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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 359 KB, 915x1063, bf9a877601c467a8666cb80935471aad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7311367 No.7311367 [Reply] [Original]


She looks like a man in that picture.

>> No.7311383

I don;t want to click
what is it?

>> No.7311385

I hope they don't run those commercials.

>> No.7311389

Miku merchandising new toyota's corolla 2011

>> No.7311390

I don't think there are many rich weeaboos who can afford that car.

>> No.7311392

I bet this what that Crypton CEO is talking about.

And I thought it will full-itasha.

>> No.7311397

I hope they do. My waifu should be even more famous.

>> No.7311399

the internet is leaking out into the real world

okay, its time for me to pack up and head to gensokyo, cya later guys

>> No.7311407
File: 40 KB, 792x749, 1304650493525[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, this shit is scary
well, now it looks like its going to bomb
fuck yeah

>> No.7311422

I could understand Miku/Corolla partnership for marketing in Japan, but what the hell is this? The site's in english. That doesn't make any sense at all.

>> No.7311434

That image is just a half assed trace of the Tony ver.

>> No.7311435

This is their way of introducing Miku to the US..

>> No.7311446

And their way of transforming vocaloid into the new hip ironic cool thing to like

>> No.7311448

Miku/Vocaloid is a worldwide phenomenon at this point, they are simply trying to capitalize on that.

>> No.7311455

>worldwide phenomenon
I must've be living as a NEET, because I've never heard of Miku outside of nico, /miku/ and /jp/

>> No.7311458

More like internet fad.

>> No.7311460

It seems to me the idea behind this is not that toyota paid Yamaha to appeal to the US market, but it's the other way around. Aren't they releasing an english miku some time in the near future? Maybe they're trying to gain hype for the eventual release.

>> No.7311461

Weeaboos love Vocaloid. Even though they don't know what it actually is.

>> No.7311463

>The new 2011 Toyota Corolla and Hatsune Miku have to very important things in common - big dreams in a compact package.


>> No.7311465

fads usually last less than 4 years

>> No.7311468

So, are we getting the Project Diva games now?

>> No.7311469
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>> No.7311470

Miku is still an internet fad with a cult following.

>> No.7311471


I found her in a local fucking newspaper and I live in north-east England. If it's in Billy Elliot country it's fucking everywhere.

>> No.7311473

I know Vocaloid is a worldwide thing now, but it's not mainstream worldwide. There's still the language barrier to deal with.

>> No.7311476

It's not a fad because it doesn't meet the definition of a fad.

>> No.7311478

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7311483

Just watch them claim it was their 'thing' like some big-headed hipsters whenever people talk about it.

>> No.7311484
File: 198 KB, 1000x1000, 1234002716386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the internet is leaking out into the real world

This is so great. We're too close to see it clearly, but we're standing at a very special point in time.

I'm glad to be alive during the bluring of the borders between reality and Internet.

>> No.7311486

But she isn't a phenomenon. She must reach Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber status first you say she's a 'phenomenon'.

>> No.7311488

For some reason I found your post very amusing.

>> No.7311494

I think that considering it's a music program with an anime-styled mascot, getting to this point at all is indeed a "phenomenon".

>> No.7311501
File: 160 KB, 450x673, 1296971896480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to say Miku and all other Vocoloids suck whenever I see a weeaboo mention it.

>> No.7311504

Mikuchan, you nigger. Do you know it?

>> No.7311518

> (Larger) teenage girl hordes of miku fans
>Miku at hot-topic
>Miku at WAL-MART

>> No.7311550

No goddamnit nooooo

>> No.7311554

Hot Topic.... Hot Topic...
>Scene faggots wearing it along torn skinny at the thigh jeans b/c they are too fat to properly wear them.\
>Miku silly bandz
>Miku on the chest of some scene slut on Myspace
>Faggots claiming they know about Miku more than the next person b/c for a while it could be considered hipster.

I might vomit soon anon....

>> No.7311555

Why would anyone buy this shit?
I dont even see miku paintjob or a miku aqua color bodykit?

>> No.7311556

The official car of hut-TSOO-ney ME-koo.

>> No.7311559

Blame those faggots that wanted the english shit.
God damn some things are just meant to stay in japan.

>> No.7311562


If it means ushering in a new era, a few sacrifices might be necessary.

Plus, if they're genuine fans rather than posers coopting an image, that's great.

>> No.7311568

Not what we want, but what we expect.

>> No.7311574

you assume way too much

>> No.7311575

Actually, I did not.

As much of a vocaloid nerd as I am, that community doesn't look very appealing to me however. Fanfic and shit what... No.

>> No.7311576

>miku at hot topic

Oh please no. 4 or 5 years ago I used to be a skater faggot weed smoking loser who shopped their all the time. This is exactly what they would do. Black rock shooter merchandise everywhere.

