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File: 71 KB, 640x480, Hellsinker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7266454 No.7266454 [Reply] [Original]

I am still mad about Hellsinker not being translated.

>> No.7266476

Not enough girls.

Yo0u must know your audiance.

>> No.7266486

There are just as many girls as in the average Touhou game, not counting generic enemies.

>> No.7266496
File: 106 KB, 640x480, valkyrie-profile-the-accused-one-20080317051406705_640w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... are they MOE?

Not to mention that ZUN art adds a significant ammount of appeal.

Sorry, anon. You just cannot beat that which was made by a god.

>> No.7266500
File: 162 KB, 1504x1128, minogame wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yes.

>> No.7266512

Minogame is not a girl from what I hear.

>> No.7266529
File: 131 KB, 553x875, void(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's androgynous, isn't she? There are actual lolis, though.

>> No.7266536
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Besides the obvious penis bulge, I don't see what you see in her.

>> No.7266540
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Tobari-Maru > Shanghai

>> No.7266552
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But can Yuyuko's ghost boobs compare to these ghost boobs?

>> No.7266553

I thought they were robots

>> No.7266557
File: 343 KB, 650x1224, 11188779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. Mistletoes are robots, I'm pretty sure Deadliar is human. What does this say?


>> No.7266562
File: 624 KB, 858x1200, 11659051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior catgirls.

>> No.7266565
File: 87 KB, 888x735, void(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7266568
File: 151 KB, 932x720, 13792218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE UNNAMED 771 is moe~

>> No.7266571

I wish depth bomb would draw another hellsinker image.

>> No.7266575
File: 253 KB, 850x850, 3665060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly we need to get her husband to like HELLSINKER more, to fuel her jealousy, then.

>> No.7266582
File: 364 KB, 700x850, 4650752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done imagedumping now.

>> No.7266592

So how could we go about getting this translated?

>> No.7266636
File: 156 KB, 1000x750, hellsinker_uljp00064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

text is a little bit harder than usual, I think. Knowing the audience having high standards for translation quality, no one will bother to carry the sin of improper and erroneus translation.

>> No.7266674

What about technically? Is it easy to change the text?

>> No.7266695

Is Fossil Maiden not capable of using focused movement? I like the shot type, but for some reason its the only one that doesn't slow down when I hit the focused movement key.

>> No.7266731

She slows down only when mistletoe is in a fixed autofire position. But its still not very convenient, probably makes up for invulnerability shroud.

>> No.7266742

She also speeds up when you're using the sword-thing.

>> No.7266751

I dont know shit about technic side.
But there is "txt" folder with a couple of .ctx extension files. It might be only text in transitions, not the one during the stage.

>> No.7266768

Hell, even having them translated on some site, but not actually edited would be great. Like with Mystic Square and the others.

>> No.7266944

Wait, there's a focus movement key?

>> No.7267167
File: 195 KB, 800x1056, 1262205184107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only remember that some fire modes slow you down. But FossilMaiden just doesnt care.

>> No.7267896

Yeah, it's the option that's a mess of kanji in the pad assign. I have zxcv bound to focus, primary, secondary, and discharge.

>> No.7268737 [DELETED] 

Faint biology... huh. Not "Ghostly".

A lot of things that seem to reference her coming up in a poor and polluted environment. Maybe she's a sickly human whose misteltoe helps keep her alive?

It's so hard to tell with machine trans. Will some kindly wap or jap translate plz?

>> No.7268745 [DELETED] 

Also Misteltoes seem to bind to humans, enhancing their capabilities, but in doing so, they become outcasts in normal society.

Also something that translates to "subtle biological" is repeated a lot, wherever technology of any kind is discussed. Maybe a correct translation would give more insight into what the fuck it's talking about.

>> No.7268742

I've heard that she relies on her mistletoe to see.

>> No.7268761 [DELETED] 

Well yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the case.

Translates to:

Misuterutou always "feather circle further, " that compensates for sensory organ resides.

"feather circle further" is the botched translation of her Misteltoe's name, Sanagimaru. What this seems to say is "Sanagimaru is always present, compensating for [Fossil Maiden's] poor senses."

