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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7237954 No.7237954 [Reply] [Original]

So /JP/,
What is your daily routine from when you wake up to when you sleep?

>> No.7237959

Coffee, cigarettes, /jp/. Sometimes a shower.

>> No.7237958

Cradle my stuffed penguin all day and stare up at my figures.

>> No.7237962

turn on the computer, browse /jp/ and other board, watch stuff on youtube and niconicodouga, eat, play video games, browse /jp/, draw stuff on flockdraw with /jp/ers, fap on exhentai. browse /jp/ doing body building wash myself, sleep

>> No.7237971

First thing I do when I wake up is take a shower/bath where I will do nothing except browse the net with a waterproof mobile device for no less than one hour unless it is a workday in which case I will be rushing like crazy. After that, it is much of the same except I won't be in the shower/bath. At night, I will take another shower/bath while doing much the same.

I wish I could live in a perpetually warmed bath and be doted on by maids. All I wish to do is laze around. Why couldn't I have been born as a rich ojousama? ;_;

>> No.7237994

Coffee shower work 4chan beer

Stuffed penguins are fucking A. Had one when I was a kid, named him Pingu.

I feel like crying now.

>> No.7238003

Wake up, report threads, go to sleep.

>> No.7238015

I keep wanting to actually do something productive like work on personal skills of some sort (art, music, whatever), even just reading something fully, even an eroge. But I never do anything. I literally do nothing all day and the days just fly by.

>> No.7238038
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Coffee, cigarette, shower, cigarette, computer, /jp/, eat, cigarette, work 3 times a week, 4 hours, cigarette, amiami, watch anime, videogames, cigarette, /jp/, food, cigarette, sleep.
Denpa all fucking day.

>> No.7238050

Oh I know how you feel, anon.
You keep postponing doing something waiting for the "right time" or the "right mood". You actually look forward to the next day because you believe it will be better and you finally will be able to do what you so want to do: drawing, playing, reading, studying or whatever. But tomorrow comes and your resolve to do something slowly sips away.

The key point here is to force yourself to do something. It is like saying "OK, today is the last day of my life, I need... no, I REALLY WANT to check this VN, to see what's the hype about."

>> No.7238081
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Wake up, roll around and go back to sleep, 4chan, breakfast, bath, look online for places to move to once I live alone, 4chan, nap, work for about 3-5 hours, go home, browse youtube, watch anime, masturbate, back to bed

>> No.7238087

>Denpa all fucking day.
Did denpa get a new meaning or something?

>> No.7238091

When I'm not sleeping, there's a cycle of;

Check forums for new posts
Lurk 4chan for new/interesting threads
Keep reading stuff until I've 'caught up'
Play vidya until I'm bored
Goto 10

Eating/toilet whenever in between. Fall asleep when I can no longer stay up.

It's so easy to lose track of the time, and the days...

>> No.7238090

just 4chan and anime all day. every fucking day. i'm only up for around 8 hours though, the rest of the day is either sleeping or lying in bed thinking up little stories

>> No.7238094

Weed, coffee, /jp/, more weed, fap, more /jp/, more weed, liquor, sleep.

>> No.7238102

Wake up at , turn on computer, breakfast/lunch/dinner at computer the whole day, brush teeth, sleep, repeat. Shower happens after dinner every other day.

While I'm at my computer, I'll be doing everything from fapping to playing Touhou and posting /jp/.

I actually like this cycle.

>> No.7238105

My job is at mcdonalds by the way, c'mon isn't there someone of /jp/ with a cool life

>> No.7238110

Unemployed for a couple of weeks back, daily routine is feeling sorry for myself and wondering if I have to move back home.

For now I'm living on my savings but they wont last me more than a year.

>> No.7238112

i really have to force myself to do stuff like shave, shower and brush my teeth. it becomes hard for me to get into a routine when there is no other routine in my life, and noone will be effected by my uncleanliness other than me.

>> No.7238113

and by cool i mean productive, being a neet is cool if you have the money to pay the bills and everything but I'm forced to work so it doesn't look like I can go back to being a neet anytime soon

>> No.7238114
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Wake up, turn pc on, browse /jp/, eat, work out, shower, eat, browser /jp/, play some ps3 since my pc is shit and I'm a NEET. play cod4 on pc low settings 800x640, browse /jp/, eat / sleep.

So is this a NEET/Hikikomori Thread?

>> No.7238115

I know that feel bro

>> No.7238117

sleep: 8 hours

and when im not sleeping: browse 4chan, play games, youtube, fap and think stories. In a random order.

>> No.7238118

Well good luck.

>> No.7238119
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Thats Flan

>> No.7238125

Don't use reaction pictures on /jp/.