I can see it now.

The world is not bright anymore.

>> No.7311580

I really wish they wouldn't go through with the English version of Miku. God willing, it'll be on the Vocaloid3 engine instead. I haven't heard an english Vocaloid yet that didn't sound like trash.

>> No.7311582

You missed the fat landwhales dancing to caramelldansen or singing vocaloid songs in miku clothes.

>> No.7311588

I only just browsed the first post of the first page of the first board, saw the fanfic contest and said I'm out of here.

Your posts reassures me that was a good idea.

>> No.7311590
File: 169 KB, 640x480, tiyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Official Car of Hatsune Miku
>Front-Wheel Drive shitbox and not an AE86 Corolla
yeah sounds about right

>> No.7311591

God dammit, i swear if that does happen and my mother comes over with BRS merchandise. I think my eyes will explode. I like BRS too.

>> No.7311605

Does Tony know about this?

>> No.7311609
File: 110 KB, 260x218, noice1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7311623

The Tony ver in question?

>> No.7311628
File: 922 KB, 1920x1200, hatsune-miku-wallpaper-by-tony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, pic didn't upload.

>> No.7311632

why don't they make the corolla FR again and market it to ricers instead of that pos sion?

>> No.7311640
File: 190 KB, 1925x1488, miku cooking pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone expected this. I'm laughing my butt off now.

>> No.7311660
File: 90 KB, 620x412, toyota-ft86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a Scion is easier to market to Ricers, in the meantime this is a good thing to have a cheap FR Coupe

>> No.7311667
File: 252 KB, 500x500, 05996f6054f83554ebd65be5670c01dc6e0ce84a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was am I the only one hoping one of the packages would be a Miku based one? It seems so..just don't know..out of place really,also no Yamaha soundsystem? Really?

>> No.7311690

Did a fan write the song used in the commercial? If so, do they get anything when their stuff is used in official things like this and the games?

>> No.7311712

The video itself credits supercell, y'know.

>> No.7311730
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1214871218653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll confess, I am a little bit pleasantly surprised that that is the actual US site.

>> No.7311739

Damn. I already own a shiny green corolla. Wish I had named it Miku seven years ago and not Gwen. Opportunity missed.

Supposedly Crypton is looking to bring Vocaloid to the US and this is her big debut...yea, I'm sure this'll be a smashing success.

>> No.7311741

at least they used the best Vocaloid song.

Actually...it's kind of a great fit for a car commercial minus the lyrics.

>> No.7311743

>mfw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kJHoy2ujSQ

>> No.7311749
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>> No.7311751
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>> No.7311753

its over, now people are going to know, and they are going to make fun of me
its all over for me, /jp/

>> No.7311755

Great, now I am going to have to import another $80 psp game.

>> No.7311757

Does this come as a surprise to people?

Miku has been mainstream in the west for a long time.

>> No.7311760

>buying PSP games

>> No.7311763

since when? I never go outside /jp/
what the fuck is going on out there?

>> No.7311769

Except this is her US debut.

>> No.7311786
File: 44 KB, 500x500, Miku_hatsune_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just her box art.

>> No.7311790

I don't like being the guy who gets upset over stuff like this. I don't care about Miku and vocaloid getting popular here, but the thought of Americanization bothers me. The picture of her on the Toyota site is disturbing.

>> No.7311799

There are a great number of Americans who have known about her since she was introduced in Japan and couldn't care less if she's officially marketed in the US or not. Does Crypton/Yamaha not know that?

>> No.7311803

Presence on the internet and presence in America are two different things.

>> No.7311804

Not true; she's had concerts in L.A., for example.

>> No.7311815

>With her long cerulean pigtails and her part-schoolgirl, part-spy outfit, she’s easy on the eyes.

>> No.7311817

Oh fuck they WERE monitoring me listening to /jp/ radio

>> No.7311824

Vocaloid might be an international phenomenon but they still aren't really known outside of otakudom and Japan in general. If they ever aired this commerical on TV in America probably 90% of people watching wouldn't have any clue who she was.

It still in pretty cool to see Miku going mainstream.

>> No.7311827

It's her headset and that weird touch console she has on her sleeve.

>> No.7311828

So is this ad really airing on TV?

>> No.7311833

I did a double take there.

>> No.7311835

they already produced the short and long versions of the ads and got the website up. Can't see them cancelling it and wasting all that money.

>> No.7311837

even more normalfags are going to invade /jp/, and there will be nowhere for us to take refuge

>> No.7311839

It could be one of those internet-only ads that play when people are trying to stream whatever the fuck it is they're watching.

>> No.7311840

I thought those were essentially just a video showing.
They put up a screen and projector and left while it showed to count the money of the idiots who actually expected a Miku concert like Japan has in the US.

