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File: 358 KB, 592x688, KANE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7253380 No.7253380 [Reply] [Original]

What touhou could you beat in a fist fight?
Hard mode: No akyuu

>> No.7253385

All of them. I know aikido.

>> No.7253386
File: 13 KB, 117x107, sanae_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sanae, the more madder she gets the more angrier i become and i'd cunt punt her with my fist

>> No.7253387

This thread reminds me... What ever happened to /jp/ Quality Control?

>> No.7253394

Maybe his autism finally ran out and he realised it was stupid to shit spam everywhere.

>> No.7253395


Sup wtH.

>> No.7253399
File: 134 KB, 567x800, Yama -capoeira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably most of them since i know Aikido and Brazilian Capoeira.

>> No.7253400

what are those, languages?

>> No.7253405


>> No.7253416

They're mostly little girls or old hags, so it shouldn't be that hard. However I'm a fat fuck who sits on his ass all day, so none of them.

>> No.7253421

Capoeira is the only martial art that aikido can't counter.
How can you turn someone's attack against them if it misses you?

>> No.7253438

An Aikido grandmaster would reverse the flow of the displaced air, sending it back at the Capoeira user and rendering him unconscious.

>> No.7253456

nazrin. i'd punch that bitch in the face and in the tits

>> No.7253491

Rumia because she is blind as fuck

>> No.7253524 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 310x400, equilibrium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A master of Gunkata can get doubles never using his fist.

>> No.7253659

Half youkai

He would rip you in half

>> No.7253674

believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.
Also I am brazilian and do capoeira too.

>> No.7253715

Yeah but he doesn't benefit from any youkai abilities, the only ability he has wouldn't be of any use in a fight. Still, I would have higher chances against rinnosuke than anyone else, I mean.... the only other humans would kick my ass, almost any youkai would kick my ass, any gods would kick my ass for sure. Maybe against tewi...

>> No.7253729
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1a764d288305034109a945de6c344d3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After stealing her knives and magical watch.

>> No.7253739


>> No.7253741

Really, if it's a fist fight and no magic is allowed, I'll bet anyone here could win.
A better question: Would you do it?

>> No.7253740
File: 19 KB, 400x267, Pedro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi, Suika, Every single one.

>> No.7253745

I could probably beat Patchouli in a fist-fight easily, but even if I had the choice (or if I didn't, even), I would never hurt a Touhou.

>> No.7253747

Marisa since its a fist fight.

I can break her body of steel

>> No.7253753


>> No.7253754

Girls don't play fair, ever. Patchy is just going to cast some sort of magic that will make the fight end in her favor. Also, no never unless it was life or death.

>> No.7253760

None, I have weak girly wrists. If we were talking a foot fight, I'd probably still lose, but not as badly. My kicks are better than my punches.

>> No.7253791

Is this copypasta, or is it just about to become copypasta?

>> No.7253794

it is a copypasta

>> No.7253799

If I was against Patchouli I would let her hit me until she got tired and out of breath and then I'd forfeit. Realistically she would probably give me a 5 knuckle shillelagh to the bread basket, which would only make me hard.

>> No.7253964

>If I was against Patchouli I would let her hit me until she got tired and out of breath and then I'd forfeit.
That's an adorable mental image.

>> No.7253995

I could kill any touhou with my bare hands.

>> No.7254000

By that you mean kill ZUN, right?

>> No.7254004

i'll add him onto the list, specially for you.

>> No.7254026
File: 99 KB, 250x270, Unzan_1955[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you.

>> No.7254033

I'd probably crush Cirno with my butt

>> No.7255375

Taking a break. Still posting anonymously, etc.
