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7288960 No.7288960 [Reply] [Original]

Shirou has no chance against Shiki

>> No.7288977

Sure, in Shiki fanfiction.

>> No.7288984

Shiki can defeat servants, discuss.

>> No.7288993

Shiki can defeat servants
Shirou has been defeated by servants
Shiki can defeat Shirou

>> No.7289075

Shirou can defeated opponents vampires cannot.
Vampires have defeated Shiki.
Shirou can defeat Shiki.

>> No.7289095

>Shirou can defeated opponents vampires cannot

If we are talking about Arcueid, then yes, she can.

>> No.7289109

But Shirou will trap Shiki in his Reality Marble where Shiki won't be able to guard against the rain of weapons.

>> No.7289130

He could kill his Reality Marble if he finds its "Ultimate Death" before he is skewered by that rain of weapons.

>> No.7289135

And then his mind explodes.

>> No.7289139

He's not Ryougi.

>> No.7289143

Hypothetical Tsukihime 2 Shiki might me able to, but right now it's nothing more than fanwank.

>> No.7289157

Aren't Shirou weapons copies? doesn't that mean they should have more red lines?
Also isn't the reality marble being crushed by the world? doesn't that mean is a dying field?= more red lines?

>> No.7289166

Not necessary.
And to obliterate something he'd use not lines but dots. And it still takes time to grasp the concept of Reality Marble, while dropping huge rain of swords is much faster.

>> No.7289172

It's all theoretical bullshit anyway, we can only infer what would happen. I think Nasu was quoted as saying Shiki would win in a fight against Shirou, but his brain would basically be a lump of fried mush afterward, so I would more call that a tie.

>> No.7289183


Shiki's eyes are stronger then her's

>> No.7289191

That's if he tried to cut the NPs.
And if he didn't, he would die a very quick death.
Nasu probably tried to avoid the question, while putting an end to it with an answer like that.
A Reality Marble is essentially an alien world for all intents and purposes. While it's possible Tohno might be able to lines/dots of it, I sort of doubt he could.

>> No.7289192

Ryougi's mind is stronger than Nanaya's, or at least more compatible with those eyes.

>> No.7289211

>And if he didn't, he would die a very quick death.

I though Shiki was fucking fast and all, to the point of being able to beat Olympic athletic, also din't he cut arcueid so fast she din't go time to react?

>> No.7289219

Yes he is and he did. Shirou has no chance in hell.

>> No.7289220

She said she was taken by surprise, and Shiki himself wasn't really sane, being under influence of homicidal impulse.

>> No.7289221

Well, Ryougi was created to possess the Mystic Eyes, Tohno already had some type of jougan, but after coming into contact with Akasha, it mutated into the ME. It's like comparing natural talent to acquired talent.

>> No.7289228

He always exhibits these superhuman feats while in Nanaya mode, I don't know if normal Tohno is capable of that.

>> No.7289232

That was more of a "Oh hey there's some normal human at the door, better go send him away. Huh, why am I suddenly in 18 pieces?"
And that maybe true, but he wouldn't be able to keep up with a continuous flow of swords. Shirou's limit may be something like 12 simultaneously, but doing that repeatedly is enough for just about anything still on the level of "human".

>> No.7289240

Huh? But they both obtained ME after having "near death experience". I kinda think that it's pretty much the same.

>> No.7289242


>also din't he cut arcueid so fast she din't go time to react?

At the absolute peak of his Nanaya overkill mode, ambushing Arcueid at the peak of midday.

Arcueid is much, much stronger than that.

>> No.7289245

Ya'll trolls are niggers.

>> No.7289251

Didn't Shiki squeeze into the room through the crack of the chain-locked door? He sure has some supernatural abilities when insane

>> No.7289249


In the case of Ryougi, it was a half-death experience. Ryougi SHIKI died and Ryougi Shiki lived.

