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File: 720 KB, 640x480, th008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7280917 No.7280917 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you fill up a UFO worth 50m+ points and it just flies away

Other than that I'm finding UFO to be pretty fun to score run with, the game gives you so many natural blue disks that you can keep popping them out, it's pretty different from survival runs. On normal anyways, hard and above I have to keep whoring out the red ones or else I won't make past Shou.

Have you been score running lately?

>> No.7280921

[14:34] [Florette] puddin will have an eve, ehterlight will have an eve, vyolets will be misty, asukuu will be running kshield 40/11 runner.

>> No.7280926

>That feel when
Please don't do this.

I've tried UFO yesterday again after trying to beat SA extra for 2 months.

God damnit I can't get past Ichirin even on normal.
I always fuck up while collecting ufos and for some reason the fps drops to 50 when Ichirin uses one of her fist spellcards

>> No.7280933
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>> No.7280930

That feel when I stick my finger up my asshole and when I pull it out, my finger is missing.

>> No.7280938

Hahaha fuck that. That's why I always keep 2 bombs ready for that part. One so I get that 3rd blue at the right time no matter what, and one in case the UFO tries to escape.

My best normal score is 570m or something like that. I really like that system.

>> No.7280945

I can't even 1CC UFO.

I can get to shou with max lives but I just can't do it because I'm a retard who never bombs.

I've 1CC'd every other touhou game on atleast normal, but not UFO, theres something about the last two stages.

>> No.7280966

If you can get to Shou with max lives, then you could clear it any time you wanted to. So it doesn't matter if you actually do or not, it's better to do it well like you're trying to.

>> No.7280984


My bad, I thought this was something that started here on /jp/?


At that particular run pictured in the OP I didn't, but I'm cogitating always bombing during midboss Narzin so that there will be more fairies later that drop UFOs. I don't want to lose spell capture bonus though, they actually matter in UFO.

Maybe Marisa A is better for score runs, with that laser of hers you can pretty much kill any UFO at any given time.

>> No.7281013

Still trying to 1cc UFO, I'm getting close. I'm actually able to get past Shou with more consistency, although Byakuren still gets me. I'm so close though, I can feel it. Sanae A probably isn't the best shot type for this but I've stuck with her through thick and thin and I can't switch to another shot yet.

>> No.7281051

I think it's always worth bombing Nazrin. You lose like 6 mil, in exchange for a much easier time in the next part, and probably another UFO.

Also MarisaA isn't worth it. She will make you mad as hell unless you're so good you never need to bomb to collect. ReimuA is almost as good at UFO shooting, use her instead.

>> No.7281065 [DELETED] 


ta da!

>> No.7281068
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oops, forgot

>> No.7281069


Gave up trying to get a 600M 1cc after a little while, should probably go back to it. currently at 560Mish if I remember correctly. Should probably practice stage 6 more to maximize score though, I don't think I've ever gotten that spot where the flying spirit thing releases point items when you have full power.

>> No.7281082
File: 275 KB, 640x480, th003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or does UFO have the most point items of all the games? Maybe it's because you don't really get to see the cumulative number of the items in the other ones.

>> No.7281095 [DELETED] 


the ultimate cliff hanger, I'm sure everyone has been waiting warmly.

Looks like I can 1CC UFO afterall.

>> No.7281096
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I'm really shit at posting.

>> No.7281117
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>the flying spirit thing

>> No.7281139
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May as well.

I missed 5 cards and let a lot of point items drop on stage 6.

>> No.7281184

suck it up nue, i've only gotten to you maybe 3 times.

>> No.7281189
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I'm a really greedy score whore, so when it comes to spell cards, I NEVER bomb. Even if I haven't 1CC'd the game or have max bombs, I'd rather shoot for the spell card bonus than lame through it. I'm pretty sure this is a bad way to approach things considering I always reset once my lives are out.

>> No.7281201

you must hate TD then

>> No.7281228

Yeah, same here. I haven't been able to been able to beat EoSD on Normal because of that. I always go for the items on top to be able to auto-collect and I always end up killing myself.

Just lost to remilia 2 minutes ago because I ended up wasting lives on previous levels.

>> No.7281230

And EoSD. And SA.