>> No.7311842


That would probably be the safest move, and I guess I am OK with that happening.

>> No.7311843

Take a look at the times on our posts, kid, and try to guess what country this here website is based in.

>> No.7311845

Go back to /a/ piece of shit

>> No.7311847

I think he means 9-5 apple pie America as opposed to small-corners-of-the-American-internet America.

>> No.7311851

Words cannot even describe my rage. I hope this is not ever going to be aired on tv. I find vocaloid music to be ok, some is good. I swear, if the US and other countries start having ads/shit like this on tv.... I don't know what I would do (probably head over to gensokyo). What if something like this happened to touhou, i mean.... I know Zun won't sell out for anything like this but still, who said they would come for the games?

I just hope miku fails in america/other countries, we can just be hopeful that they find something else that they find more interesting that we don't care about (i know some /jp/ers don't care about vocaloid but im sure no one here wants the general public to fall in love with miku). However I doubt that will happen, its gonna be fucking sailor moon all over again but instead miku and something of value will actually be lost.

>> No.7311852


I'd call the fact that a computer-generated pop singer has millions of devoted fans worldwide, sold out holographic concerts, and tons of merch a phenomenon

>> No.7311859
File: 117 KB, 600x600, yumenikkimadoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking screech

>> No.7311861
File: 361 KB, 759x1208, 17286126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, option B: you could stop caring about other fans and stop trying to be cool and trendy.

>> No.7311862

I kind of think this is just a facebook viral marketing thing that won't make its way to TV or even youtube advertisements. Why pay to advertise a clip that people are going to pass around and post on websites anyway?

>> No.7311864

You know, I'm glad world will end on 2012...

>> No.7311867


>> No.7311871

as much as I hate to say it, I think we're gonna need another board in the future, one not as well known/google-able as 4chan. One where normalfags wont find it. Something like /bun/ but actually decent and not as slow.

>> No.7311878

That's the truth, was excited about one happening during the NYAF last year and went, tiny ass cramped room full of little girls cosplaying Miku and their parents trying to tolerate it. I got my ass out of there fast. Some friends who stayed (for some reason) later told me it was just edited portions of Giving Day projected on a screen.

>> No.7311885
File: 51 KB, 842x612, 1255223737581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say american miku?

>> No.7311892

Why America, WHY. Jesus, that was horrible. They couldnt use the MMD Miku for that? That shit is open source. The sound file sounded like it was 32 kbps.

I saw nothing good about that but her hair coming out of the sun roof.

>> No.7311899

it could be worse. Im just saying, what if it was live action....

>> No.7311901

PLUS, Miku screaming? Her scream is the last thing you want to audition with. The software is well known for being unable to mimick human distortion.

>> No.7311907

I dont know, I could have played live action off as them not seeing the real Miku. An obvious 3D imitation would have been better than that CG scrapheap they used to portray her. I dont think that was even Segas Miku. I dont know what Miku that was but It was shit.

>> No.7311921

Ohh wow, I just looked at the facebook comments. How is it that 4chan is the only place on the entire internet with any class or taste?

Are we really the only true fans? Are we the only ones who know Miku well enough to see that commercial was garbage?

>> No.7311928

Its because most of us are 24+, all those facebook idiots are just little kids

>> No.7311935

But they cant all be. I didnt see a single comment on how atrocious it was on there. It was just mindless XXXXDDDD and DERP MIKU HAS A HERP.

>> No.7311940

Can't wait for this to prompt the media into running stories on miku porn, then loli porn, then more pressure for Japan to ban lolis

>> No.7311943

most of them are just the "average" animefan that hasn't gotten past it like we have.

>> No.7311950

>loli porn, then more pressure for Japan to ban lolis
well, I actually will laugh if I see something like that on CNN, it just makes them look ridiculous to me. But, yeah, I won't like it if I can't get my U-15 idol videos.

>> No.7311951

The Miku from the Nebula PV.

>> No.7311956

This way to make a shitty first impression.

Why is this happening? I mean I feel sorry for Japan because of what little media I see over there I notice all sorts of memes on their shows. Their internet is very much main stream. This could possibly end up like how japan will be. Spouting memes everywhere. I dont know how our japanese counter parts can be live with all that shit on a daily basis.

This is not some glorious moment of some stupid shit like blending reality with the internet. This is just fucking awful. The least they could do was not put some ugly fucking americanized comicbook whore that supposed to be Miku on that god forsaken site.

>> No.7311962
File: 154 KB, 820x662, 1296454951880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like one or two vocaloid songs. The cult following, the concerts, and this viral marketing stuff make me embarrassed about it, unfortunately.

I'm glad my sister doesn't know about this stuff. I would never hear the end of it.

>> No.7311963

Can't wait for Americans to start complaining about "auto tune" when talking about her.

