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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 37 KB, 311x400, Gaijin+Smash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7256818 No.7256818 [Reply] [Original]

I like both anime and visual novels.

I just find it annoying when people says japan is superior country because of this. Like someone is so obsessed with Japan and find it superior compare to other country's.

>> No.7256822

Because it is?

>> No.7256827

I find it amusing when some people call visual novels "games".

>> No.7256831

You've discovered the true meaning of weeaboo.

>> No.7256834

Yes, that is the real(or at least was the original) meaning of "weeaboo." Someone who believes in the innate superiority of the Japanese culture or its people, or has a profound love for them and tries to incorporate their lifestyle, speech, and/or thinking into their own as much as possible.

Now it has degenerated into something more like "does or talks about something japan-related."

Sad state of affairs.

>> No.7256838

I'm only here for touhou.

>> No.7256835

That's nice, but not /jp/ related.

>> No.7256843


>> No.7256847

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. you're not? smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home

>> No.7256848

>I am embarrassed of being a wapanese piece of shit; therefore, I will alter the term so that it becomes more of a straw man than a definition.

Fucking revisionists.

>> No.7256849

Why do you give a shit, you fucking weeaboo bitch.

>> No.7256852
File: 30 KB, 425x367, pachinkodonkeysign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7256853

>that picture
Ha ha! Oh wow, fucking stupid Americans.

>> No.7256860

The hilarious part about /jp/ claiming that it's not weeaboo is when you consider how most of them look down on the popular culture of their own country but love the most distinctly Japanese aspects of Japan.

>> No.7256862

I'm very sorry, but you came from another board. You don't know shit about /jp/ and your post proves it.

>> No.7256864

It was a Spanish guy, kid.

>> No.7256861

Reported for belligerent uneducated intolerance. Get out of /jp/

>> No.7256869

>Love the most distinctly Japanese aspects of Japan

It's too bad that the entire medium of eroge are descended by western products

Artsyle? 1930s American animation
Split Narrative? Descendant of old ADV games, which were descended from old rpgs, which were descended from wizardry
Music? There's no aspect of Japanese music that hasn't been touched by the west beyond traditional Japanese music(which sounds like shit)

>> No.7256876

Why are you so wrong?

>> No.7256880

And yet, /jp/ rarely, if ever, has threads about non-Japanese animation, Wizardry, or non-Japanese music.

Funny how that works, huh?

>> No.7256885


Well no shit, because that shit gets deleted.
You're the one claiming eroge are TRADITIONAL JAPANESE CULTURE

>> No.7256890

Japan is one of the superior countries, but not because of VNs and anime.

>> No.7256895


>> No.7256901

Moot is pretty strict on /jp/ compare other boards. If someone post western animation or something western will be banned after 30 sec.

>> No.7256950

Too bad it doesn't work that way.

>> No.7256956

By your logic we can't hate China if we love guns.

>> No.7256974

So we have to love the sandniggers now because they invented math?

>> No.7256984

>Artsyle? 1930s American animation
Isn't that a bit of a stretch? It may have started out that way, but there's no way it applies to modern things. Modern western animation and modern Japanese animation have taken completely different routes since then, and the western animation is trying to copy Japanese animation because of its success (wakfu/airbender)

>> No.7256989

don't forget arabic numerals bro. we can't detest muslims because everything is based on their numbers DURR HURR

>> No.7256995

Weren't alot of 80s cartoons like Transformers, Jem, and Thundercats animated by Japs aswell?

>> No.7256996

The only thing they MIGHT have in common (and they don't) are the eyes. There are even characters who don't have bug eyes.

>> No.7257018
File: 82 KB, 771x1000, I_Will_Show_You_the_Jugglery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Stupid Japan, it's not like we like you. We only like your VNs and doujin games, your unique local subcultures, hentai, music, cultural gender roles, and some cases language, internet presence and food.

D-Don't get the wrong idea!

>> No.7257019
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, [アニメ] 日常 第02話 「日常の第二話」 (TV○ x264 1280x720).mp4_snapshot_00.46_[2011.04.09_17.13.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1930s American animation eyes

>> No.7257025

I'm quite positive that the only people on /jp/ who claim to hate Japan yet consume their shit are Chinese and Korean people. Point being: >>7256869

>> No.7257039
File: 13 KB, 260x201, 260px_Betty_boop_opening_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black simplistic eyes are 1930 american animation eyes now? really? show me an example which looks exactly like that

>> No.7257046
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, [Epic-Raws] Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera - 01 (1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.03_[2011.04.08_22.15.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a joke

>> No.7257049

chinks and gooks? goddamn are they vile creatures. I say behead the barbarians

>> No.7257051


I'm pretty sure it's mostly just angry first-tier wapanese trying to prop up some arbitrary criteria to segregate themselves off from the greater community of 13 year-old Naruto and Miku Hatsune fans.

>> No.7257064

I have no animosity for China or Korea, but I honestly have no idea what kind of original content they have besides GEEGEEGEE, copying other countries, All your culture are belong to us, and so on from internet reputation.

