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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7314000 No.7314000 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, as respected experts in the field, answer me this.

There is a point where a girl's breasts can be small enough that it is not necessary to wear a bra for support, though one may be worn for other reasons. What is this point?

>> No.7314007

The main reason is to keep nipples from showing through your shirt.

>> No.7314008

Like we'd know. But personally I think they're attractive except on really flat chests. Function be damned.

>> No.7314006 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 210x187, newspaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naked female baby pics with just the diper
weird as HELL they cover the chest as they grow

>> No.7314010

Or to have fake tits (cotton...)

>> No.7314011

I have a flat chest but still wear a bra.

>> No.7314009

To cover the nipples.

>> No.7314020

Valid points but he was asking about where they are unnecessary for support.

>> No.7314022

I used to not wear a bra (I wore a tank top sometimes to cover my nipples) and everyone around me made fun of me for not wearing a bra, and my manager at work had a talk with me about it. I have a b cup.

I quit that job a long time ago but I wear bras now because I don't like being harassed about it. I try to limit my time in them though, I think they are uncomfortable

>> No.7314023

Is this about the pencil thing?

>> No.7314031

Flat chests still have nipples, man. They're not recessed.

>> No.7314038

The pencil thing ? You mean put a pencil under her breast, if it falls... then she is an eleven year old girl, "yummy" :P

>> No.7314050

What has that got to do with "How small do they have to be before a bra is unnecessary for support"

>> No.7314046

That guy is disgusting.
Those tits are disgusting.
That pic is still fucking hot.
I don't get it.

>> No.7314072

Well, it is not because a teen or an adult girl have small enough breasts not to need a bra that they won't wear one.
The bra acts as a seduction artifact, an object that make the difference between a child and a true woman : to many "small" tits girls, I think the bra is a way to affirm their feminity.

>> No.7314080

Technically? Not bouncing?

>> No.7314098

Well, that is a good question, but I'd say as soon as they start developing a bra will help maintain their shape. It's never "required."

However, that doesn't mean a bra isn't "required" period. Bras aren't worn just for support, but also because clothing can chafe the breast/nipple, and the female breast is more sensitive than the male one. Therefore, a bra(or other piece of protective clothing, but usually it's a bra regardless) is simply worn when this sensitivity begins to develop, size doesn't really matter.

>> No.7314099

>There is a point where a girl's breasts can be small enough that it is not necessary to wear a bra for support, though one may be worn for other reasons. What is this point?

>> No.7314107

Sometimes, I wonder what kind of fabulous women I might have been able to meet if I had decided to run a specialty bra store instead of making the choices I made in life.

Then again, I guess it's not too late.

>> No.7314120

You don't like some aspects of the picture, but other aspects save it? Like, maybe the situation? Or how she looks most unamused? Who knows. If it's good to you, don't try and explain why. Just enjoy.

Yes there's other valid reasons that are also good. Just this specific case he was wondering about.

>> No.7314178

I actually didn't know that the reason girls wore bras in the first place was to support their oppais, thanks for the lesson. I always assumed they wore them because they were cute and fun or something.

>> No.7314182
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>> No.7314209
File: 399 KB, 1142x1714, datchest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I think breasts on a loli is an improvement.

>> No.7314219
File: 33 KB, 273x135, Heresy Meter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7314242

I hope you burn to death.

>> No.7314255

Flat chest with inverted nipples?

>> No.7314256 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 600x750, fuckinEikan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it, you're making me long for the /tg/ of a year ago.
And I used to think tits on a loli was golden until I watched Eikan.

>> No.7314290

Well, I would say a good estimate could be found by finding the smallest possible bra size.

I suppose the question is best phrased as either
"At what point do unsupported breasts begin to put significant strain on the female that benefits from bra relief?"

in which case i would imagine the answer is debatable at best, and more importantly depends on the female's body structure. i would suspect the reality at which significant benefit is gained is somewhere between A and C for average body weights. most women don't wear a bra because they need the physical support.

and do you mean "support" as in "support for the spine/musculature" or "support for the shape of the developing breast?" the answer may vary depending on which you're looking for.

>> No.7314301

komoe was not especially appealing as a loli character, period, so that's not really accurate.

even to this day i don't like her for some reason. it's like the guy just somehow fundamentally didn't "get it" when he was making her.

not the size of her breasts. the eyebrows, for one thing. jesus.

