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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 640x480, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7264499 No.7264499 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the constant aura of disappointment from your parents for being a NEET?

>> No.7264503

I have quite a sucessful life, social retardness aside. I know no such aura.

>> No.7264505
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>> No.7264510

They're good at hiding that so it doesn't really bother me.

>> No.7264514

My parents love me

>> No.7264515
File: 34 KB, 342x329, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i am not a NEET.

>> No.7264519

They are understanding and realize that they along with my QUALITY genes and personality have resulted in the monster I am today.

>> No.7264520

You rich kids and your conditional parental love.

>> No.7264535

バイトを見つけてニート状態脱出に成功した俺は勝ち組の仲間入りだお( ^ω^)

>> No.7264538

Your songs.

Space Battleship "NEET"

>> No.7264539

What, you think you have to be rich for this?

Even if you're from a poor family like I am they expected more from you than this.

>> No.7264542

My parents are really disappointed about it, last time I talked to them (which was like 3 months ago). But my sister is a lot more successful than me, so that makes up for it for my parents; they're more proud of her.

>> No.7264544

My first impression would be that poor parents expect more from their children than rich parents.

>> No.7264559

How did you get past interviews while being a social retard?

>> No.7264561

They know I am ill and accept that and feel more sorry for me than anything else.

>> No.7264564

A Cruel NEET's Thesis


>> No.7264566

I am kinda socially retarded but i have a very good and well paying job. Also they love me and i have a brother already giving them grandkids, so they don't mind me remaining alone that much..

>> No.7264568

They feel better now that I got to the gym, I go at 6:30 A.M when is empty though and that's the only thing I do all day.

>> No.7264572

Wow, seriously? They care about that? You have some shallow parents.

>> No.7264573

Also anyone got that link with the parents hitting that NEET girl?

>> No.7264575


残酷な社会の底辺 青年よ ニートになれ

老いた親が今 部屋のドアを叩いても
画面だけを ただ見つめて 微笑んでる あなた
暇を潰すもの レスすることに夢中で
就職さえ ままならない 痛いだけの日々

だけどいつか気付くでしょう その暮らしには 遥か未来目指すための 夢

残酷なニートのテーゼ 窓辺からやがて飛び立つ
ほとばしるやる気の無さで 両親を裏切るなら
このドアをいまだ出られぬ 青年よ ニートになれ!

ずっとパラサイト 家は私のゆりかご
また今夜も 夢の4chan 眠らず朝が来る
細いケーブルを 月明かりが照らしてる
世界中の人と共に 消え去りたいけど

もしも友と逢えた時に 語り合うなら 奴は聞くよ 「お前は今 何をして

残酷な社会のルール 苦しみがそして始まる
両親の他界目にして 現実に目覚めたとき
誰よりも世間を知らぬ 青年よ ニートであれ

親は金を残して逝き 未来を憂う 社会なんて出れないまま 私は生きる

残酷なニートのテーゼ 窓辺からやがて飛び立つ
ほとばしる無気力感で 両親を裏切るなら
このドアを永久に出られぬ 青年よ ニートであれ!

>> No.7264578

Anyone translation please.

>> No.7264580

Is that guy a NEET?Because he is so cute.

>> No.7264583

I make money and support myself, so they arent too hard on me. Of course they would like to go out, get friends, meet a girl, have grandkids ... but they cant have everything

>> No.7264585
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>Waking up before 10 A:M

>> No.7264586
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>> No.7264587

GTFO jap

>> No.7264588

One of them is still trying to fix me. Exercise, live a normal life, it'll make you happy talk, won't work. Can't seem to think that someone might not like socializing that much or doesn't want to work the rest of their life somewhere they hate.

>> No.7264590

They are cool with it. Especially since I managed to leave the house, but they still give me a monthly allowance/budget of 1000 dollars.

>> No.7264608

You rich motherfucker

>> No.7264611

I would never leave my house if I was in your situation.

>> No.7264623

4chan は甘え

>> No.7264628

Buy me something fag.

>> No.7264650

I get about 600 euro ($872) a month, I'm still living with my mom. Only have to pay her 113 euro a month and that's it.

>> No.7264653
File: 26 KB, 375x350, 1301987293401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. Talk to them as little as possible, and when you do talk to them, lie about your everyday life.

>> No.7264658
File: 26 KB, 512x512, alice depressed_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a hikkikomori than a NEET, really. And they don't mind at all

I'm the one who minds. My life feels so empty. I feel depressed all the time. I listen to music almost constantly just to try to drown out the thoughts of suicide because I know what a failure I am

I don't deserve the loving family I have, nor the comfortable life that I was given. I really don't

>> No.7264662

My mom just brings it up when she's angry at me. Today she left all of a sudden and was gone for hours around the time we usually have dinner, and didn't bring her cellphone, so I had no way to contact her. Just when I decide I'm tired of waiting and that I should make dinner myself, she suddenly comes back, really drunk, and suggests ordering pizza since she "can't be bothered to cook right now". I figure it's easier to just agree than to start making food for two, so I ask for her debit card, and she suddenly says, probably because she didn't like my attitude, that she thinks I should pay for it, since she always pays for the food.

