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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 301x487, if only I knew what I was talking about any more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7273118 No.7273118 [Reply] [Original]

Picture this....

a new main character in Touhou.. that's male.

>> No.7273128

I don't want to picture such a thing.

>> No.7273161

I wouldn't mind seeing some males in the touhou world, but they couldn't be very masculine or I would feel bad. Maybe if a character brought her son and you fought both of them at once, I could live with that.

>> No.7273191

It is not possible to picture such a thing. How could OP come up with such insane garbage?

>> No.7273198

Rinnosuke was the main character of CoLA.

>> No.7273201
File: 444 KB, 725x986, 1296316922746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273213

A game where Unzan, the turtle, and some other male youkai are the player characters.

>> No.7273222

/jp/ would self destruct.

>> No.7273234

i wont mind as long as he looks 28,well-built and has short hair

>> No.7273238

That's acceptable. But if it was just one playable guy against a bunch of women it's hard to take seriously.
And you know it would destroy the fanbase and ruin all the doujins.

>> No.7273244


>> No.7273251

Males in Gensokyo lack of danmaku.

>> No.7273256

unzan IS danmaku

>> No.7273260
File: 309 KB, 785x688, 08b2d34ea613fbb14c5a83132675d7b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Picture this...

Youki Konpaku get's to be a playable character in the next game.

>> No.7273264

Half the cosplay is male already. Why not?

>> No.7273272
File: 214 KB, 670x707, Last妖々夢3236976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

オマエノ春ヲ スベテイタダク

>> No.7273283

Rinnosuke is ok though

>> No.7273285
File: 65 KB, 1039x546, rrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273287

Yukari kidnaps some random outsider, gives him a shitton of power and sets him loose to beat up the main characters. He proceeds to laugh at their outfits and shoot them all with his terrifying outsider danmaku. Final boss is Kourin who you fight for the right to be the only named male in Gensokyo.

>> No.7273304

>new main character

>> No.7273318

you might as well picture a dry ocean, a tall pancake, or a book without pages. Touhou are little girls, if they are not little girls they are not touhou.

>> No.7273341

Picture this... Touhou sequel reveals that the whole thing actually takes place in a magical ghost cyberpunk future, where nanomachines give rise to magic!

>> No.7273347

>Touhou with Male protagonists
