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7264374 No.7264374 [Reply] [Original]

>go to the moon, expecting a glorious civilization among the stars
>the only things here are from America

Fucking Lunarians, man. I bet they don't even come from our moon.

They're probably from some shitty moon, like Io.

>> No.7264385

>implying America actually managed to put anything on the moon

>> No.7264391

Don't talk shit about Io.

>> No.7264393

>/jp/ meetup.

>> No.7264398
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>he doesn't believe in the lunar landings

Are you one of those crackpots that think the US Government did 9/11, too?

>> No.7264404

>implying the US didn't

>> No.7264405

We only went to war with the Lunarians for their mochi reserves.

Seriously, do you think those rabbits really have the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction?

>> No.7264408
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Are you one of those normals that believe in things like the holocaust?

>> No.7264409


>weapons of mass destruction


>> No.7264424
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Not cool.

>> No.7264426

They probably did.
And if they didn't, well, who cares ? *almost* everybody thinks they did so, there's no difference.
The important thing was the event in itself, wether it was true or not.

>> No.7264431


You can see the stuff we left there with Earth-based telescopes.

>> No.7264438

portal 2 is shit


>> No.7264472

I'll take a look.
But have in mind that I am not one of those people who believe that man never went to moon.

>> No.7264504

SPOILERS: The astronauts for all Apollo missions put retroreflecters on the moon. It's used to measure the change in distance between the earth and the moon. Also, all high resolution photos of the moon surface show where lunar rovers have been driven and landing sights.

tl;dr speculators gonna speculate (over stupid shit)

>> No.7264546

There's so many things wrong about Portal 2's ending I can't even begin to list them all, but to mention the ones that bugged me the most:
- It is said that shooting portals on a moving surface would disrupt the portal, yet how come Chell managed to open a portal on the fucking moon, which is in constant movement around Earth?
- No mattere where on the moon you shoot the portal, you'll always end up creating a portal on the Sea of Tranquillity
- The portal gun's "bullet" travel slower than a normal bullet. In Portal 1 you can even see the quantum ball shooting out of your gun before it hits a surface and creates a portal. Still, it takes less than a second for it to travel 400000 km and hit the moon surface. How does Valve explain this dicrepancy?

>> No.7264550


>> No.7264562

>It is said that shooting portals on a moving surface would disrupt the portal, yet how come Chell managed to open a portal on the fucking moon, which is in constant movement around Earth?


>- No mattere where on the moon you shoot the portal, you'll always end up creating a portal on the Sea of Tranquillity

Moon has a magnetic field that causes the "bullet" to home in there. No matter how far you deviate, from your distance it will either correct or miss.

>- The portal gun's "bullet" travel slower than a normal bullet. In Portal 1 you can even see the quantum ball shooting out of your gun before it hits a surface and creates a portal. Still, it takes less than a second for it to travel 400000 km and hit the moon surface. How does Valve explain this dicrepancy?

It has difficulty moving through mass. Its slow through air, does not work in liquid and activates on solids. In the vacuum of space is moves near the speed of light.

>> No.7264582


Get out Valve devs.

>> No.7264589
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>> No.7264606

You don't tell Gaben what to do, you dirty plebeian.

>> No.7264655

>It is said that shooting portals on a moving surface would disrupt the portal, yet how come Chell managed to open a portal on the fucking moon, which is in constant movement around Earth?

is this actually said anywhere because I dont remember this shit at all

Hell valve didnt seem to care either
You take out the neurotoxin machine with moving platform portals too

>> No.7264661

Hey asshole, why don't you leave Io alone?! What did it ever do to you??

>> No.7264677

In the first game there were portal platforms that moved out from the wall when you hit a button, and any portals on them were erased. It was probably an assumption made based on these.

>> No.7264680


That was never said. You shoot portals on moving platforms all the time, in both games.

Also, Io is a buster.

>> No.7265072

Y'all forgot that the gateway to the proper Lunarian moon only opens under some requirement I forgot that is mentioned by Yukari.
