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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7264145 No.7264145 [Reply] [Original]

So how many /jp/sies are planning on playing Elsword when it hits OBT in three days? It looks like a decent time-waster from what I can tell.

>> No.7264151

How about you fuck off to /v/?

>> No.7264154
File: 6 KB, 180x180, bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time waster huh? i'll prolly play it

>> No.7264158

Go kill yourself please.

>> No.7264163
File: 299 KB, 802x640, 1299584918352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your time is precious, anonymous, you should use it to play eroge, not waste it on silly MMOs.

>> No.7264165

/jp/ has a long history of obsessing over flavour-of-the-month korean MMOs. I would also much rather play with other people from /jp/ than the swarms of retards on /v/.

>> No.7264167


>> No.7264168

Will be playing until I find something better to do.

>> No.7264170


>> No.7264172

fuck off, Fenix


>> No.7264173

Elsword sucks, let's all play Lost Saga and buy Sol Badguy from the cash shop!

>> No.7264175

Asking about /jp/ in general, not hotglue. If I was going to ask hotglue I'd ask on their own board.

The last game I played with /jp/ was World of Tanks and that was pretty fun. Never did get into Cosmic Break.

>> No.7264180


I am waiting for this and TERA.

>> No.7264182

lol bump

>> No.7264186


Same here. Unfortunately, the beta has ended.



>> No.7264208

Looks like dragonica
Looks like dungeon fighter

>> No.7264233 [DELETED] 

Steparu says it's a slower version of Devil May Cry

>> No.7264330

I am.

Finally getting tired of Grand Chase. My poor Amy... ;_;

>> No.7264369

So for those who are, what do you intend on playing as? I'm thinking Aisha and going down the High Magician path, but from reading stuff about the other version I'm hoping they'll have Eve so I can go Code Architect / Empress.

>> No.7264376
File: 129 KB, 400x300, 16999563_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play the superior Korean version instead.

>> No.7264382

If I could read Korean I probably would. I had enough of playing games I can't read the UI of when I played the JP RF Online beta.

>> No.7264389
File: 249 KB, 600x564, 16291341_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the UI is pretty easy to understand and there's a really big active, friendly guild full of English speaking players who can help you.

>> No.7264449

I'm going sniping archer for Rena, elemental for Aisha, still undecided for Elsword.
Haven't really looked at Eve/Raven/Chung.

>> No.7264475

I'm thinking about combat ranger for Rena, myself.

Eh, at this point I already have the NA version installed and its only a few days away. May as well stick to that one and see if I like it before thinking about starting on a different version, albeit one with more stuff.

>> No.7264490
File: 180 KB, 600x530, 12240988_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, true.
I'm probably IP blocked from the NA version, and the EU version is hosted by Germans, who won't translate it into English but only German.
So KR is the best option for me.

You will have fun with Rena, she has some awesome skills.
The most enjoyable character for me is Eve currently, dem skills man.

>> No.7264511

But will this be better than runescape?

>> No.7264516

Is Runescape still going? I looked at it a decade ago or so and it was shit then.

>> No.7264594
File: 61 KB, 410x650, 168620_176808912352391_100000698518684_430902_2431855_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prius is opening next thursday, and it has little pran things, so yeah.

>> No.7264633

I plan on it. I've got a break between semesters so I'll have the chance to check things out and I've been kinda fiending for some game time anyway.

Who/What/Where is everyone playing?

>> No.7264720

Playing both Aishas, Combat Ranger Rena, and saving the last slot for Eve when she comes out. If we can buy more character slots, then I'll buy a fifth to play the other Eve.

That's the plan, anyway. I couldn't decide for weeks on which Aisha to use, so I just decided to go both.

>> No.7264750

I played the korean version a few years back. I ntreev is doing the localization?

>> No.7264755

Everyone will be on the Solace server but different channels depending on their characters level if they care about the exp bonus.
I suggest someone making a /jp/ guild.

>> No.7264759

Kill3rcombo is localizing it.
I think they're a new company.

>> No.7264898

We should probably try to decide on that now, rather than have fifteen guilds with different names with two people in them.

Something that's /jp/ related without drawing attention from terrible people who aren't us. So nothing touhou, no "anon", certainly not Hotglue....

Maybe just something like "/jp/sies" like in OP's first line?

>> No.7264926



>> No.7264929

From what I've read, guilds are expensive to make (a given), and REALLY expensive to expand beyond 10 members.

Might be enough based only on this thread, but based on my experiences with other games with /jp/ we'll have about forty people wanting in.

>> No.7264936

Unlikely to get past the language filter.


>> No.7264943
File: 104 KB, 850x774, nao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RapeTheMaids and HotGlue are the only possible choices.

>> No.7264960
File: 130 KB, 350x376, Ferghus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotglue is a pack of trolls. I should know, I used to be part of them. Though admittedly destroying absolutely everyone in Aika was fun.

Fuck Mabinogi and its "lag = death mechanics, by the way.

>> No.7264962

Pizza Club.

>> No.7264966

HotGlue, when it was originally conceived, was actually an awesome name, since it manages to be obscene without carrying much significance for most people, thus avoiding being labeled as offensive.

>> No.7264972

Fuck yes Pizza Club

>> No.7264977


I still hate Ferghus more than the lag=death. Fuck him.

Anyway, looks interesting. I can't say how much I'll play, bit I'm up for giving it a shot.

>> No.7264979

Pizza Jazz.

>> No.7264981

What were the other groups in Mabi called? There were two others at least.

>> No.7264980

Ooops, looks like I broke your super-ultra-rare awesome sword + 50.

Ha ha.

>> No.7264993
File: 158 KB, 422x392, Untitled-1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you all in Elsword and Prius Online next week.

>> No.7265004

Why do you guys always play such shitty betas?

>> No.7265022

"To register for Elsword, you must live in United States, Canada, and Oceania. The service is restricted to these territories only."

Ok ok, I won't make fun of everyone that doesn't live in Japan anymore, just let me register! ;_;

>> No.7265025

Just buy an American-based proxy service.

>> No.7265035

What I'm not paying for a free game

>> No.7265046

You will when you have to buy stuff in order to not be useless playing your free game.

>> No.7265049

We only like games that are moe and/or loli. These games tend to be shit for some reason. If they made a good cute loli game, we'd play that.

Lag doesn't = death. That's what counter and holding ctrl is for.

>> No.7265083

I couldn't even kill wolves reliably, because one hit kills you and I couldn't reliably counter every attack.

>> No.7265299

You just needed more training.

Mabi's biggest flaw is that it makes people ragequit when they can't take it easy in battle.

>> No.7265586
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>> No.7268140 [SPOILER] 
File: 688 KB, 1158x1564, 17754886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping just to try to keep this thread alive until OBT starts at least.
