


Sex isn't always pleasurable you dumb fuck. What if she stuck something up your ass? Took a shit on you? Etc.

Here's a story of a woman keeping a man as a sex slave. He's a robber so it's hard to sympathize.


>> No.7327650
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>> No.7327652
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I would be pretty angry if I woke up with my dick in this "girls" mouth.

>> No.7327653

If some slut gets you drunk and then you end up knocking them up, it's not considered rape and you pay child support.

If you get a woman drunk and sleep with her and then she wants to press charges, you can be thrown in prison for rape.

>> No.7327665

Police: a risk factor is dressing like a slut basically

>> No.7327671

If there are many instances of prancing idiots with rolex getting mugged, however, and the police answers something like 'you know, you can avoid it if you stop prancing like idiots wearing rolex' then the police is doing something wrong, and I'm entitled to go in a march and yell 'no more robberys!'

>> No.7327676
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Jesus christ... that can't be a girl.

>> No.7327684

Fair enough.

It's not rape if the rapist is attractive.

>> No.7327717

>Why did he tell women not to dress like sluts
He didn't actually say that, just that it's stupid to do so.
>but not tell men not to rape women
He wrote
>the guy should still be persecuted
Which implies it's still the guy who's in the wrong and should really not do it.

>> No.7327720

So, how many attractive women do you suppose are out there, unable to find someone to fuck them and having resort to rape, facing punishment?

>> No.7327744

Maybe they're just yandere for the one guy.

>> No.7327750


>> No.7327770


I wouldn't say that. I'd certainly protest.

>> No.7327778

No woman would do such a thing to you, anyway.

>> No.7327787

Kidding right?

>> No.7327793

>Rapists are going to rape no matter what a woman wears
That's stupid. If I'm in the rape mindset I'd RATHER rape an attractive looking one than someone in a burka, unless I'm the curious and sick type. Yeah, rapists gonna rape, but if there is a choice only 1 can be raped who has to be chosen.

>> No.7327797


But my dentist is mine?
Also sex positive words for women?

>> No.7327802

A gay man wouldn't want to be raped by a woman.

>> No.7327803


Well obviously. Even so, to say it's not rape is foolish just because they might be considered attractive.

>> No.7327808

> unless I'm the curious and sick type

I don't think many rapists are sane and mentally healthy.

>> No.7327886

Check out your local states penal law codes concerning civilian use deadly physical force.

As it turns out, a guy with a deadly weapon about to imminently commit assault with which "could" result in death. Yeah so if rapist threatened with knife for purpose of forcing rape, that becomes the same as assault with deadly weapon.

If possible victim shoots perp in the face, he's fucked and only a police report and investigation will follow, but as long as conditions like those described above happen. There will be one less rapist, and you will protect yourself from becoming rape victim.

You jelly eurofags?

>> No.7327907

Yeah, a bit.

>> No.7327932

Completely serious. I don't keep up with non-VN eroge. Background looks like RPG Maker though, so if I had to guess, Violated Heroine?

>> No.7327945

So the message they are trying to send is "We should be able to act and dress as we want without it having an effect on us being raped," right?

Who is the intended target audience for this message?

Are they just speaking to society in general? Sorry, there's no one who sits down to make rules and guidelines for that sort of thing except for the rapists themselves. Parading down the streets, convincing people that sort of behavior does not lead to a heightened chance of being raped will not change actual rape statistics. They are preaching to the wrong people here.

Or perhaps they are trying to send their message to rapists? Even less useful.

"Acting like this does not make me an attractive rape target." Who is this message directed to? Whose minds are they trying to change? If they change the minds of general society, what effect will it have?

>> No.7327959

You're assuming that they have put at least as much thought into this as you have.

They haven't.

>> No.7327961


>> No.7327973

>If they change the minds of general society, what effect will it have?
>1.you would still get prosecuted for rape even though she dressed slutty
>2.looking like a slut would be the normal behaviour in western society

...oh wai-
Can't wait till everything comes crashing down.
Spain should just go ahead and ask for bailout

>> No.7327975

>proceeding the walk more than a dozen women were raped

I can't wait for that story.

>> No.7327977

hahaha. oh wow.
I already despair over being born a girl myself because of how fucking retarded the majority of us are. This just makes me wish I was a guy even more so I could go and rape these idiots.

>> No.7327979

What, aren't you proud to be a slut??

>> No.7327984

>rape culture

Where the fuck did the idea that something like this even exists come from?

>> No.7327988

Sluts like do to sexually related things quite more than the regular person, You like what you like, thats respectable.
No respect for the whores though

>> No.7327989

For all it matters, I think society in generall is fucked up.
Be proud to be smarter than the rest.

>> No.7327993

Just get a strap-on and let the fun begin

>> No.7328015

Won't be that when you get raped because apparently it happens daily.

>> No.7328025

Rape is a terrible thing even when carried out by faceless males and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. There's no such thing as "asking for it".

That said, I still reserve the right to dislike anyone who calls themselves a slut. Sexual indiscretion is unseemly in either sex.

>> No.7328032

Good thing I don't leave the house. Nothing to worry about.

No because I'm a pure maiden.

>> No.7328034

You should be ashamed. The proper course of action is to simply support a discreet lifestyle in your daily life.

>> No.7328071

More like fat whale who can't fit through a door!

>> No.7328197

The female mind.

It's sexism, they don't gotta explain shit.

>> No.7328211
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>There's no such thing as "asking for it".

>> No.7328216
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>> No.7328219
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>> No.7328221
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>> No.7328227
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>> No.7328232
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>> No.7328236
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>> No.7328238

So what is this, the female equivalent of strutting in your underwear in public and shaming those who look at your crotch?

>> No.7328243
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>> No.7328245
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>> No.7328249
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>> No.7328253
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The writer never wrote anything beyond this one.

>> No.7328255
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>There's no such thing as "asking for it".
Faggot deserved what he got

>> No.7328272

>sissy white boy
when you fapped to that did you imagine yourself as the white boy, anonymous?

>> No.7328353

It's over. Western Society is finished.

I'm actually looking forwards to Muslims out-breeding us and implementing Sharia law now.

>> No.7328371

> Sharia law
>law law

>> No.7328376

Are these the same liberayted wymmin who want their man to "respect me intellectually"?

>> No.7328391

Wait what? I guess you could say it wasn't the best way to say it like that, but they told me the same thing when I got mugged.

The first thing they did was assure me that they are doing their best to catch the criminal (though they really aren't, its give you some ground)
Right after that they start going into how you can help prevent this from happening again. Including:
Don't walk alone after the town's curfew for minors has set in (11pm in many places).
Don't display items with value openly (cell phones, mp3 players, laptops)
and Try to keep close to populated and lighted areas as much as you can.

If you don't do those basic things and get mugged, you might get a snicker or off-look, but that doesn't mean they think it is your fault. Just that you put yourself in a bad situation.