She dropped quickly, but shit like that really pisses me off. Most of the time she acts like it's a given that a mother should help out her son when he doesn't have an income, but then all of a sudden she decides to act like a complete dick and make ridiculous demands of me.

>> No.7264663

Maybe you should do something about it.

>> No.7264664

>I listen to music almost constantly just to try to drown out the thoughts of suicide because I know what a failure I am
Do you listen to depressing music or happy music? Because you sound like the kind of person who listens to depressing music, which is really counter-intuitive for cheering you up.

>> No.7264666
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Helpful. No, really

>> No.7264672
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>> No.7264673


Funny you say that, because it varies. Sometimes I just like instrumentals with a good piano or violin. Sometimes I'll listen to rock, or jazz, or what have you. There's no particular rhyme or reason, just whatever I feel like listening to at the moment

I don't exactly intentionally listen to "depressing" music, unless you find something about instrumentals depressing I guess

>> No.7264674

Turbo slut on the right

>> No.7264682


Not saying I know exactly what happened, but you probably had the slightest bit of attitude when you asked her. Many people with poor social skills can be completely incognizant of their affect, body language, etc. It's likely you were acting like a little shit and didn't even realize it.

Personally, if I had kids who were 18+ and living at home doing nothing, especially being hikki's, I would kick them the fuck out - no discussion.

As for the topic at hand, I'm more or less successful for the time being; my parents have nothing but praise and adulation for me whenever I can be bothered to answer their calls. While I do have empathy for NEET's and hikki's because I was one for the better part of three years, I have no respect or pity for them. I know better than anyone that your lifestyle is a product of your willpower. There is always something you can do to better yourself, whether your want to or not.

That said, I'm probably the genuine article. I have a job, I'm personable at work and people always want to hang out with me, women try to talk to me when I'm coaxed out of my lair, etc., but that's just it - I have no interest in people in general. A perfect day for me would be sitting alone in my room with the lights off and shades drawn; seeing nothing but the pale light from my monitor for weeks at a time. The difference is that I can recognize the importance of living for yourself and living a sustainable lifestyle. I can't work this job until I retire, and I'll never get a pension, but it'll last me long enough to get what I want out of life before I off myself.

>> No.7264688

I sometimes listen to stuff like Hardstyle, sometimes it gets me pumped up again. Usually when I'm in a bad mood I don't listen to music.

I also like to play keyboard/piano to relax myself (improvising)

>> No.7264691
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>Waking up before 1 P:M

>> No.7264707

>Personally, if I had kids who were 18+ and living at home doing nothing, especially being hikki's, I would kick them the fuck out - no discussion.
Why? They're the product of YOUR labour. You have no one to blame for how they turned out but yourself.

>> No.7264712

I was actually pretty pissed at her. I hate being forced to deal with drunk people, and it seriously wouldn't be so hard for her to just tell me she was planning to go out somewhere for a few hours so that I could know I had to make dinner myself if I got hungry.

And I can understand if she just didn't tolerate my laziness at all. I just can't stand the incostistent behavior. People who first act benevolent and then try to make you feel bad for taking use of their benevolence. It's really fucking passive-aggressive and manipulative. It's like I gave you $1000 and told you "oh, don't worry about owing me anything, I just felt like sharing some of the extra money I had", and then a few days later got angry at you for not offering to give me a blowjob in return for the money.

>> No.7264715

>While I do have empathy for NEET's and hikki's because I was one for the better part of three years, I have no respect or pity for them.
Oh, a convert. Those are the worst kind.

>> No.7264723
File: 220 KB, 451x1023, 1301007284667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents dont know that Im a NEET. Feels good man.

>> No.7264724


Stupidity runs in the family, apparently.

>> No.7264730
File: 17 KB, 300x300, alice depressed_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's really not fair to the parent. While a parent is undoubtedly a massive influence on their child, ultimately, the child's life turns out in accordance with the child's own decisions

You can't blame anyone but yourself for how your life is. Not even your parents

>> No.7264732

Don't lie to us like that. We know you go to school.

>> No.7264735


That is certainly true. That's why I blame myself for everything that goes wrong with my life, I'm not going to lie to myself. I lie to other people enough as it is.

>> No.7264744

But it's pretty ridiculous parents let their kid grow up to become a complete loser and then suddenly throw him out with no warning. Continuing to unconditionally provide for your kid even if he makes no effort to find a job or get an education obviously won't convince him to stop being a NEET, but it takes a pretty shitty parent to think that the only thing they can to is throw their kid out.

>> No.7264749
File: 71 KB, 1063x922, 1278628249430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that was the case.

Oh, but I dont! I dropped out few months ago. They didnt like the fact that I never went there.

>> No.7264761

My parents don't really care. At least they have two other children who have both succeeded in life unlike me.

>> No.7264767

But what's the point of living a miserable life like that?

Unless they buy things, a hikki really isn't a financial strain upon parents at all, assuming they're not taking them to extensive counseling or buying them whatever they want.

>> No.7264772

>but it takes a pretty shitty parent to think that the only thing they can to is throw their kid out.

I don't think I would ever do that if I was ever saddled with some crotch-spawn because I'd like to think I would love my kids unconditionally. That said, I can't blame parents for taking drastic measures. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, after all

>> No.7264778

Have you considered online classes? Only reason I am going to college is because I can take it online; I have to go to the actual college once or twice a semester, if that.

