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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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727204 No.727204 [Reply] [Original]

Calling all NEETs and Hikikomori!

Travian.us Server Two - Touhou Hijack

1. Create an account for server two, www.travian.us and select N.E. as your starting point.
2. http://forum.travian.us/showthread.php?t=25939
2x. http://forum.travian.us/showthread.php?t=25777
(Topic was locked by MODs and half our group banned)
3. http://weeaboo.clanservers.com/index.php
4. #ChineseFederation @ irc.rizon.net
5. ?????
6. Profit!

* Bonus points for Touhou RP in the public forums
* GRAZE all MODs

>> No.727215



>> No.727214

I was just about to start a thread asking what happened to this.
I'm at 24 pop right now with 25W, 30C, 14I and 10W income an hour. Am I doing it right?

>> No.727222

Very good. We have a beginners guide in the forums if you need some help.

>> No.727229

I lol'd at the 12yo with a ridiculous post count calling US spammers.

>> No.727244
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Propaganda Posters

>> No.727250

/jp/ is pretending to be a massive invasion of thousands of chinese gamers and it's WORKING.

>> No.727251

Shit, you`re owning me.

On the plus side, I can see BLAH from my start.

>> No.727253

>Fast-paced games
I lol'd.

>> No.727258

The original thread was hilarious. They thought we were all Chinese. When they called all of our avatars "anime" characters, I kinda raged a little inside...

>> No.727263


What are his co-ordinates?

>> No.727269

So far I have...
25 pop
20 wood production
20 clay production
14 iron production
A level 1 cranny and a level 1 warehouse.

>> No.727270


>> No.727275

You can get anyone's just by searching for their name under the statistics and clicking it.

>> No.727278

We are also all girls

>> No.727281

Hey you. Yeah you guys, fuck you.

>> No.727292

I'm somewhat interested. How many of you guys are actually playing this though?

>> No.727297

Around 25.
The mods think there are HUNDREDS of us.

>> No.727303

I'd probably flat out forget in a few months like that one game led by some Suiseiseki furry unless we really rape in this.

>> No.727304

Whoops there's more of us than I thought.

>> No.727314

i have
14 wood
17 clay
11 iron
8 wheat
and 16 population
what the fuck am i doing wrong?
how are you guys getting so much

>> No.727323


Quite amusing indeed. Text related.

>> No.727339

Oh, shit. They deleted our topic again.

>> No.727353


hey man lighten up

>> No.727354

Population increases with buildings.
wood135 | clay65 | iron135 | wheat85 | 1 |
Thats the cost of building a level 2 clay pit.
The last one is by how much it increases your wheat consumption and population.

>> No.727357

bans again too? I'm still in.

>> No.727361

No bans. I'm the one who made the new topic and I don't seem to be banned.

>> No.727362

Fucking commie mods

>> No.727379


>> No.727381

Okay signed up on the chinese federation forums. A protip for people just playing: I clicked the plus thing and had some "gold" or some shit sitting around for some reason. I used that shit and got a week of improved resource farming. No clue what I did to get it.

>> No.727385

You get it for free when you start.

>> No.727389

You get it for free.

>> No.727390

Protip: in the travian plus section DO NOT FUCKING PRESS "activate tranvian plus", it activates a lot of fucking useless options that you don't need, spend your gold in resources upgrades

>> No.727392

We have a MOD on the Travian forums doing some spanking for us. We should have the topic back up soon. Get those accounts ready!

>> No.727400

Shit, too late.

>> No.727402

How many people are in the IRC channel?

>> No.727406

18 right now.

>> No.727415

IRC where?

>> No.727417

>4. #ChineseFederation @ irc.rizon.net

>> No.727421


>> No.727432

a funny thing about the Chinese alliance deal is... I somehow wound up on the .com forums while navigating links between forum posts on .us, and then tried to check the server 2 alliances subforum to find our thread... the very first thread was an (apparently real) Chinese alliance and a bunch of people talking about the earthquakes in China

I was sooooo confused for a while

>> No.727437

Hoho, I need to get that laser eye surgery stat.

>> No.727452

MODs are looking into putting our topic back up, until then.

New Target => http://forum.travian.us/showthread.php?t=21163

Get your silly hats ready and graze the spam!

>> No.728110
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>> No.728142


>> No.728179



>> No.728207

This is hilarious.

>> No.728211

Damn now I really want to play AOE multiplayer again. I always used Shang too, because I could never make up my mind what to focus on.

>> No.728219


AoE sucks. StarCraft for life. RA2 for fun.

>> No.728220

Agreed. Haven`t we learned already that raids are, in the long run, very bad things?

>> No.728251

Those mods are fags.

>> No.728298

These are very typical mods. We're just used to 4chan faggotry.

>> No.728359

I love how non-English is banned on the board and they still didn't ban me for having a name in fucking Hiragana. I'll lol if they just see me as a couple of questionmarks.

>> No.728372

Alliance sending out invites to everyone with a level one embassy in 1 1/2 hours.

We are declaring war on http://s2.travian.us/allianz.php?aid=13

"DN4L - Death Note 4 Life"

Ya... I think /a/ thought it would be funny to troll our trolling efforts.

>> No.728403

Let's try making this game our battlefield, then. Go over there and announce our proposition.
