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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7308925 No.7308925 [Reply] [Original]

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

hard mode: no "Buy stock in Apple/google" or "here are the winning lottery numbers".

>> No.7308928

I would kill myself because there is no future for me.

>> No.7308934
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The pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.7308938

"Leave 4chan. It doesn't get any better, ever."
"get a fucking job and go to college later. You won't graduate in 4 years anyway"

>> No.7308946

I would rape myself

>> No.7308950

4chan is still shit in the future and get some jobs while in college because a degree alone doesn't give you shit

>> No.7308962

I would stop myself from playing True Love, reading dragonball, watching anime in general and not downloading PCB.

>> No.7308967

I would go back in time 15 years tell myself to buy stocks in Microsoft and the football (soccer for you americans) results for the next 15 years.

>> No.7308975
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I would just powerbomb myself and leave.

>> No.7308977

Of course, all those times a girl was interested in me, but I was to stupid to realise after years later or act on it... I'd start there.

Also, take part in more sporting activities, so I don't become the skinny-as-fuck unfit adult I am now.

>> No.7308982

I'd give my time machine to my previous self so he can make safe points. That way he could play all the routes until finally he unlocks the harem route.

>> No.7308985

"Don't touch her, she will wake up. Even though she was only awake for a brief moment, and even though she seemed confused and disoriented and went back to sleep almost immediately and never really seemed 'awake', you will never know for certain if she knew. You will never know for certain if she remembers. Nothing was ever said, and nothing seems out of the ordinary at all over the past 10 years, but you will always, always be wondering if she remembers that moment."

>> No.7308986
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Don't go on HRT, you're penis stops working.

>> No.7309000

HRT? Are you some kinda trap anonymous? Do you just stick with anal pleasuring now?

>> No.7309005
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If I had gone back in time to talk to myself, then I wouldn't have to go back in time to talk to myself, you fucking retard.

>> No.7309012

just tell yourself to make sure to go back and tell yourself, idiot.

>> No.7309015

Watching too much fail shit haruhi.

>> No.7309017

I would tell myself to try and relax more and not get stressed by every damn thing that happens.

I mean whats the point since you're going to get cancer and be told you have less than a year to live when your 26.

You might as well drive fast and take chances in life instead of working hard.

>> No.7309021

>hard mode: no "Buy stock in Apple/google"

I had $5k in the bank to buy Google in preparation for the first day of trading. Two weeks prior, my parents' need to have their well redug or they don't have any water. And they're broke. Shoulda told them to do without...

Thanks for reminding me. :(

>> No.7309027

Dude you would have been rich.

>> No.7309026

/jp/ - grandfather paradox

>> No.7309023

/jp/ has a lot of cancer patients I wonder why. Maybe touhou gives you autism and cancer?

>> No.7309243

Wow, you are by far the biggest failure here.

>> No.7310942


Only in the view of someone without morals.

Google is one of the shadiest, most questionable companies out there. He's better off not dirtying his hands by supporting it.

>> No.7310952

I'd tell myself to start drawing sooner and to find 4chan faster.

>> No.7310955

Learn the cello.

>> No.7310956
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"whatever the HELL happens don't stop making eye contact"-wtH

>> No.7310960

Take it easy and don't be so creepy.

>> No.7311050

I tell myself dont brush off your classmates advice about going into the government instead of college.

Three years later I'm in debt and have no job and the same classmae who didnt go to college has been working for Homeland Security for as long as I've been in school. ;_;

>> No.7311066

Buy facebook.


Destroy facebook.

Watch normal tears.

>> No.7311073

I would tell myself to just fuck that bitch man and get high as fuck as so shitfaced drunk man let's go tweet to each other fuck I love asian girls >mfw >spaghetti datass

>> No.7311076

please PLEASE dont kill yourself
gensokyo ir NOT REAL

>> No.7311091
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Stop being a chicken shit and learn kanji, trust me, when you learn it reading gets a lot easier. Right now you'll be dicking around for about 2 years thinking it'd be cool to learn Japanese and occasionally looking at grammar and stuff. Then you'll be learning more seriously for another few years but still failing, and cursing yourself for getting nowhere; only to switch your methods and learn more within a few months than in those years combined.

