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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 271 KB, 920x300, sakuraconbanner_mascot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7259941 No.7259941 [Reply] [Original]

niconico.com @ Sakura-Con 201 1 Day 1


>> No.7259959


>> No.7259965

fucking kill yourself

>> No.7259966


>> No.7259970

exist trace's first U.S. concert is later today and I'm a couple thousand miles away.

I sad.

>> No.7259976

In there for a minute

Fucking no, nico.

>> No.7259991
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>> No.7259993



>> No.7259999

I was going to say something about "they should have picked a different convention" til I realized all of them would be like this with the exception of San Diego Comic Con and Dragon*Con because of the influx of other, more normal, individuals. You'd still have your crazy weeaboos but at least they'd be balanced out.

>> No.7260012
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>> No.7260037

That's me i'm just trolling

>> No.7260045
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>> No.7260047
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Sakura-con? Why.

>> No.7260048

This is painful to watch...

Oh my god, they're singing... no.. just no...

>> No.7260053
File: 32 KB, 300x219, 1238189623219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7260059

Get out Korean man. You are not Japanese.

>> No.7260060

Oh man I wish I was there, I'd have so much fun with that booth.

>> No.7260061

I'm actually kind of curious how /a/ would react to this. Surely this is more suited for them anyways.

>> No.7260062

Shame levels rising.

>> No.7260065

Were those guys who walked by the background ghostbusters or Fukushima workers.

>> No.7260068


>> No.7260071

Mokou cosplayer.

Black hair.

Oh dear.

>> No.7260073

why so ugly Mokou?

>> No.7260074

Why is /jp/ so ashamed of anime? Some of these guys are pretty cool.

>> No.7260075

I'm ashamed of obnoxious retards, not anime.

>> No.7260076
File: 22 KB, 305x363, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was that a filipino Mokou?...

>> No.7260079
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>> No.7260084
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>> No.7260086

Why are all of these people so abrasive. Oh right, it's a con.


>> No.7260087

This. If you've ever been to a convention, you'd understand. If you haven't, just imagine a really, really enthusiastic fangirl of something popular like Twilight or Justin Bieber. It's like that.

>> No.7260088
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 1292101977905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bwahahahahaha! this shit si funny.

>> No.7260092


>> No.7260094


>> No.7260095

Most people at a con are dumb, but that's why you don't talk to most people and only talk to some people.

It still turns out to be good fun as long as you yourself aren't dumb.

>> No.7260098

Wouldn't you have the most fun if you were dumb?

>> No.7260099

why are all the cosplays so mediocre, and everything just look sub-par; even the room their in.

>> No.7260100

I just threw up in my mouth

>> No.7260101

Fats and furries, fats and furries everywhere!

>> No.7260103


>> No.7260106

looks pretty much how i expected. i live in seattle and would love to see berryz but i dunno if $60 + epic wait time is worth it.

oh and there's a touhou panel!

>> No.7260107


Better link. Although that's comparing shit and piss.

>> No.7260108

sorry english is not my first language but thanks for pointing my mistake so i can learn

>> No.7260119

>Sorry, English is not my first language, but thanks for pointing out my mistake so I can learn.

>> No.7260121

What's gotten into you, /jp/? It's unlike you to give a shit about an convention unless there's something particularly amazing about it.

>> No.7260123

It's funny how you're looking down on other people for being "obnoxious retards", when you're a member of /jp/, the board that spends all of its time bragging about how much of an uneducated loser it is.

>> No.7260125

I'm not sure anyone here is giving a shit. Insulting everything con related is a time honoured tradition.

>> No.7260129

christ, that guy's accent...

>> No.7260131

/jp/ is tsun-tsun for anime cons and secretly dreams of being crushed beneath the bulk of the many whales that swim said sea.

>> No.7260132

The lulz-worthy niconico.com stream.

>> No.7260133
File: 229 KB, 521x301, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of great cosplays going on.

>> No.7260136

It's weekend and yet another /a/ invasion.

>> No.7260137

Why am I transferred to the "People who couldn't watch the live broadcast" page all the time?

>> No.7260140


whoever is cosplaying as black guy has got it spot on.

>> No.7260141


The guy in the left don't look like a real nigger, he needs more gansta stuff.

>> No.7260142

so much fat

>> No.7260143



>> No.7260146

That's not how you not give a shit.

>> No.7260149

go and see exist trace while you're at it. then it's like going to see two concerts for $30 each! ask yourself: when is the next time I'll be close enough to see them?

Such was the reasoning I used when I went to AX last year. May'n and Megumi Nakajima might come in the future but will they come together for a Macross F concert? Ended up spending about $300 all told for ticket and plane fare.

>> No.7260152

haha, the male announcer keeps interrupting the woman. Was an asshole

>> No.7260155

I did see the AKB48 and MELL concerts too so it's not like all the rest of it was wasted. Although in all honesty I'm just not a big AKB fan. I like one song, Beginner, which hadn't even been out at that time, and another, Dear J, which is kind of related in that it's Tomomi Itano. MELL was great.

to reiterate, get off your ass and go.