>> No.7311967

thank you for placing the image of T Pain and Miku rapping about bitches and whores

>> No.7311969
File: 183 KB, 1215x558, usvsjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious as to who actually gave the okay on this. The song, the commercial, and the art itself is all poorly implemented or made. And the western design to emphasize detail looks like it's out of a comic book.

>> No.7311970

I only see Kanye doing that.

>> No.7311972

Oh dear, are we going to start seeing Miku singing linkin park?

>> No.7311973

You mean it hasn't happened yet?
I thought it did...

>> No.7311974
File: 35 KB, 425x277, kirby_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's basically this?

>> No.7311979

why does japan think we are all tough guys who dont like cute things?

>> No.7311982

Because buff bald space marines shooting aliens.

>> No.7311986

I wish Osama Bin Laden wasn't dead so he could hit the US with more terrorist attacks

>> No.7311988

Tripshots (the creator of "Nebula") said on Twitter that the model is not his.

I personally welcome the change... I see things more from a marketing perspective, and I actually think this is interesting.

>> No.7311990

I'm hiding this thread now. It hurts my head to look at these posts by people who are stupid enough to believe that the Vocaloid fanbase was pure up to this point.

>> No.7311996

Fuck you troll. You just want her to fail.

>> No.7311997


Crawring in my skin, zes wounds zey wirr not hiru

>> No.7311999


>> No.7312001

Hatsune Miku vs The Toxic Cesspool that is American Popular Culture. Who will win?!

>> No.7312010
File: 102 KB, 399x341, PEPSIMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me of pepsiman


>> No.7312012

More like it will absorb her and mutate her into some american idol pop star disney bullshit

>> No.7312013

I wish I was dead. More than usual, even

>> No.7312014
File: 18 KB, 269x360, Tiffany_bride_of_chucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what It reminds me of.

>> No.7312016

How hipster are you? I wouldn't mind it if the ads were well done. The yell at beginning before the actual song was painful.

>> No.7312017

lol just bc shes popular u hate it now, ur so cool @_@

That's what we will be hearing from now on

>> No.7312018

Unfortunately it was a matter of time. Now that I am realizing this it is to be expected that something has to be leaked to america from japan. It is going to be somthing that wil have a huge ripple effect as well that will fuck me and everyone else over.

I dont want to live on this world any more.

>> No.7312019


>> No.7312021

jesus christ.

you can't tell me this was the announcement. you can't tell me that...

oh god, it HAS to have been what the announcement is about. this is just horrible beyond words. the actual nature of the advertising is just as predicted, but special announcement? sell-out much?

>> No.7312022

Please, make it less obvious: 0/10.

>> No.7312023

Why do you want to promote this?

>> No.7312025

English version
I AAAAaaAAAM, the Greatest PUR I IN N CE-ESS!

>> No.7312027

>implying she hasn't been a "sellout" for fucking years and there isn't merch of her goddamn everywhere
>calling a fictional character a sellout
You're like some kind of super hipster or something.

>> No.7312028

It's fitting that that a car commercial is Miku's first real american exposure. The only way it could be better is if McDonalds also had a hand in it

>> No.7312030

Miku happymeal toys

I could totally see it

>> No.7312031

Not very good at reading are you son

>> No.7312032
File: 127 KB, 450x338, why so hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So its a calm commericial and it has some weeaboo element to it...


Fuck this shit. What are you guys doing?

>> No.7312033

If this airs on TV I'll cry.

>> No.7312034
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>> No.7312038
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>> No.7312039

He isnt promoting it, moron. He said he would not have minded if the ads were well done. I to would have been happy if the ad was good. However the ad was not good. That ad needs to be scraped. I mean, how the hell did that ever get past quality control?

>> No.7312040

The difference is being mainstream in Japanese culture isn't as bad as American culture. American culture is poisoning the creativity of the world

>> No.7312042
File: 1.15 MB, 1916x2554, 1298193277647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7312044



>> No.7312048

American culture isn't being forced down anyone's throat. It's just enjoyed by those who are already bydlo enough to enjoy it.

>> No.7312049
File: 1.18 MB, 1916x2554, 1298194935273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Japan is creative and not shitty
They're just as shitty, if not moreso.

>> No.7312051

I would eat at mcdonalds every day if they had miku toys. Well, at lest until i had them all.

>> No.7312052

Superior car commercial.

>> No.7312046 [DELETED] 

Too bad real american miku mcdonalds toys wouldn't be that cute. they'd be westernized garbage like on the website

>> No.7312055

too bad real american miku mcdonalds toys wouldnt be that cute. they'd be westernized garbage like the art on that website

>> No.7312058
File: 70 KB, 371x354, dontmakeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow. This is actually really new, and the commercial was put on youtube 2 days ago.


