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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 785 KB, 4698x2409, 1297483709600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7294011 No.7294011 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder that next Sunday is Mother's Day.

Are you doing anything for Mama?

>> No.7294032

pre-emptive report

>> No.7294132
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>> No.7294163
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>> No.7294836

Why does Ran have to "ALWAYS" remind me of Ellen!?... I sure wish there's a Touhou that could remind me of... Seinfeld instead...

>> No.7294867
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>> No.7294879
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What's the deal with airplane peanuts

>> No.7294892

if only /jp/ were raised by ran, maybe you'd all turn out right

>> No.7294900

i doubt you'd turn out right if you fucked your mom every day

>> No.7294901
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>> No.7294902

Depends on which one you're talking about.

>> No.7294932

Ran isn't anyone's mother. Now fuck off~

>> No.7294975

Ignore her completely because I've got CS and calc finals the very next day.

>> No.7295009

Uh, Chen? HELLO?

>> No.7295012

Uh, secondary? HELLO?

>> No.7295018

Uh, not her mother? HELLO?

>> No.7295042


>> No.7295773
File: 29 KB, 189x207, Ran 3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what you do for mommy, I will love and appreciate it, because it's a special gift from my favorite little NEET.

>> No.7295797


>> No.7295828
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Go ahead, buy her a drink.

>> No.7295832
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>> No.7296053

she died when I was 7

>> No.7296080


I want to suck Mama's tits dry so that she's not in pain from her breasts being so swollen with milk.

>> No.7296131

I was planning on seeing her today and causally ask what she wanted. My dryer also broke so I was going to use that as an excuse to go over, plus I really did need to wash clothes. But no, she had to be a bitch and ignore my calls. When she finally answered she told me to get a life before I could even mention if I could go over. I was already dressed and ready with all my clothes in a bag, too. I even planned on ordering a pizza and renting a movie to watch together while I washed but she just squashed that plan.

Since our only local bookstore closed and she likes books, I was going to buy her a kindle but decided to wait in case my brother wanted to pitch in. But spending $200 on a mom that ignores your calls and won't let you go over to wash clothes seems like a waste.

>> No.7296167

Don't let that stop you bro. You only have one mother, and you'll never get a replacement. The thing is that she isn't expecting you to do anything for mothers day, and if you give up, you'll just reinforce that opinion. Surprise her.

Hell if you have to, just show up and give her a gift on mothers day, tell her about how you feel about her, etc. She might tsundere you for a bit, but deep down she still loves you. If she didn't love you she wouldn't even care at all enough to tell you to get a life.

>> No.7296177

No, my mother is a horrible person who was selfish and ignorant. I wish my mother was Ran.

>> No.7296183

No, my mother is a horrible person who's selfish and ignorant. I wish my mother was Ran.

>> No.7296193

But Ran's too serious and cool to be a mother and care about meaningless dates. She's gonna spend Mother's Day doing menial chores and solving bullshit math problems while Yukari sleeps and Chen stays alone with her cats.

See, I can make up random shit too, and I bet my ass it's closer to canon than the average fan depiction of Ran!

>> No.7296260

Don't be ungrateful fucks and at least try to be nice to your mothers instead of projecting to some fictional character, and a fanon version at that.

>> No.7296266

I don't talk to my family anymore, so no.

>> No.7296295

Yes. I'll be going to her funeral, as she died recently.

>> No.7296301

The Yakumo family is dysfunctional. The Komeiji family or the Moriya family is far more suitable.

>> No.7296336
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Dysfunctional or not, best family is best.

>> No.7296474
File: 110 KB, 550x623, 1c8583cac170bcecfd7f4fbe33f9bfd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kanako were my mom, things would be different around here.

>> No.7299165
File: 1.40 MB, 1300x1300, 0d00a91c37b75c73725fe0452d2c755c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mama Ran used to be a trained military killer before she settled down and decided to be a mama and say ara~ ara~ all the time

just look at that trigger discipline

>> No.7299176
File: 298 KB, 850x650, ポスター.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, everyone would be congratulating you to how fappable those advertising posters of your mom are

>> No.7299184

Don't say shit about my MrRogers.

>> No.7299191


If any Touhou was my mom, things would be different around here. Probably for the better, but you never know.

>> No.7299208

I don't think Cirno being your mom lead to anything good.

>> No.7299218


That's why I said probably. I honestly doubt some of their abilities to do such a thing, but they can't all be that bad.

>> No.7299253
File: 55 KB, 432x520, Photo_of_baby_with_FAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes things sure would be different!

>> No.7299275

No, she just earned my eternal disdain. I'm glad her life is hell.

>> No.7299346


>> No.7299360

Photo of yugi and suika's love child.

>> No.7299368

I wanted to take her out to Panda Inn. Their tea smoked duck is awesome. Desserts are pretty nice, too. Everything else is passable.

>> No.7302188
File: 151 KB, 1350x1500, 1285926069308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time has come for me to take my mother back to the front page

>> No.7302231

I wonder whatever happened to that guy who said he was in a relationship with his mother.

>> No.7302388


He was lost in a time paradox after he became his own father.

>> No.7302420
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>> No.7302824
File: 295 KB, 709x591, chensdream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't dream about Mama Ran wearing sweet sunglasses while abusing Yukari in an erotic way?

You don't know SHIT about Mama Ran

>> No.7302833

That looks like some horrible trauma-induced nightmare.


>> No.7302834

This brings me back to my childhood...

>> No.7302849

What's CS?
