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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 500x281, konatacomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72886 No.72886 [Reply] [Original]

So how do female anons look like? ;_;

pic sorta related

>> No.72918
File: 92 KB, 420x533, 1203924205958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.72944
File: 401 KB, 1284x1868, 1203924409346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72949
File: 116 KB, 233x392, 1203924449652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this.

>> No.73053
File: 276 KB, 569x814, 1203925179293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta use water and q-tips, and even then it's temporary.

>> No.73123
File: 544 KB, 569x814, 1203925645165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which contains water. The moisture reconnects something. If you let it dry first like you're supposed to, it doesn't work.

>> No.73479
File: 33 KB, 245x292, 1203928391097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ug fine. deleting this old pic in exactly 5 minutes.

>> No.73514
File: 34 KB, 406x406, 1203928652818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73538
File: 33 KB, 341x457, 1203928849255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a reason it's called camWHORE.
Instead, have this shitty 2D drawing of myself.

Hell, I may even have to delete this after I post.

>> No.73545
File: 44 KB, 604x453, 1203928904082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello annons

>> No.73563
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1203929072279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's a better drawing

>> No.72894


>> No.72902


>> No.72907

Thread over.

>> No.72908

She's playing Granado Espada...

>> No.72911

This thread needs moar pics for clarification.

>> No.72912


I'm too skinny for my own good, and Asian.

>> No.72915

my friends say i look 16 even though im 20.

>> No.72928

Where's that pic of 17 Types of Anime Girls?

>> No.72932


>> No.72961


>> No.72965

I like how the last one is based off of Chii from Tokyo Crystal Mew.

>> No.72977


Man, I remember licking the cart as a kid, in vain hopes of getting it to work again.

>> No.72978

AIM sn: bliss4o8

tell her Brett says hi

>> No.72982

I guess I'm kinda like /a/non and... does being a drawfag make me a fanartist type?

>> No.72983

Not your faggoty army.

>> No.72986

get your crazy little hands off my yotsuba!!

>> No.72981

Visit /cgl/, it's full of crazy women. That's what they look like. Mostly average, some attractive but batshit insane.

>> No.72993

WHy are seriously cosplayers such sluts?

>> No.73003

They are anon so you will never know.

>> No.73022

I know an awesomely hot chick who comes to these parts-- but she hates anon and only comes for /d/. Sigh.

>> No.73025

Anon male if he was female

>> No.73043

>>hot chick
>> /d/


>> No.73050

She has a thing for dickgirls.

>> No.73071

>but she hates anon and only comes for /d/. Sigh.
How's this a bad thing?

>> No.73075

Water? Try rubbing alcohol.

>> No.73080

You know that one girl that doesn't seem to fit in any group (emo, punk, geek, nigger, etc.)? She seems normal but has an odd feel about her, mostly quiet, but laughs at cruel and vulgar jokes?

Thats female anon.

>> No.73090


>Oh great that faggot loves to post my SN while im studying/doing a paper.


>> No.73101

Dickgirls, not traps? That makes her a lesbian. Too bad, bro.

>> No.73107

There are female anons. Sure, not as many as male, but they exist.

And some aren't fat, aren't ugly--in fact, some are actually pretty good looking.

But do you think any of them would be retarded enough, or attention-whoring enough, to post about it here?

>> No.73119

pretty spot on.

there's more of us than you think. We just have almost no trouble blending in to the other female groups, as we don't rage as easily as male anons. (atleast through my experience)

>> No.73131

>attention-whoring enough


>> No.73144

Nerd-rage is fun though. They must just be embarrassed about admitting they like such things.

>> No.73159

any more nerd rage would turn them into gaiafags

just like the chart shows

>> No.73170

True, it can be fun, but I'd really rather keep whatever friends I can get than get TOO raged everytime they act like faggots.

>> No.73179

I know a female anon in RL

she is batshit insane

>> No.73180


I'm male and the same, although sometimes I get a reality check when my vicious sense of humor is exposed for all to see. It kind of sucks though, since I always have to be...not quite myself around all but a few people.

>> No.73191


Thats how it kinda is for male anons sometimes

it's how i am

>> No.73212

I can relate. I'm known as the "innocent shy" one in my circle, so people get really wierded out if I forget to supress a less-than-pure joke or accidentally make a really rude/snide remark at their "humor".

>> No.73247


yeah, that sorta sounds like me. I'm not sure about the cruel jokes though..sometimes I guess, but I'm definitely less mean than most anons.

>> No.73261

Complete strangers seem to think I'm kind/ innocent aswell. My friends and family are well aware that I'm a sick individual. Friends are more aware of it than my family I think.

>> No.73264

Me, too. I'm always referred to as the "quite" guy so when I try to have a little fun I get called an asshole or racist.

Being anon ain't easy :/

>> No.73267

Actually I'd guess most female anons are either "geek chic" types, or fat weeaboo lifers who wear those I-am-stupid-American-who-will-buy-anything tee shirts.

>> No.73282

I act the same as I do on 4chan.
Consequently, I have no friends.

>> No.73288

Really I fit the mold perfectly untill going to 4chan. I can laugh at a dirty joke to myself but I won't repeat it out of pride for the older-me. Stuff does slip sometimes, you can only see copypasta so much before it binds into your brain.

but now I'm just rambling. carry on!

>> No.73315

God. Just knowing a woman posted that makes it sound sexy.

>> No.73323

I often get called weird or "white girl". (Nigger here)
My family kinda disowns me too ever since I said some things about the black race being retarded niggers and the bible being a load of shit.