>> No.7238126

Wake up at 2 pm, go back to sleep for an hour.
Get up at 3 pm.
Make some coffee.
Eat dinner for breakfast at around 5 pm.
Sometimes go shopping after 8 pm if I have to.
Make more coffee.
After midnight maybe start sketching a little if I have a good day.
Eat supper around 2-3 am.
Walk the dog around 5:30 am
Every day the same.

>> No.7238130
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Wake up. Check if I'm alive. Remind myself that I should kill myself today, post portal thread. Go around house look for things that might be dangerous for my life. Read /jp/, read manga (to learn more about Gensokyo), draw a little, try to kill myself, take shower go try kill myself, fall asleep at computer while posting on /jp/.

/just portals/

>> No.7238131

Oh god, this. When I was a NEET I had a time of about 3 weeks when I never showered or anything. It wasn't that bad, really. I still felt pretty clean as long as I had deodorant and clean clothes. I had short hair then, though. I have nipple length long hair now (because fuck going out to get it cut) and it feels horrible if I don't wash it every few days.

>> No.7238132

1. Get shouted in the ears with a megaphone
2. Swear
3. Run a few kms
4. Bath
5. Studies
6. Lunch
7. Studies/Sport
8. Dinner
9. Swear
10. Sleep

Kill me please ;_;

>> No.7238136


>> No.7238138

play with my dog
eat breakfeast
take medicine
give dog medicine
play with my dog
play with my dog
check internet sites etc.
watch animu/play vns
play with my dog
play/vns/watch animu
walk my dog
browse internet
watch animu using my dog as a pillow
play with him some more
take medicine
give dog medicine
go to sleep

>> No.7238153

>check weight
fixed in case somebody was wondering what it meant.
also should include feeding my dog twice a day.

anyway i do nothing but play with my dog and animu/vns/4chan.

>> No.7238159

Wake up, cook, work for a few hours (depends on what day it is), then office work for two hours, home, coffee, watch the TV (news, mostly), then taking it easy after that.

And all the time browsing /jp/.

>> No.7238182

I have a pretty cool job, I don't really mind working, it's more just that it's a hassle to go there. I wish I could work from home or something.

>> No.7238416

working days:

wake up at 10-11 am
study 2 hours
cook some food
go to uni at 2 pm
commute time ~1 hour
3pm-7pm at uni (either going to class, researching at the lab or teaching freshmen depending on the week day)
commute back and arrive home at 8pm
go visit my NEET friend (8-10pm)
cook some food at 10 pm
/jp/ and VN time 10:30pm - 2am

>> No.7238437

wake up
make bed
turn on computer
read manga/watch anime
eat dinner
shitpost on /jp/
go to sleep

>> No.7238440

Thread has sent me into existential despair, thanks.

>> No.7238454
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>> No.7238459
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Isn't it wonderful learning how other people live their lives?

>> No.7238467


>> No.7238474

wake up
take a shower (sometimes with the gf ;)
eat brekfas
go to work
hang out with the guys (bar usually)
get back
lurk /int/ for a bit... up to an hour if there are any quality threads
go to bed

>> No.7238478
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Turn on the computer, and sink myself into it's contents for the next 16-32 hours before falling asleep again. During this time I may eat, drink and shower passively and without the least of attention for it.

>> No.7238483
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Wake up
Turn on computer
Whatever the shit i want to do today
Watch stream with bros
(Usually) Draw during stream

>> No.7238489

Fuck off.

>> No.7238491

That's the part that bothers you?

>> No.7238492

Given a day where I have nothing I need to do:

Wake Up
Eat Breakfast (Optional)
Vidya Games/Animu/VNs/Browse Internet
Eat Lunch (Optional)
Vidya Games/Animu/VNs/Browse Internet
Eat Dinner
Vidya Games/Animu/VNs/Browse Internet
Maybe Fap Again if I feel like it

>> No.7238497
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Wake up
Brush my teeth
Turn on computer
Hang out on the shittiest board on 4chan
Torrent shit
Cook Something
Back on the computer
Torrent more shit
Go to bed.

Next Day
Wake up
Brush my teeth
Watch/Play all the shit I torrented.
Go to bed.

Rinse and repeat those two days for three years.

>> No.7238499

Wake up
Sleep some more
Wake up
Sleep some more
Wake up
Sleep some more
Wake up for real
Turn on PC
Take a shower if I haven't had one for over a week
Eat if I'm hungry and have food
Go buy some food if I haven't had any for a couple of days
Take a nap
Do something on PC all day, or more often, all night
Go to sleep

>> No.7238503

Wake up.
Lie in my bed for a while thinking that I really ought to get up.
Actually get up.
Turn on the computer.
Check for updates on random shit, put on some music.
Maybe shower.
Eat lunch.
Get back to the computer. Post/blog in some threads on /jp/ and /g/.
Make dinner and eat it.
Hang around the shared kitchen for a while.
Get back to the computer.
Go to bed at 3AM thinking about another day wasted when I'm behind with homework.