If school is something you actually might want to do, I would highly recommend online.

>> No.7264784

Yeah, but sometimes it's not the parents' fault...

Although my brother is like this, and I'm very likely on my way there too, so there might be some underlying medical issue or something in our family...

The problem is, I think, the people in my family who go through college fine. Then we can't cope with people because (in my case) i avoid people because I know I'm unfixably socially undesirable...

>> No.7264785

My uncle is like 56 and still lives with his mom. What a badass.

>> No.7264789

Emperor of /jp/

>> No.7264790

Which college are you going to? I've been looking and looking but they're all shitty.

>> No.7264794


Hikkikomoris are almost invariably depressing to be around. I can tell you that much just from my relationship with my siblings. That alone can often make you unpleasurable to be around. Furthermore, no one should feel obligated to support a leech, however little blood he may suck

>> No.7264796

Do you get student loan when taking it online?

>> No.7264805

Hmm that does sound pretty nice. I wonder how I could do those. I should look into that, it sounds bit too good to be true. Any big downsides in online studying?

>> No.7264806

At least three of my relatives over the age of 40 are in and out of living with either their Mom or Dad. Mental illness runs in my family, most are bipolar and cannot hold a job.

>> No.7264809

You'd have to fight the temptation to do something else on the internet.

>> No.7264815 [DELETED] 


Even if an aged parent knocks on the door of the room now.
You who I merely stare at only the screen, and smile.
A thing reply to kill time is crazy about that you do it.
The only pitiful days when even finding employment does not always go as you want.

But you will notice sometime.
The living not having a far future dream to aim.
The thesis of a cruel NEET.
You fly away from a window before long.
If I betray parents with the lack of the motivation to surge.
It is not yet over this door.
Become an NEET a young man!

>> No.7264813


Not the guy you're talking to, but I'm doing some online electrician course offered by Penn Foster. Dunno how "respected" the college is, but it's giving me a solid foundation in electrical work, and when I'm finished I'm going to follow it up with a Linesman course at a local community college, which should help me break into the Electrician field fairly easily

I guess your mileage may vary

>> No.7264824

How can you even type that and not feel embarrassment? You're incredibly lucky to be allowed to live with your parents, and I'm assuming you don't even pay. Yet you still have the gall to be annoyed with her?
It's easy to get upset at your family, just because they're your family. You don't associate them with being individuals with dreams and feelings, she's just your "mom".

>> No.7264829

My local community college. There are others, but this is fine for now.
I don't know, my dad pays. Someone else will have to answer this.
Not for me. I did terrible in high school, went to college taking traditional classes at the community college and dropped out instantly. After taking a semester and a half off, I enrolled in only online classes and I can't get anything less than B's. The main problem with it is people can't motivate themselves to do the work without going to class for some reason. If you are like that, it won't be a good idea. For people like me who can't motivate themselves to leave the house, but are capable of a few minutes of work and study a day, online is perfect.

>> No.7264862

It's true, I don't really have much moral superiority over her as a leech. But that doesn't really exclude me from having feelings and getting annoyed when I get treated poorly just because she decided to stay over some place and get drunk. I'm feeling more and more that the stress it puts me through is not worth the advantage of not paying any rent, and as soon as I get on back my feet I hope to never have to depend on my family again.

>> No.7264866


you enrolled in uni but never went to class even once?

>> No.7264871

One thing I don't get about studying online because you don't want to go out is that studying is supposed to eventually lead to you getting a job, so how are you supposed to deal with that when the time comes when you can't even deal with going to college?

>> No.7264880

I'm just saying, down the line, you should be grateful to your mother. Sure, she may seem like a demon now, but if you're own your own, you can understand and see what she goes through.
I know exactly how this feels, I did the same thing to my mother. It's hard to look at them as individuals, you just lump her into some non-feeling blob called a mother. It's hard to stop and think what she's going through because you just revert to thinking she's indestructible and can take everything. So when she does act out or does something wrong, you judge her too harshly, thinking she should be an all loving and all perfect mom.

>> No.7264886

Very possible to work from home in this day and age, especially in the computer field; that's what I plan on doing, and until then I won't get a job. I am actually pretty financially secure and my dad is too so it doesn't matter for the foreseeable future.

About not being able to leave the house, it's not so much that as it not motivated enough to leave the house to be lectured for hours. That's what I was unable to do on a schedule.

>> No.7264889

I usually don't have that bad a view of her. It's just when she drinks that she turns into a demon.

>> No.7264915 [DELETED] 


It is a parasite all the time.
The house is my cradle.
The tonight is 4chan of the dream again, too.
Morning comes without sleeping.
Moonlight lights up the thin cable.
It wants to pass away with people of the world.

If you meet a friend and talk.
The guy hears it.
"You do what now"

A cruel social rule and pains begin.
When you saw the death of parents and woke practically.
I do not know the world than anyone else.
Young men, become a NEET.

The parent dies leaving money.
You are anxious about the future.
You live without being able to appear in the society.

The thesis of a cruel NEET.
You fly away from a window before long.
If you betray parents with the lack of the motivation to surge.
It is never over this door.
Young men, become a NEET.

