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7302014 No.7302014 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou trends thread.

>> No.7302018

sanae always has very stylish boots.

that is why I love her.

>> No.7302020

They went on a diet. I wonder why.

>> No.7302026

The mechanics keep getting shittier, that's one I've observed at least.

>> No.7302024

Aren't those Alice's boots in Touhou 13? Did she steal them?

>> No.7302029

It's all those slim cosplayers corrupting Zun's mind.

>> No.7302034
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Perhaps. Yuyuko looks especially thinner. And much cuter.

>> No.7302064

Oh wow I did not realize how much the art has improved until I looked at the hair. I wonder if zun actually frequently practices art and tries to get better

>> No.7302068


I wonder if kamS will stick with the old art style

>> No.7302074

Sanae seems very 元気! like

>> No.7302081

i've noticed that the trend for all Touhous is to turn into sluts

>> No.7302082
File: 88 KB, 246x272, Satori - Puking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would Sanae wear country boots?

>> No.7302083

His art's certainly taken a turn for the worse.
What happened, ZUN? You did great in UFO...

>> No.7302096

I knew ZUN had pretty much moved from his 90s otaku style to full on moe faggotry, but I was not aware that his eyes had gotten so fucking huge.

Also Sanae's dress isn't going to have a pattern at all by TH14

>> No.7302097

It almost looks like ZUN learned how to draw hands.

>> No.7302100


He learns how to draw one thing, forgets how to draw another. How silly.

>> No.7302101

to distance it from fairy wars art.

>> No.7302104

the drawing style became simplifed and flat, i don't like this

>> No.7302106

Does zun listen to what the fans say about his art? does the majority hate it? is that why he is taking this tune in art direction?

>> No.7302112
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I was under the impression that the fan reception of UFO's art was generally positive. The main characters and the Youkai were all nicely done.

>> No.7302114

Then why is he doing this to us ;_;

>> No.7302115

it looks like she gathered more faith, if you know what I mean

>> No.7302116


Yeah, I thought it was nice too. I think his art changes depending on how sober he is, I dunno.

>> No.7302117

I hope Sanae gets her upgraded form soon, like Reimu, Marisa, and Yuka all changed. She's already facially and hairwise a lot different looking(for the better). Just give her a new outfit and she'll no longer be a tack on miko mk II

>> No.7302131

Sanae's youthfulness and bust size is based on the amount of faith she has. She can be as young looking as Suwako at maximum faith, but when she's lacking she'll grow old like Kanako.

>> No.7302148

Ten Desires art is the best present I could ever receive from ZUN. No longer will fagbags be able to bring shit up like Two who's becoming older and growing fat hag chests. They will forever remain beautiful little girls, just like they were intended to be. I nearly lost it when I saw UFO art before.

>> No.7302173
File: 26 KB, 464x379, 1285546886719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sanae's skirt gets shorter every game

>> No.7302175

Just imagine Yukari or someone showing up in the game.

>> No.7302179

UFO Sanae is my favourite.

Look at her, she's fucking adorable.

>> No.7302183

Her skirt is the same size. Her legs are just longer. That is, she's 5 heads tall instead of 4.

>> No.7302224
File: 152 KB, 700x968, sanae wants a skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whyyy didn't you draw in the skirt?
>You jerk!!

>> No.7302225


Holy crap Marisa gained and lost a lot of weight.

>> No.7302241

I wonder why ZUN's never done some sort of touhou beach game or something. He knows he wants to draw them all in old fashioned school swimsuits.

>> No.7302245

But those don't have any frills

>> No.7302250


I honestly doubt he'd want to make a beach game, but I don't know.

>> No.7302264

The gameplay could be a throwback to hrtp.

>> No.7302281


I don't think ZUN did the artwork for Ten Desires. If he did, he probably ran out of beer.

>> No.7302296

It was all lost in the earthquake.

>> No.7302367


They seemed pretty normal in SSiB. ZUN probably chose them.

>> No.7302379

TH10 Sanae is definitely the best. I love the volume on her hair. I don't like anything from TH13. It's definitely lost the soft water colors look. It's lost all its charm.

>> No.7302385

I agree, I loved what ever media he was using before to make them.

>> No.7302398
File: 116 KB, 500x488, 1296630169211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFO sanae is best.
SA sanae is also good.

>> No.7302403

what the hell guys?
Sanae's hair in MoF and UFO looked like a plastic monster
TD Sanae has the best hair

>> No.7302406

We love our fakeass slut, don't sway our opinions.

>> No.7302407
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Too bad she had to steal someone else's style to get the best hair.

>> No.7302409
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>> No.7302412

Yes, Sanae being a thieving cow IS disgusting!

>> No.7302436
File: 162 KB, 349x295, eiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mountain of Faith Marisa

>> No.7302446

I like Reimu, Youmu, and the bosses. But Marisa and Sanae feel too simple. Actually Marisa's outfit looks really good and Sanae has her fabulous hair. But the lost facial detail hurts them the most.

>> No.7302456

I kinda like Marisa's face. Just feels right whenever I see it.

>> No.7302598
File: 298 KB, 704x1408, marisafaces13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah upon replaying I realized I do like her.

>> No.7302604

The best three are UFO, PCB and SA, in that order.

ZUN's art is all over the place.

>> No.7302858

>She is giving a footjob to a crack rock

>> No.7302879

What happened to Marisa? Is her arm being held behind her back supposed to make up for her enormous drop in outfit design from UFO?

>> No.7304010

Their skirts are all pretty short in this game. Sanae's hair keeps getting longer though. She must not know how to cut it herself yet.

>> No.7304041


>> No.7305459

Why does he continue to draw them in semi-profile? ZUN, you can't draw facial features, and that's the point of that angle. AND WHERE'S TH13 MARISA'S BRAID, ZUN?!

>> No.7305462

Giving this a bump to contrast with the Flyable Heart thread contrasting with the mla ';oh shit unfinished translation got leaked'; thrad.

>> No.7305468

I don't think there are any scissors in gensokyo.

>> No.7305515

Thus Youmu's shitty haircut.

>> No.7305533

She made her ghost-half cut it using the sword.

>> No.7305545
File: 20 KB, 350x350, sanae crushed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
Sanae asked Kanako to cut her hair and the only tool she has availible is log.

>> No.7305572
File: 30 KB, 320x529, 1302778347689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Zun will be like this guy ?

>> No.7305599 [DELETED] 

>Dr. Michael Fitzgerald disputes the claim of schizophrenia, indicating Wain more than likely had Asperger syndrome (AS).

ZUN? Autistic? Never!

>> No.7305600

He already is.

>> No.7305606

I'd like to see what kind of turn the touhou games would take if he goes insane.

>> No.7305607

It would be like Ten Desires.

>> No.7305611
File: 83 KB, 256x256, face07dp_u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks pretty good in MoF, because Kanako and Suwako were granting her the powers of not looking weird. She looks just as good in UFO, but not as good because Kanako and Suwako are not there.

In Soku, Suwako said she and Kanako would stop helping her, so next game, she loses the ability to look good.