>> No.7312059
File: 40 KB, 344x365, 83872482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ here

How long before Toyota grabs hold of your Touhou?

>> No.7312061

Why would you be happy if it was well done?

>> No.7312065


Superior car commercial.


>> No.7312070

We have to go deeper.

>> No.7312071

Oi, Miku isn't wearing her seatbelt! Wtf Toyota

>> No.7312073

Because as a Fan and not a faggot that thinks /jp/ is a secret club, anything that spreads the love of Miku is good.

>> No.7312087

>Anything that spreads the Miku love is good

Get the fuck out. You want normalfags here. Pure concentrated cancer.

>> No.7312088

why couldnt they have just made an american vocaloid or something. why would they do this to miku

>> No.7312089

Not when it is america. Do you not know what this could possibly do? It will turn Miku into some filthy whore that airs on disney channel to say the least. Just look at that shitty traced picture on their site. That is just a taste of what could possibly happen.

>> No.7312091

my dearest apologies.

i just don't expect an internationally broadcast "special announcement" for a voice synth program, especially when he knows he's got every Western vocaloid fan waiting on the announcement of English Miku, to be a car advertisement, and aside from the presence of a song, completely unrelated to music or the program itself.

i don't think being irritated with this is unjustified. of course it makes sense from a purely business perspective, but there was no need to mask this as a major "special announcement" with a relation to Miku in America by someone(i presume) is a crypton official. this wouldn't have bothered me if Miku wasn't supposedly on the border of being released, and they had done it without trying to garner people's expectations for such an announcement. i'm not going to deny that it was a smart move from a business perspective.

it was a deliberate attempt to abuse the anticipation of the people waiting for english miku for something(other than having a song and the name Hatsune Miku) completely unrelated to vocaloid, that's what i am reacting to. if miku had been out for a year and this happened, i wouldn't be saying any of this.

i don't know why i'm trying to respond civilly to a troll post.

>> No.7312095

>samefag posting again and again

>> No.7312098

This. It was inevitable that Vocaloid get exposure in the west, and I would appreciate it if it was at least done well. Awkward screams and appearances in car commercials aren't the best way to introduce voice synthesizing software.

>> No.7312104

This ad is not different from any other Miku faggotry. She's been "selling out" for years. The only difference is that now she's being used to market shit in the US.

Same shit, different group of idiots.

Also, u mad over a waifu, bro.

>> No.7312105

>infinite summer samefag

>> No.7312107

I dunno, man, the car commercial part is pretty good, and screams/other sudden, loud noises are good marketing techniques.

>> No.7312109

For those interested, the most painless and effective way to kill yourself is by burning charcoal in a sealed room. no need to thank me

>> No.7312111

"Big in Japan" = doomed to obscurity in the US

Don't worry, guys. This is as much exposure as she'll get in the US.

>> No.7312113

You can't sell out a personified image of a voice-synth program. Anyone can use it anywhere, and even make money off of it. But using it in a car commercial...

>> No.7312114

I've not watched TV in years, but sudden screams in your commercial is guaranteed to get people to hate your product, especially since viewers likely just spent the past few hours getting used to the audio level every other show and commercial is set to, only to get shocked by the loudness of some computerized screech.

It's not any different than audio internet ads, really.

>> No.7312118

As long as she doesnt get westernized Id be fine with it. They key word here is quality. As long as its done well and tastefully I dont care. This commershal is not quality. After seeing how horrible that commershal was I dont think its possible for her to come to America with out getting diminished. I would have thought Crypton would have been on top of things. I can still hope future exposure will be better.

>> No.7312119
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 347828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7312121

I said "sell out" because that's what Anon was claiming.

I know full well that she's just an imaginary character designed specifically for marketing.

>> No.7312123
File: 57 KB, 287x239, patchy heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when shit really starts to hit the fan. After seeing this, I am sure it is not much longer now.

>> No.7312131

That is how it was years ago, not things are becoming more close knitted together. This may not be like the other shit that gets over to the states.

Dont forget that fucking shoe bigest otaku or whatever the fuck its called. I still cant believe that is a tv show.

>> No.7312132

yes, i know. it's not different from any other. i'm not saying that.

this kind of advertisement is natural, but i consider putting it out at this timing in that style to be bad form, that's all. but either way, the best argument here to show that i am being ridiculous is to say that

"The one who really benefits out of this is Miku, not Toyota. Being associated with a Toyota advertisement gives more advertising advantage to Miku than Toyota. So, Miku/Crypton did this to use Toyota, not the other way around."

i don't think i would have had a response to that.

i'm not complaining about the nature of the advertisement itself(although i don't like it). unfortunately, the style of art/song/etc. is simply how you have to appeal to modern america and i don't think they have a choice.

