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7237707 No.7237707 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>7200846

Probably the last thread since the posts are coming in very slow now.

>> No.7237709
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Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Now updated with the latest PCsx2 SVN beta client, plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:

Lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ is out! Download it here:

AT3 Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?jrm2mg22mkx

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using the newest version (0.9.7) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book available for pre-order:
Atelier Official Chronicle available for pre-order too:

>> No.7237737

>last thread

>> No.7237751

What will be the next rpg that /jp/ faps over?

>> No.7237754

Atelier Totori, probably. At least those of us who haven't played it in Japanese.

>> No.7237764

>Probably the last thread
Time to play it.

>> No.7237765

Most certainly Atelier Totori...

I've got a backlog of GUST games to go through now... serves me right for sitting on AT2 for so darn long.
I want to see the Luca end to AT2 which will require a new playthrough before putting a 100% completion on queue, finish Atelier Rorona then start digging into AT3... yes, real slow poke with AT3... part of the reason why I got off my ass and powered through AT2 just so I saw the ending in english and picked up a solid memory to pick up any references in AT3

>> No.7237769

>last thread

Well, almost everyone finished it, it's been one month after its release.

>> No.7237841
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>> No.7237900

i havn't even bought it yet

>> No.7237943

My controllers motion sensor appears to be fucked and now I can't even play my rented AT3 due to lack of purging. Oh well, so much for that... Was really looking forward to seeing what all the hype was about but I'm not popping out 50 dollars for a new controller just to play a game I don't even own.

>> No.7238079

you can only purge with the motion sensor?

>> No.7238083
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>> No.7238123

>Probably the last thread since the posts are coming in very slow now.

I'm sad, I just started playing the game

Already got
- Bad end
- Saki normal end
- Saki true end

how much of a hassle is playing new game+ ?

We only get the money, level and DP, not the items right

Collecting treasure chest, replaying cosmosphere, collecting talk topics again will be annoying

>> No.7238157


there is a skip function for text you've seen before.

talk topics carry over to the extras plus you only need 3 from each level to get to the next anyway.

I guess the chests are a problem, but nothing from chests is really neccisary for endings, which is what ng+ is for, basically

>> No.7238312

Is Ar Tonelico 3 the final on the franchise ?

Tsuchiya comment regarding Hymmnos Ec Tisia makes me thinking that

>> No.7238373

Enjoy your dead waifu.
Finnel is superior, her fucking mind guardian is a giant mecha Aoto, you can't beat that level of love.

>> No.7238405
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>> No.7238421

Crap, I better pick up the pace if this is the last thread.

Progress report:
Just finished the V-board race sequence where the party member switch occurs, and I'm finally getting my grips on the battle system which I actually quite like despite all the complaints. What I don't like is how easy it is to miss things, like bonus Dive scenes multiple stars and talk topics.
Why do I need to buy udon to unlock talk topics? Why can I not find the damn vendors who sell these things? Why are unimportant NPCs the key to unlocking talk topics with tiny windows of opportunity when they endlessly spew the same lines otherwise - All thoughts which run through my head as I'm playing.

Off that tangent, any tips for someone pursuing Finnel's ends first? Like, is there any difference between putting 2 or 3 hearts into her?

>> No.7238476

When it comes to games, yeah it's the last game for the foreseeable future seeing how the end is a reconciliation with the planet and the repairing of the damage caused by the Grathnode Inferia disaster

I wonder if AT2 was made only after the concept was considered to be viable after the release of AT1. AT2 had very clear leads into AT3 and there's a much stronger transfer of common themes between those two, but AT1 leading into AT2 was pretty non-existent. Sure there's a very nice bunch of fan service references due mainly to Jakuri and Spica but there's no narrative flow linking the two.
Really makes AT1 feel like an isolated island of sorts when it comes to the overall world even though Sol-Ciel itself is a central location in terms of the setting and history.

>> No.7238496

At least we do have very strong links in the backstory/setting. Like Shurelia executing Suspend caused the destruction of part of the Second Tower prior to AT2, in the quake referenced to ingame but clarified in the extra materials.

>> No.7238511

With 2 hearts you miss a scene before the normal end. With 3 hearts you get that scene and you're locked into her ending without having to go to the 8th cs and accepting her confession.

I would save before the fight of destiny, get her normal end and then continue on with 2 hearts.

>> No.7238513
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Shurelia = mass murderer

>> No.7238532

Yeah, I was really confused in the beginning of AT2 because I don't remember AT1 ever even hinting at the existence of other towers. Spent a good part of the beginning of the game trying to figure out if the worlds in the two games were even related at all, or if it was a final fantasy sort of thing with some similar concepts but otherwise nothing to do with one another.

>> No.7238537

Is it a very important scene? I went 2:1 with Finnel (my only playthrough so far, I'll probably let it sit a bit before I go for the other endings) and am now curious what I missed by doing so...

>> No.7238549

How was she to know though? With her synchro rate with Ar tonelico's first tower being what it is and the fact that Sol-Marta is under its own administration, preventing her from being able to sense its status let alone realise that going into suspend would cut the symphonic power to that part of the world which was already operating at a very precarious state. Then again, this is Shurelia we're talking about. Poor girl gets lost in her own tower and still had problems undoing Mir's security 2 years after she packed up and moved off to Metafalss. And hasn't realised that kyuu kyuu is the sound that rabbits make when they die.

>> No.7238558

You probably won't miss anything too important plot wise. I played Saki's route and her extra scene was well worth it.

>> No.7238563

I need to replay AT1 just because of that question... I blew through AT1 simply as preparation for AT2 so I'm probably rusty on a lot of things that are supposed to happen in that game...

The only thing I remember of AT1 making reference to the greater world at large was Tilia but yeah, on my memories AT1 didn't really expand beyond Sol-Ciel as its setting.

>> No.7238686
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Well I wouldn't say it's the last thread, it's just that the posting has slowed down back to normal levels. I had to bumpfag plenty of threads months ago because of only one reply every couple of days so the fact that the last thread filled up in 9 days is still pretty damn good.

Personally I'm just waiting for new TKS translations, the visual book that's soon to be released and NISA's announcement for Totori.

>> No.7239897



>> No.7239939

Thinking on it more, it's kinda bullshit that Cocona is the "consolation prize" end rather than Cynthia. She has more dialogue with Croix than Cocona, does not have the loli/imouto thing going for her to add creepiness to the whole deal (though I suppose that's a plus for a lot of players,) and for fuck's sake, the girl only keeps doing the blacksmith job because she loves Croix and he needs her to.

That said, half of AT's roots are in visual novels, and a classic VN trope is the girl who everyone wants to be able to end up with but doesn't have a route (see also Sacchin, Ilya, Yuki from GSNM, etc.) so I suppose it's somewhat appropriate.

>> No.7239951

That's less a trope and more plain stupidity.

>> No.7240055

>Probably the last thread

I'm sad now. I get Ar Tonelico discussion here that doesn't happen as much in NISA forums, and almost never in /v/.

>> No.7240158

well, it'll probably be the last thread that'll stay afloat without needing bumps to avoid dropping off... but at the rate this thread is getting posted in it probably won't be a problem.

Oh yeah, I suspect a chunk of people who follow AT stopped going to NISA's forums after the AT2 disaster. NISA's forums are more about Disgaea in any case and /v/ is too busy being... /v/

>> No.7240177
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>> No.7240219

Just because a thread isn't filling up as fast as you'd like is no reason to stop making them. Everyone is busy with a rush of Touhou fever and such.

>> No.7240389

I notice that when you Purge on a red line the Purge movie plays, and when you Purge on a normal line the movie doesn't play. Is there a benefit to purging on a red line or is it simply to see the movie? Often times I just immediately purge whenever I can.

>> No.7240412
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Yo. Card guy here. In case anyone's interested in seeing project progress, I have a thread on A Reyvateil's Memory now:

Also, I was curious. I was looking through the collected information in the first reply, but no mention is made of a translation of the light novel that's included in the torrent for AT1's lossless albums. Is there one? Just thumbing through, I noticed a scene with Fema, Radolph's old partner, of whom I know little to nothing and would like insight into before making a card for her.

>> No.7240457

Yeah, AT threads have traditionally been so slow they last like two weeks.

>> No.7240459
File: 37 KB, 830x465, hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggghhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god Tilia has the most HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG worthy shit out there.

>> No.7240462

>>7240389 here

Oh, and how would I know when I can Purge multiple times at once? Every time I attempt it it fails and the spell automatically goes off even though I did a lot of beat-ups.

>> No.7240469

That I'm aware of, no. Though keep in mind that while triple purging, if done with the cinematic it's slightly different than the cinematic while normal purging.

>> No.7240476

And also, you can't tell, per se. The general rule, I believe, is to hit 6-8 supermoves on a red beat and you should be good to go.

>> No.7240527
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Yo. Card guy here. For those still interested in development of the game, I have a topic on A Reyvateil's Melody now: http://artonelico.isisview.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2936

Also, I was looking through the stuff in the first reply and though the torrent for the AT1 lossless CDs includes a copy of the light novel, I don't see a mention of a translation for it anywhere. Is there one? The reason I ask is because I noted references to Radolf's partner, Fema, in it and I'd like to know more about her before I make a card for her.

>> No.7240553

Have you unlocked the double/triple purges yet?

You have to unlock them, first.

>> No.7240595

Akane: Retreat. Call some units back to carry Mute. Ten will *probably* be enough.