>> No.7281271


I think most of us went through that phase. I think you need to separate score running from a survival run. When I'm aiming for hard/lunatic or a mode that I usually can't handle very well I start by surviving fist, if I get close to the end of the game and do well then I'll slowly refocus my efforts to scoring. It's all about making a balance, I'd never have been able to 1cc all the games on hard if I went to them thinking strictly about score and trying to capture cards that are beyond my skill, like Shou's first card on hard. Now that I've got a little more used to the difficulty I'm slowly trying to improve my score on them.

But yeah, who doesn't rage quit after taking a hit at stage 2?

>> No.7281297
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What you're saying is true. My mentality comes from the fact that my roommate "ruins" the games for himself by watching videos and picking up specific strategies from it. Sure he's 1CC'd every Touhou game with at least one character and gone through every Extra Stage, but I wouldn't be satisfied if I had done the same thing.

It's not like a multiplayer game where learning the tricks almost becomes necessary to compete. Once you learn the tricks of a single player game, it has nothing else to offer you. Applying that mentality to bombs may be taking it too far, but it feels satisfying after that hundredth try to squeeze through a spell card and capturing it for the first time.

>> No.7281329

I died twice on stage 2 but kept going and 1CC'd UFO hard for the first time. The trick is to absolutely not expect to win.

>> No.7281335


I actually somewhat have to agree with that. I beat Kanako in MoF after losing 3 lives to Sanae and only having 2 lives when I made it to her. The time I did expect to win with 4 lives on her last spellcard, I lost. Go figure. I still don't expect to 1cc EoSD by losing on stage 2 though.

>> No.7281336

Whoa, fighting game threads Penny dude comes to /jp/ as well? Neato.

>> No.7281339
File: 699 KB, 1286x986, TD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me, or is this card nearly impossible to capture?

>> No.7281341
File: 398 KB, 1285x1439, easier than shou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first attempt at Ran 5 days ago. I could have completed this if I didn't lose 3 lives on the stage.

>> No.7281346

It's not that hard I think. I'm about 50/50 because sometimes I see the red parts wrong and fuck it up. But it's really fun.

>> No.7281363

Not really. It's similar to Heaven and Hell Meltdown.
The bullets have tiny hitboxes, so they are easy to evade.
Just don't try to dodge in the middle because then all the bullets will come at you at the same time. Always dodge them at the left or right side.

>> No.7281368


I watch replays when I'm completely stumbled on a card and cannot progress the game without beating, it ain't really an issue in the main games but in the occasional extra card it is. I'm still trying to figure out a way on how to capture some of Marisas cards in FW extra. It's the only extra I haven't done yet but it's also the only one I haven't watched a single replay of.

I don't think too much over it though, eventually I'll get tired of her bullshit and just watch a good run.

>> No.7281370

I don't like score runs, for some reason.
I just focus on staying alive.
yet for some reason I ALWAYS go to the top of the screen for points, risking my life

Oh and I've fucking finally 1 CC'ed SA on normal.

>> No.7281412

the worst cards to capture in FW are probably Big Crunch and Open Universe. The latter I captured, somehow

>> No.7281418

I tried playing TD on Hard yesterday (because Normal felt too easy for me) and I failed horribly hard.

>> No.7281442

my new Touhou objective; make a compleat circle around Okuu during [Hell's Artificial Sun] while its 20% life full power. on normal difficulty of course.

>> No.7281473

That's a good idea. It would've nice if ZUN made such a spell for TD spell practice for old characters.
Okuu's last spell in Lunatic difficulty with added Suns thrown at you forcing you to circle around her (and do less damage). That card would surely last a whole minute if not longer.

>> No.7281484


I just tried it. If you ever manage to pull it off, I want to see the replay.

>> No.7281488


>> No.7282019

>Tool assisted
Automatically discredited.

>> No.7282288

Well of course it's not legitimate, but it's entertaining to watch. Nothing more or less.

>> No.7282316

I'm the same way, Anon. I need to quit that, it bones me over so much. Especially in EoSD where having a lot of lives is important to beat Remilia.

