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7251890 No.7251890 [Reply] [Original]

Happy 4/20, /jp/. I dunno if you guys are the type to blaze, but I for one plan on playing Touhou and enjoying the fine comforts of drug use.

Do you think Yuuka could grow weed?

>> No.7251900

I think you should check a doctor.

>> No.7251905

Of course she could. It's the easiest plant in the world to grow and she is an ancient youkai with plant based powers. What kind of a stupid question is that?

>> No.7251911

The best part about smoking isn't enjoying the relaxing effects, it's showing everyone online that I did!

>> No.7251908


>Happy 4/20
>I dunno if you guys are the type to blaze

/jp/ - Edgy Culture

>> No.7251916

Salvia div is a much nicer more personal plant to grow to be honest, Cannabis are ugly fickle plants. I'm sure Yuka loves all plants equally though.

>> No.7251917

I don't think weed should really be seen as edgy. It's about as mellow as it gets. If you get the opportunity, this weaboo says give it a shot. You don't always get high the first couple of times, especially if you're tense about it, but I think it can be a positive and healthy addition to anyone's life.

Not that /jp/ has ever been about positive and healthy living.

Protip: Touhou replays are fantastic to watch high.

>> No.7251922

I don't think everyone who mentions weed to you on 4chan is trying to show off that they smoke it. It's not really an impressive thing. I just want you guys to have a great day, cause I love you.

>> No.7251927

happy hitler birthday and oil spill day to you too

>> No.7251928

Can she grow all plants? I thought she just did flowers. I'm no botanist, so I don't know if weed traditionally qualifies as a flower.

>> No.7251933

It's not my thing and I don't intend to try it. Have fun though.

>> No.7251935

>I love you.

First, learn to love and respect yourself. Then we'll talk.

>> No.7251941

Cannabis are flower plants.

>> No.7251943

I do! I'm great and I have the deepest respect for my body and my mind. Weed is a part of that.

>> No.7251950

No, it isn't. It's actually pretty sad and disgusting.

>> No.7251957

Is anger and fear based in stereotyping and presumption part of your system of self respect?

It doesn't seem fun to me.

I think we have deeply conflicting worldviews, but that's okay. I still think you're great.

>> No.7251955

Goddamnit I knew these threads would pop up sometime today.

>> No.7251961

How do you justify funding the Mexican cartel?

>> No.7251962

Just ignore them, they'll stop feeling important tomorrow.

>> No.7251971

More like they won't even remember by tomorow.

>> No.7251974

Why do you instantly assume matters of communication and cultural connections are instantly about self importance?

I don't know anyone today who feels important. Just a little relaxed, at ease, and happy.

>> No.7251991

If you care about connecting and communicating with people shouldn't you be hotboxing your friends garage with a bunch of people or something?

>> No.7251995

>stereotyping and presumption
If we were talking about politics or idealisms, you would've had a point.
If you're trying to discuss that a drug isn't bad from your point of view, you're just wasting your time. There's no discussion when it comes to drugs or addictions, only facts against it.

>> No.7251999

Stoners are such skum.
I wish they, and all the other drug addicts would go die already.

>> No.7252000

Just plant your own plants. That way you don't fund any drug dealer.

>> No.7252007

No, I'm actually pretty busy today, and when I am getting high it'll be in an open meadow with hundreds of people.

I just have an affinity for 4chan and I know you guys so frequently feel bad about life. If in any way, I can share some happiness with you guys, I would be happier too.

>> No.7252013
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>> No.7252017

I don't think you understand what discussion means, because it goes on every day. Moreover, I don't think you have any real experience with how drugs work, and instead replace that with fear and hate given to you by people with political agendas.

Whatever. Me and Yuuka will be chilling today, quite content.

>> No.7252020

Shut the fuck up, Arc.

>> No.7252026

Your friends are all there. No one on /jp/ really cares if you smoke or not or how you grow it. Fuck off already.

>> No.7252027

As opposed to justifying funding a government who puts millions of its citizens in prison for offenses that ultimately harm no one, puts thousands of bombs into countries with which they have no quarrel, and into systems which oppress people based off race and gender, I manage.

>> No.7252028

If you're busy you shouldn't be on 4chan man.

Media is more an addiction than pot will ever be.