>> No.7268777

There's more in the files in the instruction folder. Dead Liar:


>> No.7268790





>> No.7268825 [DELETED] 

>GRAVEYARD one of the oldest in the survival.
Maybe Dead Liar is something of a veteran?

>> 標準型。ミステルトゥ「屠針丸」と共に行動し、役割を分担した連
>Standard type. Misuterutou "round needle carcass" to act together, sharing the role of good work behavior.
Dead Liar and Tobarimaru work well together I guess, or maybe it has implications that they share a bond as companions. I'll go with the simplest interpretation here.


>Shots fired at, becoming erupted around the blade-like aura of surplus power
I guess this is explaining the way his shot-type works.

>> それが密度の高い弾の壁となる為、破壊可能弾等に対し屈指の遮断
>For a dense wall of bullets it has one of the best blocking performance, etc can destroy bullets.
Apparently Dead Liar has a good suppression radius. I've never really noticed that in game. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this.

>> これに限らず高密度な「壁」をもって的に迫る事はSPIRITを引き寄せ
>Dense but not limited to the "wall" approach to things and not have to attract SPIRIT, STELLA fate of luring.
Absolutely no idea what this means. If I had to guess I'd say it was describing more about Dead Liar's play style.

>> 特に彼は心掛け次第で最も苛烈な戦況と最も大きな業績とが隣り合
>In particular he will be side by side with the greatest achievements and most wrenching battle, depending on aim.
This is pretty clear. With good skills, Dead Liar can be one of the most powerful characters. He can also be one of the most difficult to control.

>> No.7268840 [DELETED] 

>Buddha made immediately by the hand of some old religious organization (the principal image of worship to be made the object of worship as the goal of immortality.)
So Minogame is an artificial human, a religious icon, created in the image of Buddha!

>It is a standard, single horseman. LUNA shot when using the main decay faster, relatively weak power.
Weak main shot. We know this.

Blah blah blah. The rest seems to just describe her gameplay. Not worth going through.

>> No.7268843

If HELLSINKER were translated and had a more penetrable interface, I would definitely play it.

>> No.7268846

>Dense but not limited to the "wall" approach to things and not have to attract SPIRIT, STELLA fate of luring.

Maybe this is referring to the fact that he can collect items easily by deploying Tobari-maru?

>> No.7268861 [DELETED] 

>Misuterutou Hadoenkuroja single horseman wearing a "round 赫螺"
It's hard to pick out, but I think this is just saying that Kagura is a misteltoe that can perform missions on his/her/its own.

>Originally been placed in the pilot of the new architecture for weapons and equipment developed GRAVEYARD.
So Kagura is something of a test platform for new weapons, eh?

>In one package to equip armed with four basic frame. Each package in the history told in their structures (buildings / fortifications or satellite?) bears the name of.
I think this is saying that Kagura's equipment bears the names of historical structures/satellites from the past. We know that its shot-types are named after bosses from Radio Zonde. Could this be what they're referring to?

>They are mainly those of incorporating the research process armed, fighting force and its effectiveness is somehow simple, there are many highly specialized habit.
Not going to comment, this is self-explanatory.

>> No.7268872

Isn't Kagura a Mistletoe wearing a suit of armor?

>> No.7268879 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that might be what
>wearing a "round 赫螺"
Refers to.

Kind of irritating when google translate skips characters like that.

>> No.7268885

The thing in quotes is its name, judging by pixiv.

>> No.7268898

I think it's supposed to mean that Kagura is wearing the ハードエンクロージャ, hard enclosure?

>> No.7268984



それは 物故となった意思の遺した物が果たして在るべきか否かを分別し 

悲願の残滓は 同じ志に惹かれた者に響き合い 時に同じ轍を踏ませる罠と
なる それはまるで置き土産の呪詛の如く

あるいは 閉ざされた地上ではそれすらも光に見えると言うのだろうか

同じ事を繰り返す事が 輝かしい時代の模倣が 果たして彼等を救っただろ

本懐叶わず枯れ果てた今でなお 地上に這う者等を魅惑し その心を鎖で繋
ぐ物故群を 彼等はこう呼んだ

H E L L S I N K E R .