>> No.7312134

Fun Fact: Anybody not saging the thread and using it as a means of insult is the OP samefagging with himself

>> No.7312137
File: 209 KB, 600x706, 1291476987469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What they were trying to do in the commercial was build up tension by showing obscured and partial views of the performer while the spokesperson delivers his little speech. It's supposed to build up until the performer finally breaks the tension by appearing suddenly in the center of the camera's view with immediate fanfare and a burst of whatever the fuck it is they're supposed to be about.

The problem is, they really chose the wrong thing for Miku to do at the moment of "final reveal" - an awkward scream. It was supposed to be some kind of equivalent to a band shouting "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK, D.C.!?" just before jamming on their instruments.

But hell, what the heck is Miku supposed to break dramatic buildup with? Does she have any iconic interjections or anything of the sort? What would you have broken the tension with?

>> No.7312139

fuck everything

>> No.7312142

The commercial doesn't seem as bad to me as this thread is making out. If they cut out the 2 1/2 seconds with the screaming and the head-on view of the CG model's face I don't think I'd have any real problem with it.

>> No.7312146
File: 9 KB, 493x402, ahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No no no no no no no no. Please no... I'm going to cry. No no no no no...

>> No.7312151


>> No.7312158

Honestly they did all the wrongs things they could possibly do to make a first impression.

>> No.7312163

>this kind of advertisement is natural, but i consider using that announcement method at this timing in that style to be bad form, that's all.
uh, sorry, to be absolutely clear i am referring to crypton's behavior(both the timing and the secrecy/phrasing combined), not toyota's or the advertising company's, as explained in my other post.

>> No.7312164
File: 38 KB, 485x500, 1302871018275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a narcissist, listening to her own music in the car.

>> No.7312165

Wait what? Please tell me they're selling a Miku branded Corolla.

>> No.7312167

The choice of song and art was poor. Watch the commercial again, Three points

1. The software does not to screams well, at all.
2. The music sample was really low quality. It sounded like shit
3. That miku was scary looking. Its going to give people nightmares.

>> No.7312171

Serious question: Besides the scream, what were all these wrong things they did?

>> No.7312172

The muscle and the tone of her body is pig disgusting.
Can someone send them email and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.7312173

I didn't have any problem with that model in Project Diva.

>> No.7312174

This please.

>> No.7312178



>> No.7312180

They chose angles and a model that was already a bit off for the most alien look possible

>> No.7312181

Remember when Target had that thing with Domo-kun?

It'll be okay, guys. It'll be okay.

>> No.7312183

This will be forgotten about within a few weeks. At least I hope to fucking god

>> No.7312184

If the commercial appeals to you, congratulations, you're the target market. If it doesn't, rather than rant about how your waifu is being bastardized, just ignore it and move on.

Oh wait, /jp/ doesn't know how to do that.

>> No.7312188


They had too many dreams.

>> No.7312190

I didn't mind the model at all, it's fresh in relation to the polygon-ish Western 3D models we're exposed to.

The audio quality was fine imo. It was never great to start with. XD

And the angles were perfectly normal for a car commercial. It's a car commercial. Not an anime. Have you guys on /jp/ ever seen a car commercial? Hm? Well, yes. They advertise cars like this in America.

>> No.7312192
File: 262 KB, 1656x649, There is No God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7312194

Oh, you're one of them.

>> No.7312195

Fuck. They got me. I'm weaboo enough to want this car. And I wanted to buy an AE86 too. If it comes with any sort of promotional decals then I'm sold.

>> No.7312198


Your whole post is invalid

>> No.7312200

Yeah what are they going for manly?

>> No.7312201

Get out.

>> No.7312202

Reported for nonenglish

>> No.7312203

slut with breasts instead of pure loli

>> No.7312205

And /jp/ spergs out over a shitty emoticon.

Stay classy, /jp/.

>> No.7312208

I know right what loser autists lmao

>> No.7312210

thank god this shit is no longer /jp/ related.


>> No.7312212


I just wish I could talk to you guys about stuff once in a while.

but ur just so made all teh tiem

>> No.7312215
File: 87 KB, 451x504, nendoroid-miku-racing-2011-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calling it.

>> No.7312216

>every response to using "XD"
Um, yeah, you guys definitely mad. Because it's totally wrong to use some kind of emoticon to express an emotion of some sort. What do you want me to do, use "wwwwww" instead? Ah, whatever.

Stay classy, /jp/.

Anyway, um. I'm still fine with the commercial.

>> No.7312217

>/jp/ spergs out
Yes people vomit blood and throw their monitors out of the window anytime someone uses an emoticon.
Stay stupid outsiders.

>> No.7312218

See, folks, the Vocaloid fanbase was great until Toyota came along.

>> No.7312225

>Vocaloid fanbase

Yeah, you guys really don't like leaving this place, do you.