Ha ha. So this is the Akane that I hear everyone wishes had been a vanguard party member.


After I cleared Saki's and Finnel's Cosmosphere Level 1 I get a message more or less saying I can purge up to two times, if I remember correctly.

>> No.7240653


And that "oh-ho" troll face is great. I'd fuck her.

>> No.7240850

Hey guys. I just noticed I could dive into Finnel's "Level 4" and "Level 5", even though I only have 1 talk topic for L4 and none at all for L5. Is that supposed to happen?

>> No.7240853

Hey guys. I just noticed I could dive into Finnel's "Level 4" and "Level 5", even though I only have 1 talk topic for L4 and none at all for L5. I didn't notice for L4 until after I finished it, so I tried diving and it let me into L5. I got out of there before going any further, though.

Anyway, was this supposed to happen?

>> No.7240867
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Depending on how you look at it... from a gameplay standpoint, yes. Does that to everyone.

Just about everything about her makes me feel that way. Dat ass indeed.

>> No.7240903

>Depending on how you look at it... from a gameplay standpoint, yes. Does that to everyone.

So... I don't have to wait until the message says "you can go to the next layer" to enter new levels? I'm not doing anything wrong/the game isn't on the fritz?

>> No.7240924

Really, just keep going in until you can't anymore.

>> No.7240931


All right then. Thank you.

>> No.7241027

In fact a dead giveaway that it's not anything buggy is due to the fact that even Aoto mentions the fact that he feels he's progressing too quickly.

>> No.7241028

More like, everyone wishes had been a heroine with a route.

>> No.7241082


I worked on the localization for several GUST games

It's like a 5 person team that bothers to translate and localize and publish these, you should really buy them from NISA :<

>> No.7241091

Just popping in to say I had a similar problem, I could not Purge, so the game was pretty much impossible.

What I noticed though, was if the controller you are using is player 2, and you switch it to 1, the motion sensor will not pick up on this game. I had an arcade stick plugged in all the time, so my controller auto-defaulted to P2.

If you are not P1 at the booting of the game, it's very likely this is the problem.

>> No.7241098


Nice try.

>> No.7241115

Hey, I'm just saying.

On the one hand, it's a super tiny team that bothers to localize and publish this stuff. On the other hand when I was there they barely paid their testers minimum wage, and we got absolutely no benefits and didn't even get copies of the games we worked on. So hey, just think of them!

AT1 was fun though. And I loved Atelier Iris 3...does Gust have a credited composer or is it all just a Sound Team like Capcom?

>> No.7241118

Actually, he's right. Look at the localization credits for Qoga, 3 people translated, one of the translators also edited and the other was directing, with the last one doing the voice acting, which blows most of the budget.

How do you think NISA is still on business? The rest of the credits belong to the two-man PR team and another two translators/editors.

>> No.7241121

Finnel's Cosmosphere Level 5:

>Aoto: Finnel... Did you...
>Momoko: That's right! Finnel's freshly baked log is floating in the tiolet...

I ewww'd and lol'd at the same time.

>> No.7241128


Well I wouldn't be surprised if the localization team is small, I'm mostly saying "nice try" at his claim that he works there. That and the last part of his sentence, with the emoticon, thought there was some reverse-trolling going on. I think I've been on 4chan too long...

>> No.7241155

Worked there, and just as QA. It's an entry level position, dood.

>> No.7241233

Cynicism is a healthy thing.

There are credited composers for GUST's sound work, though sometimes it's also listed as just 'GUST Sound Team'. Really depends. I believe the vast majority of AT3's soundtrack work was done by a different composer than AT1 and 2, and that of course doesn't include the various character specific tracks and hymmnos which are typically done by the respectively 'assigned' vocalists.

BTW: If what you say is true, then the lot that are re-doing AT2's localisation has a larger team than what NISA used.

>> No.7241253

I left before AT2 so I don't know who was involved but pretty much everyone credited in the manual is it.

Staff in the office for AT1 was like, the President, the Localization Manager, the Translator, the Script Editor, and two more localization employees. Then there's 3-6 QA testers depending on how many are hired for that project. Testing lasts a month to two months.

So...about a dozen, roughly.

>> No.7241275


works != worked

Besides, QA for NISA isn't exactly something to look up to. You'd have to have to put together a whole room full of them to even come close to my salary.

>> No.7241302

Temps. It was tiny entry level QA. Great summer job for young people though! Nothing to support yourself on, but it was a great way to get started in the video game industry

We called ourselves the Prinny Squad, and it was pretty accurate...dood.

>> No.7241354


QA is a great way to get started in the video game business? That's news to me.
The only thing play testing is good for is resume filler and nothing more.... Play testing is not good real-world experience because in most cases they don't give you source access and the same debug tools and IDE the devs use.
I interviewed a guy with play testing experience a while back for a real software testing position and I had to reject the guy because he knew absolutely nothing...

>> No.7241371

It depends on the company. A lot of places treat QA as an entry level employee pool for positions elsewhere, and train on the job.

Not for like, artists and shit, but design positions do get filled this way at places like Blizzard. Console industry has a thicker barrier between QA and Dev though, and overseas/localization divides don't help

>> No.7241402


>Console industry has a thicker barrier between QA and Dev though

Which is retarded.... Most of the horrendous bugs in NISA games (and games in general) wouldn't have been an issue if the game industry followed the software development and testing models the rest of the tech industry uses. Testing is a big fucking deal that can make or break a product's reputation.

I'm highly biased though... I test enterprise networking equipment software, which is a whole different ball of wax.

I do wonder how many NISA bugs and cosmetic issues were actually reported by testers, but they ended up getting deferred out of the release due to schedule pressures... How the crash toward the end of 2 wasn't found and how they managed to fuck up so much text is beyond me.

>> No.7241476

Oh I can answer that one for you, dude. Try "Almost all of them."

It's not even the localization company's fault half the time. Anything that's not a text change has to be sent overseas for the original devs to fix....and then you have to wait days for a new build to come in with the changes. Sometimes it's just a prayer if it's been fixed or not. I'm sure at bigger companies like Square-Enix it's a lot different but it's really loose at the tiny places like this.

Oh, and nobody ever told us how to use the debug modes. We had to figure it out on our own and they were different for every game we got. At most we'd be told how to activate them and a few basic commands. Event flags? Good luck. And every new build most likely meant our save files were no longer loadable...

>> No.7241485



>> No.7241488

Schedule pressure explains a lot of the deficiencies with AT2. Word for word exact text in the original script does not have the exact same translation as an example, or the remaining voiced segments have noticeably higher levels of editing quality, most likely because someone has to read the bloody thing out loud.

I agree with you completely, testing is ridiculously important for any piece of software especially if you are making modifications to an existing piece and there is no way to patch the software afterwards. Tales of Graces is an example, the Wii release was so damn buggy they had to do a recall. The Raki bug in AT2 is horrendous and I simply cannot fathom how that slipped through the testing cracks. The official excuse is that the testers were using rather powerful parties so they never ran into the problem, but how can you call that testing if you never check to ensure that every ability a fight will use will work?

>> No.7241492

generally when debugging games unless specifically called for (abilities that activate at low health or whatnot) you will use really powerful weapons/characters/etc in order to avoid having to spend time leveling and to avoid any chance of losing for some reason. the faster you can qa, the better.

>> No.7241495

It's more likely they never even got to the final battle. They just didn't even playtest that far between save-wiping and deadlines and the higher ups said "Whatever, put it out there"

The bigger question is how SONY missed it. S&P has to approve console titles for publication here and they've shot shit down for stuff like "Not having a subtitle" before. It wasn't NISA's idea to randomly subtitle Disgaea Portable, it was a Sony requirement.

>> No.7241498

>S&P has to approve console titles for publication here and they've shot shit down for stuff like "Not having a subtitle" before. It wasn't NISA's idea to randomly subtitle Disgaea Portable, it was a Sony requirement.



>> No.7241503

your team sounds like my team for something else i'm doing
except we're also the dev team in addition to the bug team
we have a 10 foot cubicle as our office piggybacking on another company's space in a very crime laden neighborhood.

at least it's still light out at 8pm when i leave work at this time of year

>> No.7241505

Seriously. They're really strict with import and niche titles like that, apparently, and for the PSP they were even more micromanaging.

They'll just flat out refuse to let people niche titles like VNs and Shmups sometimes because they know it doesn't sell much and they want a strong library. For Disgaea Portable they wanted a subtitle on it...they thought "Disgaea Portable" was too plain a name.

>> No.7241507

I understand completely that for the purposes of testing you will typically have god mode characters.

The question still stands, however. How on earth can you claim to have tested a product if you do not check every single ability to ensure that it works. The Raki bug is triggered off an ability that's used on Enemy Phase 2 and her HP is above a certain percent. It isn't even edge condition testing, it's something that will happen most of the time.

>> No.7241511

i guess sony's japanese branch doesn't give two shits with some of the stuff being pumped out

>> No.7241522

It's always been SoA that was the more pants-on-head retarded of the two.

But shit, Sony Japan can release ANYTHING and people will buy 20. I can't believe people willingly bought Generations of Chaos IV Another Side for PSP, (OR ANY FUCKING LAGFEST IDEA FACTORY TITLE) over there but apparently they sold like hotcakes.

We bitched and complained and INSISTED they reduce load and lag times in the american version, and they did, and it was still so awful with the improvements that it was slammed as a 0/10 release by everyone. And god don't get me started on Blade Dancer....