>> No.7252031

I'm assuming you don't smoke or drink either.

>> No.7252025

Secondary detected.

>> No.7252033

Move to canada already.

Oh wait you're enjoying all the freedom and loli porn.

>> No.7252034

I don't expect them to care about me. You guys don't know me. I just wanted to get a discourse going. And you guys certainly seem like you have opinions. Plus, you're on /jp/. You don't have better shit to do, unless you feel like I'm imposing on your masturbation.

>> No.7252035

/jp/ - Straight Edge 4 Life

>> No.7252036

With an attitude like that, it's almost certainly the case.

You might be able to get him with tea or coffee.

>> No.7252037

Those are both drugs, so unlikely.

>> No.7252039

I agree, actually. I've hurt my lifestyle more by being here than I have with drugs.

In that case, I bid you adieu, /jp/. Thanks for the discussion, it's always a pleasure.

>> No.7252042

Oh c'mon no one likes straight edge kids.

I almost killed one at a hellmouth show for knocking my beer out of my hand.

>> No.7252047

nobody likes /jp/ anyway, but for a completely different reason

>> No.7252049

Don't worry /jp/'s straight edge kids never leave the house, so you'll never have to deal with them or even see them from a distance.

>> No.7252043

/jp/'s moralfaggotry about some things is very strange

>> No.7252055

Its not moralfaggotry its we don't give a fuck that you smoke dope faggotry.

The moralfag is a troll.

>> No.7252062

The one that says faggot is the faggot.

To paraphrase almost every Jap cartoon character ever.

>> No.7252063

I don't touch the stuff and have no plans to, but I can definitely appreciate a little mellowness in the world. Stay out of trouble, eh?

I have no problem with stoners so long as they don't create repeated threads about it. I understand they don't want to show off, but it really comes off that way and those threads tend to attract arguments.

Of course Yuka could grow weed. She'd prefer prettier plants, though, and besides, she's far too high on life and fights to be the stoner type.

>> No.7252067

>I don't think you have any real experience with how drugs work

No, I've never been on drugs before, and I never will. You can take that as you want, I'm not trying to offend you. But that doesn't change the fact that it's bad. You don't go out and kill people just because you feel like it. It's stupid and pathetic, same goes for drugs.

>fear and hate given to you by people with political agendas.

I can't believe that you are really trying to convince yourself that everybody who hates drugs is influenced by the social perspective of it. How about naming just one good thing about cannabis? Instead of projecting your social rejection towards me?

>> No.7252069

Cannabis is a medicinal plant that is controlled for a variety of good reasons. Unless you have debilitating pain, there is no excuse to be using it.

>> No.7252086
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You are not even trying.

>> No.7252089

Between this and all the blog threads on the front page /jp/ has never been better!

>> No.7252118

I have seen cannabis stabilize people with severe emotional disorders that make them otherwise dysfunctional. I have seen people smoke cannabis everyday and succeed in a rigorous academic lifestyle. You won't see them complain about the stress though, because they know how to unwind. I have found beauty in life in more ways than I could've thought possible myself, and during my free time, marijuana in every way amplifies the moment into something comforting and pleasant.

I've seen friends get made through smoking weed, and I know people for whom being alone is made less painful by it.

It's seriously just something that makes things brighter, funnier and a little more meaningful. I don't see how you can argue with that, especially with arguments of addiction that have never been scientifically validated, yet politically perpetuated by people for decades/

>> No.7252123

I love how the straight edge normalfag kids call stoners normalfags, that's fuckign retarded.

>> No.7252141


>> No.7252153

I'd really love to see you try to argue that the psychological addiction isn't strong.

If you can afford it, have a constant source, and if the idea of needing to smoke a plant most days doesn't bother you then you're more than likely going to keep doing it until you're forced to stop.

>> No.7252168

Okay then. Do as you will. It's your money anyway, but at least respect other people's opinion towards this subject, and don't drag others around it. If you're consuming this drug by yourself without the stereotypical "high teenager" attitude, go ahead. I don't have anything against you.

Forgive my "hater" attitude. It's just that I don't feel any respect towards people like you, but I don't feel disrespect either. There will always be a wall in between, that's why the word "love" shouldn't be used in this matter.