>> No.7282319

To be honest, I rarely pursue the UFOs. I'm more concerned about surviving the stage, the red ones are the only ones I care about. Otherwise, unless it's convenient I ignore blues and greens.

>> No.7282330

I honestly can't understand how people can get through certain spots without relying on the UFO screen clearing. Aside from point item collecting, I feel like they're too essential to the gameplay to ignore.

>> No.7282339


the end of stage 4 comes to mind.

>> No.7282349

that section and the similar one close to the beginning rapes the shit out of me. also having 5-6 UFO's flying around means I always fuck up the UFO collection too.. possibly the hardest point in the game for me.

>> No.7282771

The reason why azns are less ashamed of their waifu collections than in the west is because parents like it when their son shows an interest in girls-having a son with 200 pictures of hatsune miku his bedroom, to the parents, just means he's got women on his mind and will likely end up producing grandchildren once his life reaches that point lol where he starts socializing with women openly and dating.

>> No.7282841

Cool copypasta

>> No.7283196

Been trying to 1cc UFO on lunatic casually since Ive done all the others on lunatic already, also been trying to push for a 2cc 2-ALL in DDP DOJ after doing a 1cc 1-ALL, but fuck man 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5 can eat a super dick.

>> No.7283238

Sorry, care to elaborate on what does 2-ALL means?
Both loops and true last boss?

>> No.7283349


>> No.7285922

So 1-ALL means you've gotten though Hibachi already, just in a 1 loop game? I've continued through him a few times, jesus christ there's no way. I can't dodge two different high speed swirling things at the same time.

>> No.7285951

Still trying to 1cc IN on Hard. I haven't beaten any other Touhou game, so once I get this done, I will be pretty happy. I haven't played many other danmaku games asides from Touhou, but I feel like I'm getting close to nailing IN. But sometimes it just gets too frustrating. Oh well, must keep trying.

>> No.7286345
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Remember when you played Touhou for fun?

>> No.7286377


I hardly play it at all now. That mind orgasm from my first 1cc feels so long ago even though it was only a few months ago, and I'm too depressed from losing to play much nowadays. I had fun with the Ten Desires demo though.

>> No.7286400
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I know how you feel. All I do is things like Reimu C no movement no focus pacifist SA Lunatic full clear perfect, so nothing else feels very good.

>> No.7286410


I see. I'm not very good, so I typically get discouraged at the first death and start over until I get a decent start because I don't want to screw my run up because of an early screw up.

>> No.7286412


I still find spell practice mode fun same for StB and DS, along with my first 1CC of all the games on a respectable difficulty.

though, I'm going to try hard to 1CC ten desires on lunatic, even if it means having rediculous capture ratios in the 1/10000 margin

>> No.7286484
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i just beat Flandre with Reimu B. now i going to try it without bombing.

and then Yukari....i hope.

>> No.7286538
File: 2.22 MB, 1457x1173, 9178015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else beaten every extra stage? Not saying it's a great accomplishment, just curious if anyone else felt compelled to clear all 11 of those.

>> No.7286544

you mena 12

>> No.7286630

2 4 5 6 7 7 8 10 11 12 12.8?

>> No.7286644
File: 163 KB, 250x246, okuu releasing nulcear waste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean 14.

Mugetsu and Gengetsu
Marisa (twice)

>> No.7286653

There are others that you could count if you wanted to. Like 9's extra mode.

>> No.7286661

Oh I mean only the ones that fit that formula. They're all similar.

>> No.7286707
File: 665 KB, 1146x752, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when you clear a TH game at 50fps.

The Feeling of FALSE VICTORY.


>> No.7286718
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I... I don't know what to say.

I used to respect you.

>> No.7286780

I only play it for survival
Currently able to beat all in hard, working to get to lunatic

>> No.7286791


I actually feel a bit bad because a couple spellcards in Fairy Wars makes the FPS drop by quite a bit when I freeze them.

>> No.7286792

Don't give me that look ;_;... 12.8 is the only game that runs at 50fps, I cleared the others at the reglamentary 60 fps.

>> No.7286814
File: 73 KB, 250x233, retarded looking suwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12-09 Normal Marisa-A 2,661,736,550◇ LYX
>12-21 Lunatic Marisa-A 2,506,076,420 shin
This is why the UFOs are the worst gimmick.