>> No.7241753

I can play World of Warcraft on its highest settings but this game barely operates above 15fps.
What the fuck, dude.

>> No.7241757
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/jp/ - Gaming Industry/General.

>> No.7241783

I have the same problem. Crysis 2 on max settings, 75 FPS. This, 10 - 20 FPS.

>> No.7241848

PCSX2 is a shitty emulator. It works but it's a very very shitty emulator. I do think there's a few config tweaks you have to do to play it though.

>> No.7242146


What makes it ridiculous is that those rules apparently only apply if you're a small developer making a niche game. If you're Activision or EA you can shovel out whatever garbage you want.

>> No.7242153

Oh for fucking sure.

It's no surprise, it's money changing hands. It's like how the MPAA will rape any independent or obscure film and give it an NC-17 rating for ANY mildly tittilating content but any big major studio release can have shit twice as offensive and get a PG-13

>> No.7242156

You are full of shit. Did you download the version from three years ago, or are flat out lying about your PC specs? If I unlock the frame limiter, I get up to 110 FPS, and my PC is more than a year old.

>> No.7242169
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>> No.7242207
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So last thread someone came in and made a quick question about Disgaea 4 and he got reamed. Now this thread has lurched onto a whole new tangent and it's all gravy? Jesus christ make your own thread for this shit.

>> No.7242237
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>> No.7242277

I have to say, it kind of sucks that despite being the best of the three MCs Croix ceases to be relevant to the story around halfway through phase 3. Dude could probably have disappeared after the duel with Targana and the main story wouldn't have changed at all.

>> No.7242309

cry some more, this thread was extremely slow

>> No.7242330

So how's the translation quality on AT3?

>> No.7242336

Normal, but translator slip memes and shitty references

>> No.7242339


There's the occasional typo, but it's not nearly as bad as AT2 could get.

>> No.7242344

good translators are a diamond dozen you know, you shouldn't take such things for granite

>> No.7242351

As expected from NISA, playing Trinity Universe now and it's really annoying.
Macaroon sounds awfully familiar. Eroge seiyuu?

>> No.7242355
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>> No.7242360

Are there many fan translated VNs of AT2's QUALITY?

>> No.7242371

Cross Channel, Sekien no Inganock, and Muv-Luv Alternative all come to mind.

>> No.7242404


Thanks for proving my point that game testing is not proper software testing.

Cem Kaner would be very unhappy with sloppy methods like that.

>> No.7242432

do you have more of these?
I know theres a persona 3 one

>> No.7242440

Poor Sekien no Inganock and CC, total rape..

>> No.7242451

Wasn't something mentioned about Aoto being part reyvatail. That wasn't explained either later on?

And I just like Croix for his personality. The way he interact with the characters and all that jazz is interesting

>> No.7242488

Not explored in the game, but it's been touched upon in the Toukousphere.

>> No.7242492

It kind of was, but in a jocular manner.
Saki says something about it in a talk topic after escaping the slave district and entering the promenade in the capital.

>> No.7242647

That's more of a figure of speech. Word from TOTAL CONTROL is that comparison was highlighting that Aoto is strengthened by his emotions, much like how song magic derives its effects from the emotions of the singer. Part reyvateil as in a similar fashion to 3rd gen reyvateils would be impossible for a male due to the convenient excuse that the Y chromosome interferes with the reyvateil genes, though the door IS left open for the creation of a male Origin reyvateil, but it's not feasible with the costs and technology involved.

>> No.7242752
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>> No.7243016

You know, I found myself thinking about that on my way home from work today.
AT1 really feels like Lyner's story.Sure, Phase 3 makes him seem a little less relevant, but he still makes an impact.
Compare to AT2's story, where it seems to reach it's tipping point when the girls tell Croix they don't need him for Infelsphere dives anymore.

>> No.7243060

I am right in the middle of Phase 2 in Ar Tonelico 2, I picked Cloche because I thought Croix was going to turn into mind of steel soldier type that way but instead he decided to protect her and yada yada.
I hate both heroines, Cloche is a bitch wrapped in a cliche and Luca is a slut that thinks of nothing but sucking strangers' penises, so I don't want either of their ends. Apparently they used up whatever they make good girls out of on Misha and Shurelia.
Can I get a harem end or a mind of steel end? Is there going to be a new heroine in phase 3 like in the first one ?

>> No.7243063


The two most important decisions in the second half of the game (whether or not to try and bring Shurelia back and whether to save Mir or kill her) are made by Lyner, so yeah, it's definitely his story.

On the other hand, Croix's most important role in the story is uniting the two maidens and getting them to the point of not hating each other anymore. After that he's about as relevant to the main story as Leglius or Cocona while Luca and Cloche go and solve all the world's problems with the help of Jacqli's powers of knowing pretty much fucking everything.

>> No.7243088


You get a third Reyvatail in the early parts of phase 3. She is basically the best character.

Note that unlike in 1 where you could max out every CS, going past level 5 in a Reyvatil's CS will lock you into her ending. Not pushing any Reyvatail past 5 will give you Cocona's end (in which Croix becomes an "I'll wait until you're legal" style of pedo and Cloche and Luca become heterosexual life partners.)

Unlike 1 and 3, there is no "bad" or "normal" end.

>> No.7243140

Is the new Reyvatail gonna blow my socks off because the idea of not having song magic beyond what a level 5 CS dive could bring sounds like an uphill battle.
>Cloche and Luca become heterosexual life partners
I somehow doubt that.

>> No.7243165


The game is easy enough that you're not gimping yourself by limiting yourself to low-level song magic and costumes, assuming you're doing the Cocona or "3 endings in one play" thing. You one-shot end-game normal enemies with the stuff you get from the lower CS levels just as easily as you do with the high-level stuff.

>> No.7243665

Do you ship CloxLu or LuxClo?

>> No.7243729

I had no trouble at all not bringing any of them past lv5 on my first playthrough. Your vanguards are so strong by the end of the game that it doesn't matter. Guard+++ and instant kill girl power makes any random battles a joke and bosses get nuked by Replekia. High cosmosphere levels mostly give unnecessary higher ranks of spells. Lv9 IPDs(optional) are stronger than any boss you'll fight, and they're quite easy by the last phase.

The third girl is awesome but I didn't really like her cosmosphere. Felt forced. Her ending is pretty nice though.

Cloche is a lot better once she realizes she can trust the people shes with. I hated Luca for the entire game so no comment on that.

>> No.7244188

Who wants a dominant Cloche? Seme Luca is actually hot compared to her normal self.

>> No.7244409


I want Luca to peg me...

>> No.7244954 [DELETED] 

Oh man, I think I'm on Phase 2 so far, these Purge movies are hilarious. Especially with all the jiggling.

>> No.7245067

Oh man, I'm on Phase 2 so far, these Purge movies are hilarious. Especially with all the jiggling. Filament's is the cutest so far though, in my opinion.

>> No.7245174

Just finished the game ( true end finnel )

What a masochist ...

slave/master play is way better with some amount of love.

Overall awesome. lots of loose ends solved .

i would take a prequel on the events 700 years ago anyday .

anyone got a link toward the blogs-like things with the characters ( translated ) ..it was called the toukosphere am i right ?

i feel like i'm ready to read them

>> No.7245190

just wait til you get ar ru

>> No.7245204

is there a collection of all the ar tonelico fmvs?

>> No.7245440



>> No.7245719

Hey AT dudes. I just started Phase 3 and I guess this means I'm getting closer to the point where I can get normal or bad end or go for the true end. Based on posts I've seen in the past, tell me if I got this right:

Bad End: Fail to defeat a certain boss within time limit, then stop Saki's song

Normal End: Let Saki sing, doesn't matter if boss is defeated in time

True End: Defeat a certain boss within time limit, then stop Saki's song

>> No.7246035


Well that's true for two of the three girls. In order to obtain Tilia and Cocona rouite you need to go onto the true route with only 2 heart pieces then either accept Tilia's confession or do nothing and get Cocona. For Tilia she has an extra two choices, if you pick the her then you get a normal end, if you pick the world then you get her true ending.

>> No.7247262


For that last sentence, is that during the ending or in her Cosmosphere?

>> No.7247300

No, it's on main story.
What you need to do to trigger that choice is: Get True End on her cosmosphere then rest at Inn and accept her confession.

>> No.7247308
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I'm just after the reboot of mainframe XP and discovering the key for mainframe Vista (if you catch my drift). Is the game still long after that? I don't want it to end yet ;_;

>> No.7247316
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I mean subframe Vista, since XP is the mainframe. =3=

>> No.7247362

Gonna end soon, bro. Like, 5 hours left at most.

>> No.7247366


You're pretty much on the home stretch.

>> No.7247370

Stop that please.

>> No.7247493

Why do you have to be so erotic, Soma?

>> No.7247590

I'm the Phase 3 guy from earlier, I'm at the point where I'm about to go into the Executive District (and from what I gather from previous posts in the past, I'm in for hell).

Is it just me or is this game horribly unbalanced? By that I mean... In the previous two games, DP steadily increased more and more; you can knock out Cosmosphere levels as you go along -- by the time you reach the equivalent point of where I'm at, CS level completions should be 6 or 7; you should have enough synthesis materials as you find new recipes; you should gain more and more money as you go on; etc.