>> No.7238520

Work day (in before get out of /jp/):

Wake up, eat, brush teeth, work, come home, net/vn/whatever, sleep


Wake, net/vn/beer/whatever, sleep.

>> No.7238523

>Wake Up
>Go back to sleep.
>Wake up.
>Turn on monitor
>Eat breakfast
>Remember I was supposed to learn how to program today.
>Browse /jp/ or /g/ instead.
>Eat lunch.
>Browse some more.
>Go to sleep around 9-11PM.
>Tell myself I'll learn how to program tomorrow.
>Wake up (2-3AM)
>Browse /jp/ or /g/ until 6-7AM.

>> No.7238539


>> No.7238545

I hate these threads, but why not since it's not going to die.

I pretty much spend most of the day tabbing between windows of browsers and MMD, wishing I could focus on studying, sometimes wishing I could actually discuss my interests/hobbies.

That's about it. I happen to sleep and eat too.

>> No.7238547

Sleep 5am to 6pm
Mope 6pm to 5am
Stay up into the day to shop for food on Tuesdays

>> No.7238553

>Remember I was supposed to * today.
>Tell myself I'll * tomorrow.

>> No.7238555
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>> No.7238557
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>> No.7238564

>sometimes wishing I could actually discuss my interests/hobbies
Nothing stopping you Anonymous. Like all things, just takes a little bit of work on your end.

>> No.7238562
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>> No.7238568
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>> No.7238574
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>> No.7238578

I can't do this, someone else post the rest.
Manual spam is impossible.

>> No.7238582

4:00 Wake up
4:30 Breakfast, weapon cleaning, prayer to the Emperor
5:00 Morning shooting practice
7:00 Battle practice
12:00 Prayer to the Emperor
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Tactical training
15:30: Battle practice
17:00 - 23:30 Browse /jp/, Dinner
23:30: Prayer to the Emperor
24:00 - 4:00 Sleep

>> No.7238594

You'd like to think so, but you can't discuss something where there is no interest but you. Keep in mind you're talking to a NEET here too.

Unless you mean effort as in "get a new hobby."

But you're right in the sense that there are Japanese discussions, so if I ever get to a level where I'm comfortable with communicating with them, problem solved. Although there's a good chance I might have switched interests by then.

>> No.7238611

So drum up some interest. Or accept that you're the only one interested and blog about it. Or you can sit around all day stewing and being passive-aggressive because neanderthals don't appreciate the brilliance of these fine arts you partake in, that works too.

>> No.7238619

jesus DAMN, I can smell your neckbeard from my computer.

>> No.7238660


The best effort to take would be to find other people IRL that are interested in the same thing. Obviously they exist even if they mostly don't leave their house much. Not that I've found anyone though so it could be futile, but it is my one ray of hope keeping me from giving up on direct social interaction entirely.

>> No.7238679

>2 showers/baths a day

That's really bad for your skin Anonymous.

>> No.7238684

I'm going to take what you said as humor and simply say that you're right, and that's pretty much what I've done minus the blogging and thinking other people are neanderthals(I don't consider it respectable and it's more like I'm the neanderthal for getting into it). You could even say that my attempt at socializing went in stages in the order of things you listed.

Now I'm at a fourth stage which is kind of like simply waiting on opportunity while studying/watching the Japanese community, but there are times when I'm sitting around with nothing to do, no good threads on any boards, etc. where I get melancholic/bored.

>> No.7238729

Week days: Wake up, study, sleep.
Weekend: Wake up, study, /jp/, anime, another board, eroge, study, sleep.

>> No.7238758

That would be true if it was something I was willing to share with a person in real life, or if another person could satisfy my personality(and more importantly amount of free time), but neither of those are the case.

My communication pattern sucks, and when I get interested in something it borders on obsession by nature, so it's largely a fault of who I am. I'm probably what /jp/ calls "autistic," but at the very least I understand my personality problems and the situation so it's not too hard to deal with not really being able to interact on a level that satisfies me.

I don't really think I have a right to complain, all considered. My initial expression here was just wishful thinking.

>> No.7238770

play and download video games on my various platforms.

Read visual novels/mangas/comics/books/anime.

>> No.7238798

It's not bad for your skin, it just dries it out which is fine if you just moisturize.

>> No.7238828

Wake up, eat, brew some green tea. Wash face/brush teeth/shave. Turn on my comps, stop active torrents, read the news, browse /a/ and /jp/

Eat again, study some moon, procrastinate on 4chan. Maybe play a VN or vidya. Maybe take a walk, eat dinner, shower. Start drinking while watching anime and pass out. Somewhere in there I fap once or more times a day.

Repeat next day.
