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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 143 KB, 1314x849, 1304552462691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7307064 No.7307064 [Reply] [Original]

why japanese culture in particular? why not chinese? mongolian? any of the millions of other cultures in the world?

admit it, it's because of anime.

>> No.7307070

The Grizzly would win, OP.

>> No.7307071

Because faggots like OP keep slipping out of >>>/b/.

>> No.7307072

I don't understand what you're trying to prove.

>> No.7307073

bullshit, and entirely beside the point. this board is redundant, there should only be /a/.

tohou isn't a stones throw away from sailor moon. srs.

>> No.7307075

It was for touhou but moot didn't want the disgrace of having to be strong armed into making a board about touhou. He named it as Japan/General as a cope-out to include idols, VNs, and pedophilia.

>> No.7307076

The grizzly would be the ever living shit out of the gorrila.

>> No.7307077

Huh? Who said anything about Japanese culture?

>> No.7307080
File: 112 KB, 848x480, bear_oshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why Japanese culture in particular? w'HELL...BEAR O-SHI-
"Everything's Worse With Bears"
~mandatory tvtropes warning

>> No.7307082

oh. otaku.

that's even worse, if you ever want to be around semi-normal people feel free to come to /fit/

>> No.7307083

We don't watch anime.

>> No.7307085






Just to prove you wrong I will translate a sentance both ways: Chinese is an awful language.

Chinese: Zhōngguó shì yīgè kě pà de yǔyán

Japanese: Chūgoku wa hidoi gengodesu


>> No.7307087

is that an asian black bear?

>> No.7307092

sooo you like japan because their native language translates better than chinese?


>> No.7307093
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>> No.7307094


>> No.7307095

Anime, manga, VNs, idols, songs, cute girls. China has cute girls but that's about it. Why did you even start this thread when you know the answer?

>> No.7307096
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Take your VS threads outta here you stupid bastard.

>> No.7307102



>> No.7307104

Prolly has more to do with Nintendo, Sega, and Sony than anime.

What has China accomplished in the past 500 years?

>> No.7307105

well gee there's not already a board for that

>the rest of your shit
could be passed as vaguely anime-related things

this board doesn't need to exist

>> No.7307107

I don't give a shit about Japan only thing I care is product from Japan.

>> No.7307111

Grizzly is slightly more powerful but the gorilla is more suited for combat.

If the bear was a mother protecting a young cub then the gorilla would run away, otherwise the bear would run away. Bears aren't used to actual competition.

>> No.7307115

whats japan done in the last 500 year apart from ritual suicide and blowing up ships?

chinese culture is at least 4,200 years old.

>> No.7307113

>could be passed as vaguely anime-related things
>this board doesn't need to exist
You do realize that this board was specifically made to get those things out of /a/, don't you?

>> No.7307114

I love how these threads get the same replies every time. Don't you guys get tired of responding?

>> No.7307117

OP is buttdevastated that the only board for his country is /int/.

>> No.7307118
File: 16 KB, 230x210, uni-ball-signo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test any Japanese made pen (honestly, those are THEBESTTHEBESTTHEBEST) with pens made in Baka Chūgoku.


>> No.7307127

that is very sad

but as i said, why not obsess over mongolian or english made things?

>> No.7307128

They conquered China, that's what.

It took USA to pry them off.

>> No.7307131

Do mongolia and england actually make anything?

>> No.7307135
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>> No.7307137

Tell me when those Mongols start creating cute 2D girls.

>> No.7307133

yes those are very nice pens. better devote my entire life to psuedo-japanese jibberish now.

>> No.7307142

you don't know they do?

>'conquered china'
>massacred a city or two

>> No.7307145
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OP's homeland was raped by the Japanese during WWII.

>> No.7307153

no, it's just that there's nothing special about japanese thing by virtue of the fact that they're japanese.

if araq came up with anime, you'd probably be fawning over it instead.

>> No.7307154
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You Japan got quake III arena? etc...

>> No.7307156
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>If somebody else accomplished something cool, you'd probably give them credit for it.

Fuckin' cultural influence, how does it work?

>> No.7307163



>> No.7307167

You mad*

>> No.7307166

Yes, and?

The "otaku" in the board's name refers to the "Japanese niche media" meaning.

Not the "Everything Japanese is superior and I want to be Japanese" meaning. That's what "weeaboo" is.