Take it easy more, nobody gives a shit about you. You later drop out of college thinking you'll be shamed, but nobody really makes a big deal about it and they support you, so stop thinking about that stuff.

Don't get close to a girl named Yuri, she doesn't like you, she'll hurt you in a way you'll never recover from. Even though you'll find she's a pretty cool gal that's into anime and manga and think it's way too odd for someone as attractive and unique as her to be too shy to make friends with anyone but you. Avoid her, focus on Japanese instead.

I won't tell him that she later lets me know about some of her fears and the fact that she had cancer and knew her days were limited. We only end up going out for a few months but are too shy to do anything more than hug and hold hands. Sorry bout the semi blog, shitsux.

>> No.7311144
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I'd kill him so he won't have to deal with the bullshit of being me in the future.

>> No.7311179
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I'd give myself this.

>> No.7311206

You are putting too much effort into things like friends and relationships. The people around you matter less than you think, and will become quite irrelevant after graduation.

More importantly, stay the fuck away from MMOs. You may try to indulge in only one or two at a time, but even that will consume you.

>> No.7311213

Oh shit man.

>> No.7311217

tell myself to go to Peshawar Pakistan before 2009 learn terrorist scribble language
spend entire life high as a kite shooting local-made AKs for $200

>> No.7311216

Go into accounting, fuck whatever mom says

>> No.7311223

ctrl+f "she"

11 results

Reported for thinly veiled normal thread.

>> No.7311233


sorry to sort of jump into this, but what method did you switch to that helped you learn kanji?

>> No.7311234

Get out of /jp/. You and your failed tries at >greentext

>> No.7311239
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Fuck hard mode. I'd give him lotto numbers, future song lyrics so can sell for money, ideas for websites, games, movies, and I'd tell him about the wonderful art of crossdressing.

Hopefully I'll transform into a rich deliciously fabulous trap when I get back to my time.

>> No.7311243

11 results.

From 2 posts.

>> No.7311247

you actually use >mfw?

get out.

>> No.7311255

Heisig+Koohi+A little kanji dicks for when Heisig used words I wouldn't be able to remember. When you learn kanji the rest comes pretty easily.

Nah, even with my post I don't consider myself normal. I'm telling myself to avoid getting into a relationship, not to get into one. She's the only real girl I've ever even felt anything for, mostly because of how awkward both of us were.

>> No.7311260

Give up.
Your life will only get worse and worse, you better give up already and die. Also don't browse 4chan. It's shit.

>> No.7311268
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>> No.7311274

For the love of the glorious god, do not post an Umineko thread in /a/. It just brings the downfall of /jp/.

>> No.7311281

They made a castlevainia game for the normal gameboy and your entire digestive track is fucked due to two faulty organs.

>> No.7311283

I would probably wear gothic lolita on a daily basis

>> No.7311285

take care of your body.

>> No.7311358

I would tell myself to jump off the apartment balcony before I grow up and realize how scary that would be.

>> No.7311366 [DELETED] 

...I started typing, and didn't stop for half an hour.
God damn, that's a lot of regrets. But it was pretty therapeutic.
But lets ignore the dozens of the specific situations no one needs to know about:
Draw. It just takes practice, once you start you WILL get better.
Don't get fat. When you feel like picking up a sport, DO IT. No, you're not fat already, that's just what your parents are telling you to get you to read less books and socialize more. Ignore them. Hell, ignore everything they, and the grandfather says, they're all scum.
Do your homework and learn to study daily. No, you don't need it to graduate with honors up through middle school, but it will be extremely important later, And you know, if you're going to school anyway, why not make the most of it?
Don't avoid girls. There's nothing to be ashamed of in hanging out with them, and the ones you meet are better and most interesting people than all your guy "friends" anyway.
Take care of your sister. She needs you.
Don't care about fitting in. Don't be afraid of speaking your mind. Don't care about the opinions of your family and peers. Only care about the people you actually care about - not the ones you think you should. Do what you want to do. Follow your passions no matter what it takes. Don't feel bad because your preferences don't match your peers. It's your life, don't waste it trying to live it according to anyone's wishes but yours. You're the only one who thinks they care, after all.