In the case of Nanaya Shiki, he just died.
Tohno Akiha deposited some of her life force into him to anchor him to life until his body partially recovered, and he's now missing bucketloads of lifeforce he really should have.

>> No.7289254

Ryougi was also exposed to the Root far longer than Tohno was.

>> No.7289256

>xxShikiLovexx has entered the room

>> No.7289258

Would Shirou have the time to cast a Reality Marbel?

>> No.7289259

Nanaya is still on the level of a "human"? Doubt that, remember Kiri?

>> No.7289265

Wrong, an olympic athlet is nothing compared to a Servant's physical capabilities, and 7.5% Arcueid is on the same level as a Servant, while her senses are equal or higher than them.

Shiki was by no means faster than Arcueid. Since by the time Arc was opening the door, Shiki pushed the door completely open, he then entered inside the apartment, and while Arc was shocked with surprise he killed her with his first strike. By the way, since Arc is not completely immortal during the day, Shiki killed her with his first strike, after the first strike she was already dead. Point is, he was by no means faster than her, and the reason why she was so surprised was only because he was a human (so she hesitated, seeing as how she doesn't kill humans), if Shiki would have been something other than a human (a magus, a vampire, half-blood, or even a Servant, Arc would have killed him instantly and without hesitation).

>> No.7289268

While they may be at the very peak of what's "human", they're still ultimately human.

>> No.7289275

>7.5% Arcueid is on the same level as a Servant
If that was true, why is she not that much of insanely outstanding servant, being Berserker even?

>> No.7289278

Because Fate/Extra is essentially shitty fan fiction that Nasu had to completely rewrite to be even halfway passable.

>> No.7289279

Why is everyone forgetting that the Nanayas are supposed to be assassins.
What is with all this direct confrontation crap? His opponents are supposed to be dead before they even realize it.

>> No.7289285

Kirei've got some dirt from Graal on him, who knows how much does this matter. And previously to that, he had bunch of Command Spells with him to defend himself from Kiritsugi.
And, then again, people from Burial Agency can't be compared to a normal schoolboy.

>> No.7289287

He means Nanaya Kiri. The guy that almost beat what's his face with a drum stick.

>> No.7289290

I'm not sure your statement can be accepted like that.
Being non-canon doesn't matter much, after all we even compare Ryougi to Nanaya even though they are from different universes, so to say.

>> No.7289299

Damn, indeed, my bad.

>> No.7289303

Stats in F/E don't necessarily line up with their F/SN counter parts.

>> No.7289308
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>> No.7289310

Kiri almost killed Kouma, and Shiki did kill Chaos, both in direct confrontations.
Nanaya is also capable of fighting on par with SHIKI/Roa and Akiha, neither or which are "human", and this without the use of line cutting as with Chaos.

Even if you say that maybe Nanaya could be considered the peak of what a human is capable off based on physical prowess alone, but is that still true once you factor in his eyes?
And that would be even less true of Satsujinki no?

>> No.7289322

He wasn't even been able to defend against Kenshin, pathetic.

>> No.7289324

The Arcueid in Fate Extra is Arcueid without planetary back up (i.e 7.5% Arc), and her stats are like this: STR B+, CON C, AGI B, MGI C, LUC D, but since she is a Berserker, she has rank C Mad Enhancement, which raises her all her stats for 1 rank except MGI and LCK. In order to get B rank in stats you need divine/dragon blood, while C rank is superhuman. So yeah, at 7.5% she is still Servant level.

Arcueid's true power is her 100%, Gaia just restricts her in order to prevent her power from running amok, since at full power she has the strength of around 17 Servants, meaning that she can she can pull off attacks on the same level as Excalibur or higher without breaking a sweat.

And by the way in F/E she is still stronger than the other Servants, since the other Servants are recreated using the laws of the Moon, meaing that they perceive the Moon's gravity as normal, while Arc forces the gravity of Earth on her surroundings, so they are placed under 6 times the gravity when before her.