I'm not self hating, shit is just true. Niggers hate the truth.

>> No.73342

Don't worry, she probably weighs 700 pounds and oozes foul-smelling pus out of strange places

You are pretty okay, for a nigger

>> No.73352

There should be something like a meeting for us anon.
No, not those fucking faggot-ass anime conventions that 4chan goes to, I mean something private.

>> No.73353

I've always separated the blacks from the niggers

>> No.73355


Oh fuck, I have that comic. I remember reading it as a kid and thinking that crossdressing Peach was the greatest thing ever. Maybe that's where my tomboy fetish came from.

>> No.73356

Actually I'm anorexically scrawny, but you were...well you weren't in the right direction but it was an OK guess.

>> No.73360

That would be awesome, but I can't drive.

>> No.73363

They look like male anons. Only female.

So half of them are huge overweight bags of shit and the other half are underweight stickfigures with no social skills, friends and never leave their room/apartment for anything but the bare essentials.

>> No.73364

You are now reading 4chon in the voice of Jessica Alba.

>> No.73365

like this one?

>> No.73367

Being able to show humility and admit that black people have problems makes you the exact opposite of a nigger. You're a strong black female. :)

>> No.73370

Eh, I met two anons at a convention once, they were asses. Not just like "well duh theyre anons" kind of asses, more like "that's not how you behave" asses.

>> No.73376

I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny either.
Just not "toned" as some would say.
As for the face, eh. Not pretty, but not ugly. Kinda funny lookin as the kids I babysit say.

>> No.73379

>met anons at a convention
Found your problem.

>> No.73406

You will never find true /jp/-visiting anons at a con, because we're afraid to go outside

>> No.73416

don't lie fag

>> No.73426

Neither can I...19 yrs and no one has time to let me practice.

But thats what mothers are for, eh?
If I fucking hear "strong black female" one more damn time...
Oh god. Black history month is the most annoying shit ever. I mean it. Niggers need to shut. The fuck. Up.

>> No.73429

About as attractive as the males here.

>> No.73433

this thread is useless without pictures

>> No.73442

I'd post a pic but this board is slow so morning and maybe even afternoon /jp/ would see me too.

>> No.73440

Lies. Some /a/nons + /jp/'s run conventions.

>> No.73456

delete them after! alleviate nighttime /jp/'s roneriness

>> No.73460

Fuck that.
This may be /jp/, but it's still fucking 4chan.
Plus, alot of people here would be very disappointed.
I mean c'mon. 3D PIG DISGUSTING.

>> No.73470

people camwhore on 4chan all the time

>> No.73485


shitstorm detected

>> No.73490

Saved. Will repost once you've deleted.

>> No.73491

oh lawd, prepare for impact!

>> No.73496

lawl ok. a good chunk of /v/ has seen it anyway.

>> No.73498

Bad move. lol

>> No.73495


>> No.73501

repost from /v/

I saved it from a couple months back

>> No.73505

surely there is more than one anon female

>> No.73507


>> No.73516

Do you think a female anon would be eager to show herself? Would you put your picture out here so easily?

>> No.73517


just a random image from some blog, but whatever, it'll whip up a good clusterfuck, which we haven't had in at least an hour

>> No.73521


>Black history month is the most annoying shit ever.

I think I'm in love.

>> No.73518

Not especially erotic. A shirt with buttons would go a long way to change that.

>> No.73526

LOL i can't believe people actually saved those!

>> No.73531

why would I want to be erotic

>> No.73534

Clusterfuck = hueg, tightly connected network. You fail it.

>> No.73547

Thats a guy, right?

>> No.73553

Cute anon is cute.

>> No.73555

I shoulda thought of that

>> No.73562

Just imagine the real thing. ;_;
Had an incident with may hair that killed it, now it has to grow back.
And I'm not wearing that weave shit.

>> No.73570

Camwhore shit. Nice way to ruin a thread.

>> No.73577

You guys are not that bad looking. Pretty cute even.
*gets noose ready*

>> No.73579

The great thing about hair is that it always grows back.

Unless you have cancer. Oh ho ho ho.

Wait that's not funny.

>> No.73583

I'd still love you tenderly ;_;

>> No.73586

At a very slow pace in my case. Took a lifetime just to get it down my back.

...You think a dress will make up for it? ;_;

>> No.73586,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.73586,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.73586,3 [INTERNAL] 

spaz out on your keyboard some more why dont ya...............

>> No.73586,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.73586,5 [INTERNAL] 

There are third worlders with lives worse than urs so b happy :))))

>> No.73586,6 [INTERNAL] 

Does anyone know that feel when you think it might not be so bad to have sex with another man because no girl will ever love you and atleast you could be embraced lovingly for once in your life?

>> No.73586,7 [INTERNAL] 

Uhh... he's probably american...

>> No.73586,8 [INTERNAL] 

dude that's gay

>> No.73586,9 [INTERNAL] 


Men don't love men, they just want somewhere to put it in

>> No.73586,10 [INTERNAL] 


that mid 2000's feel

>> No.73586,11 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to be loved...

>> No.73586,12 [INTERNAL] 

Wanna date?

>> No.73586,13 [INTERNAL] 


this is basically shitposters

>> No.73586,14 [INTERNAL] 

ayyy lmao

>> No.73586,15 [INTERNAL] 

You probably live no where near me

>> No.73586,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.73586,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.73586,18 [INTERNAL] 

Sajo dojo neko-san graaah

>> No.73586,19 [INTERNAL] 

the first time i saw that i almost died from moe