But in Ar Tonelico Qoga:

You gain shit for DP, the DP requirements for each CS level is way too high, I got a million recipes and hardly the synthesis materials to do them (most of which I have to go out of my way to buy them with the money I have, some of which I have to have a synthesized item to which I have to buy ingredients for etc.), enemies are starting to have sky-high HP and attack power (keeping in mind I'm on Normal Mode) that I regularly get near-death or someone dies every other battle... And due to what level DP I'm getting and the total DP required according to guides, I have only completed Level 3 of both Finnel's and Saki's CS's. Just three levels, and I'm probably at the 75% point of the game! Come on, man.

>> No.7247627

AT3 is the only one in the series where DP is actually a relevant form of currency, honestly. By the halfway point of 1 and 2 you were drowning in DP and only held back by talk topics.

Level 3 by mid-phase 3 sounds a little low, though- I was definitely high enough to flipsphere by then, and I think that needs level 4. You're probably doing something wrong.

That said, if you're getting your ass kicked a lot, that's what the easy mode switch is for. You lose absolutely nothing by doing it.

>> No.7247635

>Level 3 by mid-phase 3 sounds a little low, though- I was definitely high enough to flipsphere by then, and I think that needs level 4. You're probably doing something wrong.

No, I gained access to Flipspheres at Level 3. So I can at least do that. Flipsphere movie ranged from cool to funny... too bad the attack itself was kind of underwhelming, especially compared to the normal magic attacks.

>> No.7247657

I guess this is why you have trouble with enemies.
Flipspheres executed right are the most powerful attacks I've ever used in AT3 yet, and most of the time fights feel they're just a game of beating up until flipsphere and overkilling enemies with a 2 million damages attack.

>> No.7247666


Flipsphere damage is highly dependent on how well you hit the beats, I think. Fuck it up and it barely does more than a three-purge, do it right and it can be the most absurd overkill you'll ever see in the series.

Honestly, it's overkill in most cases. Normal enemies in mid-late game just require 2-3 purges to kill.

>> No.7247665 [DELETED] 


Oh no, the damage is damn awesome. So awesome that I wouldn't want to use it on the final boss when I finally meet them since I'd likely kill them in one shot.

I meant the animation. It's just an object dropping on them, was expecting an overexaggerated kaboom or something.

>> No.7247668


Oh no, the damage is damn awesome. So awesome that I wouldn't want to use it on the final boss when I finally meet them since I'd likely kill them in one shot.

I meant the animation. It's just an object dropping on them, was expecting an overexaggerated kaboom or something.

>> No.7247671

Since i saw the potential of flipsphere attack i stopped using it, it's a waste of time, just charge up till 35k% and crush the enemies that way.

>> No.7247679


The final boss is like the final boss of 2 (and maybe also 1? It's been a while) in that you have to burn through its health bar several times to kill it, so there's no need to worry about that.

>> No.7247680

Item is almost useless in Qoga. The only item you need is that Area Heal item and maybe some Air whatever- i forgot the name
Entering battle, purge 4 times, use flipsphere....and done. Nothing hard here

>> No.7247686
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Oh, I see what you mean, but the flipsheres are still pretty cute sometimes, or funny.
Tyria's flipsphere is pretty much an orbital strike.
But I must admit that the dance they do during the beats in flipsphere is pretty bland, and I'm too busy watching the beats to be able to watch the video sequence anyway.
Also, I usually always use flipsphere because I like the little music sequence, and finnel's hoshi o kitareeee

>> No.7247690
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This is new for me, i'm actually stuffed with DPs and useless items to do synths and i'm just a little after you.
Atm i'm in 7th cosmosphere with both Saki and Finnel and have 6k and 8k spare DP but can't go on because of the topics points.
Also for the recipes, last time i had some free time i bought items from the various shops so i could finish the last 3 recipes missing.
I'm not having any problem with keeping up with money/dp/recipes, and i'm not farming i'm just going around doing my stuff calmly.

also Finnel <3 i'm going for a pure Finnel ending.

>> No.7247704


Hmm. I don't get it, then. The DP I'm earning currently is ~500 per battle. Saki has 18404 DP but her Level 4 CS requires 13160 according to guide (may or may not include the 8000 DP CG/trophy scene). Thankfully the next few levels of hers don't require quite as much (Level 5 just needs 5860) until the last couple levels. Finnel's will be more troublesome, however. Like Saki she's only on Level 3 which requires 11580 total DP and she currently has 16980. Her last few levels will require a lot more.

By the way, I'm not even trying to grind or anything, either. I didn't gain the total required DP for both girls until I started setting off for the Executive District, and I don't feel like going back to town now.

>> No.7247715

>pure Finnel
i lol'd, seriously

>> No.7247716

>>7247704 here

Addendum: Now I've earning higher DP now that I'm actually in the Executive District. Sure took the game long enough to start getting me some good DP.

>> No.7247722

I think you're just unlucky and get single enemy battles.
If you keep getting 3-4 enemies per battle you earn like 1000-2400DP depending on where you are in the tower.
And fighting more enemies at the same time doesn't even take more time per battle since they all die from a single flipsphere anyway.

>> No.7247726


That's strange, Flipsphere has been hitting only one enemy the times I've seen them, which is why I've been settling for the 3rd-level Purge attack. Or maybe they're just not close enough?

>> No.7247734
File: 334 KB, 1190x910, 3ad1c941a0d882a57411a0c7977203d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, enemy levels often suddenly jump at some point.
I know there were several times when I would just steamroll everything then get to a new area and witness my silly vanguard AIs getting raped in 10-20sec.

>> No.7247737


Yeah, enemy power (and by extension DP/EXP/etc) goes up in big jumps rather than gradually, the most significant jump probably being the start of phase 4.

>> No.7247738


Oh man, you too huh? I think for me the rapefest started once I entered Clustania (not Executive) District.

>> No.7247741

I don't know but my flipspheres have always hit all enemies no matter how far they were from each others.
Well, I always get at least 10 hits if I really mess up though, but if you don't hit 70-80% of the beat I guess it just throws down a few aoe and doesn't cover all enemies, and does shitty damage.

>> No.7247753
File: 301 KB, 758x980, 1298943213684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rofl me too, and when i entered clustania for the first time i changed difficulty to Hard just to have some fun but then i found out that the enemies were a fuckload stronger than me.

>> No.7248097

Have you been doing the little rhythm game bit when the flipshere activates? First time I used flipsphere i didn't press X on any of the beats and only one object got dropped down, which sounds like your problem.

>> No.7248103

I just finished the first game and damn.
How disappointing.

>> No.7248123

The gameplay, story, music, and protagonist is better in the second one. The only thing the first one is better at is characters and the heroines. The heroines in The second one are terrible compared to the first.

>> No.7248251


>Better in the second one

No. And music is pretty subjective, truth be told.

>> No.7248339


Story and heroines are pretty subjective too, really. I liked AT2's heroines better than 1 and 3's, personally.

>> No.7248497


Wh... What? THAT'S what I was doing wrong? Holy moley. I thought those beats were just there for the hell of it. I was too busy watching the video. I mean... I DID try to press Square on those beats just for the heck of it, but I didn't think to... Uggh. Damn, now I'm mad for not thinking of it.

Oh well. Anyway, I'm on the way to bad/normal end, shooting for bad first (I made sure to save on another slot before fighting you-know-what). I hear some say that if you get 3 hearts on one girl (in my case, Saki) you get an 'extra scene' of some sort. Just to make sure I'm not mistaken, is the extra scene for Saki the one that gets you a CG + Saki Romantic Scene 2 trophy? It's the scene where Aoto breaks down in front of her and Saki hugs him.

And just to be safe, I'm sure I said this earlier, but I wanted to clarify: Since I purposely let time run out on that boss, stoppng Saki's song gets me the Bad End and letting her sing it gets me the Normal End, right?

>> No.7248533


Right. Letting her sing gets you normal end no matter what, stopping it gets you bad end if you failed MYU and true if you beat it.

>> No.7248746


Okay. Thank you muchly.

>> No.7248889

You're both right: everything's subjective. I personally preferred almost everything in AT2 over AT1, the only exception being Luca. She's ranking the lowest for me all the time and in everything.

>> No.7248972
File: 93 KB, 640x448, gsdx_20110419214516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing Shurelia's cosmosphere and just got to the part where Aurica walks in on Shurelia cooking for you.

Talk about awkward as hell.

>> No.7248980

Well, I just saw the bad end with Saki at 3 hearts. I feel like a real dick. I'm glad I chose to see this one first.

By the way, is the bad end for Finnel the same as for Saki? Considering that they both die, rather than just the heroine you didn't choose despite what someone told a while back?

>> No.7248981


Could have been worse. She could have been wearing a naked apron.

>> No.7248985

Christ, I hated that bitch.

>> No.7248994
File: 92 KB, 640x448, gsdx_20110419215426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed trying to imagine that happening

Anyways look at her trying to guilt me

>> No.7248998 [DELETED] 

>>7248980 here

Oh, one more thing. Say you delete the System Data but not the regular game data. If you load the normal game data and then save, would all the CGs and music and such you've gotten throughout that file return in the System Data?

>> No.7249034

I haven't played the second one yet but is this case of bitches and whores or is it another case of anon not being able to take character development outside of his little world view?

Osananajimis are the worst, thinking they have the right to be anything but an unacknowledged girlfriend. She doesn't even clean his house for fuck's sake.

>> No.7249049

>I haven't played the second one yet but is this case of bitches and whores or is it another case of anon not being able to take character development outside of his little world view?