>> No.7264937

Well, for me at least (I'm not the guy who's been posting) I take online classes so that I can get an online job. There's lots of money to be made on the internet, and I've talked to quite a few people on forums and such about it. There are hikkikomori out there who don't depend on anyone for money and yet still never leave the house.

>> No.7264938

by disappointing back at them for failing to raise a good son.
they never supported me on anything. they always tried to match my body with their brain

well i have no life now and i don't care. i bare no fault in this

>> No.7264965

As long as you enjoy yourself, who cares?

>> No.7265000

You disappoint me, /jp/. You can't even keep a decent relationship with the sole few people you have to be around?

>> No.7265007


The thesis of a cruel NEET.

Even if an aged parent knocks on the door of the room now.
You merely stare at only the screen, and smile.
A thing reply to kill time is crazy about that you do it.
The only pitiful days when even finding employment does not always go as you want.

But you will notice sometime.
The living not having a far future dream to aim.

The thesis of a cruel NEET.
You fly away from a window before long.
If you betray parents with the lack of the motivation to surge.
It is not yet over this door.
Young men, become a NEET!

It is a parasite all the time.
The house is my cradle.
The tonight is 4chan of the dream again, too.
Morning comes without sleeping.
Moonlight lights up the thin cable.
It wants to pass away with people of the world.

If you meet a friend and talk.
The guy hears it.
"You do what now"

A cruel social rule and pains begin.
When you saw the death of parents and woke practically.
You do not know the world than anyone else.
Young men, become a NEET.

The parent dies leaving money.
You are anxious about the future.
You live without being able to appear in the society.

The thesis of a cruel NEET.
You fly away from a window before long.
If you betray parents with the lack of the motivation to surge.
It is never over this door.
Young men, become a NEET!

>> No.7265011

I, for one, find it easier to deal with strangers who I know I'll never meet again, than to get close with people and let them be a significant part of my life.

>> No.7265034


Why do you avoid intimacy? Are you afraid of getting hurt?

>> No.7265037

What is the cause that you became a NEET?

>> No.7265048


He doesn't feel compelled to do so. Because most of /jp/ analyze fucking everything he can tell that the reward isn't worth the effort invested.

>> No.7265051

I dropped out of school, quit my job, and/or dropped out of my training program

>> No.7265062


It was destiny. No one wants me. And I understand why. Because I have failed them.

>> No.7265081

The more people get to know me, the higher the chances that they will hate me.

>> No.7265106


>> No.7265116

I am now homeless after a couple of years of NEET-dom (not a lot, but), and then escaping it by going to school. I have no choice but to interact with people. I want to die, but I .... I can't for some reason. It's unfair. Why do I have to die while other shits get to be happy??

>> No.7265294

I dont mean to use this thread as a personal blog but i really need to vent /jp/

Picked on throughout elementary school. Come high school despite me trying my best to be friends with people i never really fit seeing as how i was one of the few people who lived outside of the school neighborhood "school was also in an upper-middle/upper class neighborhood so that didnt help me in any way".

Tried learning an instrument but did learn quickly enough so got left behind and eventually gave up.

Tried playing baseball had a good throw and catch but was always benched because my batting was weak "could hit the ball but not hit it far".

Tried wrestling but even though i was the team onlys 103 wrestler the coach made it known that he would much rather have to constantly forfeit that weight bracket at matches then have me go in and always lose.
"once again the wrestling was popular in the schools in that area so i was wrestling against people that have been wrestling since they were kids"

I left the team after putting up with alot of shit and whn i thought i was gonna have something go in my favor for once when he invited me back to the team. A week later someone in the 103 weightclass tried out for the team and filled my starter spot thats when the coach kicked me out for "having bad grades' even though a bunch of his star players were failing classes.

Then comes college... alot of people who graduated are going to university whereas i couldnt get any scholarships or financial aid to attend school so my parent paid what they could to put me in community college.

>> No.7265298

Since it was the cheap route it was also the shit route i eventually dropped out because i wasnt learning anything and had to go through alot of shit to go to this shitty school.

Said fuck it after dropping out and joined military. Being a clumsy fuck ment everyone in my unit hated me and was eventually discharged after breaking my leg.

Been a neet ever since i recovered from that injury.

>> No.7265311

I'm always slightly amazed by the military option anons.
But I guess nothing is worse than the cold reality of homelessness.

>> No.7265312

>I dont mean to use this thread as a personal blog

No one wants to hear your fucking life story. Get back to >>>/tohno-chan/, you pathetic normal piece of shit.

>> No.7265384

if youre neet or hikki and youre depress about it, then you are a NORMAL.

Get the fuck out, we do not want normals, specialy the idiots that are neet-hikkis not because they want but because they cant do anything else, seriously, get the fuck out, became an emo or whatever else.

you create a bad reputation for us that actually want to be neet-hikkis.

>> No.7265391

ok, I don't post on /jp/ but I read it for kicks, so: are you serious? neets are worried about getting a bad reputation, as if they don't already have one? Isn't the whole point of being a neet not caring?

>> No.7265393

There's no "getting left behind" in learning an instrument, you just play whatever the hell you want.

>> No.7265467

It's not too bad being homeless, really depends on where you are.