I used to think Japanese culture just seemed influential to me because my hobbies were from there and I was just biased, but after seeing that music chart that showed Japan a a solid #2 after a country 10x its size, I'm pretty sure it's quite influential compared to its neighbors.

>> No.7257071
File: 91 KB, 600x862, giant_chinese_gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some chinese original content

>> No.7257091
File: 465 KB, 600x3000, shameless japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell tai/jap/weeaboo scum.

>> No.7257094

Are those poor people impaled on that pile of sticks?

>> No.7257099

Yeah, China was pretty influential a few centuries ago. Just like Greece/Rome was. But modern Greece is pretty irrelevant as far as original content goes. Culture is another issue that I don't think anyone has ever even talked about in this thread until you brought it up.

>> No.7257107


>I have no animosity for China or Korea, but I honestly have no idea what kind of original content they have besides GEEGEEGEE, copying other countries

Yes, that's probably mostly to do with you being an uneducated retard whose idea of 'culture' is whatever you've found on the internet in the past 16 years of your life.

>> No.7257118

Again, I'm not talking about culture at all. That's an entirely different issue. China is to Asia what Rome was to Europe, nobody disputes that. What I'm talking about is "original content" as in things that are being pumped out at this moment by the country(s).

>> No.7257114

Too bad modern China isn't the same China that influenced Japan. Did you just forget that your precious leader Mao attempted to cleanse China from all old culture? This is like saying that we Westerners should respect (which we don't, mind you) and not speak ill of Greece and Italy just because we happened to copy their culture a few thousand years ago.

Read these:

>> No.7257117

Are you implying that modern Japanese culture is original?
lol, how delusional can you be.

>> No.7257120

Why should he care about a culture that is inferior to its island neighbor? Why don't you tell about something about your culture, what with being Korean and all?

>> No.7257130

If Japan's modern culture isn't original, then what country's is?

>> No.7257133

Are you illiterate? Original content =/ a measure of originality. It's a matter of where it's made. Japan makes animation and comic books and it sells across the globe like hotcakes.

>> No.7257137

>Original content =/ a measure of originality
Actually, I should have said original content =/ measure of uniqueness. It is in fact original, but it may or may not be unique.

>> No.7257140
File: 117 KB, 450x600, chinese_wii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7257141


So what you are talking about is just pop culture and entertainment?

Outside of Japan that would be mostly TV dramas and pop music, of which there is an endless amount (and I hate it all, but it is there).

China/Taiwan/Korea really pump out all the same shit as Japan, the sole difference being animu/video games both of which couldn't have flourished in those three countries because of economic and political reasons (S. Korea was also a near-dictatorship only a few decades ago, not as bad as China/N Korea but nowhere near as 'free' as Japan).

>> No.7257144

England, Germany, America.

Since those were (and are) major pioneers of capitalism.

>> No.7257146

This makes xenophobia perfectly sensible.

>> No.7257147


How did I forget Hong Kong, actually? Again, a huge (shit with some gems) torrent of dramas and world-famous cinema, as well as a fucking HUGE music industry considering the size of the place.

tl;dr these things exist outside of Japan, it's just you clearly only have anime and vidyagaems in mind which is colouring your view

>> No.7257156

>So what you are talking about is just pop culture and entertainment?
Not limited to, but including. Yes.

>China/Taiwan/Korea really pump out all the same shit as Japan
This should be emphasized more. If China is the Rome of the East, Japan is the USA of the east in terms of pop culture. Have you ever compared Korean television to Japanese television? I swear, they copied or are using a licensed copy of the exact same software they use to make banners and the exact same format for television shows.

>> No.7257160

I'm not trying being a weeaboo here but: it's not just pop culture and entertainment, but for example influential architects to name one, Nobel prize winners and overall influence on the world. Japan could be considered as your typical Western country whereas the same couldn't be said about S.Korea or China.

>> No.7257157

>Why should he care about a culture that is inferior to its island neighbor?
ITT we don't teach Philosophy at our schools

>> No.7257162

Japan is on the whole same level as those countries you mentioned.

>> No.7257163

And Japan isn't the same as those? Japan is -the- pioneer of capitalism in Asia. No question.

>> No.7257166


There you go. China is a whitewashed nanny state and South Korea is a utilitarian blue collar country half-populated by converted Chrisitans. The circumstances of the culture stop them from making interesting things. What was your point again?

>> No.7257169

>but for example influential architects to name one, Nobel prize winners and overall influence on the world. >Japan could be considered as your typical Western country whereas the same couldn't be said about S.Korea or China.
You are just being biased.

>> No.7257173

He's an apologist.

>> No.7257178

>China is a whitewashed nanny state
I can't think of very many more inaccurate descriptions of the PRC.

>> No.7257181

I really hope was.