It's the latter for the most part. She is actually one of the more "realistic" characters in the series. You just have to get past... that revelation she reveals to Croix early in the game when she got fucking pissed about something she learned. The real problem is that they put this revelation JUST before the big decision where you choose between her and Cloche. A lot of people jump to Cloche because of what happened. Had they gone the AT1 route of waiting until about the 1/3rd point of the game to get to know both girls better (and to redeem themselves when they go full retard), she probably would have gotten less hate/people would be more willing to choose her route.

Also don't believe the whole slut thing, that's just some people erroneously believing she lets just anybody come in to fuck her in Dive Therapy, when in actuality it's her friend that's into that shit. She actually freaked the hell out when a man touched her during therapy. Croix is the first guy she let get personal with her.

>> No.7249061

No, Luca is a huge bitch.
She was only using him and pretending that she liked him because he was in the military and she could use him to find her sister. Then at the end of stabbing Croix in the back and running off, she goes "Maybe I do have feelings for him after all."

>> No.7249072

Apparently we must kung-fu fight to the death.
I honestly don't even care because I didn't really like either of them. Luca just annoyed me.

>> No.7249077

Can we at least agree that Lyner is the biggest jerk in the series? I felt terrible for Misha.

>> No.7249087

I don't think Lyner has enough braincells to qualify as a jerk. I'm not even sure he's smart enough to qualify as mold.

>> No.7249092

Dude was the densest metal known to man, I felt like throwing his ass off a cliff. I may be biased as I love Misha more than any character in the entire series.

I can't see why anyone could possibly like Cloche, she is an eroge tier heroine.

>> No.7249101

She has large tracts of land.

>> No.7249111


He's not intentionally a jerk, it's just that he's so damn clueless.

Lyner: Hey guys, let's put Misha into this dark, scary room and have her sing all alone for all eternity to prevent Mir from having PMS! Hahahaha! Hey, Misha, you ready? ... Misha? Why're you crying? Hey guys, why is Misha crying? Why does she keep running away? I don't get it.

That about sums it up his behavior until Misha finally tells him off.

>> No.7249112
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, Hama3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Misha more than any character in the entire series.

Even Hama?

>> No.7249115


Not that guy but I would so love her tenderly if anon earlier didn't imply that it would have repercussions on the Reyvateil.

>> No.7249120


>I haven't played the second one yet but is this case of bitches and whores or is it another case of anon not being able to take character development outside of his little world view?

It's mostly the second. Overall, both of them trend towards unlikable in the early parts of the game, but Cloche is in the typical tsundere way that most of us are used to while Luca does it in a less cliche manner. Both of them chill out over the course of the game.

>> No.7249138 [DELETED] 

>>7248998 here

Anyone? I wanna know. Seeing the big "SKIP" option on every message, despite having not read them yet (I was going for normal end next) is pretty distracting for some reason. I don't want to see it until I've cleared true ending.

Basically what I'm trying to do, is delete the System Data from the PS3 menu, then open up the game and load the save point files, save again to bring the System Data back, only this time the Extras/Clear Data info won't be there (since it's a save before bad/normal end) and therefore the big SKIP option disappears from unread messages.

See what I'm sayin'?

>> No.7249182 [DELETED] 

>>7248998 here

Anyone? I wanna know. Seeing the big "SKIP" option on every message, despite having not read them yet (I was going for normal end next) is pretty distracting for some reason. I don't want to see it until I've cleared true ending.

Basically what I'm trying to do, is delete the System Data from the PS3 menu, then open up the game and load the save point files, save again to bring the System Data back, only this time the Extras/Clear Data info won't be there (since it's a save before bad/normal end) and therefore the big SKIP option disappears from unread messages. I'm also hoping that all the CGs and CS's and such I saw over the course of the game will still be there.

See what I'm sayin'?

>> No.7249208


Yes Lyner came off as a bit of ajerk, I blame the translations. But as much as I liked Misha... she needed to quit winning and do her job. He wanted to save her but Mir needed to be put undercontrol for a while or else the tower was going to go out of wack.

>> No.7249219


I think Misha did understand the importance of her job, she just wanted Lyner to understand how she's feeling. Lyner going on cluelessly is what really upset her.

>> No.7249273
File: 309 KB, 1046x786, selfproclaimedslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Cloche quite a bit, which was surprising to me. Childhood friends are usually my top pick and I tend to hate the stereotypical tsundere. She has pretty good reasons for her haughty attitude, and softens up quite a bit once she gets closer to the party. Her VA is awesome too.

Luca I really did not like from the start, and she only started to improve towards the end. Her big reveal didn't even bother me since it seemed more like she was lashing out instead of being a total bitch. Though putting it right before the route decision was kind of dumb. Almost all of her screen time in the first half is whining or sucking up to people. Maybe its because I was growing attached to Cloche, but I got really tired of Luca trying to put her down when Cloche was actually trying to do her best and get results. It didn't help that Luca had absolutely no reason to tag along with the group until an obvious plot twist. Cocona & Amarie had the same problem, but they didn't have much presence and are just vanguards anyways.

Luca & Cloche becoming friends seemed forced. If you didn't do either of their cosmospheres, they likely never would've gotten together at the end. I have to give AT2 credit for actually making me dislike a character though. Normally if I don't like one, I just completely lose interest in them.

I agree about Lyner though. Misha was pretty nice but her character is really brought down by how retarded Lyner is. A lot of her character is wasted on Lyner forgetting things or moping about how oblivious he is.

>> No.7249339

im playing AT2 after ending the first one, >>7249273
For some reason im really hating AT2 i dont feel that attachment toward the heroines (i´ve only like Cloche, just for being a tsundere) does thing get better? i find Luca being some kind of BITCH does her work, i mean in the first AT the 2 main heroines were "virgins", even Shurelia only had contact with her "father".
Im asking if this game gets better because i dont want to read every last post and get spoiled, probably the answer is up but i dont want to ruin the whole game.

>> No.7249343

I would say that no, it doesn't. I really didn't like AT2 much at all and the later you go into the game, the more the really shitty game decisions start to pile up, like getting stuck doing two hours of clearing shop events or shitty minigames, or that Replakia can one-shot fucking everything.

>> No.7249367

You have the best girl in the series to look forward to. Her romance is kind of weak but her overall character is great.

Besides that, it mostly focuses on the two main girls. Croix's role takes a back seat and hes mostly there to support the two(and talk to the shop girls). If you end up not liking either of them, you might not get much out of the later parts of the game.

Also, feel free to skip all the IPD nonsense or shop events if you find it tedious. The IPDs are completely unnecessary, but I did enjoy the shop events.

>> No.7249376
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1301990783883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then im going to really miss Misha, Shurelia and even Aurica, im just raging while im playing AT2 (and im playing right now) even the main character gets on my nerves, i like Lyner more even with his dense character but he was way cooler.

Pic related, is how i have to feel while playing, just have to go through with all my might...

>> No.7249384


How far are you? Both Luca and Cloche chill out once you hit phase 3 and they stop hating each other.

>like getting stuck doing two hours of clearing shop events or shitty minigames

Crafting/shop events was one of the best parts of AT2 relative to the other two in the series, IMO. IPDs were 'blah' especially because of the mediocre level of quality given to the localization in that aspect, but you could easily blow that part off if you wanted to.

>or that Replakia can one-shot fucking everything.

The game is braindead easy regardless of if you use Replakia- I did my second run without using Cloche at all once I got Jacqli (not because I dislike her, but because I was doing a Jacqli/Luca/Cocona ending run so it seemed appropriate to bench Cloche) and I didn't really miss it at all. It sometimes means the difference between killing a boss in one song or two, that's about it.

>> No.7249386


What Phase are you on? Really if the game doesn't get better for you after the Third Reyvateil joins and the whole Hibernation mess happens you'll probably never like the game. But I hope you do, especially with the way it sets up AT3.

>> No.7249422

im in the end part of the 1 phase, so probably thats why i dont like it at all yet, but the real thing is that im afraid because the first one like me since the beggining but in this one... uff you know already what i think from my before post, so thats why i wonder if is going to get better. and yeah i have find funny and interesting the shop events-

>> No.7249426

dont spoil me please, for what you say does AT3 have the same kind of plot or is a more lovely one?

>> No.7249461 [DELETED] 

Saki's Normal Ending:

Saki: Today's story is... that story.
Aoto: Oh yeah, of course. The Hero and the Gay Overlord.
Saki: The overlord is not gay! That's so rude to gay people!

... ya know, that's weird. This is the first (J)RPG I've ever played that actually said the word gay outloud, rather than step around despite any gay jokes they'd make.

>> No.7249467

Saki: Today's story is... that story.
Aoto: Oh yeah, of course. The Hero and the Gay Overlord.
Saki: The overlord is not gay! That's so rude to gay people!

... ya know, that's weird. This is the first (J)RPG I've ever played that actually said the word gay outloud, rather than step around it during gay jokes (a lot of JRPGs with comedy) or outright accusing of it (Persona 4).

>> No.7249524


>> No.7249532

>Order AT3 from amazon april 2nd
>Still hasnt shipped

>> No.7249577

You should've ordered the Limited Edition set with us, you poor soul.

>> No.7249616

any limited editions left?

>> No.7249700
File: 149 KB, 768x1024, AT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh there are plenty.... Want one of mine?

Just kidding, none for you.

>> No.7249799

So did you buy those to eventually resell or what?