I am super morally opposed to being in the military though. I don't think I could do it--not that I have a right to judge the people that went into it........

LOL since when was /tc/....whatever

>> No.7265471

You're just responding to one of your own kin, don't freak out so much.

>> No.7265503

Not if you're in a band/orchestra.

>> No.7265508

Took me a while to detect the samefag here.

>> No.7265531

>that feel when you start marching in the front rank and then somehow finish behind the color guard

>> No.7266222


Military option worked for me. It's tough when you first get in, especially if you're as useless as most of us are. But if you're like me, you'll deploy once, learn your shit eventually and eventually be able to fade into obscurity. Nobody really fucks with me because I've been deployed and I'm getting out in a few months. As long as I'm not 100% derp when I'm at work people are more or less content to just let me go home and be by myself. I'm the closest thing to a hikki you can be in the military - literally the only time you will ever see me is at work, and even then I'm quiet and unnoticeable enough that most of the time they don't even notice when I don't show up. I honestly wish I could live like this forever, but reenlisting means I'll deploy again and I don't want to see any more death. It's not the actual human component that bothers me - my best friend got torn in half in front of my eyes by an IED; I gathered what was left of him and put him into one of those black bags we all became so familiar with by the end - it's the fact that it doesn't elicit any emotional response, and that bothers me. Being in combat has made it painfully clear to me that no matter how hard I try to care, the only person that really matters to me is me. I'm incapable of feeling anything for other humans.

When I get out I'll probably slip into a deeper depression than I was in before I joined, but I have to get out. Sooner or later someone will discover that I'm not right and I'd be pushing papers for the rest of my career.

Killing people feels really good though, I'll miss that.

>> No.7266234

>/jp/ - Your Blog

No one gives a shit, your pathetic faggot. Just go kill yourself.

>> No.7266237

should you feel bad about killing people or not having sympathy for a dead friend?
is it only because society tells us that it's bad?
food for thought.

>> No.7266244

/jp/ is your blog.
and it is also your responsibility to deny it, so gj.

>> No.7266294

The answer is obvious if you think logically.

>> No.7266328

soooooooooooooooooooooooooo....what the fuck is a NEET?

>> No.7266333

Get out

>> No.7266349


Some would argue that if you're not a NEET, you have no place here. Regardless, not even knowing what a NEET is... Lurk the fuck more, or get out. Stop posting until you have a clue what this board is about.

>> No.7266355

otaku culture

>> No.7266371

Left home at 15. Working full time and studying part time.



>> No.7266377
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>> No.7266412

it would seem to me that there are few real NEETs on /jp/.

>> No.7266420

Now what kind of NEET would be in a band/orchestra? Man up and make Touhou arrangements.

>> No.7266422

It would seem to be that you are retarded. It's not rare for someone to be unemployed and out of school.

>> No.7266440
File: 95 KB, 600x450, summerofgeorge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7266456
File: 58 KB, 774x346, 4chan_1303461067156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad my anime threads get me banned, but this shit is still here. Great work, mods.

>> No.7266465

I was a NEET for 2 years until I realized it was a dead end road. I then went back to university and managed to struggle through to graduation.

I now make 60k a year to sit around on my ass and surf the net most of the day. Ah, taxpayer dollars at work.

>> No.7266461

Me too. I'm glad the mods have a lick of sense left in them, if they are still banning blatantly useless pieces of shit.

>> No.7266467

You don't get much more /jp/ related than NEET/hikki threads

>> No.7266469

Reported again.

>> No.7266475

What do you do?

>> No.7266482 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 410x331, 1287178611251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't get much more /jp/ related
Touhou threads

>> No.7266490

>that feel when aoc tried to stamp out hikikomori neet threads, but tru NEETS shit down his throat and made him retire.

this mod or new janitor is playing it pretty cool, i tell ya. he's deleting the completely obviously unrelated threads and leaving the god gems behind when possible, also he doesn't let shitty off-topic threads stick around.

>> No.7266501

DoD parts supplier. I e-mail with my main contacts that are 6 hrs timezone difference for the first 2 hours of my day, then have nothing to do for 6 hours since they are all off work and I'm just awaiting replies. It's great.

>> No.7266547

If my parents are disappointed, they sure don't show it. They've always been real cool though, never pushing me to follow in their hard-working footsteps or do anything I didn't want to do.

It's been an easy life so far, but all good things eventually come to an end... thankfully, I'm fortunate enough to be able to choose when.

>> No.7266881

alright call me whatever bad things you want, but what anime is that?

>> No.7266890

Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai


Best job ever.

>> No.7266952

1: It hurts to catch sun rays after a long while.
3: Just an ordinary/simple sound sounds like a big noise.
6: You don't get fat than you imagine because while you don't move your
body and consume little calories, you don't have much appetite.
8:>>6 You naturally come to have a meal once a day without feeling
15: Try to pay much attention to whether you are wearing an appropriate
clothes even just when you go to a convenience store.
17: Scared of mornings to come.
18: Always shut curtains and keep sunlights from coming in.