自ら意思を石に刻み 人である事を辞めた者達――

生ける物故 PRAYER(祈り手)と呼ばれる者達は EXECUTOR(遺言執行者)の前

自由でありながら ただ願いのままに命令を執行するだけの存在

死すべき定めを裏切り 何時までもそれを裁き続ける人ならざる者達

見えざる柵の根は 果たして何処に――

>> No.7270371 [DELETED] 

This is what google translate has to say about EXECUTOR:
Whether or not to separate things really 在Rubeki deceased was left by the will

Names of those who duly processed

The remnants of the earnest desire

Who were attracted to each other sounded the same journal

To trap and stepped on at the same rut

It is almost like a curse placed on gifts


What on earth is a closed light even say it looks

Be repeated the same thing

The glorious era of imitation

What they really saved?

The die fulfilled now exhausted 本懐

Crawl on the ground and fascinated by

Chains joined by a group of his heart Deceased

They called this

absolutely no idea what this means. Either Google trans is fucking up badly, or this passage is very esoteric. We need a real wee to look into this.

Of particular interest, one passage under HELLSINKER:

>>生ける物故 PRAYER(祈り手)と呼ばれる者達 EXECUTOR(遺言執行者)
の前 に立ちはだかる
>>Living Deceased PRAYER (hands prayer) Those who called EXECUTOR (Executor) Stand before

Ok this is probably red herring, but in one translation it seemed to be implying that the PRAYER robots were once Executors that were defeated by the forces of the cardinal shaft (I guess the same way rex cavalier mindfucks the player)

>> No.7270394


>> No.7270420

I guess that message might not be complete nonsense. Defeated Executors are reshaped into prayers that fight the next aspirants to come along. Aspirant is the name of a bootleg ghost, of course...

>> No.7270487 [DELETED] 

Yes! And we know that this isn't the first time Graveyard has assaulted the Cardinal Shaft as well. So you're fighting past comrades?

>> No.7270511 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 800x600, f_20070930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final boss is a cat.

Not a badass gigantic robot. Not a reality-warping liminal being. Hellsinker has those archetypes in spades, but they all take a backseat to...

a kitty cat.

>> No.7270539

Someone should draw a picture of those two fighting Ellen and Sokrates.

>> No.7270549

It's actually four stones AND a cat.

>> No.7270551

As a cat owner, I have no trouble believing that.

>> No.7270569 [DELETED] 

More evidence for the Executor/Prayer connection, from 15.html in the HellSinker. manual:

PRAYER…      祈り手、もしくは行為そのものと化した存在を指すらし


Praying hands, or the act itself 化Shita 指Surashii presence. Has left the people there called, its details are largely unclear. GRAVEYARD what once belonged to (some belonging to the faction) seems to have had something to do with us.

>> No.7270570

Prayers were once humans, that's true; but I don't think they are former executors, because Rusted Dragon calls the player "our descendants" which won't wake sense if he and the player were comrades.

Either way, I'm still waiting for a complete translation of the last words of Rusted Dragon - this part is important. I... think.

>> No.7270580 [DELETED] 

Oh, an the Executors are people who can't live in human society because of their special talents. So, they're sent on dangerous missions only they're capable of. They're basically the X-Men:

EXECUTOR ... the meaning of an executor. Details have not been revealed, who belong to organizations 達Rashii watching Kina Hiroshi disturbing factor for the present study in this arena.
Without the need for sleep almost every one of them to exert a variety of unusual talent, "rascal"is derided in humans is not legitimate.
For an unknown presence in this era is often "who"and "things"rather than "things " is one of the flow is also denoted.

Shall not live in a society, what is not allowed to live,
Was given the opportunity of redemption, redemption wished himself
Shall be driven by destiny, fate and those walks together,
寄Razu systematic evidence attached, "I want to do so from" "a beast. "
The nickname was summarized various things surrounding the origin of their "rascal"is.
As it were, but the uncertainties of the world be called a small but each one has their own, it gives the order -
Roughly a vector bundle of common sense, we might have significance in that it hit the larger uncertainties.

the last half of this block of text seems to be a poem or something, that's why it seems to go off on a tangent.