>> No.7286818

oh no numbers

>> No.7286841

I keep getting "Player Penalty" which applies a x0.2 reduction to my points. What is that caused by?

>> No.7286843


starting with more than default lives

only effects stage bonus, though

>> No.7286845

Not starting with the default lives (3).

>> No.7286848

Okay. Well, I suppose it isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.7286983
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Every scene in StB.

>> No.7287310
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Yeah, pretty well actually.
I'm currently playing Samidare for fun. Getting to Gates's second attack in the extra stage, but man is it hard going. So easy to back yourself into an impossible situation, shield-wise. Especially on the first midboss.

>> No.7287821

I'm sorry to use this thread, but I don't think it's really necessary to make a new one.

I have a strange problem with the TD demo. It has been working fine since I downloaded it the day of its release, but yesterday, without any particular reason, it stopped working in windowed mode. Yet I still year the sound of the game. And the game displays in fullscreen. It's just the windowed mode that is broken.

Even stranger, the exact same thing happened with Fairy Wars, the game stopped working in windowed mode after a couple months. I really don't know what could be the problem.

>> No.7287825

have you tried hitting f10 ingame?

>> No.7287827

Holy shit dude, are you a wizard?

Thanks a lot.

>> No.7290610
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This was made by a fellow /jp/edo yesterday.

>> No.7290623

Finally got to and beat Yuyuko on Lunatic. Managed to have only 2 lives left on my last continue. Felt so damn satisfying.

>> No.7290832
File: 107 KB, 640x480, lolscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I scored so high that I broke the score counter.

Still got killed by Gates's second attack pattern, though...

>> No.7290844

>Touhou Gameplay Thread

Since when did ZUN add a jet Touhou?

>> No.7290850

Considering that the midboss is literally a straight port of Yuki and Mai's fight, I think it's close enough, don't you?

>> No.7290852
File: 10 KB, 262x192, x_files.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Fire on an UFO.
2. ???
3. Cool stuff falls out!

>> No.7290871 [DELETED] 

>Close enough

>> No.7290876

I'm thinking of trying another shot at EoSD, but it's the game where my performance varies the most. I can at least get to stage 5 normally on the games I haven't 1cc'd yet, but with EoSD I either lose at stage 4 or die near the end of stage 6. Should I go for it or just play the ones I'm more consistent in?

>> No.7290882

I'd say go for EoSD. If all your lucky breaks line up nicely and you hold off on stupid mistakes, you could just get that 1cc.

>> No.7290887


Usually I lack the luck and might lose two lives on stage 2. I'm not so sure. I actually feel more confident with UFO considering I can get to Byakuren and actually capture one of her cards.

>> No.7290909

EoSD is the most advantageous one to be good at. It's all about basic skills.

>> No.7290928


I don't know what it is but I just can't get it down. It's not the lack of hitbox sight that gets me, it's the huge lag. I can't deathbomb worth a shit because of it, and the vsync patch doesn't work anymore even when I rename it correctly. For some reason only th06e works.

>> No.7290945
File: 171 KB, 844x741, eye pod LOLOLOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, really? That doesn't sound right...
If your folder's set up like this it should work.

>> No.7290950

Yeah that makes it harder. I MOSTLY got used to it. You have to move a little more.. conservatively?

>> No.7290957


Just play MoF with Marisa B like the faggot you are.

>> No.7290967
File: 36 KB, 468x261, strangeerror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I get this error when I try to run both the vsync and untranslated version of the game, I don't know what it is though.


It doesn't really work for me since I need to shotgun like crazy against certain bosses to keep myself from extending fights too long with Marisa B.


I don't see how anyone could find MoF Marisa B runs fun. I did it once, most unsatisfying 1cc ever. Then again I used Reimu A for my MoF 1cc so maybe I shouldn't be talking too much about that.

>> No.7290992
File: 130 KB, 750x750, 1303360733637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried the super shotgun style against Cirno again and died to Icicle Fall again. I used to be able to pull it off. Maybe I need a new shot type. But I don't like any of the others.

>> No.7291178
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>Have you been score running lately?
Not really, otherwise this would be 1.4B or something.