>> No.7312226

Reported for trolling.

If you were not a newfag you would know that emotes are hated across the entire board. Emotes are hated by everyone who had an IQ over 120. Please keep trolling though.

>> No.7312228

Um, like, you know, it's totally cool to express myself silly :P

>> No.7312233

>Emotes are hated by everyone who had an IQ over 120
Jesus Christ, shut up. You're not helping either.

>> No.7312234


You have to use superior nipponese emoticons. (″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾

>> No.7312237

>Vocaloid fanbase was great
We are not in 2007 anymore.
Vocaloid fanbase has been shit after the popularization of the nicodouga medley video with her.

>> No.7312240

Aside from just slapping Miku standing beside the Corolla, is there anything at all related between the two?
I get the feeling this is how shameless advertisement is supposed to work.

>> No.7312241

God, I forgot the 2011 Nendocar comes blank and you get decals for LOL CUSTOM SCHEME. What a load of crap so they don't have to deal with it. I used to dislike the fact Goodsmile Racing used a BMW Z4, but compared to a Corolla...

>> No.7312242

IQ of 122 and I think they're alright.

Also, Vocaloid fanbase was great until it came to America. Just like every fanbase.

>> No.7312251

That's exactly my point. It was sarcasm. It's like when the CNN Bad Apple thing happened and people were like "Oh shit, now Touhou will spread beyond 25 year old socially-alienated Japanese men who attend Comiket and Reitaisai religiously! Unthinkable!"

>> No.7312254

Well, the difference here is that they're advertising Miku in America as much as possible. It's not going to stop with one video or campaign. Crypton's intent on taking over the world, essentially, so this isn't going to boil over anytime soon. At this point, yes, we do have to "fear" people learning about Vocaloid.

>> No.7312259

It is not like we have miku threads 24/7 here.
Those faggots will go to /a/ for the vocaloid update.
-MIKU Slife of Life > K-ON

>> No.7312260

I really hope you're not actually that ignorant of what's been going on. You could have gone to any Vocaloid video on Youtube since 2008 and in the comments you'd see:
>omggggg =^_____^= ren is mai husbando XD i want his shota dick inside me o.O
>kaito x gakupo 4evar xD
>jajajaja miku is EPIC :D shes gonna go viral global :D

>> No.7312264

>advertising Miku in America as much as possible
We have 1 commercial that might not even air on TV.

>> No.7312269

Are you kidding? Those comments make me want to preach the doom of the Vocaloid fandom.

It's obvious that Crypton is planning to expand to America. They came to America and announced it. They had a showing of last year's concert in San Francisco. There's going to be an English Miku. And now this?

You can't tell me all of this doesn't mean anything for a company that's primarily based in Japan.

>> No.7312270

Oh please...

Miku has been mainstream in Japan with ニワカ fans everywhere since niconico became popular. The userbase of nico is the Japanese equivalent of the youtube comment section and facebook, and vocaloid has long been a symbol of mainstream whore out on 2ch.

>> No.7312271


Yeah, I think as long as Miku is as girl-repellent as the rest of otaku-related things, "catching on" is really nothing to worry about.

>> No.7312276

Not with that face

Anime girls are a replant because they put 3D girls to shame. A Miku that looks like a really ugly guy wont cause any girls to become self conscious.

>> No.7312281


>There's going to be an English Miku.

I thought there already was, just with a different name and no accompanying anime mascot character. Lola or something.

I mean, you can pretty much just force Miku to try to sing English and wind up with Engrish singing as it is.

So what, someone's planning to de-engrish Miku's voice for English vocals? Wouldn't that just make her not Miku? Are they going to try to shoot for a heavy Japanese accent doing English vocals?

>> No.7312291

Lola was the first-ever female Vocaloid, released with Leon. Miku was the first Japanese Vocaloid on the VOCALOID2 engine. Miku is NOT the first Vocaloid.

Her Engrish... eh.

No, they're not really "de-Engrishing" her voice. They're actually re-recording Miku's voice actress's entire voice bank from scratch so that it's an English voice bank instead of just having Japanese vowels. And apparently, the voice actress is taking English lessons as well, which should help a bit.

>> No.7312292

I hope you all know:
-English Vocaloid software has been retailed in the West for some time now.
-Miku T-shirts have been officially retailed in the United States by Cospa USA, in brick-and-mortar stores, to be bought by anyone who is interested, for some time now.
Just clearing those things up, as I noticed some confusion.

>> No.7312305

Yeah, the first Vocaloids were English.
English Vocaloids available:

Sweet Ann
Big Al

Luka has an English voice bank, and apparently some companies are working on more English Vocaloids.

>> No.7312314
File: 27 KB, 500x350, hal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the original Vocaloid.

>> No.7312335 [DELETED] 

Why does anybody care?