>> No.7260157

No. No we are not.

>> No.7260160

oh man the silent guy with the QB whiteboard is so moe~

>> No.7260161

Reported. There's a board for this shit. Take it there:


>> No.7260167
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Poverty Remilia on the left.

>> No.7260171


well shit, maybe i need to leave my apartment and go, even if it looks like /a/ live. no cosplay but it looks like half the attendees aren't in costume anyway.

maybe i can find that cute remilia that just showed up.

>> No.7260183

I've has a lot of fun at cons, but you have to be willing to be a social. Talking to people with obscure cosplays usually works out well (avoid naruto, etc.)

>> No.7260185

yep just go out and find a gf there^.^

>> No.7260186

I agree, this shit has /cgl/ written all over it with a large dash of /a/ faggotry. The /jp/ related content will be extracted into the board related threads.

>> No.7260189
File: 246 KB, 534x370, 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, some guy from /jp/..maybe.

>> No.7260199

if you really like berryz you're going to regret it if you don't.

anyway, exist trace doors opens at 7pm tonight, lineup starts wenever some weeaboo decides to start one (officially says 630pm onward though), concert 730, autographs at 9 (right after the concert) and saturday 2pm. berryz doors open at 630pm saturday, lineup starting at 6, concert 7pm. berryz autographs today at 4pm, sunday at 2pm. autographs aren't a requirement but shit, i like to top off the day/night with them if i can.

>> No.7260234

Reimu trap was the best, too bad i didn't screen him.

>> No.7260240

What's with all the normals in this thread?

>> No.7260244

You mean the type of people who go to cons?

>> No.7260249


>> No.7260258

there's nothing normal about going to anime cons
it's like an extension of /jp/. like one big /jp/ meetup.

>> No.7260265

>it's like /a/

>> No.7260281


>> No.7260283

Tingle was awesome. Too bad he didn't do the tingle dance.

>> No.7260288

Newsflash: Japan can see you and you are not funny or interesting

>> No.7260297


>> No.7260302

Cirno is breaking the stream!!!

>> No.7260308

Actually, there's everything normal about going to cons.
I hope you don't seriously think that /jp/ has meetups.
Fuck off with your shit.

>> No.7260309

What a baaaaaka!!!

>> No.7260311

Wow this thread is like ground zero for faggotry

Summer break shouldnt be for another month, why the hell is this here already?

>> No.7260312

Weekend + Past 3~4PM american east time.

>> No.7260314

I will have you know that I am a fully grown manchild, thank you very much!

>> No.7260316

Ha ha, are you serious, kid? Putting on a fake public personality and going out to socialize is the very definition of normalfag. The fact that you think that it isn't shows that you don't belong here.

>> No.7260319
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>> No.7260327
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>> No.7260328
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 54665887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm much cooler than these losers, i just don't leave my house.

Fucking weeaboo's.

>> No.7260329

Someone's obviously new here. True NEETs don't go outside; no exceptions.

>> No.7260330

>never been to a /jp/ meetup.
You don't know what you're missing.

>> No.7260331

She looks like popeye.

>> No.7260336

Why the HELL do they have to show idol shit?

>> No.7260339

This right here is an important reminder to why Anime-con's are forever banned on /jp/

>> No.7260342

This thread is a good example of why anyone that isn't autistic/hikki deserves to be rangebanned.

>> No.7260343

>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.7260348

those are hikis
neets just leech money and do whatever the fuck they want with it

who says you have to put on a different personality? you can go outside and act just like you would on /jp/. you don't even have to talk to anyone.

>> No.7260351

iknorite? the anal sex was so great :P

>> No.7260355

I will never understand why /jp/ is so obsessed with not talking to people and such. It's acctually fun once you get used to it, you know.

>> No.7260356

>neets just leech money and do whatever the fuck they want with it

You obviously don't know what it really means to be NEET.

>> No.7260376

Why the fuck would anyone want to go out and spend time "talking" (read: listening to the inane, immature and inconsequential bullshit of underage retards) when you could be at home shitposting on /jp/, playing eroge or doing something else that's actually interesting?

>> No.7260377

This thread is reported. Take this shit to /a/.

>> No.7260383

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
I don't particularly care about this thread, but fuck yourself and go away.

>> No.7260386

Oh, you're one of those people.

>> No.7260387

Goddamn shills. Don't you know that viral marketing doesn't work well on imageboards?

>> No.7260389

Fuck off /a/.

>> No.7260395

Take your shitty threads to /a/.

>> No.7260396

if you really wanted to you could bring your laptop!

>> No.7260398

Berryz Koubou Sakura Con Q&A live stream.


>> No.7260407

>He thinks the people going to cons are Otaku and not fucking normalfags and scenesters trying to find someone to look down upon!

>> No.7260442

I hate that translator

>> No.7260459

/jp/ should all dress up in frilly dresses and just storm a con.