>> No.7289332

Shiki can kill Rance

>> No.7289335

that's just what it looked like, but real men don't attack women with physical force.

they attack them with manliness and hyperweapons. kenshin sur"cums" to rance.

>> No.7289337

no he can't

>> No.7289339

>17 Servants

>> No.7289341

Learn English before trying to make puns please.

>> No.7289348

100% Arc = a bit more than 13 Servants, so 130% Arc (factoring on the power that Roa stole) = a bit more than 17 Servants

>> No.7289354

I said nothing about attacking, but he wasn't even been able to defend and even thought his death at that time.

>> No.7289355

But Rance is already circumsized.

>> No.7289358

It's probably someone from Beast's Lair or whatever using scraps of information and blind guessing to jump to far out conclusions and giving far more thought to it than Nasu.
Anyway, you've opened up a can of worms now, Anon if I'm correct in my guess.

>> No.7289359

But being a Heroic Spirit I believe for her to be in her full power, Roa's share included.

>> No.7289365
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Natural weakness, any more questions?

>> No.7289389

No, she wouldn't be summoned at full power. The Arcueid in Extra is the real Arc, and not a copy created by the Moon Cell, which is why she wasn't summoned in her princess mode. Also, since it doesn't include the planet's back up, she is only at 7.5% of power, even if she got back the power that Roa stole, it's meaningless if she doesn't have the planet's back up.

>> No.7289392

Speaking of Extra, shouldn't Emiya not exist, what with Mana completely dissappearing pretty soon after the '70s/80s?

>> No.7289406

what series is that?

>> No.7289414

Silky Whip Extreme.

>> No.7289426

Didn't we agree like 2 years ago that shirou would win in a fight, shiki would win in a murder?

Also does anyone have that old harem comparison doujin page that shows why shirou won in the long run?

>> No.7289446

I knew I recognized it from somewhere, wish Oh Great would have kept doing porn instead of doing trash manga with great art. I have no idea how you fuck up motorized extreme sports rollerblades but he did it.

>> No.7289454

tenten was ok, but got too crazy and out of control.

>> No.7289461
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Shiki can handle with Arcueid

>> No.7289462

He tried for the King of H title, but the competition was too great. So he decided to take the King of Fanservice one instead.

>> No.7289468

tenjou tenge and majin devil started out awesome as well and then SCIENCE! and Flashbacks.

>> No.7289473

you mean flashback within flashbacks within a dream within a metaworld.

>> No.7289478

He never stood a chance in either.

Should have just stuck to artbooks like shirou masamune did when he ran out of idea's for robot design.

>> No.7289483
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So true

>> No.7289485

Seriously, you guys are fucking stupid.

The match would probably be a draw because:
1. To use "Unlimited Blade Works" It requires that a spell be chanted. Since the two of them fight at melee distance, it would be very difficult to perform.
2. Since both of them are human, they're (believe it or not) on about on an equal playing field. Considering that Shirou's swords are projections, they will undoubtedly have flaws which result in the lines of death becoming visible. But, Shirou can recreate as many swords as mana permits while Shiki can only keep his eyes strained for so long.
3. No shikifags, Nanaya mode won't kick in. Shirou is human.
4. Yes Shiroufags, unlimited blade works can be destroyed. UBW is just a reality (environment) contained within a barrier, so Shiki can kill it (Reread Ciel's route).

I can imagine the fight now! Two guys with no real strategy rushing head on at one another. Projecting swords over and over again just to have the lines cut, meanwhile both brains are pulsing, their lungs screaming for oxygen, they want to regurgitate blood. The fight goes on for about five minutes before Shirou is out of mana and Shiki is lying on the ground with his brain pounding in his skull like a piston.

tl;dr they're both human and both fight at melee distance using weapons of about the same length. One can kill things instantly and one can create things instantly. A battle of "LUL I KILLED UR SWORD" "LUL I GOT ANTOHER ONE."