>> No.7249817


Not really. I wasn't thinking about that when I pre-ordered ten of them. I more or less knew the sales for the game would suck ass, so I did my part, and the part of 9 other people.

Didn't help much... the NA sales have still been atrocious.

>> No.7249822

I don't think NISA expects much. Games don't sell much in Japan to begin with and most of NISA's games are pretty niche so they know what is coming their way.

>> No.7249831 [DELETED] 

AT2 has a very clear plot lead right into AT3.

That's pretty much it without revealing details.
The problem with Metafalss is just the tip of the iceberg, with the bigger problem being tackled in AT3.

Bigger spoilers beyondThe third reyvateil is only in Metafalss because she's realised that the world is in deep shit. The Metafalica project, and hence the main focal point of AT2, involves creating a land using the same principles to how the world (Ar Ciel) exists, as in a land supported by a Heart of Gaia which then supports the ecosystem and everything that lives on it. Ar Ciel's Heart of Gaia has been shattered by the Grathnode Inferia which is the reason why the world is so inhospitable to life.

>> No.7249833


>I pre-ordered ten of them.

Are you serious? Why?

>> No.7249836


For some odd reason I still cannot fathom is this: Neptunia sold respectably well.


Why? It makes no sense at all.

>> No.7249844


Because I'm obsessed, fucked up, and have more money than sense?

Yeah, I'd say that sums it up.

>> No.7249851

Looks like Qoga's not doing too bad in the US compared to that, 30k sales in the first 2 weeks compared to 23k for Neptunia.

>> No.7249857

AT2 has a very clear plot lead right into AT3.

That's pretty much it without revealing details.
The problem with Metafalss is just the tip of the iceberg, with the bigger problem being tackled in AT3.

Bigger spoilers beyond
The third reyvateil is only in Metafalss because she's realised that the world is in deep shit. The Metafalica project, and hence the main focal point of AT2, involves creating a land using a similar mechanism to how the world (Ar Ciel) exists, as in a land supported by a Heart of Gaia which then supports the ecosystem and everything that lives on it. Ar Ciel's Heart of Gaia has been shattered by the Grathnode Inferia which is the reason why the world is so inhospitable to life.

>> No.7249877


I know it's lolvgchartz, but assuming that's true... US and Japan sold about the same, with US getting its sales in just ten weeks. Interesting.

I wonder why some weeks have a random spike in sales. DLC?

>> No.7250333

Phase 3 Spoilers:
So apparently a virus has taken out all the clustanian revateils, yet the second I step into the Governorate to find the Rinkernator I get into a random battle there they are, ready willing and able to attack me.
Nice job Gust.

>> No.7250532

does anyone else also have the problem that XP's hair is blue?

>> No.7250539

You left out Vista being pink everywhere but still has blue eyes.

>> No.7250599

Does anyone know what song it is they use in the Island of Elemia DLC Intro?

I have no idea what it's called, nor can I find it in any of my OSTs, does anyone know where to get this?

About to plat this game for the second time ( played the japanese game a while back. ) And just like last time... I have to leave my ps3 on for like 30 hours before I'll get the last trophy.

>> No.7250620

That's definitely one of the battlespheres, most likely Saki's.

>> No.7250629

Really? thanks! Do you know what OST ( if any ) these are on? Or are they somewhere in the EXTRAS section in-game?

>> No.7250708

If you got the bonus OST disc with AT3, it'll be track 8. You can hear where it partially lines up the vocals at ~00:22-00:35

On the actual proper OST, exec_hymm_battlesphere/.#saki extracting will be disc 1, track 9.

The reason why the battlespheres on the OST don't sound the same as in the game is because the OST track is essentially a sample of the possible combinations for the battlespheres, so you will not likely get an exact match unless you're aiming for it. It was the vocals starting at 2:13 which gave it away as being Saki's battlesphere.

>> No.7250721

Ah, I hear it... It's definitely in there, but sadly not in the form I would like it to be. Also.. is THAT where the Buri Hamachi song came from?! mind=blown

>> No.7250730


Neptunia was simply hyped a lot. The concept of video game consoles turning into moe girls made a lot of people curious. While AT3 had the unique purge system this time around it really didn't differ that much from the previous two games so it wasn't bringing too much new to the table whereas Neptunia was a new title with an interesting concept. Either way VGChartz is generally inaccurate so I'd take those sales numbers with a grain of salt.


Prices coming down, new DLC, game coming back in stock.. could be many reasons. I only just ordered my copy because I refused to pay the ridiculous prices of the premium version of the game on some sites so I just waited until they were back in stock in the NISA store.

>> No.7250740

Just finished Finnel's Good Ending.
I'm so glad I fell in love with you.

A warm fuzzy feeling fills my being.
The world will soon see its extermination, but for now I shall enjoy this euphoria.

>> No.7250744

someone from NISA has already stated VGchartz is full of shit. They actually sold WAY more Neptunia copies than what VGchartz said they did.

>> No.7250775


>The world will soon see its extermination

Tip: That's her normal ending, not her true 'good' ending.

>> No.7250847

No, the model for XP has blue hair and a pink dress. while the portrait shows she actually has pink hair as well.

just like Vista is blue.

>> No.7250892

>[AT3] sales have still been atrocious
Err, I was under the impression that they sold well. Numbers?

>> No.7251250


Yeah, AT3 is probably selling about as well as NISA expects any of its non-Disgaea games to sell.

>> No.7251255

Basically, exactly this.

I'm quite sure that ATQ ran out of stock in their store as well as Amazon, so I guess it actually met expectations, to say at least.

>> No.7251526
File: 264 KB, 728x515, 4f4663dd8bfa4b62969d69c32cdc7b517b43f0e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to my local games store 2 weeks ago to get AT3, it released on the 1st of april over here (lolyurop). I got the very last copy they had, which was on display.

>> No.7251787

Yeah, I can't imagine it selling poorly, especially after it became infamous for getting an M rating. I'm really looking forward to hear about either a new IP or a new Project AT ( I can dream ) from Gust. I'm actually not really liking the direction of Atelier Rorona and Totori that much. I preferred the Iris games.

>> No.7251805

I'm living in Europe, more precisely France and the patches for vista aren't on the store.
What the heck?

>> No.7251879


support@nisamerica.com is their email, contact them and see what's going on with it.

>> No.7252314

Hey guys, question. I saw the Saki Normal Ending with my having failed to defeat MYU in time. Is her normal ending the same if you beat it?

>> No.7252413

Slightly different. Aoto mentions having or having not succeeded in extending her life. Not much more than that.

>> No.7253026


Oh, okay. So I won't waste my time doing her normal end again, then. Although the fail-MYU version of normal end would actually be sadder when you think about it considering the heroine of your choice will die within a year anyway.

>> No.7253139

Oh? I think the normal end when you DO beat MYU is much much worse. They get their life extended through Tyria's treatment, but they don't fix the planet. Throughout the game you learn the planet will die in 1 year, so even though she got her life extended she will die a year later REGARDLESS

>> No.7253241


They seem to ignore that though, at least they did on Finnel's route anyway. Oh hey, you get to live now Finnel. Oh look, a nice scene with the stars with Aoto and Finnel. Then that's it. It mentions absolutely nothing about how they're all pretty much doomed. I was mildly disappointed, I expected it to at least get mentioned a little like how people are coping or something..

>> No.7253296


Saki's version is more or less similar, with Saki finally telling her "gay overlord" story to the children. Too bad it'll be these kids' last happy memory.

>> No.7253314

Cool unmarked spoilers.

>> No.7253780

I hear that there's a bug where you can't complete the Third Reyvateil's Cosmosphere Level 1 if you have the Elemia Island DLC installed. Will the same bug occur if I beat Level 1 and then install it?

>> No.7253804

You just can't unlock a Hyuma.

And yes, you install the DLC after completing the first level of her CS to avoid said bug.

>> No.7253834


The bug prevents you from getting the 100% completion trophy, though.

On that note: if I get that one scene in one run but don't do level 3 of Tyria's cosmosphere, install the DLC, then do all of Tyria's cosmosphere (minus the scene you can't get with the DLC installed,) will I get the trophy, or do I have to 100% the CS in a single run of the game for that?

>> No.7253883

I believe you have to 100% it in a single run.

>> No.7254045

How would I go about removing the Elemia Island DLC if I already installed it?

>> No.7254062


Go to your PS3 menu, look under Game Data or whatever the folder is called, delete the Ar Tonelico Qoga file there. Clear the Third Reyvateil's CS Level 1 so you get the hyuma/100% it. After that level's cleared, download the DLC again.

Just be careful you don't confuse Game Data with the actual save files.

>> No.7254095

Alright, thanks.
Not that I would mind deleting my save file. I'm like half an hour in because I still haven't beaten AT2.
What was suppose to be like two weeks of playing AT1 and 2 has ended up being a month and a half. Geez.

>> No.7254107

Oh boy.
I was gonna go redownload the DLC, but download it in the background so that it would end up as an installation icon on the XMB.
And PSN just decided to be down.

>> No.7254425

Phase 3 guy from earlier, now I'm on Phase 4 and going around the world finding talk/party topics for Tyria. I love her already.

>> No.7255163

I'm getting mixed info on this. I tried it out with Saki's cosmosphere, and I did get the 100% trophy while doing it in 2 playthroughs ( as in, new game+ to phase 2 with 4 levels already cleared ). But someone on NISA forum says he can't get Tyria's that way.
Yeah Tyria's pretty awesome, I ended up liking Ar Ru the best in the game, then Tyria, Soma, Finnel and Sakia.
But Sakia is actually the most fun to use in battle, because her armor looks pretty nice, and the song magic looks the best of all personae hands down.

