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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7312455 No.7312455 [Reply] [Original]

>be a programmer who's done small games and worked on VN projects before
>talking with friend
>we discuss VN ideas we have
>he doesn't wanna share all of them because "I might steal them"
>this is what the users actually believe

There's more of you out there, right?

>> No.7312457

Go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.7312458

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7312456 [DELETED] 


>> No.7312467

congratulations, you've just realized a small part of what makes humanity a pack of selfish ego-inflated retarded pricks

>> No.7312470
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>baka gaijin vn projects

>> No.7312471

Reported for breaking global rules.

>> No.7312476

>ironic post

>> No.7312512

Why don't you discuss your VN ideas in the other thread instead of shitposting in this one then?

>> No.7312520

> steal them

in the words of a reasonably well known OELVN dev, "be my guest."

If your idea is more important than your ability to do it better than someone else, it isn't an idea, it's a fucking gimmick and you will lose interest a third the way through.

Also, ask your fucktard "friend" how many elements that make his idea unique came from his favorite anime and other people's VNs.

If the phrases "high school" or "battles $SUPERNATURAL" appear in the list, beat him to death.

>> No.7312530

Thats quite clever actually, wasn't expecting that kind of view when I saw this thread.

I'm not really big into VNs at all but most of the medium I have read are either drowning in adolescent power fantasies with fetish fuel girls.

It would be nice to see what you could do with the medium that would give it actual gameplay instead of just choices.

>> No.7312542

>visual novels
then they wouldn't be visual novels, they'd be games among the bajillion other games with gameplay that happen to use character sprites and tell stories while music plays in the background

>> No.7312551

op is jelly cause he wants to steal his friends original characters but his friend was wise of him. original do not steal.

>> No.7312699

I see no other reason why he would care or even make a fucking thread on /jp/ about it. He jelly.

>> No.7312765

Haha OP got told.

>> No.7312774

>he doesn't wanna share all of them because "I might steal them"

>implying he has ideas worth stealing
>Implying you wouldn't steal them if they were worth anything

such is life.

>> No.7312784

Yeah, alicesoft and Eushully VNs have stopped existing.

>> No.7312789

I got a VN idea.

Its going to be the next big thing like Tsukihime and OreImo and I am not telling you guys about it because you might copywrite my story and characters.

>> No.7312802


>> No.7312807

I have a great plot idea, but it's not related to Annie May. It maybe sounds a little Mary Sue though, but it's not really that important considering the whole concept.

>> No.7312869

Here's a story you can adopt:
>"You are this great (male) programmer, but can't brainstorm for shit, one day you meet this (female) who isn't at your level of programming, yet she has this incredible ability at story telling with an equally great imagination. You get her drunk one night over a causal spiked drink, and there begins your life into bondage, debauchery and computer data theft."

wait...this reminds me of.....the O....P....

>> No.7312916

Kill yourself with your greentext.

>> No.7312959

I have an idea: you play as a little girl of an invaded country and try not to get raped by the invading soldiers. Also, most women are gangbanged and are made do unspeakable acts(horse-sex?).

>> No.7313009

So it's like Rance but I get to be everyone besides Rance?

>> No.7313030

>life into bondage, debauchery and computer data theft.
write it!

>> No.7313097

Not VN, but any cool ideas I had, I didn't tell anyone because of that.

>> No.7313159

I hate that attitude. First of all they assume their ideas are so special and wonderful that people would steal them, and secondly they only care about their ideas because they can benefit from them (through success, popularity, money...) and not because they think those ideas deserve to be made into creative works. It's a "me, me, me and my ideas" attitude. Most of those people are too lazy or unskilled to make their ideas into anything anyway, so the only hope for their idea to ever be made into something would be through giving the idea to someone more capable.

>> No.7313164

So? Just take it easy.

>> No.7313170

I'm just annoyed by the arrogance. It reminds me of those artists who are so afraid of art theft they plaster huge watermarks over their drawings so that the normal viewer can't enjoy the artistic work.

>> No.7313178

...So? Their business, and it really doesn't matter.

>> No.7313188

When that kind of a person is telling you "teehee, I can't tell you because you'll steal it!", you do have the right to mind. They're acting like a creative cockteaser towards you. No one has forced them to mention ideas they aren't willing to discuss.

>> No.7313197

Their business. No-one told them they couldn't mention it. Infuriating, maybe, but still not important.

>> No.7313254

You can't say it's their own business when we're talking about their behaviour in social situations. Social kind of implies "involving other people". That type of behaviour is called cockteasing and people generally agree it's not an admirable form of behaviour. Also, I can decide what is important to me and what is not myself, thank you very much.

>> No.7313285

>Also, I can decide what is important to me and what is not myself, thank you very much.
Why did I expect this response? You're just like the people you hate.

>> No.7313406

I am one of those people. I don't mind people taking my ideas and making something out of them; however, I'll still keep it to myself if I have any intention of actually making it some day.
Your 'but you can just do it better' doesn't work like that; even if you've made a hugely improved version of the same story, people will just say you plagiarized the inferior story.
If my non-discarded ideas are used, I want it to be done right. To that purpose, I want to be on the project myself. It's not for "success, popularity, money" or anything like that, I just don't want my story to become shitty OELVN #45394753489. If I had enough trust in somebody to know they will not fuck up the story, I'd have no problems sharing my ideas.

Secondly, it's not just a problem with somebody else taking the idea, it's also a problem of readers already knowing what a story is about before it's even written. I've had a story of which about the only thing people still remember is the plot twist at the end. For said story it wasn't THAT harmful, but I do have stories which just shouldn't have their details known to readers before the story is actually finished.

It's not an ego issue, it's an issue of potential that shouldn't be wasted.

>> No.7314544

Depends wether that person is passionate or trustworthy. You probably just seem like that sort of person, don't take it the wrong way.

>> No.7314549


Don't seem*

>> No.7314559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7314580

Why are you on 4chan? Why don't you get some friends? try to get laid, do something besides going on 4chan to try and act like a pretentious shitdick. If you had anybody in your life who actually wanted to listen to what you had to say you wouldn't be doing this, and if you weren't a complete piece of shit you would realize that nobody is going to read your point of view you faggot. Just stop or kill yourself, either or is fine with me.

>> No.7314606

Psshh. I think you got him mad.

>> No.7314640


>> No.7317404

Original ideas. DO NOT STEAL!

>> No.7317440

You know... ideas will just be ideas until you have executed them...

>> No.7317453

Sort of like how onions will just be onions until you have successfully smuggled them.

>> No.7317484

Oh please, not this again... wait till I get my Brokerage License back sometime this month so I can finally have overwhelming proof against your accusations...

>> No.7317614

Same annoying person.

>> No.7317625

I always have to laugh about people thinking their ideas are so special they have to keep them secret.

All of your ideas have already been done before, and better than you could ever do. Just give up, you will never create anything that will shock the nation.

>> No.7317635

sup notch

>> No.7317638

Does your friend have any writing, drawing or programming experience? Not 'talent', actual experience that proves him to be far above average in that particular field?

>> No.7317902

Except, you know, they haven't.
VNs are still largely unexplored territory.

>> No.7317916

Learn Japanese.

>> No.7318070

VNs are still largely unexplored territory. Most VNs are nukige, and among the remaining ones most are generic high school romance. There are plenty of original concepts there, but still tons of room for improvement.

>> No.7318076

