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7259019 No.7259019 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7259041
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>> No.7259272

I am the saviour of Rin

I save sluts from obscurity

My weapon is indignity

>> No.7259283

>Ah, I wanna taste a dick~

>> No.7259287

Rin is a pure innocent girl. Don't you dare attempt to defile her.

>> No.7259293
File: 241 KB, 990x2129, 13887a82f9923db3a323b928da6de93c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it. Rin's a slut.

>> No.7259296
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Rin would do anything for money.

>> No.7259298

No she isn't. It's you, you're scared of women with personality.

>> No.7259359
File: 20 KB, 800x600, rinisaslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that, masochist. You're afraid of putting in any effort to get a superior girl like Sakura, so you settle for an abusive bitch who opens up for any man as long as they endure her shitty personality for long enough.

>> No.7259374

I can't say I like the idea of being dominated, so no.
But I am not exactly fond of being a pushover and to dominate either. I can't help but to feel submissive women but really boring.

I want to make my love happy, though that doesn't happen through domination of any kind, but I can't really work with someone who just wants everything to go my way.
If my life is to revolve around a life that is purely to achieve my own desires, then doesn't that diminish a huge part of having a partner in the first place?

A romantic relationship is no one way street, you give, and you take. You don't just give and give and you certainly cannot just take ant take.

>> No.7259377

If he was scared of women with personality, chances are he wouldn't be posting Luvia.

>> No.7259381

Weeell, Luvia's a pretty minor character, she doesn't have much established personality besides "ohohohoho ojou".

>> No.7259386

F/SN doesn't give you a choice. If you're going to complain about the main girl of a story line you couldn't even choose to begin with, you're just being a pretentious jackass. Fuck, you're just basing your opinion on circumstancial evidence.
And Sakura is also my favorite heroine of the game.

>> No.7259387

>liking both Rin and Sakura
>on /jp/


>> No.7259388

YOU. Don't reply in my stead.

>> No.7259394

>>liking both Rin and Sakura
>F/SN doesn't give you a choice.

If life gives you lemons. Eat the lemons.

>> No.7259395
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>> No.7259398

I wish to be the fat man who buys Rin.

>> No.7259419
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I like Rin, Sakura and Saber. Equally.

Now what?

Saber and Sakura together is so cute.

>> No.7259433

Fate route was fucking retarded.

>> No.7259495

But not as much as the last episode.

>> No.7259603

How dare you insult rin, shes so pure she makes mountain water look murky

>> No.7259671
File: 139 KB, 388x400, fatestaynightcharacteri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets groped by Kotomine and tries to flirt with Lancer on the very same day that she has sex with Shirou. You don't get much more slutty than that.

>> No.7259675

But not nearly as much as HF.

>> No.7259690

You spelled UBW wrong.

>> No.7259711

No, it seems I misspelled Fate/Zero.

>> No.7260139
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IIT need more love.

>> No.7263744

Conclusion: Fate/Stay Night is shit.

>> No.7263795
File: 960 KB, 2400x3600, 1226736891159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin's sluttiness is unmatched. At least Sakura knows she's a slut, Rin acts like she's not.

>> No.7263800

Rin general?

Bow to the Goddess of tsun.

>> No.7263804

Funny way to spell Asuka.

>> No.7263814

Helga is the original tsundere

>> No.7263822

Freezing, you're the worst legitimate /jp/ tripcode user after Yutanpo. Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.7263828

Also i want to stick my dick in Luvia's curls

>> No.7263827


You think Freezing isn't trolling?

>> No.7263846


That's not Princess Aeka.

>> No.7263870

How the fuck does asuka qualify?

>> No.7263874
File: 36 KB, 479x359, buri hamachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both Yutanpo and Freezing.

>> No.7263880

Shut up, Canadian.

>> No.7263891

Jones is from the deep south.

>> No.7263949

This was a good anime.

>> No.7263979

There is a difference between being masochist and submissive, just like there is a difference between being dominant or just abusive.

>> No.7264006


I thought that was Alabama.

>> No.7264797

>There is a difference between being masochist and submissive
True indeed. Though you don't have to be neither in order to love Rin even though you can be.

>> No.7265001

Jones is a Mennonite who lives out West.