>> No.7257183
File: 32 KB, 813x751, excuseme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7257191


Yeah, they sure don't censor pornography, violence and subversive content for public consumption. Excuse me while I return to my Mandarin Touhou futa mindbreak rape doujin scans I found on Baidu.

>> No.7257192
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1274626829672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China, Korea
>only nobel prize winners peace activists

>> No.7257197


>Japan is the USA of the east in terms of pop culture

Followed by HK, pretty much.


>for example influential architects

That's... a weird example and I don't really know any Chinese architects off the top of my head...

>overall influence on the world

China's influence on the world is as large as Japan's, and its influence on Japan itself is huge. Silly thing to say. It was us Westerners who forced China to give us their shit in the first place (see the beginning of the Opium War -- Westerners went to China for Chinese shit, offering Western products in return and the chinks' response was basically 'no thx').

>Japan could be considered as your typical Western country

Now you just sound like an insular American who isn't comfortable with things being done his "way".

And in any case, it couldn't at all. If you've never been to Japan or conversed with real Japanese people - in Japanese - then you have no clue about this. The country and its culture is still, at the heart of it, very very alien in Western terms. As said, your view is coloured by pop culture, which has been taken and made Western by us (the fact that we discuss it in English in the first place will automatically make it seem less 'foreign' to you. Think about it)



>> No.7257198
File: 69 KB, 476x306, 1303084878263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Korea and Kenya are basically on the same level?

>> No.7257195

IIRC Japan was a very closed country when Capitalism arose.

>> No.7257206

>China's influence on the world is as large as Japan's, and its influence on Japan itself is huge.
We're talking about modern culture here. Everyone knows that ancient China was influential, no one is denying that. China's modern culture is just non-existent.

>> No.7257208

... is this supposed to be sarcastic?

>> No.7257213


Oh I get it, you're a buttmad chink.

Baidu is regularly censored to fuck, and the PRC has (recently) censored books for featuring women engaging in casual relationships. Please stop blindly apologising for a primitive nation you've never been to because of some inbuilt patriotism.

>> No.7257218

I refuse to believe this conversation is taken place amongst /jp/ posters. Who the hell are all these faggots?

>> No.7257225

/int/, Asia edition.

>> No.7257226


No we weren't, you mentioned some bizarre architecture example (which can be anything from ancient to modern) and then the Nobel Prize, which again isn't necessarily modern.

Besides that, even if I concede your criteria here, Japan's "culture" does not actually have much of an influence on the world. You having an intimate knowledge with the back catalogue of Hatsune Miku does not equal the entire Western world being Japanophiles. Most people don't know and don't give a shit.

>> No.7257229

>The country and its culture is still, at the heart of it, very very alien in Western terms.
I know that. I'm talking about productivity and the over-all presence in the international stage here, and not strictly about culture norms.

>> No.7257231

>China's modern culture is just non-existent.
Same could be said about Japan.

>> No.7257233

>No we weren't, you mentioned some bizarre architecture example
Yes I am because there were no influential Japanese architects before the beginning of the 19 century. And that example was just something off of my head, hence the over-emphasis "but for example influential architects to name one". Fuck.

>> No.7257235

Guess you don't like cool buildings and porn

>> No.7257234

It wasn't. There was a temporary, small influx of pseudo /a/-/b/-/v/-/soc/ babies.

>> No.7257239

Damn taiwanase /b/tards..
Get out.

>> No.7257241


Oh wow, troll ratings. It's like I'm really back in 2007.




Dohoho, that was embarrassing.


This is pertinent to the topic of Otaku Culture or the implied "Doujin/VN" whathaveyou. We understand if you don't have any interest in the world beyond Japanese culture but kindly stop shitposting in our thread and move along.

>> No.7257242

Yes I'm sure those anime aren't influencing cartoons like Avatar: the airbender or Wakfu. inb4 you attack me with "lol only cartoons xDD?"

>> No.7257244

>Besides that, even if I concede your criteria here, Japan's "culture" does not actually have much of an influence on the world.
Nobody was talking about "culture" until you brought it up. We're talking about actual physical things that come from these countries.

>> No.7257245


Okay. Doesn't change the rest of what I said -- the internet is not representative of nations, most people do not give half a fuck about Japan and don't see it as anything but "lol geishas lol temples lol crazy tv shows".

>> No.7257247


>Dohoho, that was embarrassing.

I like how you managed to disprove everything I said by not actually disproving anything I said, angrychinkbro.

>> No.7257251

>most people do not give half a fuck about Japan and don't see it as anything
Most people don't give a fuck about anything that isn't America, mind you.

Add ninjas, samurai, a SHIT bunch of martial arts and all stupid shit to choose from and the overall Japanese culture on that and you have something called influence.

>> No.7257253


I'm white and the post you were responding to was sarcastic and was in agreement with what you wrote. How silly you look.

>> No.7257255


You are literally talking about 'productivity' as in the amount of things that kept built and made... in... I dunno, factories I guess? That is some weird ass shit, anon.

What are you actually talking about? You're being very vague.
