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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 182 KB, 432x576, Grandarcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7277249 No.7277249 [Reply] [Original]

Elsword OBT is starting soon /jp/. Is your body ready?

>> No.7277252

In reality /jp/ is the best-composed and most closed-circle board here (which isn't saying much since it used to be much more closed and elitist in the past).

>> No.7277253 [DELETED] 

I don't know what that is so I'm going to report your thread and call you a faggot and a hotglue spammer.

>> No.7277256

Lol because op is a faggot.

>> No.7277262

I knew hotshit would try to get us to play this garbage

>> No.7277264

Woah, I'm not even from hotglue. Well, I belonged to the cosmic break one, but that one was pretty cool.

>> No.7277268

You have my attention as you are not even from hotglue anon! Well figma are maybe low tier action figures, but these figurines in general are pretty shit tier compared to an actual sculpture-or even a figurine of a western thing like that Johnny Depp Sweeney Todd one.

>> No.7277269

I'm never playing a game with hotglue again.

>> No.7277276

Can anyone play on the servers, at the moment?

>> No.7277278

-play as the little girl.

>> No.7277284

Nope, still getting the

>Currently patching. Downloading files from the patch path


>> No.7277292

Oh okay, I just thought it was my shitty internet speed.

>> No.7277307
File: 185 KB, 907x730, 1302818966345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time /jp/ lurker here.

What is hotglue?

in return for answering, have a mecha

>> No.7277313

Oh okay, you thought I meant baww blog post shit.

>> No.7277314

>First time /jp/ lurker here

>> No.7277319

I recognize that we should pool our knowledge. You don't know what that is so you are going to report my thread and call me a faggot and a hotglue spammer.

>> No.7277348
File: 26 KB, 400x400, suprisedcirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2:00AM PDT
Wait, what?

>> No.7277349

Not supposed to post while you lurk, you know.

>> No.7277370

I knew it. Well since they promised me elsword at 12:00 I'm logging into the korean one.

>> No.7277390

> You don't know what that is so you are going to report my thread and call me a faggot and a hotglue spammer.

I am not going to report anything. I just don't know the idiom, so wanted to ask for a clarification, that's all.

>> No.7277402

I know how to fix that problem, reinstall your Elsword and you will be able to patch fine. As a matter of fact, it will do it for you after you reinstall.

>> No.7277457

I'd rather join a /v/ guild than join Hotglue again if CB is any indication.

Then again, I guess Hotglue is full of trash from /v/ anyways, or worse. Fuck it, maybe I'll just head to Gaia or some godforsaken place. Surely this won't end in tears and a realization of why I was here in the first place.

>> No.7277458

I thought Hotglue was playing FEEL Online

>> No.7277471
File: 1.78 MB, 350x156, 1287899370919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is garbage. I bet you guys would fucking love it, though. I've seen the shit you play, you never fucking shut up about it.

So what now? Are we already at the point where we're going to see this every day too until we like it? Don't we already have Cyber Break: Continuum Step for that? Do we really need another one, just as obscure, just as imbalanced?; one that's going to be exactly the same?

I bet you would. That's how you guys are. You wouldn't stop last time, why stop now? After all, it can't be helped right?

How about I just tell you this then:

PROTIP: This game is balanced is as follows: Aisha is Grand Magician and no one may challenge her prowess. If you want to be the best, Make a Void Princess and faceroll every other class in the game.

Shit game.
So much for Otaku culture.
Tell me when the servers are up.

>> No.7277476
File: 385 KB, 719x886, CosmicBreak Community_1276167472132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you mod, for another /v/ thread.
Pic related, it's gaia/hotglue.

>> No.7277497

I didn't play the closed beta, what episode are they releasing?
I noticed that they only have the first 3, so does that mean they have none of the advanced classes as well?

Isn't only elsword that is really bad? My Wind Sneaker can eat most of the Void Princesses at my rank Though she is second in command on the OP side
Elsword was way OP when there was only the base class though.

>> No.7277604

The game will patch now, though the website still says maintenance.

>> No.7277605


Why in fuck would you play a korean MMO for PvP? They're grinding games. Balance doesn't mean shit.

>> No.7277618

Seems like everyone and their mother is going combat or dark.
I guess I'll roll with sniping since pve and team pvp >>> 1v1 anyway.
That buff and the new seige mode nerf doesn't play out well for GA though.

>> No.7277620

I'm going high magician, if it's any consolation. I prefer my casters to be ranged.

>> No.7277626

High magician isn't bad at all. The mp regen really helps more than people think.
It just doesn't have super OP moves.