>> No.7266956

bit more" and when you wake up at night, you think "It's about time
to get up..."
38: Even though it's cold outside already, you go out wearing light clothing
without realizing change in season.
44:>>38 That... That happens...
Number unknown: I've lost the track of changes in seasons because of a long
period of shut-in life and I've go out heavily-clothed even in warm weather in
45: It's true that your vocal cord gets weak. I think my voice was lower
when I was a middle school student.
46: You forget how to vocalize.
47: It's extremely painful to walk in a corwd.
55: You stop looking yourselves in a mirror. You look at yourselves reflected
in a mirror after one year and wonder if the face in the mirror is sure
that of yours.
61:When outside, you feel inferiority complex towards unspecific people.
66: You come to have trouble in vocalizing.
Number unknown: I've caught a cold and stayed at home for the whole week.
When one week passed, I couldn't speak well. When you shut in, you don't

>> No.7266959

68: You feel uneasy about other people's eyes.
69: You come to find it hard to speak something in mind and you look weird,
struggling to say it.
70: You lose the sense of time. You become clueless about what day it is
72: Boy, these comments left by hikikomori is full of reality. They reflect
hikikomori's real situatiuons.
86:>>72 I couldn't agree with you more. These posts reflect all of my
hikikomori experience as it is.
73: When you go out, you feel dizzy. Just a short walk cause muscle pains
the next day.
75: You feel uneasy about the way you walk.
77: You reacknowledge that the world functions without you.
83: Just the sound of doorbell scares you to death.
90: The sound of ringtone has almost the same effect of bomb exlosion.
91: You feel inferiority complex even towards your pet. Before you stroke
him/her, you pause and wonder if a person like me is worth stroking him.
97: When you are forced to go out in the daytime, you feel dizzy because of
brightness and pressures you feel. If at night, relatively OK.

>> No.7266968

99: You start thinking about why on earth you live.
104: I dream of you playing with my friends. I wonder why because
I decided that I don't need any friends any more.
125: >>104 You feel like crying when you wake up after such dreams.
In dreams like that, people you may be able to become friends with
or you want to become friends with appear. That's so tough.
Number unknown: >>125 Same here. In my case, friends I used to hang out
with appear in my dream.
115: You feel peaceful on rainy days.
133: If you try to speak something after a long while, you can't speak well.
Once you start laughing, you can't stop it. Plus the way you laugh is weird.
138: All these posts are so compelling that I cried.
142: A lot more hikikomori in this board than I imagined. lololol
146: You get hungry--->You open refrigerator----> you found nothing to eat
there--->You try to sleep or you surf the Internet.
154: One day passes really quickly. Probably today, too. lol
Sorry for being worthless.
185: Try to make my surroundings as if it were late at night.
207: You are annoyed by rays coming in from gaps between curtain and wall,
so you put corrugated boards over the gaps tp prevent rays from coming in.
226: You try write down a message you get over the phone but find out that
you forget how to write kanji characters.
242: Your skin color is like that of fluorescent lamp.
265: You realize your muscles are getting weak. I found myself having
trouble holding NINTENDO 64 controller with GB pack inserted.

>> No.7266971

wtf are those shit?
why are you only pasting segmented parts?

>> No.7266976

282: I realized that most of hikikomori are a kind of people who can't
live a social life.
Number unknown: We are a kind of people who can't get out of this situation.
289:>>282 Why don't you start doing a part-time job?
Number unknown: I know. I understand that in my head but when it comes to
taking action, I'm scared. I know I sound like making an excuse, though...
302: You unconsciously try to finish errands you have to do outside on
one occasion.
305: Middle aged woman in a barber shop asks you, "Have you decided whether you
start working or have advanced education?"
317: >>305 I'm scared of that type of question so I can't go to a barber shop.
353: Your eyes are always those of women who's just been raped.
375: You research about the ways to get profit from stock exchange market or foreign
currencies exchanges, but you end up knowing only someone whon knows the
way to make profits can survive.
411: You start to get less interested in buying things (you want.)
423: You groom yourself and wear nice clothes to go out but all
of a sudden, you feel like you don't go out and changes clothes to
the one you wear in your room again.
461: You feel sorry for your parents being nice to you.
473: >>461 I'm too sorry for my parents smile at me.
474: When I think it's about time to get out of my hikikomori situation,
I'm scared of eyes.
Number unknown: People around me ask if I'm OK, worrying about me, but
that's just painful to me.
509: I feel peaceful on Saturdays and Sundays because I kind of think that everybody doesn't work on these days so I have a right to have a rest on these days, too.

>> No.7266980


>> No.7266987
File: 28 KB, 302x406, td_raymoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> (whole derpy maudlin thread)



>> No.7267039

Nearly all of these really hit home.

>> No.7267079

Future shooter detected.

>> No.7267099
File: 11 KB, 302x231, 1298343178622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it hurts ...
it's really painful ...
I feel comforted that the other can feel the same thing
but ... oh fuck, why it makes me cry so hard ?

>> No.7267116
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>> No.7267123

I turn it around and tell them they fucked up raising me, my dad has OCD out the ass and so do I, so even though he holds a decent job I pull the, "You take so long to go anywhere because of your checking shit all the time that I never wanted to play any sports or do outside activities since it such a burden for you to go anywhere." It's working well so far.

>> No.7267124

>wtf are those shit?

>> No.7267129

my dad is pretty fucking crazy as well. he always talked to himself and did strange things. I want to believe i didn't grew up as a normal person because of him.