>> No.7289497
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>> No.7289501

Yeah, I sort of lost the ability to comprehend what was going on in TenTen sometime after the guy with armor made out of scent particles or something fought brown haired heroine on the rooftop or something.
Or maybe I blocked it out due to not liking what had happened later on.

>> No.7289499

I dunno if this is an attempt at trolling or not, seems rather moronic either way.

>> No.7289521

Shirou could just trace Gae Bolg. Shiki would be dead before he knew what hit him.

>> No.7289548

Shirou's too subpar a magus to trace gae bolg the only reason he can project legendary swords is because his element is swords and in each case he's done it without them being crap he's had archer's arm, or a chunk of that sword lodged in his body.

>> No.7289552

Never mind the fact that he projected his own Rho Aius in UBW.

>> No.7289556

Actually, his affinity within UBW and otherwise, are "bladed weaponry", and Gae Bolg actually applies. But yeah.

>> No.7289570

I thought Nasu said afterward that it was archer who did that.
Spears arn't bladed, halberds are. Thats silly but its probably true, I mean he is familiar enough with the blade seeing as it killed him once.

>> No.7289582

...So nostalgic.

>> No.7289584

I know this sounds very fanboyish, but to throw of a reality marble simply as an "environment within a barrier" and implying that it isn't that big of a deal is actually somewhat to undersell it.

Reality marbles are still proper worlds in theselves. If Gaia and the world were not to fight these things, they would actually expand, become self sustainable, and replace the actual world itself.
Then there are the factors as to how it could be considered alien or not, and those things.
But to kill a reality marble is still to kill an actual world.

>> No.7289588

He later said that both projected one.

>> No.7289616

Well then maybe he could, but shirou wouldn't make a weapon like that unless he turned his mind to steel and what not, Gae Bolg is more of a murder implement than a dueling implement.

Also why did archer never shoot a Gae Bolg at anyone? That shit would have been awesome.

>> No.7289620
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Gae Bolg does have a blade in its tip.

>> No.7289628
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>> No.7289632

Archer is stupid prideful I guess, and wants to rely on his own techniques and weaponry rather than copy that of other servants in the war and admit he can't defeat them without their own weapons or something?

>> No.7289641

>My long hard lance is thrusting into you.

Oh my.

>> No.7289642

because that would have been too obvious and stopped the plot.

>> No.7289647

And we don't know how much he can alter a weapons physical properties. Maybe reducing it down enough to be shot from a bow would be enough for it to no longer be considered "Gae Bolg" any longer or something?

>> No.7289649

Also it would probably be awkward as fuck.

>> No.7289657

I know this is a troll thread but, Eggplant has confirmed that both Shiki and Shirou would die if they fought each other.

>> No.7289659
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>> No.7289668

well its a weapon meant to be thrown so it's not like he couldn't shoot it from the bow as is, it would probably just be a pain in the ass and also take a larger bow because of the weight.

>> No.7289720

>Also why did archer never shoot a Gae Bolg at anyone?
>Archer is stupid prideful I guess

I actually believe it has much more to do with mana costs and whatnot.
Kanshou and Bakuya are implied to be some of his most cost effective weapons he have, while still having potential for greatness.
As far as arrows and modified arrows goes, he does have Caladbolg which rightfully should have incredible destructive power as it is essentially "beta Excalibur" and grew to be able to cut anything like Excalibur.
And Hrunting, the sword that couldn't fail (but did so anyway as the maker designed it to fail the hero, which brings on the question of whether or not the sword ever failed at all. In either case, Archer sort of takes the backdoor on this one, as he doesn't expect his sword to survive after having been shot anyway, and the sword doesn't fail as in how it guarantees to hit the target.)

In either case, to use Gae Bolg effeciently he would have to
1. Project it. This costs energy, and the more the better the phantasm.
2. Make it into a broken phantasm if it is going to resemble its own power. An act that also costs energy.
3. Activate the noble phantasm and execute the attack.

Most others only need step 3. Besides, it isn't exactly as if he used the others frequently either.