>> No.7277653

Game's up. Server 1, IGN Esker if anyone wants to party. I've never played this game before so I'm probably going to suck.

>> No.7277726


>> No.7279709

Ha ha ha oh wow, the level cap is 32, job advancement should happen at 15, but there is no job advancement in the game yet.

What the fuck.

>> No.7279719

Got 2 characters to lvl 15 in four hours and there's no point in playing now until we get job advancement quests

>> No.7280033

bumping this my IGN is Ahegao lets play

btw where does jp hang out? i mean which channel

>> No.7280125



Was kind of retarded for them not to include the Job Advancement quests from the beginning considering it literally only takes a couple of hours to reach level 15.

But it seems pretty fun so far. I was entertained for the few hours it took.

>> No.7280157


Make it happen, /jp/.

>> No.7281475

Is there a /jp/ guild yet? Hotglue?

Also, what's the pvp build for this game?

>> No.7281478

Whoops didn't mean to nokosage, bump.

>> No.7281515

is this just a FotM like the older MMORPG or it's a good game ? it looked like shit to me, maybe i'm wrong but MMORPG generally means free shit

>> No.7281523

It's fun enough. I like how the movement feels, and how aerial moves end animation when you land. It's a bit like Smash Bros Melee. You can do platform dropped moves, fastfall, has a lot of random tech skill.
Combos are a bit to do with timing, but yeah, the lag makes pvp kind of bleh. But otherwise, it's pretty fun.

Pretty repetitive at the start though.

>> No.7281835

Pretty boring without the job changes. Also Siege is way too powerful.
In PvP 1 arrow does more than zzz, and you can hit with 2-3. Z->Siege(3hit) does more than ^z (catch) zzz ->->zz^z or the whole arrow combo.
I just ran the level 30+ dungeon on very hard with level 28 party members who mostly died before the boss. I ended up killing the boss before my +Magic buff wore off because each siege arrow does 6k+ (20k+ if all 3 hit)) while kicks do <2k.

I guess its to make up against Triple Geyser and mana shield, but really anything else is a waste of mp except an awakened RS for CC or an awakened Aero Tornado on 2-3+ people.

>> No.7282233

So is there any kind of penalty for leveling up past 15 since the Job Change isn't out yet? Your skill point or anything won't get wasted, will they?

>> No.7282323

adv skills and beginner skills use the same skill point pool so you'll only waste them if you use them past 15. Also, it's bugging me that you have to pay cash to add more skill hotkeys

>> No.7282333

First, it's not an RPG. Second, yes it's shit but you level up fast so it's worthwhile for the little time you spend on it.

>> No.7282368

You need to use the points to go up the tree anyway, and there are some skills that are really good in the first class.
At the min you need all the passives (20pts right there). usually there are 1-2 skills that are useful for all levels or pvp (things like the buffs, class specials like siege mode/back arrow, manashield/teleport, and counter/kick)
I wouldn't spent more than 40 points though, unless you know a skill is going to be useful forever.

>> No.7282551

What skills do I get for the archer girl? and how do I talk to the NPC? I'm too scared to ask for help IG.

>> No.7283043

The lag on this shit is unbearable. Everyone just lags out of everything in pvp.

>> No.7283080
File: 79 KB, 304x486, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7283092


I haven't noticed any bad lag yet. Dungeons with a party go pretty smooth, though sometimes it takes a little while for the map to load when first starting as you wait for everyone to connect. After that though, everything flows along well.

In PvP, it shows how good of a connection the other players have. If it's not green, kick their ass from the room if you're the leader. Playing with people who lag too much during PvP is frustrating, just like in any online game.

Anyway, at the moment I'm kind of just sitting around waiting for them to add the job changes. The game is a pretty good distraction so far and easy to just jump in a play for a few hours. Since it doesn't take that long to level either, I look forward to experimenting around with the other characters and classes when they come out.

>> No.7283136

Is there a /jp/ guild yet? This might be fun if we can get some PvP matches going. Also, what is VP used for?

>> No.7283220

Buying some accessories.

>> No.7283320

No 2nd job
Increased exp rate by 20%
Terrible PvP lag even if it's yellow

Yeah fuck this shit. I won't play again until they fix the first two problem.

>> No.7283366


Increased EXP is a bad thing?

>> No.7283368

*exp table

>> No.7283376

It takes longer to reach X level. This is only on the NA version.

>> No.7284367

Job advancements are most likely after this first week.

>> No.7284826

so based on the mats needed to create those guild expansion tickets, do you think its worth just saving them to sell?
Because if the prices are going to stay at 300k a shard average... thats 30 million a ticket in mat cost.