>> No.7267135


Yeah, it blows we used to be real close, now we barely talk once a week. He only showers once a week so throughout H.S. i probably smelled like shit all the time but since I am an only child I didn't know any better.

>> No.7267144

huh, that's messed up, yo

woohoo! go blow it out your ass

>> No.7267150

I could never let my parents know. See, my father was delusional and believed many things were peoples imaginations, such as allergies, sickness, and disorders like autism. If he ever found out I was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome, let alone lived like I do now.... I don't think he do everything he could to harass me and get me into a mental institution. That's how delusional he was, for example he thought ADHD was just bad patenting and the parents should be forced to be sterile for being bad parents. That's why I moved out when I was 17. Feels good to be away from them, that day I cut off communication with my family.

>> No.7267158

My dad is a failure himself so it's ok. He was(?) addicted to gambling which caused a divorce with mother.

Me and him are living with our grandparents now and they blame my failure on him. Luckily for me our family owns a business so if I ever needed to work I can fall back on them.

>> No.7267288
File: 18 KB, 320x240, 65621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7267463

I'm going to school to become a lawyer-- currently ending my sophomore year. In fall I'll be taking the LSAT.

I'll campaign for the rights of the pedophiles and shutins before succumbing to being one myself.

>> No.7267472
File: 33 KB, 704x400, NEET_dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not going to be a NEET soon cuz they're making me go to college, it's ganna be hard as HELL cuz i'm still not good at making eye contact

>> No.7267473

Oh man, I am not good with tripcode. Did this work?

>> No.7267476

my mother is actually proud of how i am now because it's so much better than how i was before. i actually want to get a job or something and she's all like "lol you" and doesn't want to let me. thinks they're gonna threw me out instantly or something. ;_;

>> No.7267479

>threw me out
uh, i mean fire me.

>> No.7267493
File: 88 KB, 600x800, Bittenfeld - Manly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did.
And it fits you perfectly!

>> No.7267499
File: 16 KB, 215x225, wtH's macro is best macro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see you

>> No.7267502

that was prolly some1 else also making sure it's the same as mine but thanks

>> No.7267534

The people who browse /jp/ were those really smart kids who were in some sense above all the others at school. While the other kids waste time chatting and generally act like fools, people on /jp/ maintain a cool, quiet composure, focusing on their goals. Remember that guy in class who didn't talk much but always got 100% on every test? He's probably a /jp/er now.

Unlike the rest of the weeaboo rabble, the average /jp/er spent his teenage years focusing hard on the Japanese language, probably becoming fluent by around age 20. This zeal to learn is spurred on by the dream of actually moving to Japan in the future, instead of clinging onto a pipe dream like most wapanese people, or settling for a mediocre career in eikaiwa.

When they graduate high school, they will invariably enter one of the most prestigious universities in the country, most likely in a highly technical field which will secure them a great career later on. A typical /jp/er will have chosen a major which corresponds to a particular career, especially one with demand in Japan.

>> No.7267537

When they graduate, they generally take up jobs in prestigious multinational companies, generally earning starting salaries as much as double the average person their age. As the years go by, they will quickly progress due to their enthusiasm to move up in the world and natural talents.

Having learnt the Japanese language to perfection, most /jp/ers quickly find a highly attractive Japanese girl to court, generally marrying around 25 in order to get ahead of the game.

From then on, the possibilities are endless. /jp/ers have something special within them that lets them accomplish anything they put their mind to. Whether it's drive, natural talent or luck, who knows. It has to be said that a lot end up finding themselves bored with their day jobs, seeking a path in life which presents greater challenges and rewards. Thus, many become great entrepreneurs, scientists, inventors and political figures. They are the hope for this generation and we can only wait to see what they accomplish in the future.

>> No.7267539

      _| ̄|_| ̄|  | ̄|_| ̄|__| ̄|_| ̄|   | ̄|_| ̄|_| ̄|
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>> No.7267542

What the fuck is that second row

>> No.7267543

   ( ´Д`)
  /    \
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   (_,ノ    .`ー'旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦.

>> No.7267545

but nobody here wants to move to japan, the ones among us who know japanese only learned it to play untranslated porn games and read doujins.

some might still be pretentious enough to say they did it because they're interested in japan which makes them weeaboos, but most of us stopped lying to try looking cool on the internet.

>> No.7267547


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>> No.7267550

Awaiting for the part that says "if and only if they left their rooms, reply when greeted, stopped staring at the floor and leaning front and backwards while speaking, showered every week, and weren't obsessed with being little girls with a penis."

>> No.7267564

>but nobody here wants to move to japan
I do.
How can you know what every /jp/er wants?

>> No.7267568

because we all don't care for japan. whoever does and actually wants to go there is from /a/.

>> No.7267569

/jp/ is legun

>> No.7267575

why would anyone want to do that assuming they're not weaboo/married to jaapanese/got an awesome job in japan/whatever.

i mean, the only good thing they have are popculture goods, and you can import them without much problem. i'd only consider going there periodically for comickets and such.