>> No.7255190


To make it a little easier to understand:

Any progress made before the NG+ 'checkpoints' still carries over.

Any progress made after these checkpoints is not carried over so you'll have to repeat whatever you don't have at that point in the game. This means that if you missed a scene in their cosmosphere you'll have to replay the rest of it to get the 100%, it wont simply add on to your previous percentage. This will also mean that you'll have to replay their route in order to get to their last CS level.

Nothing carries over to a new game, this is a completely fresh start so you'll have to do everything again.

>> No.7255211
File: 2.54 MB, 1536x2048, 1299712555814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know about klinefelter syndrome XXY.
The male is usually infertile, but body is more trappable.

>> No.7255233

Doesn't that usually cause mental retardation and a bunch of other bad shit? I don't think it's really worth it...

>> No.7255350

AT series is basically low budget half-assed VN wannabe with battles. And yet it's the best thing happened to jrpgs since Xenogears. I want Tsuchiya's autograph.

>> No.7255413


Pretty much. You're nearly guaranteed to be infertile and it's not uncommon to have a learning disability.

>> No.7256153


This is probably a silly question with an obvious question, but do you have to defeat true end boss in order to see both ends of hers, or does normal end occur immediately? Seems a bit annoying/time-consuming to have to replay hours of gameplay twice to see both ends, so I'm wondering.

>> No.7256267


No, getting the normal end is roughly a two hour detour if you make an alternate save file right before the choice, 3-4 if you instead choose to new game + to the MYU fight or reload to an alt save just before that fight for purposes of reallocating the last heart point. The story events are completely unique to the normal end path, though the areas you go through and final boss aren't (the final boss of the normal end is Harvestasha, who you fight in the middle of phase 4 if you're on the true end path.)

The normal end is basically AT3's equivalent of AT1's "don't bother saving Shurelia and end the game in phase 2" end- you get the girl, but none of the world's problems are really solved.

>> No.7256273

If you want a male Reyvateil and the Y chromosome is the sole problem, you could stick SRY in any other chromosome and you'd get a male with XX karyotype (de la Chapelle syndrome) with the negative effects not nearly as bad as Klinefelter (usually just sterility and lack of facial hair, more rarely gynecomastia.) They're often indistinguishable from normal XY males.

Of course if the problematic gene is SRY itself that won't fly, and there aren't too many holandric genes anyway so it's not too small a chance.

>> No.7256288

I think he was talking about Tyria, not Finnel or Saki.
Remember that part where you make the key item for the satellite? That's your cut-off point, if you get Tyria's good end in her cosmosphere, she will confess to you, you make a separate save, make the key item, get a scene, then Tyria comes into your room and you get 2 choices, one leads to normal end immediately, one lets you progress to true end and do the final boss etc. Also works for finishing the cosmosphere of the girl you have 2 hearts with and accepting their confession, then making the item. or NOT make the item and get Cocona's ending

>> No.7256320


Yeah, what the other anon said, I was talking about Tyria. And oops, I shouldn't have read first spoiler, didn't know that I'd have to fight Harvy in Phase 4, too.


This is what I wanted to know. Thank you both for the quick response.

Oh, while we're here -- Are Phase 4 events/True End any different if Saki or Finnel have 3 hearts instead of 2? Because I'm going for Saki first and got 3 hearts so that her normal end gets extended, but I wonder if it affects true end path as well. The next girl I'm going for would be Finnel and I'd want to get 3 hearts for her for her normal end. But doing things this way will be time-consuming since I'd have to replay Phase 2-3 multiple times (first time for Saki 3 hearts, second time for Finnel 3 hearts, third time to get 2:1 hearts for Third Reyvateil/Cocona).

If having 3 hearts does not affect true end path/ending at all, then that would make me feel a little relieved since I'll just have to see Finnel's 3-heart normal end, then NG+ to before the third heart point decision, thus saving time.

>> No.7256355

sorry, made a small error, not accepting a confession/not continuing cosmosphere 8 in any girl AND making the item = Cocona ending.
And you can just make a save before MYU, get the 3 hearts for one char, get the normal ending ( which really doesn't take that long, an hour if you do it right ). and then reload your save to get the 2:1 heart ratio file.
I'm... Not sure if there's a difference in the true ending if you get 3 hearts or not... You get one extra scene with trophy called Good mood with XX 2. But you can get that like 20 minutes after the MYU fight, so that shouldn't be a problem.
So yeah, I guess the less time consuming path is full route 1 reyvateil, get true ending and everyone to high level. new game+ to MYU battle, lose, continue on and get normal and bad end at the choice. new game+ to start of phase 2, get 2 hearts for other reyvateil, as you reach MYU battle, make a save, get 3 heart points for second reyvateil and the extra scene, reload the save of the MYU battle, keep going while ignoring the level 8 cosmosphere, and at the cut-off point do second reyvateils cosmosphere, Tyria's Cosmosphere for her 2 endings, and none of the above for Cocona.

>> No.7256865 [DELETED] 

>You get one extra scene with trophy called Good mood with XX 2. But you can get that like 20 minutes after the MYU fight, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I don't think I've gotten that. Do you mean the Saki Romantic Scene 2?

>> No.7256867

>You get one extra scene with trophy called Good mood with XX 2. But you can get that like 20 minutes after the MYU fight, so that shouldn't be a problem.

I don't think I've gotten that. Do you mean the Saki Romantic Scene 2 (the scene where Aoto breaks down and hugs Saki, with a CG)? 'Cause I got a trophy called that. And if not, when/where does it occur? I hope I didn't permanently miss it.

>> No.7257105

If you get 3 hearts for either heroine, you can't miss it. It's the scene where Aoto develops Border disease that's never mentioned ever again, except in Saki's level 9 cosmosphere even if that scene never took place
So yeah, you have the scene already

>> No.7257108 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 157x198, early582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7257129 [DELETED] 


Oh, okay, good.

>> No.7257151


Oh, okay, good.

Repost to add:

And yeah, that is weird. I guess the fact that incident isn't mentioned again is because I guess it wouldn't occur in a 2:1 heart route.

But then again, the fact that you say that it's mentioned in Saki's Level 9 CS even if it *doesn't* occur seems to provide some evidence that the "canon route" is 3 heart Saki. But that's just my theory.

>> No.7257485

There's no such thing as canon routes in Ar tonelico games ( except for harem ending in Ar tonelico 1 ).
Because of course you can't even get into saki's level 9 cosmosphere unless you were already on her route

>> No.7257896
File: 64 KB, 400x1000, 1301891938956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you studied Hymmnos today?

>> No.7258077


I think Skycat has bigger breasts than Saki, if that's even possible...

>> No.7258101

5 hours into the first game... am I supposed to be annoyed with all the female cast introduced thus far?

>> No.7258365

Is it just me or does Tyria's in-game sprite make her waist look, uh, big?

>> No.7258661

I wish I had big breasts like that...

>> No.7258665

I get the feeling that even if you were to learn the grammatical structure, there's not going to be enough words in the vocabulary to make extensive use feasible.

Then again, I wonder how many words were originally created for Tolkien Elvish and Klingon and how many were created after people were inane enough to learn them...

>> No.7258922


It's to draw attention to datass. See the OP image for an example.

>> No.7259269
File: 119 KB, 850x601, sample-2ebb3efa5d62f3b699b432d3fe7d3268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly yes, I thought she was a little overly pear-shaped on the overworld, myself. Though her cutscene and in-battle models seem to be just fine/delicious.

>> No.7259631

Your eyes just gravitate towards them, don't they? Then again, it makes sense for Tilia to have nice hips. She is the only origin reyvateil who is capable of getting pregnant and giving birth

>> No.7259735


I love how the end of her Triple Purge movie goes out its way to focus all over her ass. Seems like every heroine has some kind of fetish about them.

Saki: Tits of course, bare shoulders, bike shorts (which end up being semi-see-through in her victory portrait if she does the finishing blow in her 2nd Purge...)
Sarapatra: Tits, and uh....
Filament: Bandages, nun/goth, catgirl

Haven't gotten her last persona yet.

Finnel: DFC, masochism
Yurisica: Tits again, nurse
(early spoiler) Soma: See-through wet dress of some sort, which I personally find hotter than her final purge

Haven't gotten her final persona and probably never will since I'm not on her route.

Third Reyvateil: Ass
(big spoiler) Ar Ru: DFC, being the most embarrassed/shy of all the other heroines/persona

This is all I've seen so far, I'm in the middle of Phase 4 and I don't think I've seen every Triple Purge movie yet.

>> No.7260044

Given by the lack of responses, I'm going to assume "no".

>> No.7260064

Finnel has those delicious thigh-highs and heels too.

>> No.7260113

Seems like most of the enjoyment for this game relies on the female cast... so maybe I'll drop this game before I waste anymore time.

>> No.7260182


Oh yeah. And I guess the spoiler character under Third Reyvateil would have belly/navel since her transformation scenes have the camera focusong on it.

>> No.7260198

Truly depends. The female cast develops with time in the first one, so they might appear unappealing at first- however, sooner or later, you'll come into terms with them.

I wouldn't recommend dropping it just yet, as long as you enjoy the game.