>> No.7312337

Because I love Miku and I dont want to see her abused.

>> No.7312342
File: 243 KB, 600x674, 438756343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her first US welcome, if people don't like it she can stay in Japan, if people like it she can IMPROVE

This looks low budget as fuck, so yeah im guessing there is room for improvment

>> No.7312350

That is a love we can all understand, but it doesn't warrant spewing paragraphs upon paragraphs of unadulterated hatred for every living American.

>> No.7312352

Thats a nice way to look at it. I think the blew the whole budget on the shots of the car. They couldnt even afford a decent audio track.

>> No.7312358

There are english Vocaloids, yes, but they all sound like crap. Even the ones released by Crypton. They aren't Miku though, since they don't use the same voice source. Still, I expect this to be just as horrible. The only chance this could be worthwhile is if they release it on the Vocaloid 3 engine, and even then, who knows, it's not out yet.

>> No.7312361

Well, I dont know. I love Miku more than America. And If America cant accept Miku for what she is and needs to deform her like on that toyota website, then America needs to burn.

>> No.7312386

Saki Fujita cant sing in english.

>> No.7312409

I never said I had any hope for it.

>> No.7313274

I kinda like Prima, though she is better at singing backup and ambient vocals.


>> No.7313296

as an american, i have only two words:

well stated.

just get me out of here when you do it.

although i suspect similar things would happen in europe regarding miku's advertisement

>> No.7313308
File: 20 KB, 288x279, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7313317
File: 85 KB, 845x563, hatsune-miku-nissan-180sx-drift-itasha-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just dumping the few decent Miku Itasha cars that I like

This guy's in Russia

>> No.7313323
File: 401 KB, 800x507, 10085520839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SuperGT Race car in Japan
I'm going to guess this car has $100k invested into it, fuck yeah.

>> No.7313325 [DELETED] 
File: 532 KB, 1920x1200, 1285111567343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My car
I wish I had more money to spend on vinyl

>> No.7313335

fucking nuke japan

>> No.7313355
File: 52 KB, 330x524, 1303874973610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7313364

gb2/k/ with your 5.7

>> No.7313392


>> No.7313408
File: 912 KB, 800x918, hiko618967774 usamiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I updated this pic.

>> No.7313415

I have to say I like the trace's hand and armpit better than Tony's.

>> No.7313418
File: 437 KB, 966x607, Toyota_Miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to be a rabid fanboy like most of /a/ and /jp/ claiming that Miku is now RUINED FOREVER thanks to this commercial. For me, I just feel kind of happy that Miku is now getting more exposure in the west. Sure, it's not exactly what people wanted, but at least it's a start.

>> No.7313427 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 252x264, already_knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She looks like a man in that picture.
American Miku Is Hardcore [as HELL]

>> No.7313425

Most people are just going to think it is faggot stuff

>> No.7313430
File: 892 KB, 1722x1722, meiko driving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Miku great? It's not like Vocaloids existed before Miku or anything

>> No.7313442

commercial would be fine if the Miku was high quality

>> No.7314171

This. Just remember most of America's youth is into gangsta hiphop/rap shit, the antithesis of cute.

>> No.7314179

>hot topic
Watch in horror as Blackune Miku appears on nigger shirts and clothing, sporting drug paraphernalia

>> No.7314184

This. It'd be fitting to try this IF, IF! people were at least open about liking anime. Instead of striking while the iron was hot during popular anime, you are trying to put a square in the circular hole.

>> No.7314188

If this is the direction it's going in then I would prefer it if they start packing instead.

It doesn't matter so long as Miku remains the same in Japan. That's all there is now anyways. But Miku is the source of my daily smiles, so if that does change for whatever reason(be it Americanization or what) I'll be sad.

>> No.7314197

Wow so Japan took a manly looking character and America made her cute, now Japan has a cute character and America makes her manly? Who would have thunk?

>> No.7314203

She just looks less animu, not manly.

>> No.7314237

This is what /co/ actually believes.

>> No.7314279

oh god that commercial
who decided it was a good idea to put a high pitched AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA in it?

>> No.7314386

Oh shit nigga, is that a sphere with a face texture applied to it?

>> No.7314411
File: 111 KB, 640x897, megaman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7314419

That's it. Now I've seen everything. Fuck this shit!

>> No.7314429

no, it has holes for the flat eyes too.

>> No.7314430


I'm quite fond of Meiko,Luka and Rin. The others? Not so much.

>> No.7314460

I mean, it's great Miku is getting exposure in America... But as stated before, I don't want to lose her to Hot Topic goths and hipster faggots.

If these ads air on television, I might rage.

>> No.7314505

/jp/ - Independent Chinese and Vietnamese women aged 20-28 who refuse to follow the beaten path, instead following their dreams to find their own way to success