>> No.7267577

A lot of /jp/ers find they that since they have so much raw potential to succeed, it ends up being a stumbling block in itself. Everyone around them has great hopes that they'll be the next industrialist, president or billionaire financier, and this can be quite daunting for some. Some take many years in isolation to hone their minds before unleashing themselves unto the world. A sabbatical, if you will.

However, eventually everyone finds their individual path, so to any /jp/ers still on this board, your future is bright. Cherish the way you were born, for it is the most rare of gifts.

>> No.7267586

/jp/ - groupthink/general

>> No.7267605

Because the country I live in is a complete shit hole. That's why. Also due to the fact that the industry I'm going to work in is much bigger in Japan than here.

>> No.7267609

I know man.

There isn't much activity in the JAV industry where I live either.

>> No.7267646

These kind of threads always attract the worst posters on /jp/.

>> No.7267660

Eh, I was below average grades for highschool, my dad would threaten to beat me if I didn't get good grades, he also forced me to play sport and shit and I hated it. I made friends quite easily in highschool because I'm not a serious person, I take everything light hearted and whenever they would present interests to me I wouldn't critisize them or blame them. But I was also not respected because of that aswell. I'd be the whipping post for jokes etc so I never really saw friends as worth it. Another thing I noticed was that when I hang around other people I seem to become a different person, then when I retreat to being alone I sit there and think..what the fuck did I say that for?

I wouldn't say I'm invulnerable to loneliness, if being lonely felt like anything for me personally it would feel like being "lost". Lost in miles and miles of grapevines and desperately running and checking down each row too see if anyones there.

I'm in my head all the time, it usually takes a significant or big event for me to focus on reality for a while eg seeing the news about the tsunami in japan snaed me out of my normal train of thought for a while, the thoughts that usually float around are contemplation on human behaviour, ideas for storys and characters etc, realisations...

Because I'm in my head so much I'm also very vulnerable to anxiety. I cannot retreat inwards to avoid a problem because the usual safe haven of my mind is trying to scare me, it latches on to thoughts that recieve an emotional response so I've had to train my mind and body to not give an emotional response to certain thoughts, this is difficult however..

>> No.7267668

I agree, the world would be better off without the majority of these shitheads (not to mention /jp/), but shouldn't you be going by Colombia now?

>> No.7267669

I have traveled abroad to study biology (genetics) this semester in Finland.

I have have an EX Reimu, 1cc'd a few Extra stages, sleep with two daimakuras, and exhibit misogynistic tendencies--yet they are pride.png of me.

This proud they have, even though I'm one of you, I'm not intentionally holding myself back.

>> No.7267678

I got high marks in high school but never did work or study. I was pretty queit, I had friends but never talked to them. Odly enough even though my school was about 25% black, they were all affraid of me because they thought that I was either A. A muderer or B. Was going to come one day to school with a gun and start shooting people. Truth be told, I would never do something like that. I kinda wonder if the few people who see me these days think that as well but it was only the black people who actually said that they though that. I do have sanpaku eyes though.... also an aspie so that also has something to do with my isolation.

Currently neeting it out.

>> No.7267680

When I was little I was put in a boarding school, all the other kids would play together but I was the only one by myself who didn't want to play with them. I'd be collecting bugs and finding spiders, I used to go to the beach heaps and find crabs under rocks etc, I was really fond of insects and nature. During highschool my interests were video games and magic the gathering, used to go to magic tournaments back in the day every friday where I lived. Was damn good fun. Most of my friends started becoming a bit distant with the whole alcohol scene, games and magic the gathering were gone...in came the drinking.

I have to say though, weed does relieve my anxiety better than anything I've ever tried, it's just so damn addictive for me. 1 day becomes 4 days of getting stoned. My sex drive sky rockets, music becomes amazing, I can get some bad times though but can usually think my way out of it. I'm still debating inside my mind wether weed really is good or bad. I hate alcohol and any other drug it's just weed I like.

>> No.7267700


I got that around girls, girls thought I was scared of them or some shit because I would reflex move away when they get to close and shit. I do that to everyone and being beat as a kid certainly didn't help. My self esteem was fucking raped to hell.

>> No.7267718

Finland, eh? This is a quite neet-friendly country overall, I suppose, except that eating out/ordering food is rather expensive. Which university are you going to and do you know any Finnish? If I may ask, where are you from?

>> No.7267731

I hide in the basement.

>> No.7267741
File: 22 KB, 645x773, 1291606307123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know that feel

>> No.7267837


i hate alcohol and love cannabis

>> No.7267935

seeing this thread made me decide to finally watch welcome to nhk ... man does that anime really hit home

>> No.7267968

My uncle was a Vietnam vet who was traumatized from the war and was an American hikkikomori for about 10 years, then a NEET for 20 years, and by the time he was about 55 he suddenly moved out, married a nice woman, and spends most of his days just playing video games with his wife and somehow managing to make enough money to buy his mom a new house and basically let her live in peace.

If he managed to do it, then there is hope for all Anons.

>> No.7267994

But we don't have delusions of our dead, decapitated, eviscerated, and exploded friends urging us to make the best of our life, and never go back into the jungle.

Also, Agent Orange.

>> No.7268312

how the hell is this fuckhorrible thread still here?

>> No.7268324

because you just bumped it. Also just remember, this is /jp/, not /b/.... /jp/ is a slow board.
