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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7325749 No.7325749 [Reply] [Original]

Composition of /jp/ posts at all times:
40% Touhou.
20% VN/Jap Game Discussion.
35% random shitposts, offtopic threads, NEET/Hiki and metathreads(like this)
5% original content when a /jp/ person is actually useful and translates something from moonspeak for the rest of the world to understand.

How do we improve this board?

>> No.7325750

More Touhou.

>> No.7325751

>35% random shitposts, offtopic threads, NEET/Hiki and metathreads(like this)
Keep that number under seventy percent and it should be fine.

>> No.7325752

The first step would be for you to stop posting.

>> No.7325758

more touhou

>> No.7325759

>5% original content when a /jp/ person is actually useful and translates something from moonspeak for the rest of the world to understand.
It's trolling because that isn't what the board is about, you are a very talented troll OP.

>> No.7325763

We could make it a habit to visit pages ten through fifteen and bump threads that we want to keep alive.

>> No.7325765

Huh? That number is 75%.

>> No.7325772

It will never improve. The best you can do is hide all the shitty threads and just stay in the ones that interest you. I hardly browse /jp/ except for the few VN general threads.

>> No.7325795

>How do we improve this board?
We make less metathreads and instead make one we think is a good thread.

>> No.7325799

Yeah it seems right, but you made a mistake. I'll fix it for you
>40% Touhou(90% shitposting without any value, 5% various doujinshi music/art/comics and 5% game discussion)

>> No.7325806

More OC threads.

>> No.7325811

I would like to see the research backing these statistics.

>> No.7325815

I think it's okay to have a metathread every now and then, maybe once a week or two.

>> No.7325826

At least 75% of the board is shit right now. Image post threads with about five posts are not /jp/ related even if they are Touhou images, they're just endless reposts at this stage.

If the people from other boards and newfags stopped shitting the place up and left you would probably only get like five threads made a day.

>> No.7325829

Ghostboard used to quell that urge

>How do we improve this board?
Board name change, actual informed moderation and a defined and specific /jp/ rules list with moderated clarified board direction goals.

Packaged in with the reinsurance that the report system is in fact legit

>> No.7325831

Oh, I thought of one. Every time you see a shitty thread, report it. I think threads that are reported enough climb to the top of the queue.

If you make sure to bump all threads that don't deserve to die we could easily reduce that number to fifty minus.

>> No.7325832

Actually I think /jp/ improved a little in the last few weeks. I see some nice regular threads that are boardrelated like, for example, the general VN thread, the gust thread and so on. Sure there is shitposting but it's not as bad as it was a few weeks/month ago.

>> No.7325836

The more active persistent threads tend to stick around even when /jp/ is at it's absolute shittiest. It's the rest of the board that's an issue.

>> No.7325843

And, I suppose, the less active ones die horrible deaths.

>> No.7325849

make touhou bannable

problem solved forever

>> No.7325867


>> No.7325878

sorry, OP. All those lolsoironic shitposting tripfags have permanently ruined this board.

>> No.7325882

More touhou makes it turn to shit. You can't even make a fraction of the current Touhou threads passable.

>> No.7325887

Suigin's been spamming Aikido for at least a year, and it hasn't always been this shitty.

>> No.7325888

Who is managing /t/ nowadays...seriously?!

It is honestly the most bizarre combination of ultra moderation and ancient/outdated threads

>> No.7325897
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Forget fixing it. It needs to be shut down.

What a shitty board this is.

>> No.7325900

If you don't like it, wouldn't it be a lot easier for you just to leave?

>> No.7325905

I wonder what the people bitching about Touhou threads today thought about /jp/ Quality Control.

>> No.7325927

To start with, all of the idol shit, MMO shit, Japanese cartoons, and mainstream video games are banned. They already have boards.

Trips are eliminated in favor of forced anonymous. Attempting to circumvent this by identifying yourself in your post is grounds for a ban.

People that admit to having jobs, a facebook account, more education than a GED, being under 25, or being female are banned, because they're invariably shitposters of the worst kind.

In the remaining threads, particularly those related to Touhou, the janitors and moderation need to do a better job of pruning. Textless image dumps, attempts to force memes, powerlevel threads, roleplaying, which X would you Y, CYOA bullshit, and all of the other threads that make the board barely tolerable no longer get a free pass just because the OP's pic features a girl with a ridiculous hat.

Furthermore, any attempts to post nukes/earthquakes/tsunamis, to use the word weeaboo, to ask for a translation of something, or to start a topic about VNs that were translated years ago filters to a ban.

I have just saved /jp/.

>> No.7325931


>> No.7325941

>All things otaku welcome!
Yeah, no.

>> No.7325961
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First of all, no.

Second, /jp/ has been the same since day 1. DAY. FUCKING. ONE. Stop pretending it has changed. Take off your shitty "nostalgia" goggles (even if 3 years is barely nostalgic, I guess it works for teenagers like OP) and make some actually good threads.

Third, metashit doesn't solve anything. Go search the archive for the endless metashit threads we've had before, if you want to wank so much.

>> No.7325985

Blatant /bun/ mod post, couldn't possibly sound more absurd

>> No.7325994

Shitposters detected.

>> No.7325998

The one who says shitposter is the shitposter.

>> No.7326062

I mean, I can understand the principle behind it, but I can't but help find it a tremendous overreaction.