>> No.7314330

Except Eikan didn't just ruin loli with breasts for me. It fucking ruined anime in general for me for a month, and I don't thing I can every watch harem anime ever again. It was like some weeaboo won a "Make your own Anime!" contest, and he hired his KAWAII DESU girlfriend to write the script.

>> No.7314340

>and the female breast is more sensitive than the male one
I find that hard to believe.

>I always assumed they wore them because they were cute and fun or something.
Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.7314353

A woman's skin is more sensitive in general than a man's, not just the breasts but everywhere. This is at least in part due to female hormone balance leads to having thinner skin.

>> No.7314362 [DELETED] 

you took it too seriously. it was lighthearted fetish material, an excuse to have huge bouncing breasts animated in light context. i wouldn't think anyone would actually watch it(but rather skip around for "interesting" parts)... did you? if so you should probably analyze what the purpose is of what you watch before you decide to watch it, it's pointless to watch things like eiken as actual shows.

are you here from /a/ because of the miku thing?

things vary from person to person. quite frankly, i find it hard to believe that you find it hard to believe. unfortunately, i'm not about to dig up proof of it to show it on 4chan, but as i think you would suspect the female breast developed somewhat differently from the male counterpart.

you might consider the fact that it's considered virtually a requirement to wear a bra or other article of protective clothing an indicator of this, but of course it's not hard proof since technically there could be other reasons(such as hiding nipple protrusion, but the idea that they would all use a bra just for this is ridiculous as bras are quite uncomfortable for most women).

>> No.7314363


The nuances of human behavior escape Anonymous.

>> No.7314373

In fairness to him, people can be very confusing!

>> No.7314375

you took it too seriously. it was lighthearted fetish material, an excuse to have huge bouncing breasts animated in light context. i wouldn't think anyone would actually watch it(but rather skip around for "interesting" parts)... did you? if so you should probably analyze what the purpose is of what you watch before you decide to watch it, it's pointless to watch things like eiken as actual shows.

are you here from /a/ because of the miku thing? actually kind of serious here.

things vary from person to person, perhaps you are very sensitive, if that's what you're thinking. quite frankly, i find it hard to believe that you find it hard to believe. unfortunately, i'm not about to dig up proof of it to show it on 4chan, but as i would think you'd suspect, the female breast develops somewhat differently from the male counterpart.

you might consider the fact that it's considered virtually a requirement to wear a bra or other article of protective clothing an indicator of this, but of course it's not hard proof since technically there could be other reasons(such as hiding nipple protrusion, but the idea that they would all use a bra just for this is ridiculous as bras are quite uncomfortable for most women).

>> No.7314381


Even the bustiest of women can wear a bra comfortably if they're sized properly. They often aren't.

>> No.7314382

No, I've been here for years. And I heard of it because it was mentioned it a Let's play of something I can't remember with a pretty accurate description, so I wasn't expecting the best. Just anything that wasn't that bad. I'll admit I pretty biased against ecchi anime in general (because I feel like they're all trying to be Tenchi Muyo and failing), but I can usually find something redeeming in it.
Not with Eikan. Terrible characters, terrible animation, terrible jokes, and definitely not worthy for even the most desperate fap material.

>> No.7314423

it shouldn't surprise you that there are all kinds of fetishes.

also, i think that the idea of trying to search for theatric, literary, or general academically redeeming qualities in material whose only purpose is to titillate those interested in it is a fundamentally flawed approach, but this is getting off topic.

"comfortable" is a matter of perspective, but this is going into another unprovable argument, which is:

just because clothing fits you doesn't mean it isn't uncomfortable; plenty of women whose bras fit find them uncomfortable, just like many men find underwear uncomfortable and many people find body-hugging clothing in general uncomfortable.

obviously, i can't prove any of the above statements, so if you don't see reason in them there is no point in continuing this. in fact with how little actual evidence i have to discuss i don't really see a point in talking about any of this at all, so i guess i'll just stop as i've conveyed my thoughts.

>> No.7314445

Well fine, if you want to bring it back on topic:

Where the fuck does Komoe shop for bras?
Even more on topic: Where does Tsukuyomi Komoe shop for bras?

>> No.7314454


A properly fitted bra provides support and that's it. It should be difficult to tell it's there.

>> No.7314655

