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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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729782 No.729782 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a 22 year old American male student intern working in Tokyo for a large Japanese chemical company. I went through a pretty rough relationship with what I believe now to be a very devilish and evil japanese woman 4 years older than me. She lived with me for 4 months and proclaimed her love for me daily, not to mention, she also made numerous comments regarding marriage… Then BOOM… She dumped me right before New Years, via e-mail, while I was back in the States visiting my family for Christmas. When I returned to Tokyo she totally cut me off and completely ignored me for absolutely no reason. A month later I found out that bitch gave me Chlamydia. Since then I’ve wanted to get back at her anyway I could. Okay now for the confession part.
Since then I now believe all Japanese people (espeically Japanese living in tokyo) to be complete animals and void of true human virtues. I’m a relatively attractive male and decided I wanted to have an affair with my 36 year old co-worker(japanese). Shes never been married. I lied to her telling her how much I respected her individuality and some other bullshit that I spoon fed her. I’m sleeping with her now on a regular basis, she makes me dinner and breakfast, she has an awesome apartment, shes way more into me than I am into her.

>> No.729785

She border line loves me and I just like hanging out in her apartment and having sex with an older woman. I don’t have serious feelings for her. I should end this relationship soon. Unlike my Japimal of an ex-girlfriend and the rest of the sexually disturbed, emotionally devoid, and completely empty japanese society, I feel guilty for what I’m doing to this relatively decent Japanese woman. I’ll end the relationship soon. One more thing I still have to confess. This is a little strange because I haven’t done it yet, but I’m planning on doing it within the next few weeks. My evil ex-girlfriend, I’m going to go to her company (office building central tokyo) and throw at least a dozen raw eggs at her as she walks into her office. This very same day I will call her company and tell her boss she is a cheap skank and that she spreads disease. This type of call would be disregarded in the States but in Japan this is very serious. On a side note, I’m a highly educated non-racist american. Modern Japanese culture is just disgusting. Last weekend I watched a tv program on network japanese telivsion where they were discussing why middle-age Japanese men like to have sex with middle shcool and high school girls. I don’t know why this was even under discussion, this place is going to be swallowed up by the ocean. I gotta here out of this country before the fire and brimstong starts falling.

>> No.729787


Same person, get the fuck out.

>> No.729799

Let me clue you in. "Same person, get the fuck out." is a stupid new meme, don't pay too much attention to it.

>> No.729794

No shit, I had to split it in two parts.

>> No.729801


seems to be new cp

>> No.729807
File: 11 KB, 349x290, 1212214838395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.729811

tl;dr: i'm a normalfag here's a troll post hope you like it

>> No.729815

>On a side note, I’m a highly educated non-racist american.

no u arent idort

>> No.729864

ur a  ||
fag oo

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>> No.730163

and that's how hate spreads around the world. Someone does something bad to you, and you in return go hurt others.

Got to break the cycle man, break the cycle. It's shameful what you are doing to the other girl, treating a relationship with such disregard.

>> No.730167


I hate summer.

>> No.730171

OP here disregard that, I got a tripcode

>> No.730173

Sage for moral faggotry.

Kill'em all OP/troll you know you want to.

>> No.730182

Middle-aged men have liked to have sex with young women for millions of years. I don't really see what's wrong here.

>> No.730199

Don't bump this shit idiot.