>> No.7307170

i don't think there's as big a difference as you're making out, Sajiro

>> No.7307174
File: 184 KB, 427x640, 1293328853493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is frustrated because his country has failed to achieve anything of significant merit.

>> No.7307177

A grizzly can run at the speed of 50km/h and has claws that can cut through sheet metal. A gorilla is just a glorified version of a nigger. of course a grizzly would win.

>> No.7307180

nice barbie doll, do you play with them too? have teaparties?

>> No.7307185

What if he does?

>> No.7307188

then i truly pity him

>> No.7307189

Bears don't have the combat mentality. A gorilla is just about as strong AND it is adapted to hostile surroundings.

The gorilla would start making noise, and the bear would run.

>> No.7307190


>> No.7307191
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You jelly.

>> No.7307192
File: 81 KB, 720x535, 190359_1438084890592_1787111621_800822_5797055_n..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really going to tell me that you don't want to play with dolls?

>> No.7307196

Yeah but the gorilla would pursue until the bear feels threatened and turns into fighting mode, at which point it would slash the face off the gorilla and eat its heart.

>> No.7307195

he, presumably as an adult, is doing something an 8 year old girl has probably already grown out of

>> No.7307198
File: 93 KB, 450x600, 1293241101811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about dolls.

>> No.7307200

>doing something an 8 year old girl has probably already grown out of
Who defined that? You?
At least he's doing something he likes. Unlike you, just ranting like an old hag.

>> No.7307201

I agree. I even like the bit of them being nigger animals. Bears have fucking sharp claws and very strong arms. What the fuck is a nigger gonna do punch the bear when the bear claws his nigger face and bites his neck? Animals all know that going for the neck is a instant kill and they do it. That nigger is fucked.

>> No.7307202

if you insist

i do not, no normal person does

>> No.7307203

The bear would escape.

Gorillas aren't good pursuers; they just defend their territory. They stand up tall and make a bunch of noise; that is plenty to scare off pretty much anything and this style of tactics has been proven against bears.

>> No.7307211

you're going to sit their and argue with me about how owning dolls isn't pathetic

alright i'm done. i didn't even intend to troll, i just wanted to know why the hell some of you revere japanese culture so much. and it's because of anime, great.

>> No.7307206

What if they are in a cage match?

>> No.7307208
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Posting dolls in a doll thread, haters gonna hate.

>> No.7307212

It'd have to be one hell of a cage. Also how the fuck would you go about getting them into there?

>> No.7307213

A "normal" person would respect other person's tastes. You're just venting your hatred.

>> No.7307215

Sure you didn't mean to troll. Next are you also going to say your not a faggot.

>> No.7307216
File: 73 KB, 550x699, 1294929965719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP is buttmad about dolls

>> No.7307219

>some of you revere japanese culture so much
Do you just have a reading disability? Nobody here said they revere Japanese culture.

>> No.7307220
File: 167 KB, 500x375, 2490282524_f86d3e50e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. bait them onto the ring with food
2. drop cage

why don't they do this more often again?

>> No.7307222
File: 188 KB, 1200x800, 1294304205607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7307224

Either one of them could just walk through that as if it were made of paper.

>> No.7307226

Please don't spam this are thread.
Please you are to post this on >>>/an/ because frontpage is not have Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

>> No.7307227
File: 86 KB, 480x628, 1293692926352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307231

the power of animals will never cease to amaze me.

>> No.7307240



Learn to treat other people with respect or kill yourself.

I don't even browse this board a lot. I don't even know what's it's really about, but I have the politeness to lurk without intruding.

so GTFO and go back to /fit/. I could say you're vain by spending 5 days in the gym a week doing something you hate. but I don't, and neither does anyone else here.

I know that nobody from this board probably gives a fuck, but I'm fumin.

>> No.7307242

Learn to sage next time so you don't bump the thread. Or use noko+sage to sage invisibly.

>> No.7307252
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>> No.7307255

Why is this thread even getting any replies at all?

>> No.7307260

must suck

being an adult with an army of Rei dolls + detachable bras

yes i respect the sacrifice you're making, to show everyone how bad their lives could possibly be. never again will i complain

thank you

>> No.7307265
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>> No.7307296
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>This whole thread

>> No.7307469

OP is asspained just because some of grorious nihonjin raped some of his ancestors, hey guy you just need to follow nihonjin footsteps they got nuked in head even so they love Amerikans..