>> No.7260223


I've sent you faggots Emails complaining about the near 1,000 personally counted instances of utter shit on my screen courtesy of your team.

>> No.7260518

Can someone explain Hyumas to me? Neither the tutorial nor the manual explain much about them other than they do give you bonuses and change the music. Specifically, what I want to know about are:

Song Preference. They say things like D2: Super Cute, or B1: Upbeat Song.

With. That is, With: Finnel, With: Sarapatra & Saki, etc. I suppose this means who the Hyuma "belongs" to. But what is it for? Like, if you equip the Hyuma on the person the Hyuma "belongs" to, the effects will be stronger?

Hobby: They list things like mysteries, violin, e-waves, and such. I suppose this affects how the song will sound?

Vocals: Says things like not in a pinch, in a pinch, best conditions, absolute danger. Probably has to do with the Reyvateil's HP, but how?

>> No.7260558

Honestly, the gameplay is kind of picking up with Grathmedling and the battle system(primarily getting the loots for grathmedling). I guess I'll stick to it, just that the each of the female character's personality is at one far end of the spectrum and I don't like any of them thus far. Not to mention the hero is the typical "hur I'm an oblivious harem male lead" airhead.

I'll play with the hope that I'll grow numb to it eventually. How are the sequels in terms of my above complaints?

>> No.7260586

Haven't played the third yet, but the second game has better gameplay, better characters and a far better main character. He does step out of the spotlight later on though. A lot of people seem to dislike Luca, but Aurica isn't very popular either.

It does have some pacing problems and the game is pretty easy towards the end. At least it isn't completely braindead the entire way through like the first game.

>> No.7260612

>>7260586 Haven't played the third yet, but the second game has better gameplay, better characters and a far better main character.

Well, that gives me enough motivation to finish this one. Thanks for the heads up, I am now going to plow through this game.

>> No.7261348 [DELETED] 

I finally started ATII, and damn. I'm eight hours in now, but this is bugging me. There are these boxes around everyone's faces, and sometimes they have bits spliced out. And during cutscenes there are these terrible lines all over everything.

Same thing happened during the first game.
Is there anyway to fix this? I'm using PCSX2 0.9.7.

>> No.7261351

Changing the video plugin settings to Direct3D9 (hardware) should fix MOST problems.
Some graphical errors will still occure, though.

>> No.7261352
File: 2.32 MB, 1678x1010, grafix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally started ATII, and damn, game is great. I'm eight hours in now, but this is bugging me. There are these boxes around everyone's faces, and sometimes they have bits spliced out. And during cutscenes there are these terrible lines all over everything.

Same thing happened during the first game.
Is there anyway to fix this? I'm using PCSX2 0.9.7.

>> No.7261368
File: 67 KB, 296x549, grafix2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it already was on it.
Is there anything else I can do?

>> No.7261395

Nevermind, native resolution fixes everything.
Fuck yeah.
Thanks, guy, for pointing me to it.

>> No.7261400

I'd say go play Mana Khemia instead. I can only assume that the reason MK1 and 2 don't get the love that AT does is because of the lack of fanservice. The gameplay blows AT's out of the water and they're hardly lacking in characters or music either.

>> No.7261462

I remember I pirated MK1 for the PSP and found it pretty good, but I never finished it.
I hear that the PSP port has horrendous load times, but I assume that was just the UMD version because when I played it it worked fine. I'll probably buy it off of PSN once it comes back online.

>> No.7261477

The PSP port is cancerously bad. Like AH2's PS2 port bad.

>> No.7261535

What does SP do in AT2?
I have >300 of it.

>> No.7261567

Used for the Infelsphere and the Binary Field.

Like DP, by the time you actually need it, you'll have more than enough to not actually worry about it.

>> No.7261581

So I just activated a combo magic in AT2 for the first time.


>> No.7261646

>Tyria: What happened? Who programmed this piece of shit?

Damn. Never thought I'd see Tyria talk that way.

>> No.7261658
File: 664 KB, 1280x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiliasoft is serious business. Might be implying that Tilia has a potty mouth just like Shitframe.

>> No.7261988

So I'm on Phase 5 of AT2.
Why is it that since the end of Phase 4 normal random encounter enemies have been hitting me like trucks, but bosses and IPDs hit me for so little?
I take like 500+ damage from a completely missed block against a normal enemy, but the same from a boss slaps me with double digit damage.

>> No.7262086 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.15 MB, 1676x989, UNDERSTATEMENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i've been walking around for five minutes now and i can't decide which path to take

paradise under tyranny or golden sun stagnation oh god

>> No.7262262

A number of reasons.

First one is that attacks don't have universal power. Slower the attack and less hits typically means stronger effects. Fast hitting multi-hit AoE attacks deal a lot less damage but can have devastating effects on your burst gauge, but a long lead up time single hit, single target attack can one-shot you if you miss it.

Another thing is stat differences. AT2 seems to have a small 'band' where outside that band the damage caused is drastically increased/decreased. Fighting a level 9 IPD with level 43 vanguards is incredibly difficult, but at level 48 with no equipment upgrades (so the only stat changes are from the levels) the damage taken is no longer in the one shot range on a 'Great' block and you can coast along to fire off a Replakia'd combo song.

>> No.7263254



>> No.7263299

No, i like both but i have to say AT is better than MK
It's just that MK lack an original element. AT have Hymmnos and cosmosphere thing, but what's in MK basically a recycle from Atelier series

>> No.7263355

Good god, nobody can possibly be this stupid.

>> No.7263492


Honestly don't pay much attention to it, the game doesn't explain the mechanics of them at all. Just equip them to whoever you want and you'll still be more than fine. Even after playing through the game on hard on my first playthrough and even going back and getting all of the trophies this is about all I know:

>Song Preference. They say things like D2: Super Cute, or B1: Upbeat Song.

I believe this is how they affect the current song playing or how well they adjust to the song playing. Not really explained in the game.

>With. That is, With: Finnel, With: Sarapatra & Saki, etc. I suppose this means who the Hyuma "belongs" to. But what is it for? Like, if you equip the Hyuma on the person the Hyuma "belongs" to, the effects will be stronger?

Honestly I have no idea about this one, I assumed it was who that Hyuma originated from and felt no difference whatsoever when swapping over my hyumas to different personae.

>Hobby: They list things like mysteries, violin, e-waves, and such. I suppose this affects how the song will sound?

Honestly I have no idea for this one either, it's just there for the sake of some extra information I assume as some of the hobbies have nothing to do with the game at all..

>Vocals: Says things like not in a pinch, in a pinch, best conditions, absolute danger. Probably has to do with the Reyvateil's HP, but how?

This is when they're in effect which is easily noticeable in how they change the current song. The different conditions are self explanatory really - Absolute danger is when the reyvateil has extremely low HP and is about to die, Best Conditions is with plenty of health left etc.

>> No.7263533


Thank you very much for the reply. That's one nagging thing off my mind.

I guess because most of them aren't important enough for the game to explain, but it still would have been nice.

>> No.7263575

Original elements doesn't necessarily equate with being a 'better game'. AT is more character and world driven, while MK is more game play driven.

I agree that in terms of game play, MK is definitely a better game especially with how the combat system evolved into one hectic beast and the crafting system was rich enough that the min/maxer in me simply squealed over how I would be able to tailor make every bit of equipment for all the characters and be able to focus a trait for each.

As for why MK isn't as prominent as AT, I'd have to say that MK doesn't have as much impact. They are well done games, but they don't stick out. AT sticks out because you come to honestly love or loathe the characters and the overall story direction makes it more memorable. It also helps that AT is given such an elaborate and complete back story and universe setting and is still being embellished with the Toukouspheres and being able to get answers from Akira Tsuchiya himself on matters of the background fluff.

>> No.7264077

I think I'm nearing the end of AT2, but I hear there's a bug that can crash the game?
How do I avoid it?

>> No.7264101

Beat the boss in < 3 rounds.

>> No.7264102

Well THAT doesn't sound possible without grinding.

>> No.7264107

Huh? You can start Replakia in the first round if you know what you're doing. Then fire it off and overkill her for almost double her HP with a round or two to spare.
What happens is that every 4th round she uses an attack with an invalid name string, so when it tries to load that, the game crashes.

>> No.7264332

It's not really beating her the first time that's the issue. What sucks is it's actually the boss that powers up and you can fight again after a while, so eventually beating it by the 3rd/4th round becomes pretty tough.

>> No.7265170


Are you playing it on a real PS2 or on an emulator?

If you're playing it on an emulator the bug should never attack as the latest beta version automatically comes with the Raki bug fix (if not, download it from the first response after OP).

If you're using a real PS2, however, you're screwed. Unless you find the Action Replay (Max?) code that avoids the glitch.

>> No.7265177

Also, new thread? I guess the fact the bump limit reached in less than a week means there's still some activity left for Ar Tonelico. That's good, I wanted to get a discussion topic started but I wanted to wait until a fresh thread.

>> No.7265383

To get the 100% CS trophies, do you really have to do it in a single run? NG+ don't count? Because I'm on Saki's 3-heart route and I THOUGHT I got everything but after I completed her Cosmosphere (I even went back to get an extra Hyuma) I still didn't get the trophy. Which means I screwed up somewhere...

So if it's single-run only, I'll have to do her route again?

>> No.7265509

I wouldn't mind that. I finally got done with AT2.

>> No.7265599


Replakia + Synchronity Chain = win.

>> No.7265619

New thread: >>7265617