>> No.7311378

...I started typing, and didn't stop for half an hour.
God damn, that's a lot of regrets. But it was pretty therapeutic.
But lets ignore the dozens of the specific situations no one needs to know about:
Draw. It just takes practice, once you start you WILL get better.
Don't get fat. When you feel like picking up a sport, DO IT. No, you're not fat already, that's just what your parents are telling you to get you to read less books and socialize more. Ignore them. Hell, ignore everything they, and the grandfather says, they're all scum.
Do your homework and learn to study daily. No, you don't need it to graduate with honors up through middle school, but it will be extremely important later, And you know, if you're going to school anyway, why not make the most of it?
Don't avoid girls. There's nothing to be ashamed of in hanging out with them, and the ones you meet are better and more interesting people than all your guy "friends" anyway.
Take care of your sister. She needs you.
Don't care about fitting in. Don't be afraid of speaking your mind. Don't care about the opinions of your family and peers. Only care about the people you actually care about - not the ones you think you should. Do what you want to do. Follow your passions no matter what it takes. Don't feel bad because your preferences don't match your peers. It's your life, don't waste it trying to live it according to anyone's wishes but yours. You're the only one who thinks they care, after all.

>> No.7311396

"study more"
"report all the shit your soon to be ex-stepfather has done tot he police. your like will instantly become much better."
"brush your teeth. trust me, brush your teeth."
"be nicer to that girl. you actually have a friend and its a girl."

Along these lines.

>> No.7311401

buy stock in /jp/

>> No.7311406

Slap myself in the face for getting a liberal arts degree

>> No.7311409


>> No.7311410

Learn to do all the fucking stuff you have to do in a timely fashion and break your horrid procastination habit so you don't end up in the sorry state that you are right now.

>> No.7311420

holy fuck

and don't wait for Duke Nukem Forever, Don't Socialize, Study more, Buy stock on google.

>> No.7311426

"Don't bother with a psych degree. You're gonna change it anyway."
"Get a car."
"Get a job."
"Get in shape."

>> No.7311427

Most of your efforts are a waste of time, stop trying so hard and take it easy.

Also stop talking to yourself you insane lonely piece of shit.

>> No.7311431

Stop drawing Inuyasha and Kagome kissing on all of your textbooks and pay attention in math class.

>> No.7311433

He's lying. Go ahead and break your toys.

>> No.7311457

tell the cops and put your drug dealing mother in jail
cut your hair
god damn fucking shave that peach fuzz it isn't cool and it won't grow into a beard
actually do something in high school

>> No.7311474

I want to tell the me back then:
"Don't do anything careless,"
"Don't do anything rash,"
"Don't pretend you didn't see that,"
"Pay more attention," and
"Conspiracy's evil hand was always closer than you had thought, always ready to trick you"......!

>> No.7311477

The reason you all suck at life is that you sulk on the past. Instead of strategically looking at the past and analyzing WHY your past choices did not work you decide to sulk on them. Even if you did analyze it, it is key to keep fucking moving. Don't get discouraged. Don't sulk or feel sad, it is like a stomach ache, it is a symptom of a larger issue.

Just keep fucking going. Learn from your mistakes then never look back.

Just sayin'


>> No.7311532

Get on HRT before puberty and learn the piano or violin.

>> No.7311541

Kill yourself young and get it out of the way.

>> No.7311564

I'd start off my slapping myself and harden the fuck up.

Then I'd tell myself to learn Japanese in a fucking year or else since It's been 10 years now and I still couldn't speak moon to save myself. I'd also mention something about learning to at least fake being a normalfag, because normalfags get girls and go outside and have jobs and... Hmm.

Fuck hard mode. I'd tell myself to buy them stocks and future wars, etc then just pay whores while never leaving my mansion.

>> No.7311638

I'd go back one year.

"I know how you feel about saving up, but... save up. Build a credit history, too. YOU WILL NEED THEM."