>> No.7270583
File: 82 KB, 200x200, 3215695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great majority looked intimidating enough for a cat's escort in last stage.
And judging by tripping interstellar digital afterlife glastonbury white extra stages, it might not be an ordinary cat. As much as guardians in bonus stages weren't ordinary wenches.

>> No.7270585 [DELETED] 

This seems important. Google translate is giving me some VERY weird stuff. I hope a real weeaboo can translate this some time.

「幽かな生物」…  空気中、水中問わず広く地上に蔓延する、微小でエネ


>> No.7270590 [DELETED] 

Google translated:
"Biology faint, " ... in the air, both widely spread on the ground water and small particles that mediate energy. Wisp. Bacterial death candle.
So called from the behavior you look like when you have intents and purposes.
The firing of bullets, beams, SPIRITS, icons, EXECUTOR attack, and most of the flight,
Direction given "faint bio" is made up of the herd.

Just as long as there is a neutral, it can show up in the eyes of not.
Some gathered under the qualifications and willingness to slavery, behave as if they belong to the forces, the concept of a microscopic foe alligator.
It is sometimes "subtle and living" with what direction to accumulate and expand as it is oriented clothing.
That is "living faint" and the skeletons out of invisible forces 物言Wazu serve the Lord, and scattered thousands of pieces on the board,
The behavior is still the owner's desire, desire, tenacity symbolize said.

>> No.7270596 [DELETED] 

So basically, whatever "Faint bio", "subtle biological", "subtle and living" is, the majority of the technology in HellSinker. is derived from it. I *THINK*.

>> No.7270603 [DELETED] 

OK, I'm tired of picking through this myself. Surely there's a cash-strapped person on /jp/ who knows enough japanese to translate this:

I am willing to put up my own money to get someone to translate this. Any takers?

>> No.7271052


>> No.7271555 [DELETED] 

*Are you looking for something that was left behind?*

*Are you sure that what you left behind is here?*

*Now, let us commence the lost property returning procedures.*

*Memory of lost property verified, after checking that the ownership criteria is met.*

*We will complete the implementation of the return procedure.*

*Accordingly, as all tasks are completed.*

*We will close the Garden, ending the operation of all equipment.*

*Thank you very much for your patronage.*

*So, to the few that remain,*

*Please, remember this place fondly.*

>> No.7272704

What's this?

>> No.7272816

The text that appears during LV3 last boss.

>> No.7272821

The text that appears during LV3 last boss.

>> No.7272883

Oh. I was kind of distracted whenever I fought it to notice any text.

(And I just got to the stage 5 boss in Crimzon Clover on one credit for the first time! Huzzah!)

>> No.7273308 [DELETED] 

Not to mention it's in Japanese

>> No.7273358

Let's get it serious

That's it, should my left purpose become death or not? The name of people who deal with properly
My last wish is to get the same attention, and at the same time it become an obstacle. That is like a curse of farewell gift.
Or, don't tell me that you can see the light even on a shut ground?
Repeating the same thing, imitating the glorious times, were they really saved?
Furthermore, now the wishes wasn't come true, and it withered
Luring those who crawling on the ground, they're called dead groups which their heart connected with chain
And now,
Carving the stone by their own will, people who left their humanity
Living dead, those who called PRAYER are blocking away the EXECUTOR
Though it is free, it's just an existence who executing order as if it's their wishes
Betraying the mortal rules, the "unhuman" that keep judging it forever
Where are the source of the unseen bounds is?

Notes :
PRAYER = enemy

>> No.7273500 [DELETED] 

Do you speak Japanese, or is this a machine translation? It's still really obscure. "Executing an order as if it were their own wishes" is a really haunting idea. Maybe what went wrong years ago was some sort of mind virus that made people insane, made them become prayers.

>> No.7273780

Just can't put it into words

>> No.7274688 [DELETED] 

Thank you for your efforts

>> No.7276449
File: 101 KB, 863x768, void(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bampu pantsu~

>> No.7278457
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